Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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d S C A R
dBASE Source Code Analyzer & Reporter
Ryan Katri
Version 1.0
July 1, 1986
Ryan Katri
2575 Drake Hill Road
Fortuna, CA 95540
Voice: (707) 725-5559
Modem: (707) 725-9612 (7pm-3pm)
Copyright (c) 1986 by Ryan Katri
All Right Reserved.
dSCAR User's Guide
Table of Contents
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Read This! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Invoking dSCAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Quitting dSCAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Diagram Program Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Control Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Errors Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Line Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Variables Cross-Reference . . . . . . . . . . .10
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
GO! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Additional Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Batch Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Appendix A: Reporting Problems . . . . . . . .15
Appendix B: Error Messages . . . . . . . . . .16
Appendix C: Future Enhancements . . . . . . . .17
Appendix D: About Me & My Program & My Help . .18
Appendix E: Disclaimer. . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Page 3
To put it bluntly, dSCAR is a tool for dBASE III and dBASE III
Plus that performs the following functions:
-- Structured formatting of dBASE code (indentation).
-- Flow diagrams to highlight control statements.
-- Cross-referencing of variables and field names.
-- Display structural errors in code.
-- Line numbering of source code.
-- Selectable options to get the report you want.
-- Ability to send any reports to screen, printer or disk.
-- Menu-driven or command-driven.
-System Requirements-
dSCAR should work on any IBM PC/XT or compatible machine that
meets the requirements of running dBASE III or dBASE III Plus.
It was developed under PC-Dos 3.1, but should work on most lower
versions of Dos.
dSCAR can also process dBASE II source code. The only drawback
is if you use a dBASE III reserved word for a variable or field
name. If this is done, the variable or field name is NOT
included in the variables cross-reference. You may also
experience this problem using dBASE III if you have used any
dBASE III Plus reserved words as variables.
This is a full-fledged version of dSCAR. The only drawback to it
is that it displays a title page every time it is brought up.
This screen can by by-passed by pressing <return>.
If <return> is not pressed, dSCAR will continue execution after a
30-second wait, thus allowing dSCAR to be run in batch files with
un-attended operation.
Optionally, you can press the letter key 'I' to bring up an
invoice for dSCAR that can be printed by hitting Shift+PrtScr.
Page 4
You can register your copy of dSCAR by sending $20 - $100,000 (or
more if you have it!) to this name and address:
Ryan Katri
2575 Drake Hill Road
Fortuna, CA 95540
If you do register you will receive the latest version of dSCAR
(are there going to be any more versions?) without the title page
garbage. In this form, dSCAR can be instantly fired up and ready
to go to work on your dBASE code!
When you register, be sure to include your mailing address and
phone number. I would also appreciate any comments about dSCAR:
suggestions for improvements, how you are using it, where you got
it, etc.
The registered version will be sent to you through the mail or
you can elect to download it from my Bulletin Board System:
M.I.T. Colossus
(707) 725-9612
7pm-3pm, 7 days a week.
300/1200/2400 Baud
The latest demo version can also be found on my BBS.
Page 5
To configure dSCAR for your particular system setup, run dSCAR
using 'C' as an argument on the command line, like this:
dSCAR immediately comes up with the installation questions to
customize it for both your needs and your hardware (especially
your printer). Each question is detailed below under its
appropriate heading. Note that defaults are displayed except for
certain questions. All yes/no questions default to 'no'.
Your basic cursor editing keys are in effect. <Insert>, <Delete>,
and arrow keys all work like you would expect.
increment you want to use below control statements, such as
IF, DO WHILE, DO CASE, etc. Shown below are two pieces of the
same code, the first with an indentation of 3 and the second
with an indentation of 5.
store 1 to count This is code produced
do while count < 100 with an indentation
if count = 50 then of three (3).
? 'Halfway there!'
x = x + 1
store 1 to count This is with indentation
do while count < 100 five (5).
if count = 50 then
? 'Halfway there!'
x = x + 1
STRIP DRIVE/PATH FROM FILENAMES: This options defaults to 'no',
use the drive and path specified. Regardless of what this
option is set to, dSCAR always recognizes and uses any path
appended to the main file you enter at start-up.
This option is especially important when the option Modules
(detailed later) is turned on. See the Modules section for
more information.
PRINTER LENGTH: The printer length tells dSCAR how many lines are
on the paper so that it can issue a formfeed at the proper
time to skip over the perforation. The default should work
Page 6
for paper that is the standard 11 inches long.
PRINTER WIDTH: Some of you probably use wide carriage printers,
so this option will keep dSCAR from printing on only half the
page. If you set your printer for condensed mode you will
probably also want to reset this.
PRINTER SETUP SEQUENCE: Up to 10 characters may be sent to your
printer. This may be used to set condensed mode, emphasized
print, or a variety of other options you may want to use when
printing out your source code with dSCAR.
To send an escape, press the ESCape key. To send other non-
printable ascii characters, hold down the ALT key and enter
the ascii code using the numeric keypad. Keyboard characters
can be easily entered by typing the character. When you are
done entering codes, enter a blank line by hitting the
<Return> key.
PRINTER RESET SEQUENCE: When you are done using dSCAR, these
printer codes will be sent (if defined). Follow the same
method detailed above in the Setup Sequence for entering your
printer codes.
The last question asked is if you want to save your
configuration. If you made a mistake and want to start over (by
re-running dSCAR), answer no.
If saving the configuration is confirmed, dSCAR will ask for a
filename to clone itself to. Do not include an extension with
the filename, as dSCAR automatically adds the .COM extension that
is needed.
Upon entering the filename, dSCAR will write a new copy of itself
to your file. This file may be run just like the original dSCAR
was!! There is no need for any external configuration files.
Consider the new copy your custom version!
-Invoking dSCAR-
Running dSCAR in the menu-driven mode is as easy as typing
'DSCAR' (without the quotes) at the Dos prompt. If you cloned
your configuration to a different filename than 'dSCAR', enter
that filename instead.
You will then be prompted for the dBASE file that you wish to
process. When entering the filename, an extension of .PRG is
assumed. If your file has a different extension than this,
specify it. If there is no extension, place a dot after the
filename anyway so that dSCAR will not add the default .PRG.
Path names are supported. Up to 80 characters may be entered for
Page 7
the filename so that you can specify the directory it is in.
If a valid filename is entered and the file exists, a menu bar
will appear across the top line of the display.
-The Menu-
NOTE: The menu colors will appear different depending on whether
you are using a color or monochrome screen. dSCAR
automatically determines which type of display you are
using and adjusts the colors accordingly. If you
experience problems with this adjustment, let me know and
I'll work something out for you.
First, we'll define the different parts of the screen. On the
top line we have the menu bar, which contains the options
available to select and de-select.
Next, we have the status line towards the bottom of the screen.
This line displays the name of the program (dSCAR), the copy-
right notice, and the dBASE file to be processed.
Below the status line is the help line. This will contain a one-
line description of the option currently selected on the menu
The menu of options is almost completely self-explanatory, but
some explanation may still be needed. Here is a quick review of
what the options do:
Go! - Begin processing of file using set options
Controls - Displays control lines only
Diagram - Diagram program flow
Errors - Display errors only -- no source listing
Output - Toggles the output device: screen, printer, or disk
Modules - Processes modules called by current module
Numbering - Adds line numbers to source output
X-Ref - Variables cross-reference
To toggle any of these options, highlight it using the cursor
keys or by pressing the first letter of the option (such as 'X'
for X-Ref), then hit the <return> key.
The Output option is selected a little bit differently, as is
Page 8
explained below in the Output section.
MONOCHROME MONITOR USERS: Selected options appear as bright
video. If the cursor is on a selected option, the cursor will
COLOR MONITOR USERS: Selected options appear as yellow on blue
text. If the cursor is on a selected option, it is yellow on
gray text (as opposed to the normal cursor of white on grey).
-Quitting dSCAR-
Quitting dSCAR is accomplished by pressing Q or <Esc> (the Escape
key). At this point you are again asked for a filename to
process. If you are completely done with dSCAR and have no more
files to process, hit <return> to exit to Dos (or the calling
-Diagram Program Flow-
One of the most useful features of dSCAR is its ability to line
up all your control statements to make sure they are structurally
sound. This makes it easy, for example, to see where you might
have an open CASE or a missing IF.
The resulting output with Diagramming on would look something
like this:
store .t. to okay
do while okay
W accept 'What is your name?' to myname
W if upper(myname) <> 'JOE'
W T ? 'Only Joe is allowed access!'
W T cancel
W else
W F ? 'Hello Joe'
W F do case
W F case myname = 'JOE'
W F 1 ? 'JOE'
W F 1 ? 'Welcome'
W F case myname = 'joe'
W F 2 ? 'joe'
W F 2 ? 'Not Welcome!'
W F otherwise
W F O ?
W F O cancel
W F endcase
W endif
Page 9
Notice that each control statement has a corresponding character
to represent it. For example, a WHILE structure is lined up with
a W. Below is what each characters represents:
W - DO WHILE; terminates with ENDDO
T - IF is true; terminates with ENDIF or ELSE
F - ELSE is false; terminates with ENDIF
C - DO CASE; terminates with first CASE, OTHERWISE, or
# - Number of the case statement; terminates with next
O - OTHERWISE; terminates with ENDCASE
If you don't quite understand these, try running some of your
dBASE code through dSCAR with Diagramming on and I think you'll
get the picture.
-Control Only-
This option tells dSCAR to only include the control lines in the
output. These control lines would be commands like DO CASE, IF,
OTHERWISE, ENDIF, etc. This option is especially useful in
conjunction with the Diagram function.
The purpose of this is to quickly see if your program flow is
correct without having to look at all the other extraneous code.
-Errors Only-
With Errors Only on, only errors that are found in the dBASE code
are displayed. These errors can be of many types. See Appendix
B for a listing of error messages.
When selected, Line Numbering, Control Only, and Diagramming are
automatically turned off.
-Line Numbering-
Line Numbering on will add line numbers to your source code. If
Variable Cross-Reference is on, then I suggest to have Line
Numbering on, as the variables are referenced with the
corresponding line numbers.
Page 10
Modules will instruct dSCAR to process all modules that may call
each other in a complete dBASE system. Anytime dSCAR comes
across a DO <filename>, it will add the filename to a list of
modules to be processed. Thus, if you had several modules to
process, and they are all eventually called somewhere in the
system, you could start with the main module and dSCAR will work
from there. To illustrate this:
You have the module called MAIN.PRG, which calls
ACCOUNTS.PRG in turn calls EDIT.PRG, and INVENT.PRG also
calls EDIT.PRG.
If you turn Modules on and start with the file MAIN.PRG,
then all of these would get processed: MAIN.PRG,
A module will NOT be processed twice!
The current module being processed is written on the command line
where the main file was. Thus, it is easy to see what modules
have errors in them with a glance at the status line.
Depending on what you specified in the configuration, drive
designators and path names will or will not be stripped from
filenames. If a file cannot be found, no matter where it is
looking, it is merely skipped. No error message is displayed.
dSCAR will also look for SET PROC TO <filename> and process
procedure files, too.
-Variables Cross-Reference-
Variables Cross-Reference is a cross-reference of variables in a
file. If this is used, Line Numbering should be turned on also.
The resulting listing of the variables contains the variable name
and the line numbers it occurs in. Simple as that!
Each procedure gets its own cross-reference.
If Modules is on, also, then a global cross-reference of
variables will also be made. The global cross-reference quickly
shows which variables occur in which files. If it occurs in a
procedure, then the procedure name is displayed, and the module
name is in parenthesis next to it.
Page 11
When <return> is pressed with Output highlighted, an output
device name in parenthesis next to the word 'Output' is toggled
between three devices. These are screen, printer, and disk, with
screen being the default. Each of these is explained in further
SCREEN: Everything goes to the screen. When the screen is full
you can press <return> to see the next page, or hit the Q key
to exit back to the main menu.
DISK: Output to a file is good for formatting your code to make
it easier to read. To get an output readable by dBASE, turn
OFF Line Numbering, Diagramming, Errors Only, and Controls
When output to a file is selected, the resulting output file
is filename.FLO. The original file is left unchanged.
If Variables Cross-Reference is on, then the cross-reference
goes to a file named filename.XRF.
And if Variables Cross-Reference and Modules is on, then the
global cross-reference goes to a file called GLOBAL (with no
Original file : MAIN.PRG
Processed file : MAIN.FLO
X-Reference file : MAIN.XRF
Global X-Ref file : GLOBAL
PRINTER: The printer option is excellent for printing up
documentation when your dBASE system is all done. I suggest
turning on Diagramming, Line Numbering, Variables Cross-
Reference, and Modules to print out the whole system with
complete documentation, including variables cross-reference
and global cross-reference.
All pages will be numbered when output goes to the printer. A
table of contents is printed if Modules is on.
If a printer is not hooked up to the computer, or is off-line,
then Output only toggles between Screen and Disk, making the
printer inaccessible. As soon as the printer is ready, you are
able to select it as the output device.
Page 12
To begin processing with the desired options, just press the 'G'
key, or highlight 'GO!' and hit <return>.
If output is to printer, be sure the printer is hooked up and on-
line. If output is to a file, make sure there is enough free
space on the current drive to handle the new files.
-Additional Modules-
If you have modules to process that are not called by other
modules, there is a way to process these in a batch-type method.
Or, you might have a section of dBASE code that looks like this:
The filename to be processed depends on the X variable. dSCAR
would try to process the file called FILE&X and, as you can see,
fail to find the file!
To process this file you could create a text file called MODULES
and put in it all the files you want to be processed that
wouldn't normally be processed. dSCAR will look for this file IF
Modules is on.
The stucture of the file MODULES should be one filename per line,
with each line separated by a carriage return. This file could
be created with your word processor or text editor in the non-
document mode. Or you could create the file using the Dos
command COPY CON MODULES. Enter each filename and when done
press your F6 key (or Ctrl-Z) and then the <return> key.
The file MODULES (no extension) should come out looking something
like this:
Get the idea?
Even if dSCAR does come across a DO <filename> and the filename
is in the MODULES file list, it will NOT be processed twice.
NOTE: Remember to delete your MODULES file when you are done with
it. dSCAR does not delete it for you.
Page 13
-Batch Mode-
There is another way to invoke dSCAR besides just by typing
DSCAR from Dos. You can also tag on a filename to the command
line, and some options if wanted.
If a filename is included then dSCAR will skip asking for a
filename when it starts up. Example:
The extension did not have to be included, as .PRG is assumed.
dSCAR would start up and automatically use MAIN.PRG as the file
to process.
You can also specify options to use from the command line. If
this is done then dSCAR returns to Dos when processing is
complete, and does not pause when a screen is full. Thus, dSCAR
works smoothly in Dos batch files.
To specify the options, include them after the filename (and a
space between the filename and the options). The options are
just as you would specify from the menu. To demonstrate:
| ||||
| ||| \__Diagramming ON
| || \___Module Processing ON
| | \ ___Variables Cross-Reference ON
| \_____Ouput to File
\_________File to process
Notice that the D in the options turned Diagramming on. This is
due to the fact that during batch operation with dSCAR,
diagramming is NOT turned on as a default!
If you wish to run dSCAR in auto mode but have NO options turned
on, specify an invalid option, like this: DLONE MAIN A
'A' is not a valid option, so dSCAR will ignore it but still put
you in auto mode. I like to use 'A' because it is easy to relate
to the mode: Auto.
Even though dSCAR does not stop after each page when screen
output is selected, you can still abort this operation by
pressing your 'Q' key. You may have to hold it down, as dSCAR is
not very sensitive to keypresses while it is processing files.
This is another feature that needs to be experimented with to get
full understanding.
Page 14
There are only a few limitations on dSCAR. The biggest one is
probably that it can handle only so many variables for a cross-
reference. If you find major garbage in your listing of
variables, then you have probably reached the limit on allowable
variables. If this occurs, call me and I might be able to help.
Another limitation is that all commands should be separated by a
space, or you may end up with some wierd variables in the cross-
reference. Let's say you have a line of code that reads
something like this:
If Name = Your_Name.or.Name = His_Name
Your_Name.or.Name will be treated as one variable. It can not
interpret the .OR. statement between the two variables. This, on
the other hand, is okay:
If Name=Your_Name .or. Name = His_Name
dSCAR will separate Name and Your_Name, no problem. You may have
to do a little experimenting to determine what dSCAR can and
cannot handle. I think you'll find that it will work fine on
most code you have written.
Page 15
-Appendix A: Reporting Problems-
The steps to be taken before reporting an error are as follows:
1) Read all documentation to make sure it is not YOUR
2) Try re-configuring dSCAR.
3) Get rid of all other programs that are in memory or were
loaded at boot-time and see if the problem still
4) Call me or my BBS system or write (these numbers and the
address are listed above!) and tell me of the error,
where it occurs, and under what circumstances. I will be
more than happy to help and appreciative of your efforts
in tracking down the bugs in my program!
Page 16
-Appendix B: Error Messages-
dSCAR traps many errors that may occur in dBASE code. The below
summarizes the various error messages and explains the meanings,
if needed:
DO CASE not followed by CASE
DO with no program name
ELSE without IF
ENDIF without IF or ELSE
Follows LOOP - never executed -> Statement following LOOP is
never processed by dBASE
Follows RETURN never executed -> Statement following RETURN
is never processed by dBASE
Missing DO CASE statement -> CASE with no DO CASE
Open DO CASE from line x
Open DO WHILE from line x
Open IF from line x
Open TEXT from line x
Redundant LOOP statement -> LOOP occurs just before an
ENDDO, so would be processed many times
SET PROC not followed by TO
Unexpected ENDTEXT -> No TEXT to match the ENDTEXT
Warning: At most 1 iteration -> A RETURN occurs within a
loop, so loop would only last for 1 iteration
WITH expected, but not found -> Words following DO
<filename> are ignored unless it is WITH <variables>
Page 17
-Appendix C: Future Enhancements-
These are the many features I'd still like to add to dSCAR:
o Maybe re-write in Modula. I understand it is a great
language (especially when coming from a Pascal background)
and I currently have Interface Technologies Modula-2 (SDS),
but waiting for an update. Would rather do it in
Logitech's, as I hear it is SSSOOO much better!
o Number of cross-referenced variables only dependent on
memory. I'm hoping Modula will make it easier to do than it
is in Pascal.
o Faster! Again, I'm partly relying on Modula to cure this
problem. I do know of some code changes that would help
speed-up dSCAR, but that would require a total re-write in
the current language I am using!
o User-specified colors. Adding color options is hard for me
to do, as I only have a Hercules display card with
monochrome monitor. Maybe someday, though...
o Smaller. Probably another re-write...
o Code stripper. Give dSCAR the ability to strip out un-
necessary spaces, tabs, comments, and break all commands
down to their 4-letter equivalents (i.e. APPEND becomes
APPE). This could be added fairly easily, but would
probably have to go to overlays (which I don't want to do).
o Anything anyone suggests!! Throw your ideas & comments at
my way.
Page 18
-Appendix D: About Me & My Program & My Help-
I, Ryan Katri, am a student on a LOW budget. You wouldn't
believe how low my budget is!! That is why I am asking you (the
user of my program) to support the User-Supported concept of
software distribution; it will increase my time available in
designing and writing quality programs like dSCAR, as I will not
have to do other work!
dSCAR started out as a project to test my just-learned skills as
a Pascal programmer. The resulting program turned out much
bigger than I originally anticipated. One feature I had planned
for dSCAR had to be left out because I could not figure out how
to do this certain thing in Turbo Pascal. It was not Turbo that
kept me from putting the feature in, but was my lack of
sufficient knowledge. Sorry!
I have not separated dSCAR into overlays, as you will notice. I
almost refuse to do it, also! My reasoning behind this decision
is that if you run dSCAR from a different directory than what it
is in, it would not be able to find the overlays in most cases!
A little more inside information behind the economics of dSCAR:
I was thinking about selling dSCAR for $20, but decided against
this, as I cannot afford the advertising needed.
Therefore, I distributed dSCAR using the User-Supported concept.
This way I get free distribution and maybe a handful of people
will be generous enough (and honest enough) to send me some
reimbursement for my efforts.
There you got it. A history of dSCAR--sort of. Now a few words
of thanks to:
Gene Head for beta-testing and actually reporting problems!
Not only that, Gene is responible for getting me 'hooked' on
computers, and therefore takes the blame for screwing up my
Michael Bosen for donating to me a copy of Turbo Pascal (no,
not pirated!) and also recognizing the importance of a
screen-install program!
Dan Hankison and Bruce Bott for going beyond their duties as
beta testers by providing advice and suggestions in the
overall look, feel, and function of dSCAR.
And the many others who have contributed to the success(?)
or failure(?) of dSCAR.
Page 19
-Appendix E: Disclaimer-
Page 20