Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
572 lines
UNIT TSRUnit; {Create TSR programs with Turbo Pascal 5.0 & TSRUnit}
{$B-,F-,I+,R-,S+} {Set compiler directives to normal values.}
INTERFACE {=======================================================}
The author and any distributor of this software assume no responsi-
bility for damages resulting from this software or its use due to
errors, omissions, incompatibility with other software or with
hardware, or misuse; and specifically disclaim any implied warranty
of fitness for any particular purpose or application.
{*** Shift key combination codes. }
AltKey = 8; CtrlKey = 4; LeftKey = 2; RightKey = 1;
TSRVersion : WORD = $0204; {Low byte.High byte = 2.04 }
String80 = STRING[80];
1: ( W: WORD );
2: ( C: CHAR; A: BYTE );
LineWords = ARRAY[1..80] OF ChrWords;
WordFuncs = FUNCTION : WORD;
TSRScrPtr : POINTER; {Pointer to saved screen image. }
TSRChrPtr : POINTER; {Pointer to first character to insert. }
TSRMode : BYTE; {Video mode --------- before TSR popped up.}
TSRWidth : BYTE; {Number of screen columns-- " " " " .}
TSRPage : BYTE; {Active video page number-- " " " " .}
TSRColumn : BYTE; {Cursor column number ----- " " " " .}
TSRRow : BYTE; {Cursor row number -------- " " " " .}
** Procedure for installing the TSR program. }
PROCEDURE TSRInstall( TSRName : STRING; {Name or title for TSR. }
TSRFunc : WordFuncs;{Ptr to FUNCTION to call}
ShiftComb: BYTE; {Hot key--shift key comb}
KeyChr : CHAR ); {Hot Key--character key.}
ShiftComb and KeyChr specify the default hot keys for the TSR.
ShiftComb may be created by adding or ORing the constants AltKey,
CtrlKey, LeftKey, and RightKey together. KeyChr may be
characters 0-9 and A-Z.
The default hot keys may be overridden when the TSR is installed
by specifying optional parameters on the command line. The
parameter format is:
[/A] [/C] [/R] [/L] [/"[K["]]]
The square brackets surround optional items--do not include them.
Any characters between parameters are ignored. The order of the
characters does not matter; however, the shift keys specified are
cummulative and the last character key "K" specified is the used.
** Functions for checking status of printer LPT1. }
FUNCTION PrinterOkay: BOOLEAN; {Returns TRUE if printer is okay.}
FUNCTION PrinterStatus: BYTE; {Returns status of printer.
Definition of status byte bits (1 & 2 are not used), if set then:
Bit: -- 7 --- ---- 6 ---- -- 5 --- -- 4 --- -- 3 -- --- 0 ---
Not busy Acknowledge No paper Selected I/O Err. Timed-out
** Routines for obtaining one row of screen characters. }
FUNCTION ScreenLineStr( Row: BYTE ): String80; {Returns char. str.}
PROCEDURE ScreenLine( Row: BYTE; VAR Line: LineWords; {Returns }
VAR Words: BYTE ); {chr & color}
IMPLEMENTATION {==================================================}
BuffSize, InitCMode : WORD;
NpxFlag : BOOLEAN;
Buffer : ARRAY[0..8191] OF WORD;
NpxState : ARRAY[0..93] OF BYTE;
RetrnVal, InitVideo : BYTE;
TheirFunc : WordFuncs;
CONST {Offsets to items contained in PROCEDURE Asm. }
UnSafe = 0; Flg = 1; Key = 2; Shft = 3;
StkOfs = 4; StkSs = 6; DosSp = 8; DosSs = 10;
Prev = 12; Flg9 = 13; InsNumb = 14;
Dos21 = $10; Dos25 = Dos21+4; Dos26 = Dos25+4;
Bios9 = Dos26+4; Bios16 = Bios9+4; DosTab = Bios16+4;
Our21 = DosTab+99; Our25 = Our21+51; Our26 = Our25+27;
Our09 = Our26+27; Our16 = Our09+127+8; InsChr = Our16+180-8;
PopUp = InsChr+4;
PROCEDURE Asm; {Inline code--data storage and intercept routines. }
{*** Storage for interrupt vectors. }
{Dos21: } >0/>0/ {DOS func. intr vector. }
{Dos25: } >0/>0/ {DOS abs. disk read intr. vector. }
{Dos26: } >0/>0/ {DOS abs. sector write intr.vector. }
{Bios9: } >0/>0/ {BIOS key stroke intr. vector. }
{Bios16: } >0/>0/ {BIOS buffered keybd. input intr.vect.}
{DosTab: ARRAY[0..98] OF BYTE = {Non-reetrant DOS functions.}
0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ 0/0/0/0/0/1/1/1/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/
1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/0/1/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/0/
1/0/0/0/0/0/1/1/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/
0/0/0/0/0/0/1/1/ 0/0/0/0/1/0/1/1/ 0/1/1/1/1/0/0/0/ 0/0/0/
{*** OurIntr21 ******* Intercept routine for DOS Function Intr.***}
{ 0} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Save flags. }
{ 1} $FB/ { STI ;Enable interrupts. }
{ 2} $80/$FC/$63/ { CMP AH,63H ;Assume unsafe if new }
{ 5} $73/<22-7/ { JNB IncF ;function--skip table.}
{ 7} $50/ { PUSH AX ;Save registers. }
{ 8} $53/ { PUSH BX ;Load offset to table.}
{ 9} $BB/>DosTab/ { MOV BX,[DosTab] }
{ 12} $8A/$C4/ { MOV AL,AH ;Load table entry }
{ 14} $2E/ { CS: ;index. }
{ 15} $D7/ { XLAT ;Get value from table.}
{ 16} $3C/$00/ { CMP AL,0 ;If TRUE then set flag}
{ 18} $5B/ { POP BX ;Restore registers. }
{ 19} $58/ { POP AX ; }
{ 20} $74/$17/ { JZ JmpDos21 ;Jump to orig. intr. }
{ 22} $2E/ {IncF: CS: ; }
{ 23} $FE/$06/>UnSafe/ { INC [UnSafe] ;Set UnSafe flag. }
{ 27} $9D/ { POPF ;Restore flags. }
{ 28} $9C/ { PUSHF ; }
{ 29} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 30} $FF/$1E/>Dos21/ { CALL FAR [Dos21] ;Call orig. intr. }
{ 34} $FB/ { STI ;Enable interrupts. }
{ 35} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Save flags. }
{ 36} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 37} $FE/$0E/>UnSafe/ { DEC [UnSafe] ;Clear UnSafe flag. }
{ 41} $9D/ { POPF ;Restore flags. }
{ 42} $CA/$02/$00/ { RETF 2 ;Return & remove flag.}
{ 45} $9D/ {JmpDos21: POPF ;Restore flags. }
{ 46} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 47} $FF/$2E/>Dos21/ { JMP FAR [Dos21] ;Jump to orig. intr. }
{ 51}
{*** OurIntr25 ********** Intercept routine for DOS Abs. Read *** }
{ 0} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Save flags. }
{ 1} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 2} $FE/$06/>UnSafe/ { INC [UnSafe] ;Set UnSafe flag. }
{ 6} $9D/ { POPF ;Restore flags. }
{ 7} $9C/ { PUSHF ; }
{ 8} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 9} $FF/$1E/>Dos25/ { CALL FAR [Dos25] ;Call DOS abs. read. }
{ 13} $68/>Our25+19/ { PUSH Our25+19 ;Clean up stack with- }
{ 16} $C2/$02/$00/ { RET 2 ;out changing flags. }
{ 19} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Save flags. }
{ 20} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 21} $FE/$0E/>UnSafe/ { DEC [UnSafe] ;Clear UnSafe flag. }
{ 25} $9D/ { POPF ;Restore flags. Leave}
{ 26} $CB/ { RETF ;old flags on the stk.}
{ 27}
{*** OurIntr26 ********** Intercept routine for DOS Abs. Write ***}
{ 0} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Save flags. }
{ 1} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 2} $FE/$06/>UnSafe/ { INC [UnSafe] ;Set UnSafe flag. }
{ 6} $9D/ { POPF ;Restore flags. }
{ 7} $9C/ { PUSHF ; }
{ 8} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 9} $FF/$1E/>Dos26/ { CALL FAR [Dos26] ;Call DOS abs. write. }
{ 13} $68/>Our26+19/ { PUSH Our26+19 ;Clean up stack with- }
{ 16} $C2/$02/$00/ { RET 2 ;out changing flags. }
{ 19} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Save flags. }
{ 20} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{ 21} $FE/$0E/>UnSafe/ { DEC [UnSafe] ;Clear UnSafe flag. }
{ 25} $9D/ { POPF ;Restore flags. Leave}
{ 26} $CB/ { RETF ;old flags on the stk.}
{ 27}
{*** OurIntr9 ********** Intercept for BIOS Hardware Keyboard Intr}
{ 0} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Entry point. }
{ 1} $FB/ { STI ;Enable interrupts. }
{ 2} $1E/ { PUSH DS ; }
{ 3} $0E/ { PUSH CS ;DS := CS; }
{ 4} $1F/ { POP DS ; }
{ 5} $50/ { PUSH AX ;Preserve AX on stack.}
{ 6} $31/$C0/ { XOR AX,AX ;Set AH to 0. }
{ 8} $E4/$60/ { IN AL,60h ;Read byte from keybd }
{ 10} $3C/$E0/ { CMP AL,0E0h ;If multi-byte codes, }
{ 12} $74/<75-14/ { JE Sfx ;then jump and set }
{ 14} $3C/$F0/ { CMP AL,0F0h ;multi-byte flag, Flg9}
{ 16} $74/<75-18/ { JE Sfx ; }
{ 18} $80/$3E/>Flg9/$00/ { CMP [Flg9],0 ;Exit if part of }
{ 23} $75/<77-25/ { JNZ Cfx ;multi-byte code. }
{ 25} $3A/$06/>Key/ { CMP AL,[Key] ;Exit if key pressed }
{ 29} $75/<88-31/ { JNE PreExit ;is not hot key. }
{ 31} $50/ { PUSH AX ;Hot key was pressed, }
{ 32} $06/ { PUSH ES ;check shift key }
{ 33} $B8/$40/$00/ { MOV AX,0040h ;status byte. First }
{ 36} $8E/$C0/ { MOV ES,AX ;load BIOS segment. }
{ 38} $26/ { ES: ; }
{ 39} $A0/>$0017/ { MOV AL,[0017h] ;AL:= Shift key status}
{ 42} $07/ { POP ES ;Restore ES register. }
{ 43} $24/$0F/ { AND AL,0Fh ;Clear unwanted bits. }
{ 45} $3A/$06/>Shft/ { CMP AL,[Shft] ;Exit if not hot key }
{ 49} $58/ { POP AX ;shift key combination}
{ 50} $75/<88-52/ { JNE PreExit ;(Restore AX first). }
{ ;Hot Keys encountered.}
{ 52} $3A/$06/>Prev/ { CMP AL,[Prev] ;Discard repeated hot }
{ 56} $74/<107-58/ { JE Discard ;key codes. }
{ 58} $A2/>Prev/ { MOV [Prev],AL ;Update Prev. }
{ 61} $F6/$06/>Flg/3/ { TEST [Flg],3 ;If Flg set, keep key }
{ 66} $75/<99-68/ { JNZ JmpBios9 ;& exit to orig. BIOS }
{ 68} $80/$0E/>Flg/1/ { OR [Flg],1 ;9. Else set flag and}
{ 73} $EB/<107-75/ { JMP SHORT Discard;discard key stroke. }
{ 75} $B4/$01/ {Sfx: MOV AH,1 ;Load AH with set flag}
{ 77} $88/$26/>Flg9/ {Cfx: MOV [Flg9],AH ;Save multi-byte flag.}
{ 81} $C6/$06/>Prev/$FF/ { MOV [Prev],0FFh ;Change prev key byte.}
{ 86} $EB/<99-88/ { JMP SHORT JmpBios9 }
{ 88} $3C/$FF/ {PreExit: CMP AL,0FFh ;Update previous key }
{ 90} $74/<99-92/ { JE JmpBios9 ;unless key is buffer-}
{ 92} $3C/$00/ { CMP AL,0 ;full code--a 00h }
{ 94} $74/<99-96/ { JZ JmpBios9 ;0FFh }
{ 96} $A2/>Prev/ { MOV [Prev],AL ;Update previous key. }
{ 99} $58/ {JmpBios9: POP AX ;Restore registers and}
{100} $1F/ { POP DS ;flags. }
{101} $9D/ { POPF ; }
{102} $2E/ { CS: ; }
{103} $FF/$2E/>Bios9/ { JMP [Bios9] ;Exit to orig. intr 9.}
{107} $E4/$61/ {Discard: IN AL,61h ;Clear key from buffer}
{109} $8A/$E0/ { MOV AH,AL ;by resetting keyboard}
{111} $0C/$80/ { OR AL,80h ;port and sending EOI }
{113} $E6/$61/ { OUT 61h,AL ;to intr. handler }
{115} $86/$E0/ { XCHG AH,AL ;telling it that the }
{117} $E6/$61/ { OUT 61h,AL ;key has been }
{119} $B0/$20/ { MOV AL,20h ;processed. }
{121} $E6/$20/ { OUT 20h,AL ; }
{123} $58/ { POP AX ;Restore registers and}
{124} $1F/ { POP DS ;flags. }
{125} $9D/ { POPF ; }
{126} $CF/ { IRET ;Return from interrupt}
{*** OurIntr16 ***** Intercept routine for Buffered Keyboard Input}
{ 0} $58/ {JmpBios16: POP AX ;Restore AX, DS, and }
{ 1} $1F/ { POP DS ;FLAGS registers then }
{ 2} $9D/ { POPF ;exit to orig. BIOS }
{ 3} $2E/ { CS: ;intr. 16h routine. }
{ 4} $FF/$2E/>Bios16/ { JMP [Bios16] ; }
{ 8} $9C/ {OurIntr16: PUSHF ;Preserve FLAGS. }
{ 9} $FB/ { STI ;Enable interrupts. }
{ 10} $1E/ { PUSH DS ;Preserve DS and AX }
{ 11} $50/ { PUSH AX ;registers. }
{ 12} $0E/ { PUSH CS ;DS := CS; }
{ 13} $1F/ { POP DS ; }
{ 14} $F6/$C4/$EF/ { TEST AH,EFh ;Jmp if not read char.}
{ 17} $75/<48-19/ { JNZ C3 ;request. }
{*** Intercept loop for Read Key service.}
{ 19} $F6/$06/>Flg/1/ {C1: TEST [Flg],1 ;If pop up Flg bit is }
{ 24} $74/<29-26/ { JZ C2 ;set then call INLINE }
{ 26} $E8/>122-29/ { CALL ToPopUp ;pop up routine. }
{ 29} $F6/$06/>Flg/16/{C2: TEST [Flg],10h ;Jmp if insert flg set}
{ 34} $75/<48-36/ { JNZ C3 ; }
{ 36} $FE/$C4/ { INC AH ;Use orig. BIOS }
{ 38} $9C/ { PUSHF ;service to check for }
{ 39} $FA/ { CLI ;character ready. }
{ 40} $FF/$1E/>Bios16/ { CALL FAR [Bios16];Disable interrupts. }
{ 44} $58/ { POP AX ;Restore AX and save }
{ 45} $50/ { PUSH AX ;it again. }
{ 46} $74/<19-48/ { JZ C1 ;Loop until chr. ready}
{ 48} $F6/$06/>Flg/17/{C3: TEST [Flg],11h ;Exit if neither bit }
{ 53} $74/<-55/ { JZ JmpBios16 ;of Flg is set. }
{ 55} $F6/$06/>Flg/$01/ { TEST [Flg],1 ;If pop up Flg bit is }
{ 60} $74/<65-62/ { JZ C4 ;set then call INLINE }
{ 62} $E8/>122-65/ { CALL ToPopUp ;pop up routine. }
{ 65} $F6/$06/>Flg/$10/{C4:TEST [Flg],10h ;Exit unless have }
{ 70} $74/<-72/ { JZ JmpBios16 ;characters to insert.}
{ 72} $F6/$C4/$EE/ { TEST AH,0EEh ;If request is not a }
{ 75} $75/<-77/ { JNZ JmpBios16 ;chr. request, exit. }
{*** Insert a character. }
{ 77} $58/ { POP AX ;AX := BIOS service no}
{ 78} $53/ { PUSH BX ;Save BX and ES. }
{ 79} $06/ { PUSH ES ; }
{ 80} $C4/$1E/>InsChr/ { LES BX,[InsChr] ;PTR(ES,BX) := InsChr;}
{ 84} $26/ { ES: ;AL := InsChr^; }
{ 85} $8A/$07/ { MOV AL,[BX] ; }
{ 87} $07/ { POP ES ;Restore ES and BX. }
{ 88} $5B/ { POP BX ; }
{ 89} $F6/$C4/$01/ { TEST AH,01h ;IF AH IN [$01,$11] }
{ 92} $B4/$00/ { MOV AH,00h ; THEN ReportOnly; }
{ 94} $75/<114-96/ { JNZ ReportOnly ;Set Scan code to 0. }
{ 96} $FE/$06/>InsChr/ { INC [InsChr] ;Inc( InsChr ); }
{100} $FF/$0E/>InsNumb/ { DEC [InsNumb] ;Dec( InsNumb ); }
{104} $75/<111-106/ { JNZ SkipReset ;IF InsNumb = 0 THEN }
{106} $80/$26/>Flg/$EF/ { AND [Flg],0EFh ; Clear insert chr flg}
{111} $1F/ {SkipReset: POP DS ;Restore BX, DS, and }
{112} $9D/ { POPF ;FLAGS, then return }
{113} $CF/ { IRET ;from interrupt. }
{114} $1F/ {ReportOnly: POP DS ;Report char. ready. }
{115} $9D/ { POPF ;Restore DS and FLAGS.}
{116} $50/ { PUSH AX ;Clear zero flag bit }
{117} $40/ { INC AX ;to indicate a }
{118} $58/ { POP AX ;character ready. }
{119} $CA/>0002/ { RETF 2 ;Exit & discard FLAGS }
{*** Interface to PopUpCode Routine. }
{122} $50/ {ToPopUp: PUSH AX ;Save AX. }
{123} $FA/ { CLI ;Disable interrupts. }
{124} $F6/$06/>UnSafe/$FF/{TEST [UnSafe],0FFh ;IF UnSafe <> 0 }
{129} $75/<177-131/ { JNZ PP2 ; THEN Return. }
{131} $A0/>Flg/ { MOV AL,[Flg] ;Set in-use bit; clear}
{134} $24/$FE/ { AND AL,0FEh ;pop up bit of Flg. }
{136} $0C/$02/ { OR AL,2 ;Flg := (Flg AND $FE) }
{138} $A2/>Flg/ { MOV [Flg],AL ; OR 2; }
{ ;**Switch to our stack}
{141} $A1/>StkOfs/ { MOV AX,[StkOfs] ;Load top of our stack}
{144} $87/$C4/ { XCHG AX,SP ;Exchange it with }
{146} $A3/>DosSp/ { MOV [DosSp],AX ;stk.ptr, save old SP.}
{149} $8C/$16/>DosSs/ { MOV [DosSs],SS ;Save old SS. }
{153} $8E/$16/>StkSs/ { MOV SS,[StkSs] ;Replace SS with our }
{157} $FB/ { STI ;SS. Enable interrupts}
{158} $9C/ { PUSHF ;Interrupt call to pop}
{159} $FF/$1E/>PopUp/ { CALL FAR [PopUp] ;up TSR routine. }
{163} $FA/ { CLI ;Disable interrupts. }
{164} $8B/$26/>DosSp/ { MOV SP,[DosSp] ;Restore stack ptr }
{168} $8E/$16/>DosSs/ { MOV SS,[DosSs] ;SS:SP. Clear in-use }
{172} $80/$26/>Flg/$FD/ { AND [Flg],0FDh ;bit of Flg. }
{177} $FB/ {PP2: STI ;Enable interrupts. }
{178} $58/ { POP AX ;Restore AX. }
{179} $C3 ); { RET ;Return. }
END; {Asm.} {END corresponds to 12 bytes of code--used for storage}
PROCEDURE PopUpCode; {Interface between the BIOS intercept }
INTERRUPT; {routines and your TSR function. }
CONST BSeg = $0040; VBiosOfs = $49;
VideoRecs = RECORD
VideoMode : BYTE;
NumbCol, ScreenSize, MemoryOfs : WORD;
CursorArea : ARRAY[0..7] OF WORD;
CursorMode : WORD;
CurrentPage : BYTE;
VideoBoardAddr : WORD;
CurrentMode, CurrentColor : BYTE;
Regs : Registers;
VideoRec : VideoRecs;
KeyLock : BYTE;
ScrnSeg, NumbChr : WORD;
SwapVectors; {Set T.P. intr. vectors.}
Move( Ptr(BSeg,VBiosOfs)^, VideoRec, {Get Video BIOS info. }
SizeOf(VideoRec) );
WITH VideoRec, Regs DO BEGIN
IF (VideoMode > 7) OR {Abort pop up if unable}
(ScreenSize > BuffSize) THEN BEGIN {to save screen image. }
SwapVectors; {Restore intr. vectors.}
KeyLock := Mem[BSeg:$0017]; {Save lock key states. }
IF VideoMode = 7 THEN ScrnSeg := $B000 {Save screen--supports }
ELSE ScrnSeg := $B800; {text, MGA & CGA modes.}
Move( PTR( ScrnSeg, MemoryOfs )^, Buffer, ScreenSize );
AX := InitVideo; {If in graphics mode, }
IF (VideoMode >=4) {switch to text mode. }
AND (VideoMode <= 6) THEN Intr( $10, Regs );
AX := $0500; {Select display page 0.}
Intr( $10, Regs );
CX := InitCMode; {Set cursor size. }
AH := 1;
Intr( $10, Regs );
TSRMode := VideoMode; {Fill global variables }
TSRWidth := NumbCol; {with current information}
TSRPage := CurrentPage;
TSRColumn := Succ( Lo( CursorArea[CurrentPage] ) );
TSRRow := Succ( Hi( CursorArea[CurrentPage] ) );
IF NpxFlag THEN {Save co-processor state.}
INLINE( $98/ $DD/$36/>NpxState ); {WAIT FSAVE [NpxState] }
*** Call user's program and save return code--no. char. to insert.
NumbChr := TheirFunc;
MemW[CSeg:InsNumb] := NumbChr;
IF NumbChr > 0 THEN BEGIN {Have char. to insert.}
MemL[CSeg:InsChr] := LONGINT( TSRChrPtr );
Mem[CSeg:Flg] := Mem[CSeg:Flg] OR $10;
*** Pop TSR back down--Restore computer to previous state.
IF NpxFlag THEN {Restore co-prcssr state.}
INLINE( $98/ $DD/$36/>NpxState ); {WAIT FSAVE [NpxState] }
Mem[BSeg:$17] := {Restore key lock status.}
(Mem[BSeg:$17] AND $0F) OR (KeyLock AND $F0);
IF Mem[BSeg:VBiosOfs] <> VideoMode THEN BEGIN
AX := VideoMode; {Restore video mode. }
Intr( $10, Regs );
AH := 1; CX := CursorMode; {Restore cursor size. }
Intr( $10, Regs );
AH := 5; AL := CurrentPage; {Restore active page. }
Intr( $10, Regs );
AH := 2; BH := CurrentPage; {Restore cursor positon. }
DX := CursorArea[CurrentPage];
Intr( $10, Regs ); {Restore screen image. }
Move( Buffer, PTR( ScrnSeg, MemoryOfs )^, ScreenSize );
SwapVectors; {Restore non-T.P. vectors.}
END; {PopUp.}
***** Printer Functions:
FUNCTION PrinterStatus: BYTE; {Returns status of LPT1.}
{ Definition of status byte bits (1 & 2 are not used), if set then:
Bit: -- 7 --- ---- 6 ---- -- 5 --- -- 4 --- -- 3 -- --- 0 ---
Not busy Acknowledge No paper Selected I/O Err. Timed-out
VAR Regs : Registers;
AH := 2; DX := 0; {Load BIOS function and printer number. }
Intr( $17, Regs ); {Call BIOS printer services. }
PrinterStatus := AH; {Return with printer status byte. }
END; {PrinterStatus.}
FUNCTION PrinterOkay: BOOLEAN; {Returns TRUE if printer is okay. }
S := PrinterStatus;
IF ((S AND $10) <> 0) AND ((S AND $29) = 0) THEN
PrinterOkay := TRUE
ELSE PrinterOkay := FALSE;
END; {PrinterOkay.}
***** Procedures to obtain contents of saved screen image.
PROCEDURE ScreenLine( Row: BYTE; VAR Line: LineWords;
VAR Words: BYTE );
Words := 40; {Determine screen line size.}
IF TSRMode > 1 THEN Words := Words*2; {Get line's }
Move( Buffer[Pred(Row)*Words], Line, Words*2 ); {characters and }
END; {ScreenLine.} {colors. }
FUNCTION ScreenLineStr( Row: BYTE ): String80; {Returns just chars}
Words, i : BYTE;
LineWord : LineWords;
Line : String80;
ScreenLine( Row, LineWord, Words ); {Get chars & attributes. }
Line := ''; {Move characters to string}
FOR i := 1 TO Words DO Insert( LineWord[i].C, Line, i );
ScreenLineStr := Line;
END; {ScreenString.}
***** TSR Installation procedure.
PROCEDURE TSRInstall( TSRName: STRING; TSRFunc: WordFuncs;
ShiftComb: BYTE; KeyChr: CHAR );
ScanChr = '+1234567890++++QWERTYUIOP++++ASDFGHJKL+++++ZXCVBNM';
CombChr = 'RLCA"';
PlistPtr : ^STRING;
i, j, k : WORD;
Regs : Registers;
Comb, ScanCode : BYTE;
IF Ofs( Asm ) <> 0 THEN EXIT; {Offset of Asm must be 0}
MemW[CSeg:StkSs] := SSeg; {Save pointer to top of }
MemW[CSeg:StkOfs] := Sptr + 562; {TSR's stack. }
MemL[CSeg:PopUp] := LONGINT(@PopUpCode); {Save PopUpCode addr. }
TheirFunc := TSRFunc; {& their TSR func. addr.}
Writeln('Installing Stay-Resident program: ',TSRName );
***** Save intercepted interrupt vectors: $09, $16, $21, $25, $26.
GetIntVec( $09, POINTER( MemL[CSeg:Bios9] ) );
GetIntVec( $16, POINTER( MemL[CSeg:Bios16] ) );
GetIntVec( $21, POINTER( MemL[CSeg:Dos21] ) );
GetIntVec( $25, POINTER( MemL[CSeg:Dos25] ) );
GetIntVec( $26, POINTER( MemL[CSeg:Dos26] ) );
***** Get equipment list and video mode.
Intr( $11, Regs ); {Check equipment list for }
NpxFlag := (AL AND 2) = 2; {math co-processor. }
AH := 15; {Get current video mode }
Intr( $10, Regs ); {and save it for when TSR }
InitVideo := AL; {is activated. }
AH := 3; BH := 0; {Get current cursor size }
Intr( $10, Regs ); {and save it for when TSR }
InitCMode := CX; {is activated. }
END; {WITH Regs}
***** Get info. on buffer for saving screen image.
BuffSize := SizeOf( Buffer );
TSRScrPtr := @Buffer;
*** Determine activation key combination.
Comb := 0; i := 1; {Create ptr to }
PlistPtr := Ptr( PrefixSeg, $80 ); {parameter list. }
WHILE i < Length( PlistPtr^ ) DO BEGIN {Check for parameters.}
IF PlistPtr^[i] = '/' THEN BEGIN {Process parameter. }
Inc( i );
j := Pos( UpCase( PlistPtr^[i] ), CombChr );
IF (j > 0) AND (j < 5) THEN Comb := Comb OR (1 SHL Pred(j))
ELSE IF j <> 0 THEN BEGIN {New activation char. }
Inc( i ); k := Succ( i );
IF i > Length(PlistPtr^) THEN KeyChr := #0
IF ((k <= Length(PlistPtr^)) AND (PlistPtr^[k] = '"'))
OR (PlistPtr^[i] <> '"') THEN KeyChr := PlistPtr^[i]
ELSE KeyChr := #0;
END; {IF PlistPtr^[i] = '/'}
Inc( i );
END; {WHILE ...}
IF Comb = 0 THEN Comb := ShiftComb; {Use default combination. }
IF Comb = 0 THEN Comb := AltKey; {No default, use [Alt] key.}
ScanCode := Pos( UpCase( KeyChr ), ScanChr ); {Convert char. to}
IF ScanCode < 2 THEN BEGIN {scan code. }
ScanCode := 2; KeyChr := '1';
Mem[CSeg:Shft] := Comb; {Store shift key combination}
Mem[CSeg:Key] := ScanCode; {and scan code. }
*** Output an installation message: Memory used & activation code.
Writeln( 'Memory used is approximately ',
( ($1000 + Seg(FreePtr^) - PrefixSeg)/64.0):7:1,' K (K=1024).');
'Activate program by pressing the following keys simultaneously:');
IF (Comb AND 1) <> 0 THEN Write(' [Right Shift]');
IF (Comb AND 2) <> 0 THEN Write(' [Left Shift]');
IF (Comb AND 4) <> 0 THEN Write(' [Ctrl]');
IF (Comb AND 8) <> 0 THEN Write(' [Alt]');
Writeln(' and "', KeyChr, '".');
*** Intercept orig. interrupt vectors; Then exit and stay-resident.
SetIntVec( $21, Ptr( CSeg, Our21 ) );
SetIntVec( $25, Ptr( CSeg, Our25 ) );
SetIntVec( $26, Ptr( CSeg, Our26 ) );
SetIntVec( $16, Ptr( CSeg, Our16 ) );
SetIntVec( $09, Ptr( CSeg, Our09 ) );
SwapVectors; {Save turbo intr.vectors.}
MemW[CSeg:UnSafe] := 0; {Allow TSR to pop up. }
Keep( 0 ); {Exit and stay-resident. }
END; {TSRInstall.}
END. {TSRUnit.}