Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
1,529 lines
page 60,132
; This resident program performs few tasks: *
; 1. Full ascii table splitted into two parts: 0-7Fh and 80H-0FFh. *
; 2. converts numbers between bases . The bases allowed are Binary, Octal, *
; Decimal, Hexadecimal . Data is entered in base Postfix, i.e. B,O,D,H . *
; For example 3F5Dh means it is an Hex number . *
; 3. Scan Code printing. *
; 4. Simple unsigned calculator of +,-,*,/ integer operations. *
; *
; Hot key of this program is defined to be ALT-A. modification is simple - *
; simply change the scan code at offset 103h, just after the jump at 100, to *
; your choice. You may want to change the prolog message as well. *
; Windows positions may be set via the 2 (x,y) pair, immediatelly after *
; the scan code at 103/104h location. First 2 bytes are the ascii table *
; (x,y) pair, follows by the base conversion pair, math window, scan code *
; window, and finally the main selection window pair. *
; Support of AT enhanced keyboard is added (see BiosGetCh below) *
; Redefinition of Hot key can be defined at source level using HotKet def. *
; *
; Elber Gershon 1988 *
title Number Conversions E.G. 1987
Null equ 00
Soh equ 01
Bell equ 07
Bs equ 08
Lf equ 10
Cr equ 13
Escape equ 27
Space equ 32
Quit equ 00h ;Dos func call - Quit.
DosGetLn equ 0Ah ;Dos func call - Get Line
DosPutLn equ 09h ;Dos func call - Put Line
BiosLocate equ 02h ;Bios func call - Locate Cursor
BiosGetLoc equ 03h ;Bios func call - Get location
BiosPutCh equ 09h ;Bios func call - Put Char (Int 010h)
BiosGetMode equ 0fh ;Bios func call - Get mode/page/width
;The following will work only in AT type machines with enhanced keyboard only:
BiosGetCh equ 010h ;Bios func call - Get Char (Int 016h)
;And the following if XT type machines with no enhanced keyboard:
BiosGetCh equ 000h ;Bios func call - Get Char (Int 016h)
HotKey equ 01E00h ;Keyboard scan code for Alt - A
NormalAttr equ 007h ;Screen Attribute - normal
InversAttr equ 070h ;Screen Attribute - inverse
BiosDs equ 00040h ;Bios Data segment
ScreenMode equ 00049h ;Screen mode offset within Bios DS
CGAAddress equ 0B800h ;ColorGraphic Adaptor Base
MonoAddress equ 0B000h ;Mono Color Base
ScreenSize equ 01000h ;Screen Buffer Size
;* Begining of Code : *
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 0100h
starter: jmp install ;install the resident & parameters
ScanCode dw HotKey ;Hot Key scan code
WindowLeftA db 03 ;Window left position - Ascii Table
WindowTopA db 03 ;Window Top position
WindowLeftC db 20 ;Window left position - Conversion
WindowTopC db 05 ;Window Top position
WindowLeftM db 35 ;Window left position - Math
WindowTopM db 07 ;Window Top position
WindowLeftS db 40 ;Window left position - Scan Code
WindowTopS db 12 ;Window Top position
WindowLeftN db 25 ;Window left position - Main
WindowTopN db 08 ;Window Top position
;procedure KbdHandler *
;procedure to get control of int 16 and test for Hot key appearance . *
;In case of positive detection - Open the main window and... *
KbdHandler proc far
or ah,ah ;Read Extended Ascii code ?
jne KbdHnd9 ;/
pushf ;Old keyboard rtn returns with IRET
call cs:OldKbdHandler ;/
cmp ax,cs:ScanCode ;Code we are searching for ?
jne KbdHnd8 ;/
call DoMain ;Call the resident part
KbdHnd8: popf
KbdHnd9: jmp cs:OldKbdHandler ;No - continue as before installation
KbdHandler endp
;procedure DoMain *
;procedure to Open main window and ask for required operation to perform: *
DoMain proc near
push bp ;save all the used registers
push di
push si
push es
push ds
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov bx,cs ;get back DS segment
mov ds,bx ;/
test byte ptr [ResActive],0ffh ;Already active ?
je short DoMain0
jmp DoMain99
DoMain0: not byte ptr [ResActive] ;Set Buzy flag On
mov byte ptr [WindowKind],'N';Main window is active
call PushOldScreen ;Save Old Screen and cursor position
mov dx,00202h ;Print the different options:
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx, offset HeaderN1 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00302h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx, offset HeaderN2 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00402h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx, offset HeaderN3 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00502h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx, offset HeaderN4 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,0070Ch ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx, offset HeaderN9 ; |
call WriteLn ;/
DoMain1: mov dx,00713h ;Wait for entry
call GotoXY ; |
call ReadCh ;/
cmp al,'1' ;If it is Ascii Table
jne short DoMain2 ;/
call PopOldScreen ;Restore screen
call DoAscii ;/
jmp short DoMain98
DoMain2: cmp al,'2' ;If it is Conv.
jne short DoMain3 ;/
call PopOldScreen ;Restore screen
call DoConversion ;/
jmp short DoMain98
DoMain3: cmp al,'3' ;If it is Math
jne short DoMain4 ;/
call PopOldScreen ;Restore screen
call DoMath ;/
jmp short DoMain98
DoMain4: cmp al,'4' ;If it is Scan Code
jne short DoMain5 ;/
call PopOldScreen ;Restore screen
call DoScanCode ;/
jmp short DoMain98
call PopOldScreen ;Restore screen
not byte ptr [ResActive] ;Set Buzy flag Off again
pop ax ;restore all the used registers
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop bp
DoMain endp
;procedure DoAscii *
;procedure to Print the full ascii table : *
DoAscii proc near
push bp ;save all the used registers
push di
push si
push es
push ds
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov byte ptr [WindowKind],'A';Draw Ascii Table window
call PushOldScreen ;Save Old Screen and cursor position
DoAsc0: mov dx,00101h ;Start with window X=1 , Y=1
mov al,[CurrentChar] ;Get current character to print
DoAsc1: call GotoXY ;GotoXY new position
call PrintAsc ;Print al in dec. hex. and ascii
inc al ;Advance to next character
inc dh ;advance Y
cmp dh,17 ;Bottom of Table ?
jb short DoAsc1 ;/
mov dh,001 ;return to window top line
add dl,009 ;Skip to next column
cmp dl,1+9*8 ;over the last column (8th) ?
jb short DoAsc1 ;/
DoAsc2: call ReadCh ;Wait for entry
cmp al,' ' ;If it is SP then Print second table
jne short DoAsc3 ;/
add byte ptr [CurrentChar],080h ;Swap hi <> lo ascii
jmp short DoAsc0 ;And print other half
DoAsc3: cmp al,Escape ;If Escape then exit
jne short DoAsc2
DoAsc9: call PopOldScreen ;Restore Old Screen and cursor position
pop ax ;restore all the used registers
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop bp
DoAscii endp
;procedure DoConversion *
;procedure to handle the base number conversions : *
DoConversion proc near
push bp ;save all the used registers
push di
push si
push es
push ds
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
DoConv0: mov byte ptr [WindowKind],'C' ;Draw Conversion window
call PushOldScreen ;Save Old Screen and cursor position
mov dx,00101h ;GotoXY 1,1 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov dx,offset HeaderC1 ;Print the header
call WriteLn ;/
mov dx,00102h ;GotoXY 1,2 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov dx,offset HeaderC2 ;Print the header
call WriteLn ;/
DoConv1: mov dx,00401h ;GotoXY 1,4 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov cx,WindowWidthC ;Clear the line
call PrintSpc ;/
mov dx,00403h ;GotoXY 3,4 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov dx,offset EnterData ;Ask for entry
call WriteLn ;/
mov dx,offset ReadBuf ;Read the user entry
mov ax,17 ; / 17 bytes to read at the most
call ReadLn ;/
or ax,ax ;No data entered ?
je DoConv9 ;/ Exit - close
mov bx,ax ;Find the last char - base
add bx,dx ; /
dec bx ; / (Last char on '$' - EOS)
mov al,[bx] ;/
mov byte ptr [bx],'$' ;and put end of string instead
and al,0dfh ;Make sure its upper case
cmp al,'B' ;Base 2 ?
jne short DoConv2 ;/
mov al,02
jmp short DoConv6
DoConv2: cmp al,'O' ;Base 8 ?
jne short DoConv3 ;/
mov al,08
jmp short DoConv6
DoConv3: cmp al,'T' ;Base 10 ?
jne short DoConv4 ;/
mov al,10
jmp short DoConv6
DoConv4: cmp al,'H' ;Base 16 ?
jne DoConv1 ;/
mov al,16
jmp short DoConv6
DoConv6: call Str2Int ;Convert it to integer
or bx,bx ;Test if error in conversion
jne Short DoConv1 ;/
call PrintNumBases ;Print the integer in various bases
jmp DoConv1
DoConv9: call PopOldScreen ;Restore Old Screen and cursor position
pop ax ;restore all the used registers
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop bp
DoConversion endp
;procedure DoMath *
;procedure to handle the simple 4 operators math : *
DoMath proc near
push bp ;save all the used registers
push di
push si
push es
push ds
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov byte ptr [WindowKind],'M';Draw Math window
call PushOldScreen ;Save Old Screen and cursor position
mov dx,00104h ;Print headers:
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderM1 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00302h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderM2 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00402h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderM3 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00502h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderM4 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00702h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderM5 ; |
call WriteLn ;/
DoMath1: mov dx,00114h ;Get Current Base
call GotoXY ; |
call ReadCh ; |
and al,0DFh ; | Make sure its upper case
mov BaseMchar,al ; |
cmp al,'B' ; | Set base in numeric form
jne short DoMath11 ; | |
mov bx,01002h ; | |
jmp short DoMath2 ; | |
DoMath11: ; | |
cmp al,'O' ; | |
jne short DoMath12 ; | |
mov bx,00608h ; | |
jmp short DoMath2 ; | |
DoMath12: ; | |
cmp al,'T' ; | |
jne short DoMath13 ; | |
mov bx,0050Ah ; | |
jmp short DoMath2 ; | |
DoMath13: ; | |
cmp al,'H' ; | |
jne short DoMath14 ; | |
mov bx,00410h ; | |
jmp short DoMath2 ; | |
DoMath14: ; |/
cmp al,Escape ; |
jne short DoMath1 ; |
jmp DoMath9 ; |
; ; |
DoMath2: mov BaseMNum,bl ; /
mov BaseMWidth,bh ;/
call WriteCh ;Print it
DoMath3: mov dx,00309h ;Clear old (optional) data
call GotoXY ; |
mov cx,16 ; |
call PrintSpc ; |
mov dx,00413h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov al,' ' ; |
call WriteCh ; |
mov dx,00509h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
call PrintSpc ; |
mov dx,0070Bh ; |
call GotoXY ; |
call PrintSpc ;/
DoMath4: mov dx,00309h ;Clear old (optional) data
call GotoXY ; |
mov cx,16 ; |
call PrintSpc ; |
mov dx,00309h ;Get first operand
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset ReadBuf ; | Read the user entry,
mov ax,16 ; | 16 bytes to read at the most
call ReadLn ; | /
or ax,ax ; | No data entered ?
jne short DoMath41 ; | / Exit - close
jmp DoMath9 ; |
DoMath41: ; |
mov al,BaseMNum ; | Convert the string pointed by DX
call Str2Int ; | / to numeric data
or bx,bx ; | Test if error in conversion
jne Short DoMath4 ; |
mov si,ax ;/ Save it in si
DoMath5: mov dx,00413h ;Clear old (optional) data
call GotoXY ; |
mov al,' ' ; |
call WriteCh ; |
mov dx,00413h ;Get operator
call GotoXY ; |
call ReadCh ; |
cmp al,'+' ; |
je short DoMath51 ; |
cmp al,'-' ; |
je short DoMath51 ; |
cmp al,'*' ; |
je short DoMath51 ; |
cmp al,'/' ; |
je short DoMath51 ; |
cmp al,Escape ; |
jne short DoMath5 ; |
jmp DoMath9 ;/
call WriteCh ;Print it
mov bp,ax ;And save in bp
DoMath6: mov dx,00509h ;Clear old (optional) data
call GotoXY ; |
mov cx,16 ; |
call PrintSpc ; |
mov dx,00509h ;Get second operand
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset ReadBuf ; | Read the user entry,
mov ax,16 ; | 16 bytes to read at the most
call ReadLn ; | /
or ax,ax ; | No data entered ?
je DoMath9 ; | / Exit - close
mov al,BaseMNum ; | Convert the string pointed by DX
call Str2Int ; | / to numeric data
or bx,bx ; | Test if error in conversion
jne Short DoMath6 ; |
mov di,ax ;/ Save it in di
mov ax,bp ;Find what operation to perform, and
xor bx,bx ; | do it. Result in ax. Range error
cmp al,'+' ; | if bx <> 0
jne short DoMath71 ; |
mov ax,si ; |
add ax,di ; |
jnc short DoMath8 ; |
inc bx ; |
jmp short DoMath8 ; |
; ; |
DoMath71: ; |
cmp al,'-' ; |
jne short DoMath72 ; |
mov ax,si ; |
sub ax,di ; |
jnc short DoMath8 ; |
inc bx ; |
jmp short DoMath8 ; |
; ; |
DoMath72: ; |
cmp al,'*' ; |
jne short DoMath73 ; |
mov ax,si ; |
mul di ; |
mov bx,dx ; | if dx <> 0 - range error
jmp short DoMath8 ; |
; ; |
DoMath73: ; |
mov ax,si ; | Must be division
xor dx,dx ; |
or di,di ; | Test for divide by zero
je short DoMath733 ; | /
div di ; |
jmp short DoMath8 ; |
DoMath733: ; |
inc bx ; |
jmp short DoMath8 ;/
DoMath8: mov dx,0070Bh ;Print result
call GotoXY ; |
or bx,bx ; | Range Error ?
jne DoMath82 ; | /
mov bl,BaseMNum ; | No - print the number in AX
mov bh,BaseMWidth ; | |
mov cl,' ' ; | |
cmp bl,010 ; | |
je DoMath81 ; | |
mov cl,'0' ; | |
DoMath81: ; | |
call PrintNum ; |/
jmp short DoMath83
mov dx,offset HeaderMr ;Print "Range Error"
call WriteLn ;/
call ReadCh ;Wait for keystroke
cmp al,Escape
je short DoMath9
jmp DoMath3
DoMath9: call PopOldScreen ;Restore Old Screen and cursor position
pop ax ;restore all the used registers
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop bp
DoMath endp
;procedure DoScanCode *
;procedure to handle scan code printing : *
DoScanCode proc near
push bp ;save all the used registers
push di
push si
push es
push ds
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov byte ptr [WindowKind],'S';Draw Scan COde window
call PushOldScreen ;Save Old Screen and cursor position
mov dx,00103h ;Print headers:
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderS1 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00301h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderS2 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,00401h ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderS3 ; |
call WriteLn ;/
DoScan1: mov dx,0010Dh ;Wait for a key
call GotoXY ; |
call ReadCh ; |
push ax ; |
mov cx,2 ; | Clear old one
call PrintSpc ; | /
mov dx,0010Dh ; |
call GotoXY ; |
cmp al,' ' ; | Print it if printable
jae DoScan10 ; | |
mov ah,al ; | |
mov al,'^' ; | |
call WriteCh ; | |
mov al,ah ; | |
add al,'@' ; | |
DoScan10: ; | |
call WriteCh ; |/
pop ax ; |
; ; |
cmp al,Escape ;Quit ?
je short DoScan9 ;/
or al,al ;Is it extended ascii code ?
jne DoScan2 ;/
mov dx,0030Ah ;Print "Extended"
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderS4 ; |
call WriteLn ; |
mov dx,0040Ah ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset HeaderS4 ; |
call WriteLn ;/
mov al,ah
jmp short DoScan3
DoScan2: mov dx,0030Ah ;Clear optional old "Extended"
call GotoXY ; |
mov cx,8 ; |
call PrintSpc ; |
mov dx,0040Ah ; |
call GotoXY ; |
mov cx,8 ; |
call PrintSpc ;/
DoScan3: mov dx,00306h ;Print in Hex form
call GotoXY ; |
mov bx,00310h ; | 3 places, base 10h
mov cl,'0' ; | The prefix char
xor ah,ah ; |
call PrintNum ;/
mov dx,00406h ;Print in Dec form
call GotoXY ; |
mov bx,0030Ah ; | 3 places, base 10
mov cl,' ' ; | The prefix char
call PrintNum ;/
jmp DoScan1 ;Continue to next char
DoScan9: call PopOldScreen ;Restore Old Screen and cursor position
pop ax ;restore all the used registers
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop bp
DoScanCode endp
;Save Old Screen status , to recover when exit :
PushOldScreen proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
push ds
mov ah,BiosGetMode ;Test what Mode in On
int 010h ; /
cmp al,7 ;/ ( Is it mono ? )
je short PushOldScreen1
mov word ptr [ScreenBase],CGAAddress ;Set up as CGA
jmp short PushOldScreen2
mov word ptr [ScreenBase],MonoAddress ;Set up as Mono
push bx ;Save current active display page
mov ah,BiosGetLoc ;Get Cursor Location
int 010h ; / ( bh hold page from mode test )
mov [OldCursor],dx ;/
pop bx
and bh, 003h ;Make page number between 0-3 only
mov bl,bh ;Multiply it by ScreenSize
xor bh,bh ; \
mov ax,ScreenSize ; | Preper source offset
mul bx ; /
mov si,ax ;Get current page offset into si
mov word ptr [ScreenOffCur],ax
inc bx
and bx,00003h ;Make sure its within range (mod 4)
mov ax,ScreenSize ; \
mul bx ; | Preper destination offset
mov di,ax ; / save page offset into di
mov word ptr [ScreenOffSav],ax
push ds
mov es,[ScreenBase] ;Save Old Screen buffer -
mov ds,[ScreenBase] ;Save all the 4k for the simplicity
mov cx,ScreenSize / 2 ; | (Move Words)
rep movsw ;/ ds:si --> es:di , cx times
pop ds
cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'C' ;Is it Converstion Screen ?
jne PushOldScreen4 ;/
xor dx,dx ;Print our window
call GotoXY ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
mov bx,offset BorderC1 ; |
xchg bx,dx ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border1 - top)
xchg bx,dx ; |
mov cx,WindowHeightC ; |
PushOldScreen3: ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
push dx
mov dx,offset BorderC21 ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderC22 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderC23 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
pop dx ; |
loop PushOldScreen3 ; |
; ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset BorderC3 ; |
call WriteLn ;/ (border3 - bottom)
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
jmp PushOldScreen99
cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'A' ;Is it Ascii Table Screen ?
jne PushOldScreen6 ;/
xor dx,dx ;Print our window
call GotoXY ; |
mov bx,offset BorderA1 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
xchg bx,dx ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border1 - top)
xchg bx,dx ; |
mov cx,WindowHeightA ; |
PushOldScreen5: ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
push dx
mov dx,offset BorderA21 ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderA22 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderA23 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
pop dx ; |
loop PushOldScreen5 ; |
; ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset BorderA3 ; |
call WriteLn ;/ (border3 - bottom)
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
jmp PushOldScreen99
cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'M' ;Is it Math Screen ?
jne PushOldScreen8 ;/
xor dx,dx ;Print our window
call GotoXY ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
mov bx,offset BorderM1 ; |
xchg bx,dx ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border1 - top)
xchg bx,dx ; |
mov cx,WindowHeightM ; |
PushOldScreen7: ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
push dx
mov dx,offset BorderM21 ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderM22 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderM23 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
pop dx ; |
loop PushOldScreen7 ; |
; ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset BorderM3 ; |
call WriteLn ;/ (border3 - bottom)
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
jmp PushOldScreen99
cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'S' ;Is it Scan Code Screen ?
jne PushOldScreen10 ;/
xor dx,dx ;Print our window
call GotoXY ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
mov bx,offset BorderS1 ; |
xchg bx,dx ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border1 - top)
xchg bx,dx ; |
mov cx,WindowHeightS ; |
PushOldScreen9: ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
push dx
mov dx,offset BorderS21 ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderS22 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderS23 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
pop dx ; |
loop PushOldScreen9 ; |
; ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset BorderS3 ; |
call WriteLn ;/ (border3 - bottom)
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
jmp PushOldScreen99
cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'N' ;Is it Main Screen ?
jne PushOldScreen99 ;/
xor dx,dx ;Print our window
call GotoXY ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
mov bx,offset BorderN1 ; |
xchg bx,dx ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border1 - top)
xchg bx,dx ; |
mov cx,WindowHeightN ; |
PushOldScreen11: ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
push dx
mov dx,offset BorderN21 ; |
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderN22 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
mov dx,offset BorderN23 ; |
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],InversAttr
call WriteLn ; | (border2 - middle)
pop dx ; |
loop PushOldScreen11 ; |
; ; |
inc dh ; | (Y position)
call GotoXY ; |
mov dx,offset BorderN3 ; |
call WriteLn ;/ (border3 - bottom)
mov byte ptr [CharAttr],NormalAttr
jmp PushOldScreen99
pop ds
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
PushOldScreen endp
;Restore Old Screen status - recover to exit :
PopOldScreen proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
push ds
mov ah,BiosGetMode ;Get current page number into bh
int 010h ;/
mov dx,[OldCursor] ;Set to Old Cursor Location
mov ah,BiosLocate
int 010h ;Call Bios
push ds
mov si,[ScreenOffSav] ;Restore Old Screen buffer -
mov di,[ScreenOffCur] ;Restore all the 4k for the simplicity
mov es,[ScreenBase] ; |
mov ds,[ScreenBase] ; | (change ds last!)
mov cx,ScreenSize / 2 ; | (Move Words)
rep movsw ;/ ds:si --> es:di , cx times
pop ds
pop ds
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
PopOldScreen endp
;Print the char in al in decimal, hexadecimal and ascii forms:
PrintAsc proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
xor ah,ah ;Print in Decimal form
mov bl,010 ; | Base - 10
mov bh,003 ; | On 3 places
mov cl,' ' ; | Prefix - space
call PrintNum ;/
push ax
mov al,' ' ;Print one Space
call WriteCh ;/
pop ax
mov bl,016 ;Print in HexaDecimal form : Base - 16
mov bh,002 ; | On 2 places
mov cl,'0' ; | Prefix - '0'
call PrintNum ;/
push ax
mov al,' ' ;Print one Space
call WriteCh ;/
pop ax
call WriteCh ;Print it in Ascii form
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
PrintAsc endp
;Print cx spaces from current XY on screen
PrintSpc proc near
push ax
push cx
mov al,' ' ;Preper Space to print
call WriteCh ;Print it cx times
loop PrintSpc1 ;/
pop cx
pop ax
PrintSpc endp
;Print the number in variouse base (note the registers are affected) :
PrintNumBases proc near
mov bh,16 ;Print base 2 in 16 places
mov dx,00603h ;GotoXY 3,6 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov dx,offset Base2 ;Print the number in base 2
call WriteLn ; |
mov cl,'0' ; | Prefix fill character
mov bl,02 ; |
call PrintNum ;/
mov bh,06 ;Print base 8 in 6 places
mov dx,00703h ;GotoXY 3,7 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov dx,offset Base8 ;Print the number in base 8
call WriteLn ; |
mov cx,10 ; | Print 10 leedin spaces
call PrintSpc ; | /
mov cl,'0' ; | Prefix fill character
mov bl,08 ; |
call PrintNum ;/
mov bh,16 ;Print base 10 in 16 places
mov dx,00803h ;GotoXY 3,8 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov dx,offset Base10 ;Print the number in base 10
call WriteLn ; |
mov cl,' ' ; | Prefix fill character
mov bl,10 ; |
call PrintNum ;/
mov bh,04 ;Print base 16 in 4 places
mov dx,00903h ;GotoXY 3,9 relative to window
call GotoXY ;/
mov dx,offset Base16 ;Print the number in base 16
call WriteLn ; |
mov cx,12 ; | Print 12 leedin spaces
call PrintSpc ; | /
mov cl,'0' ; | Prefix fill character
mov bl,16 ; |
call PrintNum ;/
PrintNumBases endp
;Print the given integer number AX in base Bl, in Bh places (less then 20).
;The prefix fill character is in cl (i.e. in 00001000 = 8 cl = '0')
PrintNum proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push es
mov dx,ds ;Trasfer seg. to es
mov es,dx
push cx ;Save fill char in cl
mov di,offset PrNumEnd-1 ;Current byte to save
mov cl,bl ;Preper the divisor
xor ch,ch ;/
or ax,ax ;Is it 0 to be print ?
je PrNum5 ;If so handle seperately
PrNum1: xor dx,dx
div cx ;Quontient in ax, remainder in dx
or ax,ax ;No quontient ?
jne short PrNum2
or dx,dx ;No remainder ?
je PrNum3
PrNum2: xchg dx,ax
cmp al,10 ;Covnert it to ascii code
jae PrNum21 ; |
add al,'0'-('A'-10) ; |
PrNum21: add al,'A'-10 ;/
stosb ;Save the remainder
xchg dx,ax
dec bh ;Decrease current number of places
jmp short PrNum1
PrNum3: pop ax ;The fill character
test bh,080h ;Places - overflow ?
jne PrNum6 ;/
or bh,bh ;Places fit exactly ?
je PrNum6 ;/
PrNum4: stosb ;Fill with prefix fill char(s)
dec bh ; |
jne PrNum4 ;/
jmp short PrNum6 ;Skip the ax = 0 case
;If we get here then ax=0 and a zero in the right format must be printed
PrNum5: mov al,'0'
stosb ;Save one zero
dec bh ;One less place
jmp short PrNum3 ;And handle as usual
PrNum6: mov dx,di ;Print it
inc dx ; |
call WriteLn ;/
pop es
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
PrNumBfLn equ 21 ;Buffer length up to 20
PrNumBuf db PrNumBfLn dup(' ') ;Buffer to create the number here
PrNumEnd db '$'
PrintNum endp
;Transfer a string pointed by DS:DX into an integer. The string is terminated
;by a '$' char . Base of convertion is in al (2..16) . Return result in ax
;If succesfull then bx = 0 , else bx = 1 (error) .
Str2Int proc near
push cx
push dx
push si
mov si,dx
mov cl,al ;Save Base in cx
xor ch,ch ;/
xor ax,ax ;Clear current integer value1
cld ;Direction up
Str2In1: mov dx,ax ;Save it temporary
cmp al,'$' ;End of data ?
je Str2In8 ;/
mov ah,cl ;Give Chr2Dig the base
call Chr2Dig
mov bl,al ;Save new digit in bx
xor bh,bh ;/
mov ax,dx ;Get Old integer back
cmp bl,0ffh ;Wrong digit ?
je Str2In7 ;/
mul cx ;Multiply old value by base
add ax,bx ;and add new data
jmp short Str2In1 ;/
Str2In7: mov bx,0001h ;Error
jmp short Str2In9
Str2In8: mov ax,dx ;Get Integer back
mov bx,0000h ;O.K.
Str2In9: pop si
pop dx
pop cx
Str2Int endp
;Return 0ffh in al if the char in al is not a digit in range 0 .. base-1, where
;base is in ah. The digit is given in Ascii form and returned in binary (in al)
Chr2Dig proc near
call ToLower ;if in A..F convert to a..f
sub al,'0'
cmp al,10 ;if hex digit
jb chr2Dg1
sub al,('a'-'0')-10
Chr2Dg1: cmp al,ah ;must be less the base
jb Chr2Dg9
mov al,0ffh ;wrong digit
Chr2Dg9: ret
Chr2dig endp
;COnvert the char in al into lower case :
ToLower proc near
cmp al,'A' ;if below A
jb ToLow9
cmp al,'Z' ;if above Z
ja ToLow9
add al,'a'-'A'
ToLow9: ret
ToLower endp
;Locate the cursor at position X = Dl, Y = Dh (Relative to Top Left of screen)
GotoXY proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov [CursorX],dl ;Save Current position
mov [CursorY],dh ;/
cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'A' ;Is it ascii table window ?
jne GotoXY1 ;/
mov al,[WindowLeftA] ;Preper to add Top Left of window offset
mov ah,[WindowTopA] ;/
jmp short GotoXY9
GotoXY1: cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'C' ;Is it conversion window ?
jne GotoXY2 ;/
mov al,[WindowLeftC] ;Preper to add Top Left of window offset
mov ah,[WindowTopC] ;/
jmp short GotoXY9
GotoXY2: cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'M' ;Is it math window ?
jne GotoXY3 ;/
mov al,[WindowLeftM] ;Preper to add Top Left of window offset
mov ah,[WindowTopM] ;/
jmp short GotoXY9
GotoXY3: cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'S' ;Is it conversion window ?
jne GotoXY4 ;/
mov al,[WindowLeftS] ;Preper to add Top Left of window offset
mov ah,[WindowTopS] ;/
jmp short GotoXY9
GotoXY4: cmp byte ptr [WindowKind],'N' ;Is it Main window ?
jne GotoXY5 ;/
mov al,[WindowLeftN] ;Preper to add Top Left of window offset
mov ah,[WindowTopN] ;/
jmp short GotoXY9
GotoXY9: add dx,ax ;Top Left of window position
mov bh,0 ;Screen number 0
mov ah,BiosLocate
int 010h ;Call Bios
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
GotoXY endp
;Read one character into al (Result) , ah (ScanCode).
ReadCh proc near
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,BiosGetCh
int 016h ;Call Bios
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
ReadCh endp
;Write one character from al, at current cursor location, and advance to next :
WriteCh proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,BiosPutCh
mov bl,[CharAttr] ;SetAttribute
mov bh,000h ;Page 0
mov cx,001h ;Number of Chars
int 010h ;Call Bios
inc byte ptr [CursorX] ;Advance to next char
mov dl,[CursorX] ;by updating Current position
mov dh,[CursorY] ; /
call GotoXY ;/
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
WriteCh endp
;Read one line terminated by CR into the buffer DS:DX :
;In ax the maximum number of chars to read.
;On return ax contains actual number read. '$' sign is entered after the last char
ReadLn proc near
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push es
mov bx,ds ;Copy ds to es
mov es,bx ;/
mov cx,ax ;Maximum to read
mov di,dx ;transfer pointer of buffer
mov si,dx ;/
mov dl,[CursorX] ;GotoXY the right position
mov dh,[CursorY] ; /
call GotoXY ;/
xor dx,dx ;number of chars actually read
ReadLn1: call ReadCh ;Get One char
cmp al,' ' ;Printable ?
jb short ReadLn2
call WriteCh ;Print it
ReadLn2: cmp al,Cr ;Is it Cr ?
je short ReadLn9
cmp al,Escape ;Is it Escape ?
jne short ReadLn3
mov byte ptr [si],'$' ;If Escape pressed - exit with empty
xor ax,ax ;line
jmp short ReadLn91
ReadLn3: cmp al,Bs ;Is it Back Space ?
jne short ReadLn4
or dx,dx ;Buffer not empty ?
je short ReadLn1
dec di ;eliminate one char
dec dx ; /
inc cx ;/
push dx
dec byte ptr [CursorX] ;Return to last char
mov dl,[CursorX] ;by updating Current position
mov dh,[CursorY] ; /
call GotoXY ;/
mov al,' '
call WriteCh ;Erase the char
dec byte ptr [CursorX] ;And return to last char again
mov dl,[CursorX] ;by updating Current position
mov dh,[CursorY] ; /
call GotoXY ;/
pop dx
jmp short ReadLn1
ReadLn4: stosb
inc dx
ReadLn8: loop ReadLn1
ReadLn9: mov al,'$'
mov ax,dx ;back into dx
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
ReadLn endp
;Write one line terminated by a '$' from the buffer DS:DX :
WriteLn proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
xchg bx,dx
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'$'
je WriteLn9
call WriteCh
inc bx
jmp WriteLn1
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
WriteLn endp
OldCursor dw 00000h ;Save old Cursor Position
WindowKind db 000h ;Kind of window : A)scii , C)onversion
CursorX db 00 ;Cursor Position X
CursorY db 00 ;Cursor Position Y
ResActive db 00h ;Prevent from reentrance flag
CharAttr db NormalAttr ;Current attribute to write to screen
ScreenBase dw 0B000h ;Screen Base Address
ScreenOffCur dw 00000h ;Screen Offset - current page
ScreenOffSav dw 00000h ;Screen Offset - saved page
OldKbdHandler dd 00000h ;Save here old keyboard int16h
ReadBuf db 17 dup (' ') ;Save here the user entered data
;Base Conversion Window Parameters and Constants :
BorderC1 db '╔════════════════════════════════╗$' ;Ascii 201,205,187
BorderC21 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderC22 db ' $'
BorderC23 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderC3 db '╚══════════Esc to exit═══════════╝$' ;Ascii 200,205,188
WindowWidthC equ ($ - BorderC3) - 3 ;The Clear width inside
WindowHeightC equ 10 ;Realy number of BorderC2? printing
InstallStamp equ $
HeaderC1 db ' Base Numeric Conversion$'
HeaderC2 db 'Enter number follow by B,O,T,H$'
EnterData db 'Number : $'
Base2 db 'Base 2 : $'
Base8 db 'Base 8 : $'
Base10 db 'Base 10 : $'
Base16 db 'Base 16 : $'
InstallStampLen equ $ - InstallStamp
;Ascii Table Window Parameters and Constants :
CurrentChar db 00 ;The char to start the Ascii table
BorderA1 db '╔═D══H══C╤═D══H══C╤═D══H══C╤═D══H══C╤═D══H══C╤═D══H══C╤═D══H══C╤═D══H══C╗$'
BorderA21 db '║$'
BorderA22 db ' │ │ │ │ │ │ │ $'
BorderA23 db '║$'
BorderA3 db '╚════════╧════Space to Toggle Ascii Low / High , Esc to Exit═══╧════════╝$'
WindowWidthA equ ($ - BorderA3) - 3 ;The Clear width inside
WindowHeightA equ 16 ;Realy number of BorderA2? printing
;Math Calculation Window Parameters and Constants :
BorderM1 db '╔═════Unsigned Calculus══════╗$' ;Ascii 201,205,187
BorderM21 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderM22 db ' $'
BorderM23 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderM3 db '╚════════Esc to exit═════════╝$' ;Ascii 200,205,188
WindowWidthM equ ($ - BorderM3) - 3 ;The Clear width inside
WindowHeightM equ 7 ;Realy number of BorderM2? printing
BaseMchar db 'H' ;Default - base 16
BaseMNum db 16 ; /
BaseMWidth db 4 ;/
HeaderM1 db 'Base (B,O,T,H):$'
HeaderM2 db 'Num1 :$'
HeaderM3 db 'Oper (+,-,*,/) :$'
HeaderM4 db 'Num2 :$'
HeaderM5 db 'Result :$'
HeaderMr db 'Range Error$'
;Scan Code Window Parameters and Constants :
BorderS1 db '╔══Press Any Key══╗$' ;Ascii 201,205,187
BorderS21 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderS22 db ' $'
BorderS23 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderS3 db '╚═══Esc to exit═══╝$' ;Ascii 200,205,188
WindowWidthS equ ($ - BorderS3) - 3 ;The Clear width inside
WindowHeightS equ 4 ;Realy number of BorderM2? printing
HeaderS1 db 'Scan Code:$'
HeaderS2 db 'Hex:$'
HeaderS3 db 'Dec:$'
HeaderS4 db 'Extended$'
;Main Window Parameters and Constants :
BorderN1 db '╔═════════════════════╗$' ;Ascii 201,205,187
BorderN21 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderN22 db ' $'
BorderN23 db '║$' ;Ascii 186
BorderN3 db '╚═════════════════════╝$' ;Ascii 200,205,188
WindowWidthN equ ($ - BorderN3) - 3 ;The Clear width inside
WindowHeightN equ 8 ;Realy number of BorderN2? printing
HeaderN1 db '1. Ascii Table$'
HeaderN2 db '2. Base Conversion$'
HeaderN3 db '3. Math Operations$'
HeaderN4 db '4. Scan Code$'
HeaderN9 db 'Select:$'
EndOfResident Equ $ ;End of resident part
ExistsMsg db 'Conv was already installed, ignored',cr,lf,'$'
InstMsg db 'Conv is installed: Alt - A to activate, '
db 'Elber Gershon 88 Ver 1.1',cr,lf,'$'
;procedure install *
;procedure to install all the system parameters and quit . *
;Test if we already installed this once - search all segments below our CS
;for the existance of the data code "InstallStamp":
;I dont know was is the beginning value of segment to search which will be
;safe for all dos versions, so we start just above the vector interrupt...
mov bx,040h ;End of Vector Interrupt as start seg.
mov ax,cs ;Save current segment in ax
inc bx ;Go to next segment
cmp ax,bx ;if Equal - we didnt find it!
jbe Install2 ;/
mov es,bx
mov si,offset InstallStamp
mov di,si
mov cx,InstallStampLen
repe cmpsb ;Search in current segment
jne Install1
mov dx,offset ExistsMsg ;Print its already installed
mov ah,DosPutLn ; /
int 021h ;/
mov ax,04c01h ;And exit with return code of 1
int 021h ;/
cli ;Disable interrupts
;Save old Keyboard interrupt routine & install ours (Hot key detection) :
mov al,016h ;get old int 16 address
mov ah,035h ; /
int 021h ;/
mov word ptr cs:OldKbdHandler,bx ;save it !
mov word ptr cs:OldKbdHandler[2],es ;/
mov al,016h ;Istall procedure - KbdHandler
mov dx,offset KbdHandler ; |
mov ah,025h ; |
int 021h ;/
sti ;int enable
mov dx,offset InstMsg ;Print it when install
mov ah,DosPutLn ; /
int 021h ;/
;Set the length of resident part (in paragraphs) to leave, and quit:
mov dx,(offset EndOfResident - offset code + 15) shr 4
mov ax,03100h ;Return with ret code 0
int 021h ;Terminate & stay resident
code ends
end starter