PERSONAL: Add names to the file with a"personal" format. The Last Name will be the KEY used for finding the name, and for sorting (alphabetizing) beforeprinting. This format provides space for First and Last Name, 3 Address lines, Phone Number, 8 Categories, an alternative sort field (Re-sort), and 4 memo/comment lines. BUSINESS: Add records to the file witha separate KEY for Selection and printsorts (alphabetizing). So the KEY for the "J. C. Penney Company" could be: "Penny's", "JC Penny" or "Department Stores", depending on how you would like to look it up. This KEY is in addition to the Business Name (the KEYdoes not print on address labels). NOTECARDS: Add records to your file with up to 7 comment lines. These are useful for daily appointment schedulesand miscellaneous notes. Or use them to add comments to printed "Name" typerecords (use the same KEY as for the name, but append "-1" or "-2" etc. to the KEY; for example, if the name is Smith, use Smith-1 on the Notecard). LAST NAME/KEY: Use this method if you want to get records with the exact KEYthat you specify (like "Smith"). The capital letters must match exactly ("smith" is different). The KEY field in the record is either the Last Name (Personal format), or the Key field (Business and Notecard formats). Partial Key: Use this selection methodto get records with KEYs that contain the letter(s) you specify somewhere inthe Key (or Last Name of Personal typerecords). For example, enter "John" or"son" or just "J" to select "Johnson".Capitalization is important: "Jo" willNOT select the same records as "jo". CATEGORY: Selects records when the identical code exists somewhere in the8 Category positions. A record with Category values of "Xj52" is selected if you specify "Xj", "j", "2", etc. But is NOT selected if you specify "X52", "xj" (capitalization!), "a", "Xm", "25", etc. A category is usuallya single letter (B = Bridge Club). PERSONAL NAMES: Selects records that were added to the file using the "Personal" format. These names can be shown to you one at a time on your monitor, or they will all be selected for printed reports. All "selection" methods work the same way with each Menu Option (Print,Change, Delete, Inquire, and Model). BUSINESS NAMES: Selects records that were added to the file using the "Business" format. These names can be shown to you one at a time on your monitor, or they will all be selected for printed reports. ALL NAMES: Selects records that were added to the file using either the "Personal" or "Business" formats. These names can be shown to you one at a time on your monitor, or they will all be selected for printed reports. NOTECARDS: Selects records that were put on your file using the "Notecard" format. These records will be shown one at a time on your monitor, or theywill all be selected for printing. However, certain printed formats doNOT support Notecards (like Labels), and then you will see the message "No Notes" on the bottom monitor line.EVERY RECORD: Selects all records currently on the file. Records that were "deleted" will not be selected. If you are selecting records for printing, then Notecard records will be skipped when the output format is Labels, or when the format is Address Book or Page Size and you did not pickALL or EVERYTHING for "Which Data." Record Number: Choose records by theirnumber to get only the exact record you want. This can be useful if you have many records on the file with identical Keys (like "Smith"). The record number appears when the record is displayed on your monitor, and in certain printed reports. 1 UP LABELS: Prints mailing labels, commonly used for addressing letters and parcels. "1 UP" means one across, or one per row in your printer. NamePal supports four of the most common label widths (3, 3 1/2, 4, and 5 inches), which can be purchased at most computer supply stores. 2 UP LABELS: Prints mailing label stickers used for addressing parcels or envelopes. "2 UP" means two across,or two per row in your printer. Since your printer may not work with the wider labels and multiple labels per row, it is a good idea to try printing some "labels" on plain paper before purchasing actual labels.3 UP LABELS: Prints mailing labels for addressing envelopes and parcels. "3 UP" means three across, or three per row in the printer. The "Avery" type (self-adhesive) label is generally the best kind to use. You can peel these labels off their special backing sheets, and stick them directly onto envelopes. ADDRESS BOOK: Prints pocked-sized book"pages," which can be cut along the dotted lines, stapled to a special backing sheet, and put into the cover that comes when you register NamePal. You can choose to print Name/Phone only, or add Address, or add Address and Comment information. The book usesordinary 8 1/2 by 11 computer paper. PAGE SIZE: Prints a variety of reportson single sheets of 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper, or on "continuous" computer forms. You may choose which records to print using one of NamePal's nine Selection schemes, and then choose which data to print from each record. This format is good for club rosters, phone lists, and complete file dumps. FILE CARDS: Prints selected records onRotary File (Rolodex) or 3x5 cards. You can print both Name and Notecard record formats, and select only the portion of the Name format that you wish to print. PHONE & NAME: Prints only the Name andPhone data from selected records. Whenprinted using the Full Page format, the report is in two columns that are alphabetized down the column instead of across the page. Personal formats print Last Name, First, Phone; while Business formats print Business Name and Phone only. NAME & ADDRESS: Prints only Name and Address data from selected records, without Phone, Category, and Comment information. Personal format records print First and Last Name on the firstline, while Business format records print the Business Name (the Business KEY does not print when you are using this option). PHONE/NAME/ADDRESS: Prints like the "Name & Address" option, but adds the Phone number. In Address Books, Phone prints on the 1st (name) line. So the name may be shortened to make room forthe complete phone number. On Page Size and File Card formats, the phone will print on the first line that has available space. ALL (NO PHONE): Prints all the data from each selected record except for the Phone Number. This will include Categories and Comments if any have been entered on the record. EVERYTHING: All the data that has beenentered into records will be used on printed reports. This choice allows "Notecard" and "Name" formats to be printed together when you select the Address Book, Page Size, or File Card report formats (Note: Category, RecordNumber, and Re-sort fields do not print in the Address Book). LABEL WIDTH: Mailing Labels come in a variety of different widths. You can choose to print labels in any of the following widths: 3, 3 1/2, 4, and 5 inches. The other dimension for all widths is 15/16 inch tall. Labels may be one, two, or three across each row.Be careful not to choose a combinationthat is wider than your printer. CARD SIZE: NamePal lets you choose either of the commonly used sizes for Rotary File (Rolodex) cards: 2 1/6 x 4or 3 x 5 inches. The 3 x 5 size will also work with standard note cards. Ifyou are printing more than a single card, you should use the continuous form (computer) cards. ADD: Select this option to put new records on your file. You can add new records in three different formats: Personal, Business, and Notecard. As you type in each line of data, you can use the cursor keys (up, down,left, right), DELete, INSert, and BACKSPACE to make changes and correct mistakes. CHANGE: Select this option to revise data you have entered before. You can use the cursor keys (up, down, left, right), DELete, INSert, and BACKSPACE to help you make the changes. When you are finished making the changes, you can leave that screen by pressing the F1 function key, or by pushing ENTER on the last data line. DELETE: Use this option to get rid of records you don't want anymore. Each selected record is displayed with the phrase "Delete this one (Y/N)?" Reply "Y"(es) and the record will be deletedfrom the file. The space occupied by deleted records is used by new recordsas they are added to the file. INQUIRE: Used to view, but not change,names in your file. Choose any of the nine NamePal SELECTION methods to pickwhich records to look at. Records are shown one at a time on your monitor. MODEL: Use this function to add names that are similar to existing ones. Forexample, for people living at the sameaddress, ADD the first one, then use MODEL for the rest. You can also create "templates" forappointment calendars, bibliographies,note taking, etc. and then use MODEL whenever you need a new one. PRINT: Use this option to list names and other data on your printer. First choose the "Output Format" (labels, Address Book, etc.), then select whichpart of each record to print (Name, Address, Phone, etc.), and finally useone of NamePal's Selection methods to pick the specific records you wish to print. REVISE CATEGORIES: Define the categoryletters (or other symbols) that you use. For example, if you use "A" for people in your Art Class, save that description. When you Add or Change records, NamePal will show you these definitions. NamePal will also warn you if you use a Category that has notbeen described (CATEGORY NOT DEFINED).STATES & AREA CODES: State tables showthe official Post Office two-letter state abbreviations. Area Code tables list all telephone area codes for the U.S. and Canada in numerical sequence.This can be useful if you get phone messages with unfamiliar area codes, and wish to know the state and approx-imate time zone of the caller. HELP: When requested, NamePal will display messages that describe the functions you are using. To see HELP messages, press the Function Key that corresponds to the menu item number you want help with. For example, to get HELP with "2. Change" on the main menu, push the F2 Function Key. AL-Alabama FL-Florida LA-LouisianaAK-Alaska GA-Georgia ME-Maine AZ-Arizona HI-Hawaii MD-Maryland AR-Arkansas ID-Idaho MA-Mass. CA-Calif. IL-Illinois MI-Michigan CO-Colorado IN-Indiana MN-MinnesotaCT-Conn. IA-Iowa MS-Miss. DE-Delaware KS-Kansas MO-Missouri DC-Dist.Col. KY-Kentucky MT-Montana NE-Nebraska OK-Oklahoma UT-Utah NV-Nevada OR-Oregon VT-Vermont NH-New Hamp. PA-Penn. VA-Virginia NJ-NewJersey PR-Prt. Rico VI-Virgin IsNM-NewMexico RI-Rhode Is. WA-Wash. NY-New York SC-S.Caroln. WV-W.VirginaNC-N.Caroln. SD-S.Dakota WI-WisconsinND-N.Dakota TN-Tennessee WY-Wyoming OH-Ohio TX-Texas 201-NJ 212-NY 301-MD 312-IL 202-DC 213-CA 302-DE 313-MI 203-CT 214-TX 303-CO 314-MO 204-Can. 215-PA 304-WV 315-NY 205-AL 216-OH 305-FL 316-KS 206-WA 217-IL 306-Can. 317-IN 207-ME 218-MN 307-WY 318-LA 208-ID 219-IN 308-NE 319-IA 209-CA 309-IL 401-RI 412-PA 501-AR 512-TX 402-NE 413-MA 502-KY 513-OH 403-Can. 414-WI 503-OR 514-Can.404-GA 415-CA 504-LA 515-IA 405-OK 416-Can. 505-NM 516-NY 406-MT 417-MO 506-Can. 517-MI 408-CA 418-Can. 507-MN 518-NY 409-TX 419-OH 509-WA 519-Can. 601-MS 612-MN 701-ND 712-IA 602-AZ 613-Can. 702-NV 713-TX 603-NH 614-OH 703-VA 714-CA 604-Can. 615-TN 704-NC 715-WI 605-SD 616-MI 705-Can. 716-NY 606-KY 617-MA 707-CA 717-PA 607-NY 618-IL 709-Can. 718-NY 608-WI 619-CA 609-NJ 801-UT 812-IN 901-TN 912-GA 802-VT 813-FL 902-Can. 913-KS 803-SC 814-PA 904-FL 914-NY 804-VA 815-IL 906-MI 915-TX 805-CA 816-MO 907-AK 916-CA 806-TX 817-TX 918-OK 807-Can. 818-CA 919-NC 808-HI 819-Can. Export BACKUP: Used to create a file for restore, or for transfer to other NamePal users. Normal "selection" can be used to limit the records written to the backup file. You may specify the device and filename (e.g. B:NAME),and NamePro will add ".NPB" as the extension. If you omit the device, thedefault drive letter is used. SK DIALER: Creates a file for Sidekick(or compatible Desktop Managers), to use in place of PHONE.DIR (change the Sidekick default to the name you pick plus ".NPB" extension). This file willhave the NamePal Last Name/Key, Phone,plus First or Business Name, and the initial Comment field, if used. WORD PROCESSING: Creates an Export file in Word Processing format (each data field is on a separate line when displayed by the DOS TYPE command). You may choose a Mail Merge format which has only name and address data, or the "All data" format which exportsall the information stored in NamePal,for each selected record. SDF: Exports NamePal data using Space Delimited File format. The 1st letter identifies the record type (p=Personalb=Business), followed by Category (8 spaces), Last Name/Key (17), Re-sort (10), First/Business Name (28), Phone (14), three Address Fields (28 each), four Comments (29 each), Date Added (6), and Date Changed (6). DIF: Exports data using the Data Interchange Format. See help message for SDF to get data field order, sinceit's the same for both. DIF files haveeach piece of data enclosed in quotes,with commas separating them. Quotationmarks (") in your data may affect someprograms, since it's meaning in DIF isalso the end of a data item. LOAD BACKUP: This will "import" a filefor restore/appending that was writtenby the NamePal "Export Backup." These "backup" records may be used to add toyour current file, or to replace it entirely (restore). You must enter thesame file name (device optional) used when the backup was created. NamePal adds a .NPB extension to your name. WORD PROCESSING: This will import datafrom other programs, if it is in the Word Processing format (each data itemseparated by "line feed" and "carriagereturn" characters). If you use DOS TYPE on the file, each "field" (name, phone, etc.) is on a separate line. You must specify which "fields" are onthe file, & their order (1st,2nd,etc).SDF (Space Delimited File): Imports records in the SDF format (each data field takes the same number of spaces in all records, say Name=15, Phone=9).Records are separated by "carriage return" and "line feed" characters. For SDF format, you must know which data fields are on the file, their order, and the length of each field. DIF (Data Interchange Format): Importsrecords in the DIF format (each data field has quotes at the start and end,and there are commas between fields). Records are separated by "carriage return" and "line feed" characters. For DIF format, you must know which data fields are on the file, and theirorder (1st, 2nd, etc.). Welcome to NamePal This program manages a data base ofname records, and then prints the onesyou select in a pocket-sized book, or on mailing labels, Rolodex cards, or 8 1/2 by 11 inch pages. NamePal is easy to use. These instructions will introduce you to NamePal. NamePal is a completely menu drivensystem. This means that you will tell NamePal what to do by selecting one choice from a "menu" of different functions. You can do this by pressingthe 1st letter of the menu item, or bymoving the hi-lite with the up or downcursor keys and pressing <Enter>, or by pressing the menu item's number. There are 3 kinds of records you can add: Personal, Business, and Note-card. Personal and Business are "name and address" records, and are very similar. They both contain places for name, address, phone, category, and comment data. The difference between Personal and Business formats is the way they are stored and printed. Personal records are alphabeticallysorted by Last Name. Business records are sorted by a KEY you supply that isseparate from the Business Name. This lets you alphabetize Penny's under "P"and Levi's under "L" while your labelsfor mailing will say: J. C. Penny Levi Strauss & Co. The last type of record is the Notecard. This type is a freeform layout that lets you enter up to 7 lines with any kind of information. This can be used for miscellaneous notes, or additional comments for "name" records (use the same KEY as the "name" with a suffix, for example Smith-1). HELP: When requested, NamePal will display messages that describe the functions you are using. To see HELP messages, press the Function Key that corresponds to the menu item number you want help with. For example, to get HELP with "2. Change" on the main menu, push the F2 Function Key. Record Selection: There are a number of ways to access records on a NamePalfile. These selection techniques work the same way for all functions: model,delete, change, inquire, & printing. Regardless of what you do with records after selection, the way you choose them is the same. Selection by Key: If you type in the full record Key, NamePal will select all records with exactly that Key. Forexample, if you enter "Smith" those records with "Smith" as a Last Name (Personal format) or separate Key (Business or Notecard format) are chosen, but Keys like "Smithers" are not selected. Partial Key: If you use "partial" key selection, NamePal selects all recordswhose Keys contain the values you enter. For example, type "Sm" or "th" and then "Smith" and "Smithers" are choosen. As with all searches, the capital letters make a difference: "Sm" is not the same as "SM" or "sm". Record Number: Choose records by theirnumber to get only the exact record you want. This can be useful if you have many records on the file with identical Keys (like "Smith"). The record number appears when the record is displayed on your monitor, and in certain printed reports. Categories: A "category" is a way of classifying a group of records. For example, you might assign people who are in your Cooking class into a "C" category. Then you could select all records with a "C" category and print a roster of the class, or print labelsfor the class to mail them some kind of announcement. You can define the category lettersthat you use with REVISE CATEGORIES onthe Main Menu. So, if you use "A" for people in your Art Class, save that description. When you Add or Change records, NamePal will show you these definitions. NamePal will also warn you if you use a Category that has notbeen described (CATEGORY NOT DEFINED). If you register your use of NamePalby sending in the $19.95 fee, you willreceive a TRANSFER program to Export &Import name files. It also exports formail merge, or memory resident phone dialing/directories (like Sidekick). It will also save all, or a portion, of your file to give to another user of NamePal. Adding Records When you want to put new records onthe file, NamePal will provide a blankline for each piece of data (First Name, Last Name, etc.). As you type inthe data, you can use the Backspace, Del(ete), Ins(ert), and arrow (cursor)keys to move around on the screen and correct mistakes. Change and Model To revise existing records, choose the record using any selection method.You can then change any data using thesame editing keys (cursor keys, etc.) as during the "Add" mode. The "Model" feature is similar to Change, but the revised item is added as a new record,& the original record is unchanged. Printing The best way to learn the various listoptions is to try them out. Select oneor two records for each format to see what they look like. When you start printing for real, selecting a few test records is a good way to ensure that mailing labels and Rolodex cards are lined up correctly in the printer. Address Book These book "pages" are printed on regular 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. You can "preview" the book on your monitorto compare the various output styles: 1. Name, phone 2. Name, address, phone 3. Name, address, phone, comments Summary This concludes the introduction to NamePal. A good way to get started isto experiment a bit. Try adding some records. Then change, print, "model,"and delete them until you get used to the commands. If you need HELP, use the Function Keys shown on the menu's. WARNING You have reached the 100 name limitof this version of NamePal. To receivea version that holds 1,000 names (and also get address book covers, mountingcards, & Export/Import program) send WR Software $19.95 to: P.O. Box 4819 Walnut Creek, CA 94596VARY COLOR: If you have a color monitor, you can use this option to change the colors on your screen. Eachtime you select menu items FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND, the display will changeto a new color. Select QUIT when you have the colors you want. These new colors will appear whenever you use NamePal. Sequence: Use this menu to re-arrange (or "sort") records into the order youwant. Choose "Name (Key)" to put them in alphabetic order by Last Name (for Personal format), or "Key" (Business and Notecard format). "Re-sort" puts them in order by the RE-SORT value in each record. "File Rec #" puts data inthe Record Number order of the file. PAPER (SINGLE SHEETS or CONTINUOUS FORMS): NamePal PAGE SIZE and ADDRESS BOOK formats use 8 1/2 x 11 computer pages of both types. Select "Single Sheets" if you insert individual pagesinto your printer. Select "Continuous"if your printer uses computer paper that is attached one sheet to the next(with "pin feed" holes on the sides). - Welcome to NamePal - This is user supported software, or Shareware. You are encouraged to make copies for your friends, as well as try out the program to see if you likeit. If you do like it and want to use it regularly, please register your useby sending $19.95 to: WR Software, PO Box 4819, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. Mail Merge or All Data Fields: The Word Processing Export provides for 2 output formats. The Mail Merge choice writes 4 lines of Name and Address data for each selected name. The "All"choice writes writes 15 lines, some ofwhich will probably be blank, for eachname (this represents all the possibledata held by NamePal). Type Personal or Business: When you Import data into NamePal, the program needs to know how to store the names. If your Import file does not have a Record Type field, you will need to specify whether to store the data in the Personal or the Business format. All imported records will be saved using the format you choose. PRINT PAGES (One or Both Sides): You can print Address Books on both sides of each page. This requires that you use single sheets of paper, loading first one side, and then the other. Ifthe back side doesn't line up with thefront, move the paper guide (tractors)half the distance of mis-allignment, so each side is centered on the page. When you register, you receive the following: latest version of NamePal program, 2 "pocket-size" vinyl AddressBook covers, book mounting templates, free telephone support, documentation,& a separate Export/Import program fortrading name data with other software. (NEW USERS: Choose HELP on first menu)