pAb Sample Robert A. (425)765-4321 247 Ninth Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94596 This example is a PERSONAL format. The KEY to this item is the Last Name of "Sample." 062586121886
bC Sample 94732 I M Sample Company 765-4321 217 E. Rudgear Road Concord, CA 94732 This example is a BUSINESS format. The KEY is separate from the Name in this format. 062586121886
bABDef I. M. Demo I. M. Demo Co. 455-3838 16 Main Street San Luis Obispo, Calif. 94332-6675 This record is another sampleof the Business format. 101386121886
nb Sample This example is a NOTECARD format. It is very different from the "name" formats, but again "Sample" is the KEY. You can have up to 7 lines ofcomments on each NOTECARD. 111186121886