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C/C++ Source or Header
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/* ::[[ @(#) brik.c 1.55 89/07/12 03:31:06 ]]:: */
#ifndef LINT
static char sccsid[]="::[[ @(#) brik.c 1.55 89/07/12 03:31:06 ]]::";
#define DATESTAMP "1989/07/11"
#define VERSION "2.0"
(c) Copyright 1989 Rahul Dhesi, All rights reserved. Permission is
granted to use, copy, and distribute this file under the terms of the
GNU General Public License version 1.0.
Checksum: 2990338384 (check or update this with "brik")
static char copyright[] =
Copyright 1989 Rahul Dhesi, All rights reserved. Use and distribution is\n\
permitted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 1.0.\n\
The following code assumes the ASCII character set and 8-bit bytes.
#ifndef OK_STDIO
# include <stdio.h>
# define OK_STDIO
#include "brik.h" /* configuration options */
#include "assert.h"
typedef unsigned long tcrc; /* type of crc value -- same as in addbfcrc.c */
#ifdef GENTAB
void mkcrctab PARMS ((void));
#endif /* GENTAB */
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
FILE *fopen PARMS ((char *filename, char *mode));
char *nextfile PARMS ((int, char *, int));
char *strcat PARMS ((char *, char *));
char *strchr PARMS ((char *, char));
char *strcpy PARMS ((char *, char *));
char *strncat PARMS ((char *, char *, int));
int strcmp PARMS ((char *, char *));
int strlen PARMS ((char *));
void exit PARMS ((int status));
#endif /* STDINCLUDE */
/* twilight zone functions -- may or may not be standard */
int main PARMS ((int, char **));
int getopt PARMS ((int, char **, char *));
/* our own functions */
FILE *efopen PARMS ((char *filename, char *mode, int errlevel));
char suffix PARMS ((void));
char *nextfile PARMS ((int, char *, int));
void dofname PARMS ((char *));
void dofptr PARMS ((FILE *, char *));
int lowerit PARMS ((int));
void printhdr PARMS ((void));
void readnames PARMS ((FILE *));
void updatefile PARMS ((FILE *, long, tcrc, char *));
int whole_check PARMS ((FILE *, char *));
tcrc findcrc PARMS ((FILE *, char *, int *));
tcrc xatol PARMS ((char *));
void addbfcrc PARMS ((char *, int));
void brktst PARMS ((void));
void hdrcrc PARMS ((FILE *, char *));
void longhelp PARMS ((void));
void shorthelp PARMS ((void));
void showerr PARMS ((char *, int));
/* the following constants can be changed if you know what you are doing */
#define ERRLIMIT 127 /* exit(n) returns n not exceeding this */
#define LINESIZE 8192 /* handle lines of up to this length */
#define ERRBUFSIZ 1024 /* buffer size for perror() message */
#define BACKSIZE 1024 /* how much to seek back looking for header */
#define BINTABSIZ 256 /* size of binary char test table */
# define Z_THRESHOLD 10 /* see how CTRLZ_CHECK is used later */
#endif /* CTRLZ_CHECK */
/* the following constants should not be changed */
#define MYNL 10 /* newline for CRC calculation */
#define PATTERN "Checksum:" /* look for this header */
#define CHARSINCRC 10 /* characters in CRC */
#define CMTCH '#' /* begins comment in CRC list */
/* error levels */
#define LVL_WARN 0
#define LVL_ERR 1
#define LVL_FATAL 2
# define strchr index
#endif /* USEINDEX */
#ifdef NOTRAIL_B /* avoid trailing "b" in mode string */
# define BRIK_RD "r"
# define BRIK_RW "r+"
# define BRIK_RDB "r"
# define BRIK_RD "r"
# define BRIK_RW "r+"
# define BRIK_RDB "rb"
#endif /* NOTRAIL_B */
#define whitespace(x) (strchr(" \t\n",(x)) != NULL)
/* format strings for printing CRCs and filenames etc. */
static char ok[] = "ok ";
static char bad[] = "BAD";
static char blank[] = " ";
static char fmtstr[] = "%10lu%c %s %s\n";
static char hdrfmt[] = "Checksum: %10lu %s\n";
static char version[] = VERSION;
char bintab[BINTABSIZ]; /* binary char test table */
int patlen; /* length of PATTERN */
int errcount = 0; /* count of errors */
int gen1 = 0; /* generate CRCs for all files */
int gen2 = 0; /* generate CRCs for files with headers */
int silent = 0; /* be silent, just set error status */
int quiet = 0; /* talks less, but not completely silent */
int verbose = 0; /* be verbose, print message for good files too */
int updfile = 0; /* update file by inserting CRC */
int check1 = 0; /* whether to check header crcs */
int check2 = 0; /* whether to check whole file crcs */
int fromfile = 0; /* read filenames from a file */
int binary = 0; /* manipulate binary file */
int trailing = 0; /* include trailing empty lines */
int prthdr = 0; /* print Checksum: XXXXXXXXXX header */
int autocheck = 0; /* brik must decide if text or binary */
int is_stdin = 0; /* current file is stdin */
int doubtful = 0; /* text but doubtful */
#ifdef DEBUG
int debugging = 0;
/* opens file, prints error message if can't open */
FILE *efopen (fname, mode, level)
char *fname; /* filename to open */
char *mode; /* mode, e.g. "r" or "r+" */
int level; /* error level */
FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen (fname, mode);
if (fptr == NULL)
showerr (fname, level);
return (fptr);
/* LOWERIT is a function or macro that returns lowercase of a character */
#ifndef LOWERIT
# define LOWERIT lowerit
# else
# define LOWERIT(c) ((c)>='A' && (c)<='Z' ? ('a'-'A')+(c) : (c))
# endif
/* Function needed by SEEKFIX code even if a macro is available */
int lowerit (c) int c; /* returns lowercase of an ASCII character */
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return (('a'-'A') + c);
else return (c);
/* STRNICMP is a case-insensitive strncmp */
#ifndef STRNICMP
int STRNICMP (s1, s2, n)
register char *s1, *s2;
int n;
assert (n >= 0);
assert (LOWERIT('X') == 'x');
assert (LOWERIT('*') == '*');
for ( ; LOWERIT(*s1) == LOWERIT(*s2); s1++, s2++) {
if (--n == 0 || *s1 == '\0')
return(LOWERIT(*s1) - LOWERIT(*s2));
#endif /* STRNICMP */
# define BRINCMP(s1,s2,n) (LOWERIT(*(s1))!=LOWERIT(*(s2))||STRNICMP(s1,s2,n))
#define xdigit(x) ((x) >= '0' && (x) <= '9')
xatol is given a string that (supposedly) begins with a string
of digits. It returns a corresponding positive numeric value.
tcrc xatol (str)
char *str;
tcrc retval;
retval = 0L;
while (xdigit(*str)) {
retval = retval * 10L + (*str-'0');
return (retval);
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int i;
int c; /* next option letter */
int count = 0; /* count of required options seen */
char *infname; /* name of file to read filenames from */
FILE *infptr; /* open file ptr for infname */
extern int optind; /* from getopt: next arg to process */
extern int opterr; /* used by getopt */
opterr = 1; /* so getopt will print err msg */
argv[0] = "brik"; /* for getopt to use */
patlen = strlen (PATTERN);
#ifdef DEBUG
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "cCgGasqvWHfbThd")) != EOF)
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "cCgGasqvWHfbTh")) != EOF)
switch (c) {
case 'a': autocheck++; binary = 0; trailing = 0; break;
case 'c': check1++; count++; break;
case 'C': check2++; count++; break;
case 'g': gen1++; count++; break;
case 'G': gen2++; count++; break;
case 's': silent++; verbose = 0; break;
case 'q': quiet++; verbose = 0; break;
case 'v': verbose++; silent = 0; break;
case 'W': updfile++; break;
case 'f': fromfile++; break;
case 'b': binary++; autocheck = 0; trailing = 0; break;
case 'T': trailing++; binary = 0; autocheck = 0; break;
case 'H': prthdr++; break;
#ifdef DEBUG
case 'd': debugging++; break;
case 'h': longhelp();
case '?': shorthelp();
if (count != 1)
if (binary && (check1 || gen1)) {
fprintf (stderr, "brik: fatal: Can't read or update CRC header in binary mode\n");
exit (1);
if ((updfile || prthdr) && !gen1) {
fprintf (stderr, "brik: fatal: Use of -W and -H requires -g\n");
exit (1);
#if 0
if (gen1 || gen2 && !updfile)
silent = 0;
if (gen1)
autocheck = 0;
#ifdef GENTAB
/* generate CRC table */
#endif /* GENTAB */
/* initialize binary char test table */
for (i = 0; i < BINTABSIZ; i++) {
if ( (i < 7) || (i > 13 && i < 26) || (i > 126)) /*ASCII binary chars*/
bintab[i] = 1;
bintab[i] = 0;
i = optind;
if (fromfile) { /* read filenames from file */
if (i >= argc) { /* need filenames after -f */
fprintf (stderr, "brik: fatal: Filename(s) needed after -f\n");
exit (1);
for (; i < argc; i++) {
infname = argv[i];
if (strcmp(infname, "-") == 0) { /* "-" means stdin */
readnames (stdin);
} else {
extern char *nextfile();
nextfile (0, infname, 0); /* initialize fileset 0 */
while ((infname = nextfile(1, (char *) NULL, 0)) != NULL) {
infptr = efopen (infname, BRIK_RD, LVL_ERR);
readnames (infptr);
fclose (infptr);
infptr = efopen (infname, BRIK_RD, LVL_ERR);
readnames (infptr);
fclose (infptr);
#endif /* WILDCARD */
} else { /* read filenames from command line */
if (i >= argc) {
#ifndef BIN_STDIN_OK
if (binary && !check2) {
fprintf (stderr, "brik: fatal: Can't handle stdin in binary mode\n");
exit (1);
is_stdin = 1;
dofptr (stdin, "stdin"); /* if no files, read stdin */
} else {
for (; i < argc; i ++) {
extern char *nextfile();
char *one_name; /* a matching filename */
nextfile (0, argv[i], 0); /* initialize fileset 0 */
while ((one_name = nextfile(1, (char *) NULL, 0)) != NULL)
dofname (one_name);
dofname (argv[i]);
#endif /* WILDCARD */
if (errcount > ERRLIMIT)
errcount = ERRLIMIT; /* don't overflow status code */
exit (errcount);
return (errcount); /* to keep turbo c and lint happy */
** Reads names from supplied file pointer and handles them. Just
** returns if supplied NULL file pointer. Will also expand wildcards
** in names read from this file.
void readnames (infptr)
FILE *infptr;
char buf[LINESIZE];
if (infptr == NULL)
while (fgets (buf, LINESIZE, infptr) != NULL) {
char *fname; /* matching filename */
extern char *nextfile();
#endif /* WILDCARD */
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; /* zap trailing newline */
nextfile (0, buf, 1); /* initialize fileset 1 */
while ((fname = nextfile(1, (char *) NULL, 1)) != NULL) {
dofname (fname);
dofname (buf);
#endif /* WILDCARD */
/* do one filename */
void dofname (this_arg)
char *this_arg;
FILE *this_file;
char *mode; /* "r", "rb", "rw", etc. for fopen */
#ifdef BRKTST
extern void brktst();
if (autocheck)
binary = 0; /* always begin by assuming text */
if (strcmp(this_arg,"-") == 0) {
#ifndef BIN_STDIN_OK
if (binary && !check2) {
fprintf (stderr, "brik: fatal: Can't handle stdin in binary mode\n");
exit (1);
is_stdin = 1;
this_file = stdin;
this_arg = "stdin";
} else {
if (updfile) {
assert (!binary);
this_file = efopen (this_arg, BRIK_RW, LVL_ERR);
} else {
if (binary && !check2) /* check2 reads filenames, not data */
mode = BRIK_RDB;
mode = BRIK_RD;
this_file = efopen (this_arg, mode, LVL_ERR);
if (this_file == NULL)
else {
#ifdef NOCASE
char *p;
for (p = this_arg; *p != '\0'; p++)
*p = LOWERIT(*p);
dofptr (this_file, this_arg);
if (this_file != NULL)
fclose (this_file);
/* returns appropriate suffix character for CRC, based on global flags */
char suffix()
return (doubtful ? '*' : (binary ? 'b' : (trailing ? 'T' : ' ')));
** Do one file pointer. Decides if CRC header will be read or written,
** or whether just the whole file will be read.
void dofptr (fptr, fname)
FILE *fptr;
char *fname;
int retval; /* return value from findcrc */
if (check2)
whole_check (fptr, fname); /* do whole file check from list */
else if (gen1 || check1) /* header-based CRC check or update */
hdrcrc (fptr, fname);
else { /* whole-file CRC calculation */
extern tcrc crccode;
assert (gen2);
(void) findcrc (fptr, fname, &retval);
if (!silent) {
if (!binary && retval == 1)
doubtful = 1; /* tell suffix() it's '*' */
printf (fmtstr, crccode, suffix(), blank, fname);
is_stdin = 0; /* set, but not reset, by our caller */
doubtful = 0; /* sphagetti code, need to fix later */
/* Does whole file check from a list of files and CRCs */
whole_check (fptr, listname)
FILE *fptr; /* open file ptr of CRC list file */
char *listname; /* name of CRC list file */
tcrc fcrc; /* recorded crc */
char *fname; /* name of file whose CRC being checked */
char buf [LINESIZE]; /* line buffer */
char *p; /* temp ptr */
FILE *orgfile; /* file pointer for original file to check */
int lino = 0; /* line no. in list file for error msg */
char *mode; /* mode string for fopen */
while (fgets (buf, LINESIZE, fptr) != NULL) {
p = buf;
if (*p == CMTCH) /* skip comment lines */
while (*p != '\0' && whitespace(*p)) /* skip whitespace */
if (*p == '\0')
continue; /* skip empty lines */
if (!xdigit(*p))
goto badline;
fcrc = xatol (p); /* recorded CRC */
while (xdigit(*p))
p++; /* skip past numeric chars */
doubtful = binary = trailing = 0;
if (*p == 'b') /* 'b' means binary */
binary = 1;
if (*p == 'T') /* 'T' means trailing mode */
trailing = 1;
if (*p == '*')
doubtful = 1; /* text but doubtful */
while (*p != '\0' && !whitespace(*p)) /* to whitespace */
while (whitespace(*p)) /* skip whitespace */
if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\0') { /* if at end of line */
goto badline;
fname = p;
while (*p != '\0' && !whitespace(*p)) /* skip to whitespace */
*p = '\0'; /* null-terminate filename */
if (binary)
mode = BRIK_RDB;
mode = BRIK_RD;
orgfile = efopen (fname, mode, LVL_ERR);
if (orgfile == NULL) {
} else {
int retval;
tcrc foundcrc;
assert (!(binary && trailing));
foundcrc = findcrc (orgfile, fname, &retval);
if (foundcrc == fcrc) {
if (verbose)
printf (fmtstr, foundcrc, suffix(), ok, fname);
} else {
if (!silent)
printf (fmtstr, foundcrc, suffix(), bad, fname);
errcount ++;
if (orgfile != NULL)
fclose (orgfile);
fprintf (stderr,
"brik: error: Abandoning %s due to badly formatted line %d\n",
listname, lino);
Initializing the CRC to all one bits avoids failure of detection
should entire data stream get cyclically bit-shifted by one position.
The calculation of the probability of this happening is left as
an exercise for the reader.
** hdrcrc processes one file given an open file pointer
** and the filename. The filename is used for messages etc.
** It does all manipulation of header-related CRCs, i.e.,
** checking generating header CRC. It deals only with text files.
void hdrcrc (fptr, fname)
FILE *fptr;
char *fname;
char buf[LINESIZE];
int lino = 0;
char *ptr;
tcrc fcrc; /* crc recorded in file */
extern tcrc crccode;
int retval; /* return value from findcrc */
long hdrpos; /* where we found crc header in file */
crccode = INITCRC;
assert (!binary);
#ifndef NIXSEEK
hdrpos = ftell (fptr);
while (fgets (buf, LINESIZE, fptr) != NULL) {
#ifdef BRKTST
extern void brktst();
if (BRINCMP (buf, PATTERN, patlen) == 0) { /* found header */
#ifdef NIXSEEK
hdrpos = ftell (fptr); /* seek posn of line with header */
ptr = buf + patlen; /* point to beyond header */
while (*ptr != '\0' && whitespace(*ptr))
ptr++; /* skip white space */
fcrc = xatol (ptr); /* get stored crc */
while (xdigit(*ptr))
ptr++; /* skip past digits */
if (check1) {
if (*ptr == 'T') /* if 'T' suffix then */
trailing = 1; /* ..include trailing empty lines */
trailing = 0;
/* find CRC for rest of file */
(void) findcrc (fptr, fname, &retval);
if (gen1) { /* generating CRC */
if (updfile) { /* if updating file posn */
updatefile (fptr, hdrpos, crccode, fname); /* then do it */
if (prthdr && !silent) /* printing header */
printf (hdrfmt, crccode, fname);
} else {
if (prthdr && !silent) /* printing header */
printf (hdrfmt, crccode, fname);
else if (!silent)
printf (fmtstr, crccode, suffix(), blank, fname);
} else { /* checking CRC */
if (fcrc == crccode) {
if (verbose)
printf (fmtstr, crccode, suffix(), ok, fname);
} else {
if (!silent)
printf (fmtstr, crccode, suffix(), bad, fname);
errcount ++;
} /* end if (BRINCMP (...) ) */
#ifndef NIXSEEK
hdrpos = ftell (fptr);
} /* end of while (fgets(...)) */
/* reach here if header not found -- this is an error */
if (!silent)
printf ("%10s %s\n", "????", fname);
/* update file with CRC -- must be seekable */
void updatefile (fptr, hdrpos, crccode, fname)
FILE *fptr;
long hdrpos;
tcrc crccode;
char *fname;
char buf[LINESIZE];
int buflen; /* will hold count of chars in buf */
int chars_to_print; /* chars needed to fill in CRC */
1 for blank, CHARSINCRC for actual CRC, and possibly
1 more for 'T' suffix if including trailing empty lines too
chars_to_print = 1 + CHARSINCRC + (trailing ? 1 : 0);
#ifndef NIXSEEK
/* hdrpos is already seek position of header */
if (fseek (fptr, hdrpos, 0) != 0) { /* seek back */
"brik: error: No CRC written, seek failed on %s\n",fname);
fgets (buf, LINESIZE, fptr);
if (BRINCMP (buf, PATTERN, patlen) == 0)
goto foundit;
"brik: error: No CRC written, header lost in %s\n",fname);
/* Following code does fseeks in a non-ANSI-conformant way */
/* hdrpos is seek position *after* header was read. Need to get back */
if (hdrpos >= BACKSIZE)
hdrpos -= BACKSIZE;
hdrpos = 0L;
if (fseek (fptr, hdrpos, 0) != 0) { /* seek back first */
fprintf(stderr,"brik: error: No CRC written, seek failed on %s\n",fname);
/* now seek forward until we see CRC header again */
hdrpos = ftell (fptr);
while (fgets (buf, LINESIZE, fptr) != NULL) {
if (BRINCMP (buf, PATTERN, patlen) == 0)
goto foundit;
hdrpos = ftell (fptr);
fprintf(stderr,"brik: error: No CRC written, header lost in %s\n",fname);
#endif /* NIXSEEK */
foundit: /* hdrpos points to line with header */
if (fseek (fptr, hdrpos, 0) != 0) { /* seek failed */
fprintf(stderr,"brik: error: No CRC written, seek failed on %s\n",fname);
/* we are seeked back to the line with the CRC header */
#ifdef CHECKSEEK /* triple-check seeks */
char tmpbf1[LINESIZE];
char tmpbf2[LINESIZE];
fseek (fptr, hdrpos, 0);
assert (ftell (fptr) == hdrpos);
fgets (tmpbf1, LINESIZE, fptr);
fseek (fptr, 0L, 0); fseek (fptr, 0L, 2); /* exercise seeks */
fseek (fptr, hdrpos, 0);
assert (ftell (fptr) == hdrpos);
fgets (tmpbf2, LINESIZE, fptr);
if (strcmp(tmpbf1,tmpbf2) != 0 || BRINCMP(tmpbf1,PATTERN,patlen) != 0) {
fprintf (stderr,
"brik: error: Bad seek on %s, abandoning this file\n", fname);
fseek (fptr, hdrpos, 0);
#endif /* CHECKSEEK */
#ifdef DEBUG
if (debugging) { /* zap newline, print buffer, restore newline */
int nlpos; char savech;
nlpos = strlen(buf) - 1; savech = buf[nlpos]; buf[nlpos] = '\0';
fprintf (stderr, "read header [%s]\n", buf);
buf[nlpos] = savech;
buflen = strlen (buf);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (debugging) /* need chars_to_print plus one trailing space or newline */
fprintf(stderr,"need %d chars, have %d\n",chars_to_print+1,buflen-patlen);
if (buflen - patlen > chars_to_print) { /* if enough space */
char sprbuf[1+CHARSINCRC+1+1+6]; /* blank+CRC+suffix+null+fudge */
char *ptr;
int i;
ptr = &buf[patlen]; /* point to beyond header */
sprintf (sprbuf, " %10lu%c", crccode, 'T');
for (i = 0; i < chars_to_print; i++) /* trailing 'T' possibly ignored */
ptr[i] = sprbuf[i];
if (ptr[i] != '\n')
ptr[i] = ' '; /* terminate with newline or blank */
fseek (fptr, 0L, 1); /* after read, must seek before write */
if (fwrite (buf, 1, buflen, fptr) != buflen) {
"brik: error: Write failed while writing CRC to %s\n",fname);
} else if (verbose)
printf (fmtstr, crccode, suffix(), blank, fname);
/* printf ("%10lu %s\n", crccode, fname); */
#ifdef DEBUG
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; /* zap trailing newline */
if (debugging)
fprintf (stderr, "wrote header [%s]\n", buf);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"brik: error: Not enough space for CRC in %s\n",fname);
void longhelp()
printf ("%s\n", copyright);
printf (
"Usage: brik -cCgGsqvWHfbT [ file ] ... (must have one of -cCgG) \n\n");
printf ("Brik %s (%s) generates and verifies CRC-32 checksums. It can\n",
version, DATESTAMP);
printf ("\
also read or update a \"Checksum: xxxxxxxxxx\" header at the beginning\n\
of a line in which xxxxxxxxxx represents the CRC of all lines in the file\n\
*after* this header. A filename of \"-\" (or none) means standard input.\n\n\
printf ("\
-g look for Checksum: header, generate CRC for rest of file\n\
-c get CRC from header, verify CRC of rest of file\n\
-G generate CRC for entire file (add -b for binary files)\n\
-C verify all file CRCs from output of -G (-f is not needed)\n\
-b use binary mode -- read file byte by byte, not line by line\n\
-a automatically decide whether each file is text or binary\n\
printf (" -f read filenames (wildcards ok) from specified files\n");
printf (" -f read filenames from specified files\n");
printf ("\
-v be verbose, report all results (else only errors are reported)\n\
-s be silent, say nothing, just return status code\n\
-q be quiet, don't print header for -G\n\
-W after generating CRC with -g, write it to original header\n\
-H after generating CRC with -g, print header to stdout\n\
-T include trailing empty lines, normally ignored (text mode only)\n\
exit (0);
** Generates CRC of an open file, from current file position to end
** Except in -T mode, will ignore all trailing empty lines in text
** files. Algorithm for this is:
** 1. After each nonempty line, save crccode so far.
** 2. At end of file, if last line was empty, use saved crccode rather
** than current one.
** In whole-file mode, if was text mode but binary file, and if auto
** check is on, will re-open file in binary mode and do it again
** (except if stdin was being read)
** Returns 1 in retval if it detected that a text file contained binary
* characters.
tcrc findcrc (fptr, fname, retval)
FILE *fptr;
char *fname;
int *retval;
int count;
char buf[LINESIZE];
extern tcrc crccode;
int warned = 0;
tcrc savedcrc; /* save crccode for trailing empty lines */
int buflen;
*retval = 0; /* will become 1 later if needed */
again: /* restart here if retrying in binary mode */
savedcrc = crccode = INITCRC;
if (binary) { /* binary */
while ((count = fread (buf, 1, LINESIZE, fptr)) > 0) {
#ifdef BRKTST
extern void brktst(); brktst();
addbfcrc (buf, count);
} else { /* text */
int lines = 0; /* will count lines */
#endif /* CTRLZ_CHECK */
buflen = 1; /* assume empty lines so far */
while (fgets (buf, LINESIZE, fptr) != NULL) {
register char *p;
char *limit;
#ifdef BRKTST
extern void brktst(); brktst();
lines++; /* count lines */
#endif /* CTRLZ_CHECK */
buflen = strlen (buf);
limit = buf + buflen;
for (p = buf; p != limit; p++) {
if (!warned && BINCHAR(*p)) {
*retval = 1;
if (autocheck && !is_stdin)/* restart, now known to be binary */
goto restart;
else { /* don't restart, just warn */
warned = 1;
if (*p == '\n')
*p = MYNL;
addbfcrc (buf, buflen);
if (buflen != 1)
savedcrc = crccode;
if (gen2) {
int z_bin_check PARMS ((FILE *fptr, char *fname));
if (!warned && lines < Z_THRESHOLD && z_bin_check (fptr, fname)) {
*retval = 1;
if (autocheck && !is_stdin)
goto restart;
if (!trailing && buflen == 1)
crccode = savedcrc;
if (ferror (fptr))
fprintf (stderr, "brik: warning: error occurred while reading %s\n", fname);
return (crccode);
reach here if we were trying to get a text crc but the file was binary, we
are in autocheck mode, and we are not reading stdin. Now we re-initialize
variables, reopen the file in binary mode, and begin again.
binary = 1;
fclose (fptr); fptr = efopen (fname, BRIK_RDB, LVL_ERR);
if (fptr == NULL) {
return (crccode);
} else
goto again;
void printhdr ()
static int firsttime = 1;
if (firsttime && !quiet && !silent) {
printf ("%c Whole file CRCs generated by Brik v%s. Use \"brik -C\" to verify them.\n\n",
CMTCH, version);
printf ("%c CRC-32 filename\n", CMTCH);
printf ("%c ------ --------\n\n", CMTCH);
firsttime = 0;
** Prints error message via perror(). The message is printed in the
** format "brik: %s: %s" where the first %s is the level text ("warning",
** "error", or "fatal") and the second %s is the string supplied by
** perror().
void showerr (errmsg, level)
char *errmsg;
int level;
#define ERRSTRMAX 40 /* don't copy more than this many chars */
static char leveltext[][7] = {"warning", "error", "fatal"};
char errbuf[ERRBUFSIZ]; /* buffer for error message */
strcpy (errbuf, "brik: ");
assert (level >= LVL_WARN && level <= LVL_FATAL);
strncat (errbuf, leveltext[level], ERRSTRMAX);
strcat (errbuf, ": ");
strncat (errbuf, errmsg, ERRSTRMAX);
perror (errbuf);
void shorthelp()
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n\n%s", "Usage to get help: brik -h", copyright);
exit (1);