Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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C/C++ Source or Header
232 lines
* fragment.c -- program to break BIG programs up into <360Kb files
* so that they can read into/out of PC's that only
* have 360Kb drives.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
long filelength(int) ; /* Wasn't declared in <stdio.h> ! */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define DISK_SIZE_DESIRED 327680L
#define CHUNK_SIZE 16384
#define MAX_FNAME_LEN 256
char buffer[CHUNK_SIZE] ;
int prompt = FALSE ;
char out_path[MAX_FNAME_LEN+1] ;
char out_template[MAX_FNAME_LEN+1] ;
void prompt_for_new_file(fragment_nbr)
int fragment_nbr ;
fprintf(stderr, "Strike any key when ready for Fragment %0d.", fragment_nbr) ;
fflush(stderr) ;
fflush(stdin) ;
getch() ;
FILE *next_output_file(out_template, suffix_ndx, fragment_nbr)
char *out_template ;
int suffix_ndx ;
int fragment_nbr ;
FILE *out_stream ;
char suffix[3+1] ;
sprintf(suffix, "%0d", 100+fragment_nbr) ;
strncpy(&out_template[suffix_ndx], &suffix[1], 2) ;
if ((out_stream = fopen(out_template, "rb")) != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "The output file '%s' already exists.\n", out_template) ;
fprintf(stderr, " Hit Ctrl-Break to abort, any other key to overwrite.\n") ;
getch() ;
fclose(out_stream) ;
if ((out_stream = fopen(out_template, "wb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s for output.\n", out_template) ;
exit(1) ;
void fragment(big_stream, out_template, suffix_ndx, fragment_cnt)
FILE *big_stream ;
char *out_template ;
int suffix_ndx ;
int fragment_cnt ;
long bytes_written ;
FILE *out_stream ;
int byte_cnt ;
int fragment_nbr ;
int chunk ;
bytes_written = 0L ;
for (fragment_nbr=0; fragment_nbr < fragment_cnt; fragment_nbr++) {
if (prompt)
prompt_for_new_file(fragment_nbr) ;
out_stream = next_output_file(out_template, suffix_ndx, fragment_nbr) ;
for (chunk=0; chunk < DISK_SIZE_DESIRED/CHUNK_SIZE; chunk++) {
byte_cnt = fread(buffer, 1, CHUNK_SIZE, big_stream) ;
if (byte_cnt == 0)
break ;
fprintf(stderr, "\rFragment %2d, Chunk %2d: %0d bytes Read ",
fragment_nbr, chunk, byte_cnt) ;
fflush(stderr) ;
if (fwrite(buffer, 1, byte_cnt, out_stream) != byte_cnt) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "Error Writing Fragment %2d, Chunk %2d.\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "Total of %0ld were successfully coalesced.\n",
bytes_written) ;
exit(1) ;
bytes_written += (long)byte_cnt ;
fprintf(stderr, "\rFragment %2d, Chunk %2d: %0d bytes Written ",
fragment_nbr, chunk, byte_cnt) ;
fflush(stderr) ;
fclose(out_stream) ;
fprintf(stderr, "\rFragment %2d: Completed \n", fragment_nbr) ;
fclose(big_stream) ;
fprintf(stderr, "End of Input File successfully reached. Fragmentation complete.\n") ;
void get_template(file_template, out_template, suffix_ndx)
char *file_template ;
char *out_template ;
int *suffix_ndx ;
char fname_template[8+1] ;
char file_ext[1+3+1] ;
char *file_name ;
char *file_dot ;
*out_path = '\0' ;
file_name = file_template ;
if (strchr(file_template, '\\') || strchr(file_template, ':')) {
if (strchr(file_template, '\\'))
file_name = strrchr(file_template, '\\')+1 ;
file_name = strrchr(file_template, ':')+1 ;
if (file_name-file_template > MAX_FNAME_LEN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Directory path of %s is too long.\n", file_template) ;
exit(1) ;
} else {
strncpy(out_path, file_template, file_name-file_template) ;
out_path[file_name-file_template+1] = '\0' ;
*file_ext = '\0' ;
file_dot = strchr(file_name, '.') ;
if (file_dot)
if (strlen(file_dot) > 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "The extension of '%s' is too long.\n", file_dot) ;
exit(1) ;
} else {
strcpy(file_ext, file_dot) ;
*file_dot = '\0' ;
strcpy(fname_template, "________") ;
if (strlen(file_name) > 6) {
fprintf(stderr, "The filename of '%s' is too long.\n", file_name) ;
exit(1) ;
strncpy(fname_template, file_name, strlen(file_name)) ;
if (strlen(out_path)+strlen(fname_template)+strlen(file_ext) > MAX_FNAME_LEN) {
fprintf("The resulting output pathname of '%s%s%s' is too long.\n",
out_path, fname_template,file_ext) ;
exit(1) ;
strcpy(out_template, out_path) ;
strcat(out_template, fname_template) ;
*suffix_ndx = strlen(out_template) - 2 ;
strcat(out_template, file_ext) ;
void main(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
FILE *big_stream ;
long length ;
int fragment_cnt ;
int suffix_ndx ;
argc-- ; /* throw away "program name" argument */
argv++ ;
/* parse off any "prompt option" argument that is present */
prompt = FALSE ;
if (argc && (stricmp(argv[0], "-p") == 0)) {
argc-- ;
argv++ ;
prompt = TRUE ;
if ((argc != 2) || (*argv[0] == '?')) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " fragment [-p] <big fname> <output file template>\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " Where:\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " -p optionally causes the program to pause between output files.\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " (allowing you to, say, change output disks)\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " <big fname> is the full pathname to the file to be fragmented.\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " <output file template> is the path to the output directory\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " along with a six letter filename template which will\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " be suffixed with the fragment nbr and the extension.\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " Example:\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " fragment -p c:\\pcip\\src\\doc.tar a:doc.frg\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " Causes a fragmented copy of c:\\pcip\\src\\doc.tar\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " to be written to a:doc___00.frg, a:doc___01.frg, etc.\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, " Since -p is present, the program will pause between each file.\n") ;
exit(1) ;
if ((big_stream = fopen(argv[0], "rb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s for input.\n", argv[0]) ;
exit(1) ;
length = filelength(fileno(big_stream)) ;
if (length == -1L) {
fprintf(stderr, "filelength on %s failed.\n", argv[0]) ;
fclose(big_stream) ;
exit(1) ;
fragment_cnt = (length + DISK_SIZE_DESIRED - 1L) / DISK_SIZE_DESIRED ;
if (fragment_cnt <= 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s (%ld bytes) should already fit onto one disk.\n", argv[0], length) ;
fprintf(stderr, " disk size is considered to be >= %ld\n", DISK_SIZE_DESIRED) ;
fclose(big_stream) ;
exit(1) ;
get_template(argv[1], out_template, &suffix_ndx) ;
fprintf(stderr, "Fragmentation will result in the creation of %d Fragments\n", fragment_cnt) ;
if (fragment_cnt > 99)
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, can't handle more than 100 fragment files.\n") ;
fragment(big_stream, out_template, suffix_ndx, fragment_cnt) ;