Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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380 lines
FLATWARE Presents: Documentation, Utah-style!
This file is the beta-version documentation for the following programs:
What it does:
FOSIL006.Com will do a number of "usefull" things. Most important is
the ability to initialize and deinitialize the FOSSIL driver. The
program will also send a string to the modem on any com port, if there
is a CD. The program has the ability to turn the DTR on and off on any
port and it can also enable and disable the watchdog function of the
FOSSIL driver on any port. FOSIL006.Com has the ability to use any of
the standard com ports (com1: through com16:), although the acutal
ability to use the higher com ports depends on the FOSSIL driver.
Who needs it:
99.9% of all SysOp's will never need this program. However, for the
three of us who do, it is indespensable. The people who may need this
program are SysOps who run Opus (or any BBS which uses the FOSSIL *and*
is capable of running "doors" or outside programs) and DoubleDOS with
doors or outside programs running in the *other* DoubleDOS partition.
This program is only needed *if* the doors use the FOSSIL driver.
However, to these people, the doors usually won't run right if this
program (or programs like it) isn't used.
Get to the point!:
Here's the problem: Opus (for example) drops out to dos to run the
batch file which switches partitions and runs the doors "on the other
side" of DoubleDOS. Fine. The batch file "sends" the command to the
other side to start another batch file in the other partition. Still
fine. The door runs, and it uses the FOSSIL, and everything *usually*
works well. Then...the program exits back to the batch file and the
batch file tells the other partition to start up again (see examples
somewhere else in this file (probably)). No problem. The other side
fires back up and exits back to Opus. Oops! Opus comes up, pukes and
dies. Well, that's what has happened in my case, anyway. Here's what
is going wrong: When the FOSSIL-usin' program in the other partition
starts up, it "steals" the FOSSIL away from the other partition, and
when it exits, Opus can't get the FOSSIL back. This makes Opus go nuts.
Here's the fix: Turn off the FOSSIL in the Opus partition *before* you
switch over to the other side, *then* turn the FOSSIL back on over there
before you run the door. That way the door doesn't have to steal the
FOSSIL away. After the door exits, turn the FOSSIL off in the "other"
partition (where you just ran the door from) and switch back to Opus.
Before you exit back to Opus from the batch file, turn the FOSSIL on
again, and Opus will be happy.
Here's how: Turning the FOSSIL on and off is where my program comes in.
Here are examples of how to use FOSIL006.Com with Kram Mail:
Rem * Batch file to run Kram Mail from the other DDOS partition on com1:
echo off
Rem Check for activity in the other partition
if errorlevel 1 goto busy
Rem FlipStat will exit with errorlevel 1 or better if all is not well
Rem Turn the FOSSIL off before you change over
FOSIL006.Com f 0
Rem Send the command to start the batch file in the other partition
Send Kram1.Bat
Rem Watch the other side or it won't work right
Rem Run a "child process" here while Kram Mail runs over there
Rem all done over there, fire the FOSSIL up again and exit back to Opus
FOSIL006.Com n 0
Rem Skip the message about being busy, and we're all done
goto End
Rem Tell the user that the program is not available right now
FOSIL006.Com s 0 Sorry, Kram Mail is not available now, please try later.
Rem If the other side is busy, we can just fall through and exit because
Rem we checked the FlipStat before we turned the FOSSIL off, so we don't
Rem need to turn it back on again.
Rem *ALWAYS* put an exit at the end of your batch files. With Opus, if
Rem don't, you'll get those crazy message numbers.
Rem Batch file to run Kram Mail from the other DDOS partition on com1:
echo off
Rem Turn the other partition off just in case there isn't enough ram to
Rem run the shell "child" over there.
Rem Turn the FOSSIL on now over here since it should be available.
FOSIL006.Com n 0
Rem Run the door, and you're almost done
Rem Turn the FOSSIL off and we're outta here
FOSIL006.Com f 0
Rem Well, turn the other side back on
Rem Kill the child process over there
Send exit
Rem And put the display back in the right place
Rem *Now* you can quit
New stuff on the block:
There have been a couple of changes since v0.004. The program is "space-
smart" now. That means that it knows how to deal with spaces in the command
line. So now you can do something like this:
FOSIL006 F 0
And the program will parse the line properly. There is a special note here.
For the most part, the command line used with versions 0.004 and earlier can
still be used by version 0.006. However, when you are sending a string
to the modem, the format has changed slightly. Here is another example:
FOSIL006 S 0 Please wait for the door to open.
Look at this space -' It is now manditory to put a space between the port
number and the first character of the string. If you don't put the space
there, the program will hack off the first character of your string.
Only the first space of the string is ignored. If you put more than one space
at the beginning of the string, all but the first space will be sent to the
modem. One more example:
FOSIL006 S 0 Please wait for the door to open.
Would send " Please wait for the door to open." to the modem.
Added features:
Two new actions have been added to the program. Command and Get baud rate.
Both of these actions are listed in the Actions List.
Actions list:
This section gives you a basic idea of what each of the commands does. The
general format for FOSIL006 is:
FOSIL006 A P [string]
Boot the system
This action will reboot the computer. Basically the same as a "three-
fingered salute". While it seems pointless (at least to me) to
specify a port on a re-boot, you must. In other words, when you
reboot your computer with this action, you must still type
FOSIL006 B 0
or the program will report an error and exit without re-booting.
C Send command
This is the sister-action to Send string. When the program is requested
to send a command, then if there is a carrier detected (CD or DCD), then
the program will not send the command. However, if there is NO carrier
detected, then the command will be sent to the modem.
Disable watchdog
This action will turn the FOSSIL watchdog function off, if it was turned
on. When turned on, the watchdog function will reboot the computer if
the user hangs up.
Enable watchdog
This action will turn the FOSSIL watchdog function on. It is advisable to
turn the watchdog function on, anytime a user goes outside of the BBS.
F Disable FOSSIL
This action will turn the FOSSIL off. There is a big section somewhere
else in this doc file which describes, in some detail, the usefullness
of this action.
Get baud rate
This action will return the current baud rate to which the FOSSIL is set.
The FOSSIL driver *MUST* be active when this action is used
(FOSIL006 N 0). When using this action, the program will exit with
the errorlevel set to the value of the baud rate of the FOSSIL. The
following values are returned for their baud rate equvalents:
baud errorlevel
38,400 38
19,200 192
9,600 96
4,800 48
2,400 24
1,200 12
600 60
300 30
Please note that errorlevels for baud rates 38,400, 600, and 300 are
different from the rest. 38,400 baud should be errorlevel 384, however
the largest errorlevel which can be returned is 255. 300 baud should be
errorlevel 3, and 600 baud should be errorlevel 6, however these values
are reserved for error exits.
NOTE: It seems that Get baud rate only works with X00 v1.20c and
newer. Evidently, earlier versions of X00 did not return the
correct baud rate.
Lower DTR
This action will drop the DATA TERMINAL READY line to the modem. The
usual effect of this action will either hang up on a caller, or render the
modem incapable of answering the phone.
N Initialize FOSSIL
This action will turn the FOSSIL on. There is a big section somewhere
else in this doc file which describes, in some detail, the usefullness
of this action.
Raise DTR
This action will raise the DATA TERMINAL READY line to the modem. The
purpose of this action is usually to allow the modem to answer the phone.
With some modems, if the DTR line is low, the modem will not accept
commands from the computer.
Send string
This action will send the [string] listed in the command line format
(above) to the user, if there is a carrier detected on the given comm
port. The command is also echoed to the local terminal. If there is
a carrier detected, then the word "Sending:" will appear on the local
monitor, in front of the string.
The action letter is not case-sensitive.
"P" is the port number. This is the com port, and it is a single digit,
0-9 and A-F, where 0 is com1:.
[string] is the user-defined string which will be sent to the port if
the C or S actions are used.
If you run the program without a command line, you will get a brief
summary of all commands.
If you ask FOSIL006.Com to turn the FOSSIL driver on, and it can't (for
any reason), the program will exit with an errorlevel 1.
If you run FOSIL006.Com with incorrect parameters, the program will
display an error message and exit with errorlevel 2.
If you run FOSIL006.Com with a bad action request, it will display an
error message, and exit with errorlevel 3.
If you run FOSIL006.Com with a bad port number, it will display an error
message and exit with errorlevel 4.
If you ask FOSIL006.Com to send a string to the modem, and you don't
specify a string, it will display an error message and exit with
errorlevel 5.
If you ask FOSIL006.Com to send a command to the modem, and you don't
specify a string, it will display an error message and exit with
errorlevel 6.
If you ask FOSIL006.Com to activate the watchdog function and there is
no carrier detected on the requested comm port, then the program will
display an error message and exit with errorlevel 7.
So that's:
errorlevel 7 if there is no carrier detected on a watchdog init
errorlevel 6 if there is no string on a "command" request
errorlevel 5 if there is no string on a "send" request
errorlevel 4 if there is a bad port number
errorlevel 3 if there is a bad action request
errorlevel 2 if there are bad parameters
errorlevel 1 if FOSIL006 n P can't init the FOSSIL driver on port P
About the Send action. This was an after thought, really. I needed a
way to send information to the com port when a user was online, so I
could say something like, "Hold on a minute, the game will take a little
while to load...". At first I just used the "echo Hold on... > com1:"
command from the batch file. This had a real drawback because I use
some of the doors when I am in local mode. When I use the doors in
local mode, and that line echos the string out to the com port, then the
modem sees the string in command mode. Sometimes, if you are really
unlucky, you can send a command to the modem to dial the phone or do
some other annoying thing. What the send command does when you call it
is that it looks at the com port and if there is a carrier detected
(CD), then the program will send the string (according to the command
line format above) to the modem. If there is no CD (ie., nobody online)
then the program will only print the string on the local screen. It
will work on any com port (I think--I don't have 10 com ports to test it
with <ahem>). If the send action does see a CD on the requested com
port, then the program will print "Sending:" on the line before the
string. That way you can tell when the program is sending stuff out to
the modem (you can watch the modem, too, but not if you have an internal
It has been my experence that if you do not turn the FOSSIL on and off
properly, when the FOSSIL-usin' program in the other partition runs, it
will steal the FOSSIL and not give it back. I don't know how it does
that. If you do not turn the FOSSIL off on the side where it is active,
before you try to turn it on, on the other side, FOSIL006.Com will not
be able to turn the FOSSIL on. It simply doesn't have access to the
FOSSIL. Make sure that you turn the FOSSIL off on one side before you
turn it on on the other side, or it won't work.
With the current versions of both OPUS!COMM and X00, you can specify how
many ports to support at any one time. If you tell the FOSSIL to
only use one port, it will *not* limit the FOSSIL to only com1:. It
only limits the FOSSIL to one port at any one given time. *huh*? What
I mean is that you can limit the FOSSIL to one port, but it can be *any*
port you want (and have installed on your machine). If you look at the
format for calling FOSIL006.Com, you will notice that you can specify
which com port to use (through com16:). You must be kinda carefull with
this. If you tell FOSIL006.Com to turn on a port which doesn't exist,
*boom*! It will lock up your system, and it'll be big-red-switch time.
Also, when you turn the FOSSIL on with a certain port (ie. FOSIL006 n 2
for com3:) you must turn it off of *that* port (ie. FOSIL006 f 2 *if*
you did a FOSIL006 n 2 before) before you can use the FOSSIL with any
other port.
This program is not perfect. There are a lot of things which I would
like to see it do (although it has come a long way since I first started
coding it!). For starters, the program can't do more than one thing at
a time. For instance, you can't turn on the FOSSIL, send a string, then
turn the FOSSIL back off without running the program three times. Also,
the program can't tell if the FOSSIL is running when it sends a string.
So there are still lots of places to go with it, but in the mean time,
let me know what you think of it.
This program is still in beta test (and may be forever). That way I
don't have to admit that I have a release version with a bug in it
<grin>. If you find problems with this program, please send me a note
and explain, in as much detail as possible, what is going on. If you
could send me your batch files, it would really help, too. For bug
reports and latest updates, I can be reached at:
Flatland Center, Home of FLATWARE Opus 1:302/1.0 1-801-563-5359, HST
This program is Copyright, (C) 1989, by Dave Bell. It has been released
for public consumption. You may not sell this program or make profit
via its distribution. No contribution is requested for its use. It is
free of charge! Enjoy...
Dave Bell, SysOp
Flatland Center
November 5, 1989