Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Text File
213 lines
0000 /t
0000 /e
0000 i
0003 b
0124 b verify_chk
0128 s switchar
0129 b
0147 b num_disks
0169 b ctrl_c_chk
0188 w free_segment user psp
018a b
018d w
0239 b
0241 x
& 0001 b
& 0001 w
& 0001 b
02b0 b
02b1 x
& 0001 b
& 0001 w
& 0001 b
02e0 b
0311 b dos_critical
0316 b current_disk
031d w dta_offset
031f w dta_segment
0332 w
0336 b
0337 w
033b b
0388 s
039b b
039d w
039f b
03b4 x
& 0001 w
& 0019 s
0660 w bios_sp
0662 w bios_ss
0664 c
0711 w
07bc w anno_1980 07bch - the Dawn of Time
0832 w user_sp
0834 w user_ss
0840 b
0845 w
0893 b
0894 w
08a0 b
08a1 w retn_addr
08a3 b
08a4 w
08a8 b
08a9 w
111e b
115a w
115c w version
115e x func_table
& 0001 w
1226 b
1232 w
1234 w
1236 b
1237 w
1243 b
127d b
12b6 b
12c4 w
12e0 b
12ef b
12f4 b
13fe w exec_blk_offset
1400 w exec_blk_seg
1402 b exec_func
1403 w exec_f_handle
1411 w exec_env_ptr
1417 b
1418 w
1438 w exec_fnam_offset
143a w exec_fnam_seg
1440 b
144f c func50 set PSP
1455 c func51 get PSP - func 51,62
1461 c int2a NETBIOS interface interrupt
1462 c cpm_entry 'CPM' style entry
147a c int21 MS-DOS function dispatch
1576 c restore_regs
1589 c save_regs
1597 c go_home
159c c get_caller_stack
15b8 c int25 read disk
15fb c int26 write to disk
1642 c ok_exit
164c c err_exit
1660 c nullfunc
176d c func2a get date
178a c func2b set date
17aa c func2c get time
17bb c func2d set time
1829 c get_date_time
1942 c func30 get DOS version & OEM info
195b c func54 get verify state
1960 c func2e set verify state
1967 c func33 get/set ^C check
1986 c func38 get country info
19ee c func36 get disk free space
1a19 c func2f get DTA in ES:BX
1a2d c func1a set DTA to DS:DX
1a38 c func19 get current disk
1a3d c func0e select disk
1a4f c func35 get address of vector in AL to ES:BX
1a5f c func25 set address of vector in AL to DS:DX
1a6c c point2vector
1a77 c func37 set/get Switch char (not PATH char !)
1a9c c func59 get extended error
1abf c func29 parse filename
1aca c func61
1cc0 c func1b get current disk BPB
1cc2 c func1c get BPB for disk in DL
1cee c func34 get DOS status
1cfa c func52
1d06 c func1f
1d08 c func32
1d37 c func0d reset disk system
1d69 c func53
1dcc c func55
1dda c func26 new PSP
1f09 c net_dummy_8001
1f11 c net_dummy_8101
1f19 c net_dummy_8002
1f21 c net_dummy_8102
1f29 c net_dummy_8003
1f31 c net_dummy_8103
1f39 c net_dummy_8004
1f41 c net_dummy_8104
1f49 c net_dummy_8005
1f51 c net_dummy_8105
1f59 c net_dummy_8006
1f61 c net_dummy_8106
1fc2 c func01 getchar()
1fcb c func02 putchar()
2067 c func03 auxin()
2084 c func04 auxout()
208a c func05 listout()
209e c func08 getchne() (no echo)
20b3 c func09 puts()
20bf c func0a gets()
213c c beep2many
2283 c func0b
228d c func0c
22ba c func06
22e6 c func07
2386 c is_ext_fcb extended FCB ?
2393 c func0f FCB open
244e c func16 FCB create
246c c do_fcb_func
25fa c func28 FCB write block
25ff c func27 FCB read block
2604 c func14 FCB read seq
2609 c func15 FCB write seq
260e c func21 FCB read
2613 c func22 FCB write
2618 c func24 FCB seek
2630 c func13 FCB delete
2644 c func23 FCB size
2695 c func10 FCB close
26f2 c func17 FCB rename
2a8a c func11 FCB find first
2b1e c func12 FCB find next
2b91 c func4e find first
2be9 c func4f find next
2c50 c func47 get current dir
2c92 c func3a RMDIR
2ccd c func3b CHDIR
2d3d c func39 MKDIR
2d61 c func44 IOCTL
4dd5 c parse_name
4eff c abort_if_ctrl_c
5834 c func4d WAIT
5842 c func4b EXEC
594a c load_exe file format is .EXE
5abf c load_abs file format is, e.g., .COM
5cbb c func31 KEEP
5ce4 c int27
5cf3 c func4c EXIT
5d17 c func00 old exit
5d9f c func48 alloc()
5e98 c func4a realloc()
5ebc c func49 free()
5edc c func58
5efb c func5d
607b c func5f redirected I/O for 3.1
60f2 c func5e
64ea c func60
654b c func3e fclose()
65a3 c func3f fread()
65f7 c func40 fwrite()
65fc c func42 lseek()
663a c func57
667a c func45 dup()
669a c func46 force dup()
66a8 c func3d fopen()
676d c func3c fcreat()
6774 c func43 chmod()
67b9 c func41 unlink()
67dd c func56 link() - RENAME
681c c func5b new file
6846 c func5a make unique temp file
68c1 c func5c lock, unlock byte range
69a0 c int2a_inst NETBIOS interface during init
69a1 c install