Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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File List
34 lines
Filename Type Length Date Description
AAAREAD.ME A 1189 890614 Information about the files in this directory
DDNTAC.HLP A 4224 890813 Setting TAC parameters for Kermit
EASYK110.ARC B 69771 890316 Kermit made easy. EasyKermit V1.10
EP437.ARC B 14756 900125 PC Code-Page-437-to-Epson char set translation
EPSON.ARC B 10093 900125 Epson printer driver for EGA graphics screens
KER_SCP3.ARC B 22808 881113 Useful Kermit (v2.29 or above) script files
KER_SCP3.INF A 1851 881113 Information about files in KER-SCP3.ARC
MSBOOASM.ARC B 10681 890319 Make ASCII files from binary files and back
MSICYR.ZIP B 5079 910521 Kermit term init: send/rec Cyrillic characters
MSIEM2.INI A 4343 890731 Kermit script maps PC keyboard for GNU Emacs
MSIIBM.ARC B 41043 890120 Kermit 2.32/A Script, tutorial, init files
MSIVT3.ZIP B 5354 910521 MS-Kermit DEC keybd setups for IBM-compatibles
MSIVT321.ZIP B 5688 910705 MS-Kermit keybd setup for DEC VT200-300 series
MSK_RCV.BAS A 6627 910320 Easy bootstrap: Rcve-only Kermit pgm in BASIC
MSKER311.ZIP B 186841 911001 MS-Kermit v3.11 comm pgm for IBM-compatibles
MSKERDOC.ARC B 207148 890630 Kermit 2.32/A User's guide and other files
MSKR_EM2.ZIP B 30433 910320 MS-Kermit v3.1 term emulation & graphics info
MSR31107.PCH A 1575 911115 Patches 1-7 dated 5 Nov 91 for MS-Kermit v3.11
MSULK2.ZIP B 11684 910521 Driver allows use of DEC LK250 kbd w/MS-Kermit
MSVHP1.ARC B 58108 890130 Kermit 2.32/A Hewlett Packard specific
MSVRB1.ARC B 62874 890130 Kermit 2.32/A Rainbow specific
NM100.ARC B 6179 900418 Use Num Lock for VT100/300 PF1/GOLD in Kermit
PCBDKER.ARC B 6242 890311 Collection of MS-Kermit scripts
PCPRINT.C A 5322 890504 Print Unix host text files on PC (req. Kermit)
PCPRINT.NR A 3068 890504 Unix man page for PCPRINT.C
SCANCH41.ARC B 18223 900106 Keyboard scan code check/display for MS-Kermit
TSKERM24.ARC B 68166 900220 Keypads, bats, & logging scripts for MS-Kermit
XSEND051.ZIP B 11210 910320 Makes Kermit script files to send entire disk
YOGIUTIL.ZIP B 27954 910324 Chg blue color to underscore w/MS-Kermit v3.0x