Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Text File
179 lines
FONTSUM - Version 1.01
an HP LaserJet Plus/Series II soft font summary listing program.
FONTSUM.EXE - The executable program.
FONTSUM.DOC - This document.
System requirements:
IBM PC,XT,AT,PS/2 or compatible
256K RAM at the very least.
LaserJet Plus, Series II or compatible printer
Collection of Soft Fonts
FONTSUM is a program to print a summary of soft fonts. The
program will load and print 15 different fonts equally spaced on
a page. This will allow fonts of up to 36 points to be readily
printed without overlap. Note that the LaserJet Plus and most
compatible printers are restricted to fonts of 30 points in
height. FONTSUM uses the resident 12 point courier font for
headings and font names.
FONTSUM works from the DOS command line.
C> FONTSUM [@][d:][path]fn1 [fn2...fnn] [/Cnn] [/N] [/Odest]
[/Ttext] [/Dtext] [/Pnn]
fn1 is a soft font file name. Wildcards are permitted.
The filename may be prefixed with a drive and path
identifier if necessary. Multiple filenames may be
specified up to the limit of the command line.
If the filename is prefixed by a @, the filename
is assumed to be a text file containing a list of
fonts to be printed. Each font name must begin in
the first position of a new line. Comments must be
preceeded by a space and may be included anywhere
on the line after the filename. The filename may
contain drive and path designators if desired.
/Cnn Copy count parameter. This may be specified to
produce multiple copies of the font summary
listings. Valid entries are 1 thru 99. The default
value is 1.
/N NoSort. By default, names specified by wild cards
will be sorted in alphanumeric sequence.
Specifying the /N option will suppress the sorting
of the file names.
/Odest Destination. This option may be used to override
the default destination by specifying a parameter
such as COM1, LPT2, etc. The default value is PRN
(LPT1). The default value may be specified in an
environment variable ORBLJ. This is set with the
* /Ttext This will specify a title to be printed at the top
of each page. The title may be up to 80 characters
long. To include spaces in the title description,
use the underscore (_) character.
* /Dtext This parameter will insert the date at the top of
each page. The default value (/D) is the current
date. The date may be specified as a text string,
such as /DJanuary_1,_1989.
* /Pnn Page numbering. This parameter will insert page
numbers at the top of each page. You may specify a
starting page number (/P3) which will start the
page numbering with 3. The default value is 1.
* The above options (/T, /D, and /P) are not available on
unregistered copies. When you register your copy, these
features will be activated and the advertisement graphics
will no longer print on the output pages.
FONTSUM will print one line of text for each font. The default
test string that is printed is:
This string can be replaced by the first line of text found in
the ASCII text file FONTSUM.CFG. If you choose to use this file,
it must be present in the current directory.
Orbit Enterprises, Inc's Shareware License Statement
FONTSUM (C) Copyright 1989 Orbit Enterprises, Inc.
This software is provided "as is" with no guarantees of any kind.
You, the user, are permitted and encouraged to distribute it and
use it, but under the following conditions:
1) You may not sell this program.
2) Under no circumstances should you distribute versions of
this product which have been altered in any way without the
permission of Orbit Enterprises, Inc.
3) Under no circumstances should you remove the copyright
notices from the code or from the documentation which is
provided with it.
4) This is a shareware product. You may use it for free for a
30 day period. After that you must either register or stop
using it. You may still distribute it, however.
If you find this program to be a useful, you must send a $20.00
registration fee to:
Orbit Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 2875
Glen Ellyn, IL 60138 After November 10, 1989:
(312) 469-3405 (Voice) (708) 469-3405
(312) 469-4850 (BBS) (708) 469-4850
(312) 469-4895 (FAX) (708) 469-4895
Orbit Enterprises, Inc. is a commercial software company that
specializes in software for the HP LaserJet family of printers
and other compatible printers with LaserJet Plus or Series II
Our products include:
FormSet, the text to PCL (Printer Control Language) compiler
E-Z-Set, the menu driven LaserJet set up program
Imagener, the text-to-graphic converter and LaserJet graphic
macro generator.
We also publish LaserStuff, a newsletter and catalog of interest
to those who use laser printers. LaserStuff is published every so
often and mailed to customers and others who request a
subscription. There is no cost to subscribe to LaserStuff.
Invoice / Registration Form
Orbit Enterprises, Inc. DATE: _______________
P.O. Box 2875
Glen Ellyn, IL 60138
Sold To:
Name: __________________________________________________
Company: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City: ______________ ST/Prov: ___ Zip/Postal Code ______
Country: __________________________________________________
____ copies of FontSum (registered version @ $20 each) ________
____ copies of FontSum Trial Disk ($5 each). . . . . . ________
____ add $5 for delivery outside of US/Canada . . . . . ________
____ Illinois Sales Tax @ 6.75% (if appropriate) . . . ________
Total Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________