Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
628 lines
page 78,122
title HPPS -- HP LaserJet+/SeriesII PrtSc Driver 7.6
;Revision history:
;06/02/89 Modified to read from all planes in EGA mode : 7.6
;05/14/89 Modified Text Screen printing for BBS's status lines : 7.5
;01/30/89 Translation table purged if /2 option (SeriesII) used : 7.4
;01/11/89 Added Margin Reset and released source code : 7.3
;01/04/89 Added Printer Reset to init strings : 7.2
data segment at 40h
org 84h
rows db ?
data ends
EGA_seg segment at 0a000h
EGA_seg ends
MON_seg segment at 0b000h
MON_seg ends
CGA_seg segment at 0b800h
CGA_seg ends
code segment para 'code'
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
cseg_start equ $
org 100h
start: jmp PrtSc
hp_EGAinit db 27,'E',27,'9',27,'&l0O',27,'&a1000h720V',27,'*t75R',27,'*r1A',0
hp_EGAline db 27,'*b44W',0
hp_EGAlineE db 27,'*b50W',0
hp_CGAinit db 27,'E',27,'9',27,'&l0O',27,'&a600h600V',27,'*t100R',27,'*r1A',0
hp_CGAline db 27,'*b80W',0
hp_Text db 27,'E',27,'9',27,'(8U',27,'(s0p10H',0
hp_Text2 db 27,'E',27,'9',27,'(10U',27,'(s0p10H',0
hp_CGAtext40 db 27,'&a0C',27,'&p40X',0
hp_CGAtext80 db 27,'&a0C',27,'&p80X',0
hp_end db 27,'*rB',27,'&a0C',12,0
hp_crlf db 13,10,0
hp_ff db 12,0
busy db 0
reverse db 0
seriesII db 0
mode db ?
width_ db ?
vpage db ?
vid_seg dw ?
delta dw ?
line_buffer db 352 dup (0)
; Screen snapshot routine
snapshot: cmp cs:[busy],0 ;Continue if not busy
jz go_ahead ;
iret ;
go_ahead: inc cs:[busy] ;Set busy
sti ;let the dogs back in
push ax ;save state
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov ax,cs ;setup ds,es
mov ds,ax ;
mov es,ax ;
cld ;set direction flag
mov ah,15 ;Get video mode
int 10H ;
mov [mode],al ;
mov [width_],ah ;
mov [vpage],bh ;
cmp al,4 ;See if 0-3
jb CGA_Text ;Text modes use same routine
cmp al,7 ;see if mode 4-6
je CGA_Text ;mod 7 is text
ja try_EGAmD ;
jmp CGA_G6 ;
try_EGAmD: cmp al,0dH ;CGA/EGA 320x200
jne try_EGAmE
jmp EGA_modeDE
try_EGAmE: cmp al,0eh ;CGA/EGA 640x200
jne try_MONmF ;
jmp EGA_modeDE ;
try_MONmF: cmp al,0fh ;MON 640x350
jne try_EGAm10 ;
jmp MON_modeF ;
try_EGAm10: cmp al,10H ;EGA Hi-res modes
jne cant_do
jmp EGA_mode10
cant_do: call beep ;beep now and again
jmp exit ;none of the above
CGA_Text: mov ah,3 ;get cursor position
int 10h ;
push dx ;save it for later restore
mov bx,offset hp_Text ;Init Printer
cmp [seriesII],0 ;for LaserJet+
je init_text ;
mov bx,offset hp_Text2 ;for SeriesII
init_text: call print_msg ;
xor dx,dx ;set to start at top of screen
mov ax,1200h ;see if EGA here
mov bx,0ff10h ;set bh to illegal value
int 10h ;
mov cl,[width_]
mov ch,25 ;25 lines default for CGA adapter
cmp bh,0ffh ;see if bh changed
je T1 ;no -- don't update ch
assume ds:data
push ds ;save ds
mov ax,data ;set for BIOS data area
mov ds,ax ;
mov ch,[rows] ;
inc ch ;
pop ds ;
assume ds:code
T1: mov bx,offset hp_CGAtext40
cmp cl,40
je T2
mov bx,offset hp_CGAtext80
T2: push bx
push dx
call print_msg
pop dx
T3: push dx ;save cursor position
mov bh,[vpage] ;set new cursor position
mov ah,2 ;
int 10h ;
mov ah,8 ;read char at cursor position
int 10h ;
cmp [seriesII],0 ;see if seriesII
jnz series2 ;yes - skip xlate
mov bx,offset xlat_
xlat ;translate char
series2: xor dx,dx ;set for lpt1:
xor ah,ah ;ah=0 print char
int 17h ;print it
pop dx ;restore cursor position
inc dl ;bump column counter
cmp dl,cl ;EOL ?
jnz T3 ;no -- same line, do next char
xor dl,dl ;reset column counter
push dx
mov bx,offset hp_crlf ;print crlf
call print_msg ;
pop dx
pop bx
inc dh ;bump row counter
cmp dh,ch ;end of screen ?
jnz T2 ;no -- do next line
pop dx ;restore cursor position
mov ah,2 ;
mov bh,[vpage] ;
int 10h ;
mov bx,offset hp_ff ;eject page
call print_msg
jmp exit ;bye
CGA_G6: mov ax,CGA_Seg
mov ds,ax
mov bx,offset hp_CGAinit
call print_msg
mov si,0H
mov cx,100
CGA_G6loop1: push cx
push si
mov cx,2 ;print two lines per iteration
CGA_G6loop1a: push cx
push si
mov cx,2 ;print each line twice for aspect ratio
CGA_G6loop2: push cx
push si ;save SI for second time printing
mov bx,offset hp_CGAline
call print_msg
mov cx,80
CGA_G6loop3: lodsb
xor al,cs:[reverse]
xor ah,ah
int 17H
loop CGA_g6loop3
pop si
pop cx
loop CGA_G6loop2
pop si
add si,8*1024 ;odd scan lines are 8K further in buffer
pop cx
loop CGA_G6loop1a
pop si
add si,80 ;next even line is 80 bytes in buffer
pop cx
loop CGA_G6loop1
mov bx,offset hp_end
call print_msg
jmp exit
EGA_modeDE: mov bx,40
mov cx,8192/16
cmp al,0dh ;320x200 ?
je no_shift ;yes dont adjust
shl bx,1 ;bx=80
shl cx,1 ;cx=16384/16
no_shift: mov al,[vpage] ;index into correct page
xor ah,ah ;
mul cx ;
add ax,EGA_seg ;
mov [vid_seg],ax ;
mov cx,bx ;
mov [delta],bx ;
mov bx,offset hp_EGAinit
call print_msg
EGAmEloop1: push cx ;
mov si,cx
dec si
mov ax,[vid_seg] ;EGA RAM Buffer
push ds
mov ds,ax
mov di,offset line_buffer ;
mov cx,200 ;read in one column for 200 rows
EGAmEloop2: call get_byteEGA ;(DS:SI) --> (ES:DI)
inc di
add si,es:[delta] ; move pointers
loop EGAmEloop2
pop ds
mov cx,8
EGAmEloop3: push cx
mov cx,1
cmp [mode],0dh ; 320x200 mode ?
jne dont_repeat ;no
inc cx ;print line twice
dont_repeat: push cx
mov bx,offset hp_EGAlineE
call print_msg
mov si,offset line_buffer
mov cx,50 ;50 bytes will be output
EGAmEloop4: push cx ;
xor al,al ;clear acc
mov cx,4 ;
EGAmEloop5: shl al,1 ;bump acc
mov ah,[si] ;get byte
and ah,1 ;get lsb
or al,ah ;move into acc
shl al,1 ;bump acc
or al,ah ;merge
inc si
loop EGAmEloop5 ;
xor al,[reverse]
xor ah,ah ; Output Byte
int 17h ;
pop cx ;
loop EGAmEloop4 ;
pop cx ;do second line?
loop dont_repeat ;if cx=2 then yes
mov si,offset line_buffer
mov cx,200 ;
EGAmEloop6: shr byte ptr [si],1 ;shift byte for next time
inc si
loop EGAmEloop6
pop cx
loop EGAmEloop3
pop cx ;do next column
loop EGAmEloop1 ;
mov bx,offset hp_end
call print_msg
jmp exit
MON_modeF: mov ax,MON_seg
jmp short EGA_hires
EGA_mode10: mov ax,EGA_seg
EGA_hires: mov [vid_seg],ax
mov bx,offset hp_EGAinit
call print_msg
mov cx,80 ;loop through 80 cols
EGAm10loop1: push cx ;
mov si,cx
dec si
mov ax,[vid_seg] ;MON/EGA RAM Buffer
push ds
mov ds,ax
mov di,offset line_buffer ;
mov cx,350 ;read in one column for 350 rows
EGAm10loop2: call get_byteEGA ;(DS:SI) --> (ES:DI)
inc di
add si,80 ; move pointers
loop EGAm10loop2
pop ds
mov cx,8
EGAm10loop3: push cx
mov bx,offset hp_EGAline
call print_msg
mov si,offset line_buffer
mov cx,44 ;44 bytes will be output
EGAm10loop4: push cx ;
xor al,al ;clear acc
mov cx,8 ;build each 44 bit by bit
EGAm10loop5: shl al,1 ;bump acc
mov ah,[si] ;get byte
and ah,1 ;get lsb
or al,ah ;move into acc
shr byte ptr [si],1 ;shift byte for next time
inc si
loop EGAm10loop5 ;
xor al,[reverse] ;
xor ah,ah ; Output Byte
int 17h ;
pop cx ;
loop EGAm10loop4 ;
pop cx
loop EGAm10loop3
pop cx ;do next column
loop EGAm10loop1 ;
mov bx,offset hp_end
call print_msg ;fall through to exit:
exit: call beep ; signal done
pop es ; Restore state
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
dec cs:[busy] ; Clear busy
; get byte from DS:[SI] into ES:[DI] ( was movsb )
; but now modified to allow reading all planes
get_byteEGA: push dx
xor bl,bl ; clear ans
mov dx,3ceh ; address 1 & 2 reg
mov al,4 ; read_map sel reg
out dx,al
inc dx ; data reg
mov al,0
out dx,al ; sel plane 0
mov ah,[si] ; get byte
or bl,ah ; move into bl
mov al,1
out dx,al ; sel plane 1
mov ah,[si] ; get byte
or bl,ah ; move into bl
mov al,2
out dx,al ; sel plane 2
mov ah,[si] ; get byte
or bl,ah ; move into bl
mov es:[di],bl ; answer
pop dx
; print string at [bx]
print_msg: mov al,cs:[bx] ;print string at bx to printer
or al,al
jnz print_ok
print_ok: xor ah,ah
xor dx,dx
int 17h
inc bx
jmp print_msg
; beep when done
beep: mov bx,8080h
xor ch,ch
in al,61h
push ax
b1: and al,0fch
out 61h,al
mov cl,bl
b2: loop b2
or al,2
out 61h,al
mov cl,bl
b3: loop b3
dec bh
jnz b1
pop ax
out 61h,al
cseg_end1 equ $-cseg_start
; The translation table is located here so that it can be purged
; if the /2 (Series II) option is selected.
xlat_ db 0, 1, 2, 72, 68, 67, 83, 7,252, 9,252, 11, 12, 13, 14, 42
db 62, 60, 18, 19,240,189, 95, 23, 94,118,253,251, 28, 29, 30, 31
db 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47
db 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
db 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
db 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
db 96, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111
db 112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127
db 180,207,197,192,204,200,212,181,193,205,201,221,209,217,216,208
db 220,215,211,194,206,202,195,203,239,218,219,191,187,188,000,190
db 196,213,198,199,183,182,249,250,185,246,246,248,247,184,251,253
db 127,127,127,124,124,124,124,246,246,124,124,246,246,246,246,246
db 246,246,246,124,246, 43,124,124,246,246,246,246,124,246, 43,246
db 246,246,246,246,246,246,246, 43, 43,246,246,252,252,252,252,252
db 000,222,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,210,000,000
db 000,254,000,000,000,000,000,000,179,000,000,000,000,000,252,000
cseg_end2 equ $-cseg_start
; Init Code
PrtSc: mov dx,offset greeting
mov ah,09h ;print string
int 21H ;
mov cl,ds:[80h] ;parse command line for -r or /r
xor ch,ch ;
or cl,cl ;
jz no_parm ;
mov si,81h ;command line buffer
parm_loop: lodsb ;get byte
cmp al,' '
jz get_next
cmp al,09h ;tab
jz get_next
cmp al,'/' ;option switch?
jz get_option
cmp al,'-' ;option switch?
jz get_option ;
bad_parm: mov dx,offset bad_parm_msg
mov ah,09h ;print message
int 21h ;
abort: mov ax,4c01h ;exit
int 21h ;
get_next: loop parm_loop
jmp short no_parm
get_option: lodsb ;get option
dec cx ;adjust command char count
cmp al,'R' ;reverse image option
je set_reverse ;
cmp al,'r' ;
je set_reverse ;
cmp al,'2' ;Series II option
je set_seriesII ;
cmp al,'?' ;Syntax
je disp_syntax ;
jmp bad_parm ;
set_reverse: mov [reverse],255 ;set reverse flag
jmp get_next
set_seriesII: mov [seriesII],255 ;set seriesII flag
jmp get_next
disp_syntax: mov dx,offset syntax ;display syntax
mov ah,09h ;write string
int 21h
jmp abort
no_parm: mov dx,offset snapshot
mov ax,2505h ;Set PrtSc int vector
int 21h
mov es,ds:[002cH] ;release environment segment
mov ah,49H ;
int 21H ;
mov dx,cseg_end2/16+1 ; remove translation table
cmp [seriesII],0 ; if /2 (SeriesII) option
je not_II ; selected.
mov dx,cseg_end1/16+1
not_II: mov ax,3100h ;Terminate but stay resident
int 21h ;bye!
greeting db 'HP LaserJet+/SeriesII Print Screen Driver version 7.6'
db 13,10,'$'
syntax db 10,'Syntax:',13,10
db ' -r or /r = Reverse Image',13,10
db ' -2 or /2 = SeriesII',13,10,'$'
bad_parm_msg db 07,10,'Illegal parameter',13,10,'$'
code ends
end start