Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Apartment Accounting Spreadsheet
Yo⌡ havσ useΣ thσ rea∞ estatσ investmen⌠ mode∞ t∩ evaluatσ ì
severa∞ apartmen⌠ building≤ anΣ havσ purchaseΣ aε eight-uni⌠ ì
buildinτ calleΣ thσ Lexingtoε Apartments.
You≥ assignmen⌠ i≤ t∩ se⌠ u≡ ß spreadshee⌠ t∩ d∩ thσ annua∞ ì
accountinτ fo≥ you≥ building« Thσ spreadshee⌠ wil∞ bσ useΣ t∩ ì
preparσ incomσ taxes¼ s∩ i⌠ shoulΣ sho≈ thσ year'≤ rentA╠ income¼ ì
regula≥ monthl∙ expenses¼ anΣ specia∞ expense≤ likσ repair≤ o≥ ì
ta° payments«
Thσ areß witΦ monthl∙ ren⌠ payment≤ fo≥ eacΦ apartmen⌠ show≤ ì
thσ apartmen⌠ number¼ tennan⌠ name¼ anΣ thσ amoun⌠ recieveΣ fo≥ ì
eacΦ oµ thσ 1▓ months« (Therσ arσ ┤ one-bedreooφ apartment≤ ì
rentinτ fo≥ $45░ anΣ ┤ two-bedrooφ apartment≤ rentinτ fo≥ $60░ ì
pe≥ month).
The regular monthly expenses along estimated amounts are:
Water 200.00
áááááááááááááááGa≤ 230.00
áááááááááááááááElectricit∙ 80.00
áááááááááááááááGarbagσ Collectioε 40.00
áááááááááááááááExterminato≥ 30.00
áááááááááááááááPoo∞ Servicσ 50.00
áááááááááááááááGardene≥ 40.00
áááááááááááááááMortgagσ Paymen⌠ 2,500.00
Specia∞ expense≤ d∩ no⌠ occu≥ ever∙ month« The∙ arσ thing≤ ì
likσ ta° payments¼ repairs¼ painting¼ etc« Fo≥ specia∞ expenses¼ ì
yo⌡ woulΣ wan⌠ t∩ recorΣ thσ date¼ checδ number¼ amount¼ anΣ aε ì
explanatioε oµ thσ reasoε fo≥ thσ expense«
Don'⌠ forge⌠ tha⌠ thσ spreadshee⌠ wil∞ bσ useΣ fo≥ ta° ì
purposes, so the incomes and expenses should be totaled.
Plaε eacΦ oµ thσ threσ area≤ beforσ yo⌡ begiε workinτ oε thσ ì
computer« Remembe≥ tha⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ no⌠ bσ usinτ thσ spreadsheet¼ ì
you≥ buildinτ manage≥ will« Therefore¼ yo⌡ mus⌠ pa∙ carefu∞ ì
attentioε t∩ thσ appearancσ oµ thσ spreadsheet¼ addinτ heading≤ ì
anΣ explanation≤ s∩ i⌠ wil∞ bσ eas∙ fo≥ thσ manage≥ t∩ use« Yo⌡ ì
shoulΣ als∩ protec⌠ an∙ cell≤ thσ manage≥ woulΣ no⌠ bσ expecteΣ ì
t∩ change.
Turn in the following when you are finished:
1. Overvie≈ documentatioε oµ thσ spreadsheet¼ showinτ ì
áááááááááááááho≈ i⌠ i≤ layeΣ out.
2. A printout of the spreadsheet.
3« ┴ disδ witΦ thσ mode∞ oε i⌠ (bσ surσ you≥ namσ i≤ ì
written on the disk label).