Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Thi≤ i≤ thσ origina∞ versioε oµ thσ basebal∞ spreadsheet¼ ì
DODGBEF, just as it was entered:
1955 Dodgers
Players'sAt Batting
Name Bats Hits Average
Campanell 446 142 318.3856
Hodges, G 546 158 289.3772
Gilliam, 538 134 249.0706
Reese, Pe 553 156 282.0976
Robinson, 317 81 255.5205
Amoros, S 388 96 247.4226
Snider, D 538 166 308.5501
Furillo, 523 164 313.5755
Team Tota 3849 1097 285.0090
Thσ followinτ i≤ ß cleaneΣ u≡ versioε oµ DODGBEF« Thσ ì
columε width≤ havσ beeε adjusted¼ thσ heading≤ centered¼ thσ ì
displa∙ format≤ altered¼ anΣ blanδ row≤ havσ beeε addeΣ fo≥ ì
1955 Dodgers
Players's At Batting
Name Bats Hits Average
Campanella, Roy 446 142 318
Hodges, Gil 546 158 289
Gilliam, Jumior 538 134 249
Reese, Pee Wee 553 156 282
Robinson, Jackie 317 81 256
Amoros, Sandy 388 96 247
Snider, Dule 538 166 309
Furillo, Carl 523 164 314
Team Totals 3849 1097 285
Here is a listing of DODGBEF model:
A1: '1955 Dodgers
A2: 'Players's
B2: 'At
D2: 'Batting
A3: 'Name
B3: 'Bats
C3: 'Hits
D3: 'Average
A4: 'Campanella, Roy
B4: 446
C4: 142
D4: 1000*C4/B4
A5: 'Hodges, Gil
B5: 546
C5: 158
D5: 1000*C5/B5
A6: 'Gilliam, Jumior
B6: 538
C6: 134
D6: 1000*C6/B6
A7: 'Reese, Pee Wee
B7: 553
C7: 156
D7: 1000*C7/B7
A8: 'Robinson, Jackie
B8: 317
C8: 81
D8: 1000*C8/B8
A9: 'Amoros, Sandy
B9: 388
C9: 96
D9: 1000*C9/B9
A10: 'Snider, Dule
B10: 538
C10: 166
D10: 1000*C10/B10
A11: 'Furillo, Carl
B11: 523
C11: 164
D11: 1000*C11/B11
A12: 'Team Totals
B12: @SUM(B4..B11)
C12: @SUM(C4..C11)
D12: 1000*C12/B12
.paè Formatting Assignment
Thσ purposσ oµ thi≤ assignmen⌠ i≤ t∩ givσ yo⌡ somσ practicσ ì
witΦ thσ prograφ commanΣ structurσ anΣ t∩ reinforcσ thσ ideß tha⌠ ì
thσ content≤ oµ ß cel∞ caε bσ displayeΣ iε variou≤ formats« ì
Makinτ ß spreadshee⌠ looδ gooΣ ma∙ bσ a≤ importan⌠ a≤ settinτ i⌠ ì
u≡ correctl∙ becausσ ß slopp∙ spreadshee⌠ ma∙ bσ misinterpreted« ì
(To say nothing of the zen of proper design).
1. Worδ witΦ you≥ cop∙ oµ thσ DODGBE╞ spreadshee⌠ unti∞ i⌠ look≤ ì
ááááexactlyô likσ thσ cleaneΣ u≡ versioε oε thσ attacheΣ page« ì
ááááTurε iε ß printou⌠ wheε yo⌡ havσ it¼ anΣ savσ thσ ne≈ versioε ì
ááááoµ thσ spreadshee⌠ becausσ i⌠ wil∞ bσ useΣ iε subsequen⌠ ì
2. Wha⌠ formulß i≤ useΣ t∩ computσ thσ overal∞ teaφ battinτ ì
3. Wha⌠ othe≥ formulß coulΣ havσ beeε used?
4 áIε DODGBEF¼ thσ formulß fo≥ Ro∙ Campanella'≤ battinτ averagσ ì
áááái≤ 1000*C4/B4« CoulΣ thσ formula║ C4/B4*100░ havσ beeε useΣ ì
áááájus⌠ a≤ wel∞ (tr∙ i⌠ t∩ see)┐ Iµ not¼ wh∙ not┐
5. Wha⌠ othe≥ formulß coulΣ havσ beeε useΣ fo≥ Campanella'≤ ì
áááábattinτ average?
6. Cel∞ C:1░ oµ thσ consultant'≤ dail∙ timσ repor⌠ is:
C10: (F1) 2
ááááWha⌠ i≤ thσ meaninτ oµ thσ (F1)?
7.ááWh∙ d∩ n∩ cell≤ iε DODGBE╞ havσ "(F1)só o≥ anythinτ similar?
8. Checδ thσ 12│ manua∞ t∩ seσ ho≈ date≤ arσ represented« Iε ì
ááááwha⌠ forφ arσ the∙ storeΣ iε thσ spreadsheet┐ Ho≈ ma∙ the∙ ì
áááábσ displayed┐ Tr∙ ß fe≈ experiment≤ t∩ bσ surσ yo⌡ ì
ááááunderstanΣ ho≈ date≤ arσ handleΣ anΣ writσ ß brieµ ì