Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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460 lines
Thσ ideß oµ presen⌠ valuσ i≤ illustrateΣ iε thσ followinτ ì
short example:
WhicΦ woulΣ yo⌡ rathe≥ have¼ $10░ ß yea≥ fo≥ threσ year≤ o≥ ì
$248.6╣ righ⌠ now┐ Iµ yo⌡ assumσ aε interes⌠ ratσ oµ 10%¼ yo⌡ ì
shoulΣ bσ indifferent« Iε othe≥ words¼ thσ presen⌠ valuσ oµ $10░ ì
pe≥ yea≥ fo≥ │ year≤ i≤ onl∙ $248.69.
Alternative 1 -- put $248.69 in the bank at 10% interest:
year balance
ááááá░ 248.69
ááááá▒ 248.6╣ ½ 24.8╖ ╜ 273.56
ááááá▓ 273.5╢ ½ 27.3╢ ╜ 300.92
ááááá│ 300.9▓ ½ 30.0╣ ╜ 331.01
Alternativσ ▓ -- receivσ $10░ pe≥ yea≥ fo≥ │ years║
ááyear balance
ááááá░ 0
ááááá▒ 100
ááááá▓ 10░ ½ 10░ ½ 1░ ╜ 210
ááááá│ 10░ ½ 21░ ½ 2▒ ╜ 331
Eithe≥ way¼ yo⌡ havσ $33▒ iε you≥ accoun⌠ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thσ thirΣ ì
year (allowing for roundoff error).
Wha⌠ woulΣ happeε t∩ thi≤ examplσ iµ thσ interes⌠ ratσ werσ ì
changed to zero? What would happen if it were changed to 20%
.paè Herσ arσ summarie≤ oµ thσ format≤ oµ thσ function≤ wσ havσ ì
seen« Notσ tha⌠ ╔ havσ useΣ space≤ fo≥ legibility¼ bu⌠ the∙ ì
shoulΣ no⌠ bσ useΣ iε 123.
@SUM (<range to be added>)
@AVG (<range to be averaged>)
@MIN (<range to search for smallest value>)
@STD (<range to compute standard deviation over>)
@I╞ (<conditiona∞ expression>¼ <formulß iµ true>¼ <formulß iµ false>)
@IRR (<formula with guess>, <income stream range>)
@NPV (<interest rate formula>, <income stream range>)
@VLOOKU╨ (<argumen⌠ formula>¼ <tablσ range>¼ <formulß witΦ the offse⌠ ì
oµ the returneΣ value>)
@DAVG (<data table range>, <offset formula>, <criterion range>
.paè This example illustrates a few functions.
Numbers: Functions:
2 110 total
4 11 average
6 2 smallest
8 5.744562 standard deviation
Try changing the numbers in A5 through A15,
then check the formulii in C5 through C8.
This example illustrates conditional evaluation
using the IF function. Try changing the numbers in
cells A27 and A28. Can you figure out what is
happening to A30, when you do that? Look at A30 to
see how it was done.
This example calculates the internal rate of return of a ten-year
$1,000.00 investment amount
$250.00 annual payout
21.4% internal rate of return
.paè This example calculates the present value of a ten-year income stream.
$250.00 annual income
10.0% interest rate
$1,536.14 present value
This example calculates the present value of a ten-year investment.
$1,000.00 investment amount
$250.00 annual payout
10.0% interest rate
$487.40 present value
.paè This example uses both @NPV and @IRR and a more complex
example of the @IF function.
$1,000.0░ investmen⌠ amoun⌠ -1.4E-1│ p.v« a⌠ A10╖ percent
$250.00 annual payout
21.4% internal rate of return 0 better looking
This example illustrates a table lookup function.
Income: 25000
Rate: 10%
Tax Rate Table
Income Rate
$0.00 0%
$10,000.00 5%
$20,000.00 10%
$30,000.00 15%
$40,000.00 20%
$50,000.00 25%
$60,000.00 30%
$70,000.00 35%
$80,000.00 40%
$90,000.00 45%
$100,000.00 50%
.paè This function is more complex. Try changing the "sex" in
F145 and see what happens to the average "amount."
John Press m 12 m
Roberto Lastrico m 22
Natalia Lastrico f 30
Samantha Press f 100
Carla Lastrico f 200
Thomas Lasorda m 12
Evelyn Ashford f 300
Mary Decker f 400
Carl Lewis m 21
Edwin Moses m 18
William Banks m 11
average 16
.paè A1: 'This example illustrates a few functions.
A3: "Numbers:
C3: 'Functions:
A5: U 2
C5: @SUM(A5..A14)
D5: 'total
A6: U 4
C6: @AVG(A5..A14)
D6: 'average
A7: U 6
C7: @MIN(A5..A14)
D7: 'smallest
A8: U 8
C8: @STD(A5..A14)
D8: 'standard deviation
A9: U 10
A10: U 12
A11: U 14
A12: U 16
A13: U 18
A14: U 20
A16: 'Try changing the numbers in A5 through A15,
A17: 'then check the formulii in C5 through C8.
A21: ' This example illustrates conditional evaluation
A22: 'using the IF function. Try changing the numbers in
A23: 'cells A27 and A28. Can you figure out what is
A24: 'happening to A30, when you do that? Look at A30 to
A25: 'see how it was done.
A27: U 22
A28: U 44
A30: @IF(A27>A28,A27,A28)
A41: 'This example calculates the internal rate of return of a ten-year
A42: 'investment.
A44: (C2) U 1000
B44: ' investment amount
A45: (C2) U 250
B45: ' annual payout
A47: (P1) @IRR(0.1,A50..A60)
B47: ' internal rate of return
A50: (C2) -A44
A51: (C2) +$A$45
A52: (C2) +$A$45
A53: (C2) +$A$45
A54: (C2) +$A$45
A55: (C2) +$A$45
A56: (C2) +$A$45
A57: (C2) +$A$45
A58: (C2) +$A$45
A59: (C2) +$A$45
A60: (C2) +$A$45
.paè A61: 'This example calculates the present value of a ten-year income stream.
A64: (C2) U 250
B64: ' annual income
A65: (P1) U 0.1
B65: ' interest rate
A67: (C2) @NPV(A65,A71..A80)
B67: ' present value
A71: (C2) +$A$64
A72: (C2) +$A$64
A73: (C2) +$A$64
A74: (C2) +$A$64
A75: (C2) +$A$64
A76: (C2) +$A$64
A77: (C2) +$A$64
A78: (C2) +$A$64
A79: (C2) +$A$64
A80: (C2) +$A$64
A81: 'This example calculates the present value of a ten-year investment.
A83: (C2) U 1000
B83: ' investment amount
A84: (C2) U 250
B84: ' annual payout
A85: (P1) U 0.1
B85: ' interest rate
A87: (C2) @NPV(A85,A90..A100)
B87: ' present value
A90: (C2) -A83
A91: (C2) +$A$84
A92: (C2) +$A$84
A93: (C2) +$A$84
A94: (C2) +$A$84
A95: (C2) +$A$84
A96: (C2) +$A$84
A97: (C2) +$A$84
A98: (C2) +$A$84
A99: (C2) +$A$84
A100: (C2) +$A$84
A101: ' This example uses both @NPV and @IRR and a more complex
A102: 'example of the @IF function.
A105: (C2) U 1000
B105: ' investment amount
E105: @NPV(A107,A110..A120)
F105: 'p.v. at A107 percent
A106: (C2) U 250
B106: ' annual payout
A107: (P1) @IRR(0.1,A110..A120)
B107: ' internal rate of return
E107: @IF(@ABS(@NPV(A107,A110..A120))<0.001,0,@NPV(A107,A110..A120))
F107: 'better looking
A110: (C2) -A105
A111: (C2) +$A$106
A112: (C2) +$A$106
A113: (C2) +$A$106
A114: (C2) +$A$106
A115: (C2) +$A$106
A116: (C2) +$A$106
A117: (C2) +$A$106
A118: (C2) +$A$106
A119: (C2) +$A$106
A120: (C2) +$A$106
A121: 'This example illustrates a table lookup function.
A123: 'Income:
B123: (G) U 25000
A124: 'Rate:
B124: (P0) @VLOOKUP(B123,A130..B140,1)
A126: ' Tax Rate Table
A128: ' Income
B128: "Rate
A130: (C2) 0
B130: (P0) 0
A131: (C2) 10000
B131: (P0) 0.05
A132: (C2) 20000
B132: (P0) 0.1
A133: (C2) 30000
B133: (P0) 0.15
A134: (C2) 40000
B134: (P0) 0.2
A135: (C2) 50000
B135: (P0) 0.25
A136: (C2) 60000
B136: (P0) 0.3
A137: (C2) 70000
B137: (P0) 0.35
A138: (C2) 80000
B138: (P0) 0.4
A139: (C2) 90000
B139: (P0) 0.45
A140: (C2) 100000
B140: (P0) 0.5
.paè A141: ' This function is more complex. Try changing the "sex" in
A142: 'F145 and see what happens to the average "amount."
A144: 'NAME
C144: ^SEX
F144: 'SEX
A145: 'John Press
C145: ^m
D145: U 12
F145: U 'm
A146: 'Roberto Lastrico
C146: ^m
D146: U 22
A147: 'Natalia Lastrico
C147: ^f
D147: U 30
A148: 'Samantha Press
C148: ^f
D148: U 100
A149: 'Carla Lastrico
C149: ^f
D149: U 200
A150: 'Thomas Lasorda
C150: ^m
D150: U 12
A151: 'Evelyn Ashford
C151: ^f
D151: U 300
A152: 'Mary Decker
C152: ^f
D152: U 400
A153: 'Carl Lewis
C153: ^m
D153: U 21
A154: 'Edwin Moses
C154: ^m
D154: U 18
A155: 'William Banks
C155: ^m
D155: U 11
A157: 'average
D157: @DAVG(A144..D155,3,F144..F145)