Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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12│ ha≤ ß hierarchica∞ commanΣ structure« T∩ ente≥ commanΣ mode¼ ì
usσ thσ » ke∙ anΣ t∩ bacδ u≡ iε thσ commanΣ hierarch∙ usσ thσ ES├ ì
key« Thσ to≡ leve∞ iε thσ commanΣ hierarch∙ is:
áááááWORKSHEET║ command≤ affectinτ thσ entirσ spreadsheet
áááááRANGE║ command≤ affectinτ ß specifieΣ rangσ oµ cells
áááááCOPY║ cop∙ ß specifieΣ rangσ t∩ ß ne≈ locations
áááááMOVE║ movσ ß specifieΣ rangσ t∩ ß ne≈ locations
áááááFILE║ loaΣ anΣ storσ spreadhshee⌠ files
áááááPRINT║ prin⌠ al∞ o≥ par⌠ oµ ß spreadshee⌠ (oε disδ o≥ printer)
áááááGRAPH║ dra≈ graph≤ baseΣ oε spreadshee⌠ data
áááááDATA║ limiteΣ filσ managemen⌠ system
áááááSYSTEM║ temporar∙ returε t∩ DOS
áááááQUIT║ permanen⌠ returε t∩ DOS
Thσ followinτ summarize≤ somσ oµ thσ seconΣ leve∞ commands« Thσ ì
res⌠ arσ explaineΣ iε thσ manual.
WORKSHEET: commands affecting the entire spreadsheet
GLOBAL: se⌠ default≤ fo≥ displa∙ format¼ columε widths¼ etc.
áááááINSERT: insert rows or columns
áááááDELETE: delete rows or columns
áááááCOLUMN: set column widths
áááááERASE: erase the entire spreadsheet
áááááTITLES: set horizontal or vertical titles
áááááWINDOW: divide the screen into two independent windows
áááááSTATUS: display the status of the spreadsheet
áááááPAGE: insert a page break when printing
RANGE: commands affecting a specified range of cells
áááááFORMAT: specify the display format for a range of cells
áááááLABEL: specify left/right/center display for labels
áááááERASE: erase a specified range of cells
áááááNAME: assign a name to a specified range of cells
áááááJUSTIFY║ reforma⌠ ß lonτ labe∞ a≤ ß paragrapΦ witΦ worΣ wrappinτ
áááááPROTECT║ kee≡ thσ use≥ froφ changinτ cell≤ iε a specifieΣ range
áááááUNPROTECT: turn off protection in a specified range
áááááINPUT: enter data into a specified range of cells
áááááVALUE: copy the range converting formulas to their values
áááááTRANSPOSE: copy the range switching rows and columns
COPY: copy a specified range to a new locations
MOVE: move a specified range to a new locations
.paèFILE: load and store spreadhsheet files
áááááRETRIEVE: load a previously saved spreadsheet from disk
áááááSAVE: save the spreadsheet currently in memory on disk
áááááCOMBINE║ loaΣ al∞ o≥ par⌠ oµ ß saveΣ spreadshee⌠ int∩ thσ current one
áááááXTRACT: save a specified range of the current spreadsheet
áááááERASE║ erasσ ß spreadsheet¼ prin⌠ o≥ grapΦ filσ froφ thσ disk
áááááLIST: display the names of 123 files on the disk
áááááIMPORT: read from a print file into the current spreadsheet
áááááDIRECTORY: display and/or change the current directory
PRINT: prin⌠ al∞ o≥ par⌠ oµ ß spreadshee⌠ (oε disδ o≥ printer)
GRAPH: draw graphs based on spreadsheet data
DATA: limited file management system
SYSTEM: temporary return to DOS
QUIT: permanent return to DOS
Thσ followinτ arσ thσ 12│ functioε ke∙ commands« Wσ wil∞ usσ 1¼ ì
2¼ 3¼ 5¼ 6¼ anΣ ╣ iε ou≥ exercises.
áááááF╬ Action
ááááá▒ Ge⌠ help
ááááá▓ Edi⌠ thσ content≤ oµ thσ curren⌠ cell
ááááá│ Givσ ß namσ t∩ ß specifieΣ rangσ oµ cells
ááááá┤ Makσ thσ rangσ beinτ pointeΣ t∩ absolute
ááááá╡ Scrol∞ thσ displa∙ t∩ ß specifieΣ cell
ááááá╢ Changσ windows
ááááá╖ Repea⌠ thσ las⌠ quer∙
ááááá╕ Repea⌠ thσ las⌠ table
ááááá╣ Recalculatσ thσ spreadshee⌠
ááááá1░ Repea⌠ thσ las⌠ graph
Yo⌡ caε specif∙ ß rangσ oµ cell≤ eithe≥ b∙ typinτ iε thσ ì
addresse≤ oµ it≤ corner≤ o≥ b∙ pointinτ t∩ thσ corners« Wheε iε ì
pointinτ mode¼ thσ followinτ key≤ havσ specia∞ meanings:
áááááperiod (.) fix the first corner of the range
áááááESC key Free the fixed corner of the range
ááááá<curso≥ contro∞ keys╛ Adjus⌠ thσ seconΣ corne≥ oµ thσ range