Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
Text File
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║ A List of Books on Lotus 1-2-3 ║
║ Autumn, 1989 ║
Jon LaCure
103 E. Southern Dr.
Bloomington, IN 47401
1. Albion, Mark. Business Decision Making with 1-2-3. 336p.
Prentice Hall, 1988. $39.95. (ISBN 0-13-094178-6)
2. Anderson, John J. Business Computing with Lotus 1-2-3. 352p. Prentice
Hall, 1986. $26.00. (ISBN 0-13-093139-X).
3. August, B. Alan. Advanced Training for Lotus 1-2-3 & Symphony. 90p.
FlipTrack Learning Systems, 1987. Includes 4 audio cassettes &
data diskette. $129.00. (ISBN 0-917792-44-0).
4. August, B. Alan. How to Use Lotus 1-2-3. 63p. FlipTrack Learning
Systems, 1983. $99.00 guide & tapes. (ISBN 0-917792-23-8).
5. Badgett, T. The Insider's Guide to Lotus 1-2-3: Tips You Won't Find
in the Manual. Scott, Foresman & Company, 1987. $19.95. (ISBN 0-
6. Baras, Edward M. Osborne-McGraw-Hill Guide to Using Lotus 1-2-3. 2nd
ed. 432p. Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1986. $19.95. (ISBN 0-07-881230-
7. Baras, Edward M. The Advanced Guide to Lotus 1-2-3. 325p.
Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1986. $19.95. (ISBN 0-07-881237-2).
8. Bennett, Steven & Randall, Peter. One-Two-Three Power Pack: One
Hundred Fifty Ready-to-Run Macros. (Utility Software Ser.). 352p.
Brady Computer Books, 1988. $39.95. (ISBN 0-13-635400-9).
9. Bingham, Julie. One-Two-Three Go. 256p. Addison-Wesley, 1984. $14.95.
(ISBN 0-201-13047-5).
10. Bolocan, David. Lotus 1-2-3 Simplified: Including Version 2.0. 2nd ed.
272p. TAB Books, 1986. $21.95 (ISBN 0-8306-0448-0); Paper.
$14.60. (ISBN 0-8306-2748-0).
11. Bookbinder, David J. The Lotus Guide to 1-2-3 Release 3.0. 512p.
Addison-Wesley, 1988. $21.95. (ISBN 0-201-15038-7).
12. Brooks, Kenneth A. The Software Primer: Lotus 1-2-3 Level 1. (Software
Primer Ser.). 191p. JNZ Inc., 1984. $24.95. (ISBN 0-913871-02-8).
13. Cain, Nancy Woodard. Structured Programming with Lotus 1-2-3. 352p.
Brady Computer Books, 1989. $23.95. (ISBN 0-13-853540-X).
14. Cain, Thomas & Cain, Nancy W. One-Two-Three at Work. Prentice Hall,
1984. $23.33. (Reston).
15. Campbell, Mary. One-Two-Three Made Easy. 400p. Osborne/McGraw-Hill,
1988. $18.95. (ISBN 0-07-881293-3).
16. Campbell, Mary. One-Two-Three: The Complete Reference. 892p.
Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1987. $22.95. (ISBN 0-07-881005-1).
17. Campbell, Mary. One-Two-Three: The Pocket Reference. 120p.
Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1988. $4.95. (ISBN 0-07-881304-2).
18. Campbell, Mary. The Lotus Guide to 1-2-3 Functions. 256p. Addison-
Wesley, 1988. Paper. $19.95. (ISBN 0-201-12948-5).
19. Cassel, Don. Lotus 1-2-3 Simplified for the IBM Personal Computer.
208p. Prentice Hall, 1985. $19.95. (ISBN 0-13-541012-6).
20. Center for Professional Computer Education. Lotus 1-2-3 Quick
Reference Handbook. 240p. John Wiley & Sons, 1987. $19.95. (ISBN
21. Clarke, Darral. Marketing Analysis & Decision Making: Text & Cases
with Lotus 1-2-3. 440p. Scientific Press, 1987. Hardcover text
edition. $45.00. (ISBN 0-89426-083-9).
22. Cloake, Will. Statistical Modeling Using Lotus 1-2-3. 400p. MIS
Press, 1987. $22.95. (ISBN 0-943518-32-6); Paper. $42.95 incl.
disk. (ISBN 0-317-58969-5).
23. Close, Kenneth S. Integrated Software: Principles & Applications Using
Lotus 1-2-3. South-Western Publishing, 1986. (ISBN 0-538-10190-
24. Cobb, Douglas. Douglas Cobb's 1-2-3 Handbook: The Complete Guide for
Power Users. 700p. Cobb Group, Incorporated, 1986. Paper. $22.95.
(ISBN 0-936767-03-0).
25. Cobb, Douglas. Douglas Cobb's 1-2-3 Library: The Complete Guide for
Power Users. (The Bantam Business Productivity Library). Paper.
$22.95. Bantam Books. (ISBN 0-553-34389-0).
26. Cobb, Douglas. Quattro Companion: The Definitive Guide to Quattro for
1-2-3 Users. 704p. Cobb Group, Incorporated, 1988. Paper.
$22.95. (ISBN 0-936767-07-3).
27. Cobb, Douglas. One-Two-Three for Business. 2nd ed. 504p. Que
Corporation, 1987. $22.95. (ISBN 0-88022-283-2); $39.95 disk.
(ISBN 0-88022-314-6).
28. Cohen, Neil. Financial Analysis with Lotus 1-2-3. (Utility Software
Ser.). 300p. Brandy Computer Books, 1987. $39.95. (ISBN 0-13-
29. Colantonio, Ernest S. Wordstar, Lotus 1-2-3 & dBase III Plus: Student
Software Manual. 219p. D. C. Heath, 1987. $17.00. (ISBN 0-669-
30. Compton, Jay. The Power of Construction Management Using Lotus 1-2-3.
300p. MIS Press, 1984. Paper. $29.95. (ISBN 0-943518-17-2);
$44.95$ incl. disk. (ISBN 0-317-11824-2).
31. Curtin, Dennis P. Controlling Financial Performance: A 1-2-3 Business
User's Guide. 176p. Weber Systems, 1983. $17.50. (ISBN 0-930764-
32. Davis, William. Computing Fundamentals: Lotus 1-2-3. (A-W Computing
Fundamentals Ser.). 160p. Addison-Wesley, 1989. (ISBN 0-201-
33. Dologite, Dorothy G. Using Small Business Computers with Lotus 1-2-3,
dBASE II & WordStar. Prentice Hall, 1985. $34.00. (ISBN 0-13-
34. Duffy, Tim. Hands-On Lotus 1-2-3. 245p. Wadsworth, 1988. (ISBN 0-534-
35. Dybvig, Philip H. Personal Computing for Managers with Lotus 1-2-3.
226p. 1986. $25.00. (ISBN 0-89426-075-8).
36. Dybvig, Phillip. The Lotus Tutorial. 145p. The Scientific Press, 1987.
$25.00. (ISBN 0-89426-091-X).
37. Ewing, David P. Using 1-2-3 Workbook & Disk. 2nd ed. 300p. Que
Corporation, 1986. Paper. $29.95. (ISBN 0-88022-253-0).
38. Flast, Robert & Flast, Lauren. One-Two-Three Run!: Forty-One Ready to
Use Lotus 1-2-3 Models. 255p. Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1984. $17.95.
(ISBN 0-07-881142-2).
39. Gershefski, George W. Using Lotus 1-2-3 to Solve Your Business
Problems: Planning, Budgeting, Forecasting, Capital Investment
Analysis A Practical Guide to Spreadsheet Planning. 156p. Rowan &
Littlefield, 1984. $22.95x. (ISBN 0-8476-7346-4, Rowman &
40. Gilbert, Chris. ABC's of 1-2-3. 245p. Sybex, 1986. $17.95. (ISBN 0-
41. Glau, Gregory. Controlling Your Cash Flow with 1-2-3 or Symphony.
230p. Dow Jones-Irwin, 1986. $19.95. (ISBN 0-87094-702-8).
42. Gorham, Ken. Personal Productivity Using Lotus 1-2-3. 176p. Willian C.
Brown, 1987. (ISBN 0-697-05227-3); instrs.' manual. (ISBN 0-697-
43. Greenfield, W. M. Accounting with Lotus 1-2-3. 176p. Prentice Hall,
1988. $24.95. (ISBN 0-13-003583-1).
44. Grushcow, Jack. Business Worksheets for Lotus 1-2-3. Prentice Hall,
1984. $18.95. (ISBN 0-8359-0547-0).
45. Haque, Shamsul M. Lotus 1-2-3 Made Easy. 160p. Namuk International,
1985. $9.95. (ISBN 0-933057-01-6).
46. Harris, Daniel. Lotus 1-2-3 Mastery: A Business Guide to 1-2-3
Productivity. 256p. Prentice Hall. $39.95 incl. disk. (ISBN 0-
47. Harvey, Greg. Lotus 1-2-3 Desktop Companion. (Ready Reference Ser.).
976p. Sybex, 1986. $24.95. (ISBN 0-89588-501-8).
48. Held, Gilbert. Lotus 1-2-3 Models. 250p. Weber Systems, 1985. $17.95.
(ISBN 0-938862-29-4).
49. Helmkamp, John G. Managerial Accounting Plus Solving Managerial
Accounting Problems Using Lotus 1-2-3. John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
(ISBN 0-471-60951-X).
50. Helmkamp, John G. Solving Accounting Problems Using Lotus 1-2-3.
128p. John Wiley & Sons, 1986. (ISBN 0-471-84704-6).
51. Ho, James. Linear & Dynamic Programming with Lotus 1-2-3. 330p. MIS
Press, 1987. $19.95. (ISBN 0-943518-72-5).
52. Holt, Jack A. Cases & Applications in Lotus 1-2-3 with HAL. 2nd ed.
(Information Systems Ser.). Richard D. Irwin, 1987. $23.95. (ISBN
53. Hoskin, Robert E. Financial Accounting with Lotus 1-2-3. 288p.
Prentice Hall, 1986. (ISBN 0-13-315870-5).
54. Imdieke, Leroy F. Solving Financial Accounting Problems Using Lotus
1-2-3. John Wiley & Sons, 1988. (ISBN 0-471-61226-X).
55. Ingalsbe, Lon. Lotus 1-2-3- for the IBM PC. 2nd ed. 152p. Merill
Publishing, 1987. Paper. $19.95. (ISBN 0-317-59750-7).
56. Instant Access Guide to Lotus 1-2-3. (The New Instant Access Computer
Book Ser.). 256p. Price Stern Sloan, 1988. $14.95. (ISBN 0-89586-
57. Jackson. Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling with Lotus 1-2-3. 230p. John
Wiley & Sons, 1988. (ISBN 0-471-91989-6).
58. Jackson. Creative Modelling with Lotus 1-2-3. 169p. John Wiley & Sons
1986. $41.95 incl. disk. (ISBN 0-471-90796-0).
59. Jaffe, Austin J. Analyzing Real Estate Decisions Using Lotus 1-2-3.
Prentice Hall, 1985. $23.00. (ISBN 0-8359-9192-X).
60. Jefimenko, Oleg D. Scientific Graphics with Lotus 1-2-3. 194p.
Electret Scientific Company, 1987. $16.00. (ISBN 0-917406-05-2).
61. Jorgensen, Carolyn. Mastering 1-2-3. 2nd ed. 702p. Sybex, 1988.
Paper. $21.95. (ISBN 0-89588-528-X).
62. Kieso, Donald E. Intermediate Accounting, Spreadsheets Using LOTUS 1-
2-3. 5th ed. 372p. John Wiley & Sons, 1986. Book-disk pak. (ISBN
63. Kieso, Donald E. Solving Accounting Problems with Lotus 1-2-3 in
Introductory Accounting. 183p. John Wiley & Sons, 10/1987. Paper.
(ISBN 0-471-62550-7). Wiley, John, & Sons, Incorporated.
64. Kilpatrick, Michael. Business Statistics Using Lotus 1-2-3. 326p. John
Wiley & Sons, 02/1987. Paper. $24.95. (ISBN 0-471-84525-6).
65. Kling, Bill. ABCs of Lotus 1-2-3. 2nd ed. Scott, Foresman & Co.,
1988. Paper. $19.95. (ISBN 0-673-38123-4).
66. Krakow, Ira H. Lotus 1-2-3 Self-Taught on the IBM PC. 304p. Brady
Computer Books, 1984. $17.95. (ISBN 0-89303-628-5); $47.95 bk.
diskette. (ISBN 0-89303-629-3).
67. Krakow, Ira. Lotus 1-2-3 Self Taught. rev. & enl. ed. Brady Computer
Books, 1989. Paper. $19.95. (ISBN 0-13-540667-6).
68. Krumm, Rob. Learning Lotus 1-2-3 for Business. 352p. Addison-Wesley,
1988. (ISBN 0-201-11549-2).
69. Kyd, Charles W. Financial Modeling Using Lotus 1-2-3 Cover Release 2.
225p. Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1986. $19.95. (ISBN 0-07-881213-5).
70. Laric, Michael V. & Stiff, M. Ronald. Lotus 1-2-3 for Marketing &
Sales. 256p. Prentice Hall, 1984. $24.95; $39.95 incl. disk.
(ISBN 0-13-540956-X).
71. Lilien, Gary L. Marketing Mix Analysis with Lotus 1-2-3. 250p. The
Scientific Press, 1986. $35.00 incl. disk. (ISBN 0-89426-069-3).
72. Lipton, Russell C. Building Expert System for 1-2-3 & DBASE III &
Using Insight. 352p. Bantam Books, 1988. $34.95. (ISBN 0-553-
73. Little, Nguyen S. Applied One-Two-Three: Concepts & Techniques for
Applications Development. Prentice Hall, 1987. $21.95. (ISBN 0-
74. Lotus 1-2-3 User's Handbook. (User's Handbook Ser.). 304p. Ballantine
Books, 1985. $9.95. (ISBN 0-345-31815-3); $14.95. (ISBN 0-345-
75. Lotus 1-2-3: Program Reference Guide. 120p. Abacus Software, 1987.
$9.95. (ISBN 1-557550-05-0).
76. Lotus File Formats for 1-2-3, Symphony & Jazz. Addison-Wesley, 1986.
$19.95. (ISBN 0-201-16824-3).
77. Lotus Guide to 1-2-3 Advanced Macro Commands. Addison-Wesley, 1987.
Paper. $23.95. (ISBN 0-201-16822-7).
78. Lotus Guide to Learning 1-2-3 Macros. Addison-Wesley, 1986. $19.95.
(ISBN 0-201-16821-9).
79. Lunsford, E. Michael. Advanced Techniques in 1-2-3. 400p. Sybex,
1988. $21.95. (ISBN 0-89588-556-5).
80. Lunsford, Michael. Macros, Menus & Miracles for Lotus 1-2-3. 384p.
John Wiley & Sons, 1987. $22.95. (ISBN 0-471-85996-6).
81. Machalow, Robert. Using Lotus 1-2-3: A How to Do It Manual for Library
Applications. (How to Do It Manuals for Libraries: No. 1). 150p.
Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1989. $35.00. (ISBN 1-55570-033-0).
82. Martin, Dale. Lotus 1-2-3 Applications for Intermediate Accounting
with Disk. 128p. Prentice Hall, 1986. (ISBN 0-13-540717-6).
83. Mathews, Martin. Using 1-2-3 Release 3. 600p. Osborne/McGraw-Hill,
1989. $22.95. (ISBN 0-07-881309-3).
84. Mazursky, Alan. Lotus 1-2-3: A Practical Learning Guide. 500p.
Scientific Research Associates, 1988. (ISBN 0-574-18645-X)
85. McClure, Rhyder. Fast Access - Lotus 1-2-3. Brady Computer Books,
1988. Paper. $14.95. (ISBN 0-13-307521-4).
86. McComb, J. Lotus 1-2-3 & the IBM-PC & XT. New American Library, 1984.
$14.95. (ISBN 0-452-25493-0).
87. McKinnon, Lawrence W. Instant Lotus 1-2-3. 60p. Weber Systems, 1986.
$9.95. (ISBN 0-938862-80-4).
88. McLaughlin, Hugh S. Financial Management with Lotus 1-2-3. 224p.
Prentice Hall, 1986. $28.00. (ISBN 0-13-315409-2).
89. McLeod, Raymond. Decision Support Software: Featuring dBase III Plus,
Lotus 1-2-3, & WordPerfect. 496p. Science Research Associates,
1988. (ISBN 0-574-18695-6).
90. Metzelaar. Learning to Use Lotus 1-2-3. Benjamin-Cummings Publishing,
1986. $14.95. (ISBN 0-8053-6736-5).
91. Meyer. Easy as 1-2-3. 272p. Howard W. Sams, 1985, $18.95. (ISBN 0-
92. Miller, Steven E. The Good Ideas Book: Tips & Techniques for
Mastering 1-2-3 & Symphony. (Lotus Magazine Ser.). Addison-
Wesley, 1988. Paper. $19.95. (ISBN 0-201-15664-4).
93. Miller, Steven E. The Macro Book: Expert Advice for 1-2-3 & Symphony
Users. (The Best of Lotus Magazine Ser.). 432p. Addison-Wesley,
1988. $21.95. (ISBN 0-201-15665-2).
94. Miller, Steven E. The Worksheet Book: Buiding Skills for 1-2-3 &
Symphony. (The Best of Lotus Magazine Ser.). 400p. Addison-
Wesley, 1988. $21.95. (ISBN 0-201-15039-5).
95. Molloy, James F. & Curtin, Dennis P. Business Problem Solving: A 1-2-3
Business User's Guide. 176p. Weber Systems, 1984. Paper. $19.95.
(ISBN 0-930764-85-4).
96. Moyer, Charles R. Financial Management with Lotus 1-2-3. 316p. West
Publishing. $35.50. (ISBN 0-314-99984-1).
97. Mylius, Ralph. Lotus 1-2-3. (Applied Skills Ser.). Scott, Foresman &
Co., 1987. (ISBN 0-673-18788-8).
98. Mylius, Ralph. The Illustrated Lotus 1-2-3 Book (Release 2.01). rev.
ed. (Illustrated Ser.). 281p. Wordware Publishing, 1987. $19.95.
(ISBN 0-915381-67-2).
99. Napier, H. Albert. Mastering Lotus 1-2-3. 350p. Boyd and Fraser
Publishing, 1988. $27.50. (ISBN 0-87835-310-0).
100. Neely, Alex. Applications Exercises Using Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE III-III
Plus & Wordstar. 150p. Merrill Publishing, 1987. $14.95. (ISBN 0-
101. Nguyen, Tim K. Applied 1-2-3: Creating Spreadsheet Systems for
Others. rev. & enl. ed. (Illus.). 452p. Brady Computer Books,
1989. Paper. $22.95. (ISBN 0-13-040874-3).
102. Nitz, Lawrence H. Business Analysis & Graphics with Lotus 1-2-3.
176p. Prentice Hall, 1985. $24.95. (ISBN 0-13-091604-8).
103. Ochi, Kaz. Accounting with Lotus 1-2-3. 200p. PWS-Kent Company, 1983.
(ISBN 0-534-03038-6).
104. One-Two-Three QueCards. Short, Lloyd, editor. 252p. Que Corporation,
1987. $21.95. (ISBN 0-88022-272-7).
105. One-Two-Three Quick Reference. 160p. Que Corporation, 1988. Paper.
$6.95. (ISBN 0-88022-368-5).
106. One-Two-Three QuickStart. 350p. Que Corporation, 1988. Paper. $21.95.
(ISBN 0-88022-386-3).
107. Orvis, William J. The One-Two-Three for Scientists & Engineers. 341p.
Sybex, 1987. Paper. $24.95. (ISBN 0-89588-407-0).
108. Osgood, William R. Business Decision Making for Higher Profits: A 1-
2-3 Business User's Guide. 192p. Weber Systems, 1984. $19.50.
(ISBN 0-930764-89-7).
109. Osgood, William R. Preparing Your Business Plan with LOTUS 1-2-3.
176p. Prentice Hall, 1985. $27.95. (ISBN 0-13-698424-X).
110. Ouchi. Lotus in the Lab. 196p. Addison-Wesley, 1988. $34.50. (ISBN 0-
201-14349-6); Paper. $22.75. (ISBN 0-201-14307-0).
111. Penley, Larry. Human Resources Simulation Using Lotus 1-2-3. South-
Western Publishing, 1989. (ISBN 0-538-07832-4).
112. Pitter, Keiko. Using IBM Microcomputers: Word Perfect, dBase III Plus
& IV, & Lotus. 3rd ed. 300p. Mitchell Publishing, 1989. (ISBN 0-
113. Poor, Alfred E., II. The Data Exchange: Moving Data Between 1-2-3,
dBase, & Other Popular Programs. Brady Computer Books, 1988.
$21.95. (ISBN 0-13-198094-7).
114. Randall, Peter G. & Bennett, Steven J. Total 1-2-3. 700p. Brady
Computer 1989. Paper. $24.95. (ISBN 0-13-925728-4).
115. Richardson, Ronny. Lotus Companion: Add-On Software Resources. 260p.
TAB Books, 1988. $22.95. (ISBN 0-8306-3128-3).
116. Ridington, Richard W. Inside Lotus 1-2-3 Macros. Brady Computer
Books, 1988. $21.95. (ISBN 0-13-601063-6).
117. Ridington, Richard W. The Hidden Power of Lotus 1-2-3: Using Macros.
288p. Brady Computer Books, 1985. $19.95. (ISBN 0-89303-517-3).
118. Rier, David C. The Lotus Guide to HAL: Techniques for Experienced 1-2-
3 Users. 188p. Addison-Wesley, 1987. $19.95. (ISBN 0-201-16827-8).
119. Ross, Steven C. Understanding & Using Lotus 1-2-3. 196p. West
Publishing, 1985. $18.25. (ISBN 0-314-96209-3).
120. Ross, Steven C. Understanding & Using Lotus 1-2-3: Release 2.
(Microcomputing Ser.). 232p. West Publishing, 1987. $18.25. (ISBN
121. Schrage, L. Optimizing Lotus 1-2-3 with VIND. 91p. The Scientific
Press, 1987. $15.00. (ISBN 0-89426-049-9); $20.00 student manual.
(ISBN 0-89426-094-4).
122. Schware, Robert & Trembour, Alice. All about 1-2-3. (Illus.). 160p.
Weber Systems, 1983. Paper. $9.95. (ISBN 0-88056-129-7).
123. Seybold, Patricia B. Integrated Spreadsheet Software: Lotus 1-2-3 &
Context MBA. (Seybold Series on Professional Computing). 183p.
McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1984. $15.95. (ISBN 0-07-056321-7).
124. Seymour, Roger J. Unleashing the Power of Lotus. Brady Computer Books,
1988. Paper. $21.95. (ISBN 0-13-510181-6).
125. Shaffer, Dan. One-Two-Three Revealed. 267p. Reston Publishing, 1984.
Paper. $16.95. (ISBN 0-8359-5236-3).
126. Shaffer, Daniel N. Macro Programming for 1-2-3. 304p. Howard W. Sams,
1987. $19.95. (ISBN 0-672-46573-6).
127. Simpson, Alan. Best Book of Lotus 1-2-3. 2nd ed. 338p. Howard W.
Sams, 1986. Paper. $21.95. (ISBN 0-672-22563-8).
128. Simpson, Alan. Simpson's 1-2-3 Macro Library. 298p. Sybex, 1986.
Paper. $19.95. (ISBN 0-89588-314-7).
129. Sliter, Thomas J. Mutual Funds, Annuities, IRAs & Keoghs Using Lotus
1-2-3. (Daymaker Personal Finance Ser.). 79p. Daymaker
Publishing, 1986. $59.95 incl. software diskette. (ISBN 0-938601-
00-8, MF-7086).
130. Smith, Alfred G. Microcomputer Applications: A Hands-on Introduction
to Wordstar & Lotus 1-2-3. 128p. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1986.
$10.95. (ISBN 0-8403-4020-6).
131. Smith, Gaylord N. Electronic Spreadsheet Applications for Managerial
Accounting. 192p. South-Western, 1985. Text & template for
VisiCalc with Apple. (ISBN 0-538-40194-X, 08A2). Text & template
for Lotus with IBM; (ISBN 0-538-40195-8, 08A3).
132. Smith, Gaylord N. One-Two-Three Quick. 128p. South-Western, 1986.
(ISBN 0-538-10770-7).
133. Stark, Robin. EncyclopedIa of Lotus 1-2-3: A Complete Crossreference
to all Macros, Commands, Functions, Applications &
Troubleshooting. 512p. TAB Books, 1987. $29.95. (ISBN 0-8306-
7891-3). $19.60.
134. Startz, Richard. Working with One-Two-Three on the IBM PC &
Compatibles. 132p. Harper and Row Publishers, 1984. $14.37. (ISBN
135. Thomason, Annette. Learning Lotus 1-2-3. Houghton Mifflin, 1989.
$24.76. (ISBN 0-395-35731-4).
136. Tobias, Audrey S. Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet & Graphics. 144p.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1986. $9.95. (ISBN 0-8403-3976-3).
137. Understanding Lotus 1-2-3. (VideoNotes Ser.). M USA Business Systems,
1988. $9.95.
138. Urschel, William. Ready to Run Accounting with Lotus 1-2-3 & Symphony.
225p. Manusoft, 1984. $44.95 incl. disk. (ISBN 0-88284-330-3).
139. Using One-Two-Three: Special Edition. 944p. Que Corporation, 1987.
Paper. $24.95. (ISBN 0-88022-332-4).
140. Vogt, E. Micromentor: A Case Analysis Using Lotus. 160p. McGraw-Hill,
1985. $22.95. (ISBN 0-07-079053-1).
141. Waller, Thomas C. Computerized Programs in Financial Accounting
Principles: A Manual of Electronic Spreadsheet Applications using
Lotus 1-2-3. 178p. Dame Publications, 1986. $16.95x. (ISBN 0-
142. Waltz, A. J. FASST: A Financial Analysis Spreadsheet Template for
Lotus 1-2-3. 65p. Addison-Wesley, 1986. (ISBN 0-201-09925-X).
143. Warrner, D. Michael & Werner, Thomas W. Using Lotus 1-2-3, Supercalc
4, WordPerfect, WordStar & dBASE III Plus. Scott, Foresman & Co.,
1988. (ISBN 0-673-38131-5).
144. Warrner, D. Michael & Werner, Thomas W. Using Lotus 1-2-3. Scott,
Foresman & Co., 1988. (ISBN 0-673-38073-4).
145. Warrner, Thomas W. & Werner, D. Michael. Using Lotus 1-2-3, Wordstar,
& dBASE III Plus. Scott, Foresman & Co., 1988. (ISBN 0-673-38218-4).
146. Weisskopf, Gene. Lotus 1-2-3 Tips & Tricks. 396p. Sybex, 1988. $21.95.
(ISBN 0-89588-454-2).
147. Wells, Nancy E. Straight Forward Managerial Accounting Applications
Using Lotus 1-2-3. (Straight Forward Ser.). Champlain College
Press, 1987. $12.95. (ISBN 0-9612704-1-1).
148. William, Robert E. Financial Calculations for Lotus 1-2-3. 175p. MIS
Press. $14.95. (ISBN 0-943518-10-5).
149. Williams, Andrew T. Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3. John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
150. Williams, Andrew T. Lotus 1-2-3 from A to Z. 358p. John Wiley & Sons,
01/1985. Paper. $18.95. (ISBN 0-471-87919-3).
151. Williams, Christie. The Lotus Guide to Using Manuscript: Techniques &
Applications. 288p. Addison-Wesley, 1987. Paper. $22.95. (ISBN 0-
152. Williams, Robert E. The Power Of: Lotus 1-2-3 Complete Reference
Guide. (The Power of Ser.). 294p. MIS Press, 1986. $19.95. (ISBN
153. Williams, Robert E. The Power Of: Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2 for Business
Applications. (The Power of Ser.). 314p. MIS Press, 1986. $19.95.
(ISBN 0-943518-64-4); $34.95
154. Winter. Marketing Management Using Lotus 1-2-3. John Wiley & Sons,
1988. Paper. (ISBN 0-471-63491-3).
155. Wolf, Doug. Compute's Quick & Easy Guide to Learning Lotus 1-2-3.
Compute! Publications, 1988. $12.95. (ISBN 0-87455-106-4).