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/ Simtel MSDOS 1992 September / Simtel20_Sept92.cdr / msdos / msjournl / msjv4_1b.arc / MACSL.ARC / H.DIF < prev    next >
Text File  |  1988-09-21  |  19KB  |  568 lines

  1. ############################################################################## 
  2. # # # # c:\h\bsedos.h : d:\a\sleuth\mac\bsedos.h # # # # 
  3. ############################################################################## 
  4. 60c60
  5. < #if (defined(INCL_DOSPROCESS) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  6. ---
  7. > #ifdef INCL_DOSPROCESS
  8. 86c86
  10. ---
  11. > typedef VOID (PASCAL FAR *PFNTHREAD)(/*VOID*/);
  12. 118c118
  14. ---
  16. 251c251
  17. < #if (defined(INCL_DOSFILEMGR) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  18. ---
  19. > #ifdef INCL_DOSFILEMGR
  20. 360c360
  21. < #if (defined(INCL_DOSMEMMGR) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  22. ---
  23. > #ifdef INCL_DOSMEMMGR
  24. 400c400
  25. < #if (defined(INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  26. ---
  28. 473c473
  29. < #if (defined(INCL_DOSDATETIME) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  30. ---
  31. > #ifdef INCL_DOSDATETIME
  32. 521c521
  33. < #if (defined(INCL_DOSRESOURCES) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  34. ---
  35. > #ifdef INCL_DOSRESOURCES
  36. ############################################################################## 
  37. # # # # c:\h\os2def.h : d:\a\sleuth\mac\os2def.h # # # # 
  38. ############################################################################## 
  39. 5c5
  40. < * OS/2 Common Definitions file
  41. ---
  42. > * OS/2 Common Definitions file - Macintosh version
  43. 12,14c12,14
  44. < #define PASCAL  pascal
  45. < #define FAR     far
  46. < #define NEAR    near
  47. ---
  48. > #define PASCAL
  49. > #define FAR
  50. > #define NEAR
  51. 18c18
  52. < typedef void far      *LHANDLE;
  53. ---
  54. > typedef void FAR      *LHANDLE;
  55. 20,21c20,21
  56. < #define EXPENTRY pascal far
  57. < #define APIENTRY pascal far
  58. ---
  59. > #define EXPENTRY PASCAL FAR
  60. > #define APIENTRY PASCAL FAR
  61. 43,44c43,44
  62. < typedef char far  *PSZ;
  63. < typedef char near *NPSZ;
  64. ---
  65. > typedef char FAR  *PSZ;
  66. > typedef char NEAR *NPSZ;
  67. 46,47c46,47
  68. < typedef char far  *PCH;
  69. < typedef char near *NPCH;
  70. ---
  71. > typedef char FAR  *PCH;
  72. > typedef char NEAR *NPCH;
  73. 49,51c49,51
  74. < typedef int   (pascal far  *PFN)();
  75. < typedef int   (pascal near *NPFN)();
  76. < typedef PFN far *PPFN;
  77. ---
  78. > typedef int   (PASCAL FAR  *PFN)();
  79. > typedef int   (PASCAL NEAR *NPFN)();
  80. > typedef PFN FAR *PPFN;
  81. 54c54
  82. < typedef BYTE   near *NPBYTE;
  83. ---
  84. > typedef BYTE   NEAR *NPBYTE;
  85. 89c89
  86. < #define MAKETYPE(v, type)   (*((type far *)&v))
  87. ---
  88. > #define MAKETYPE(v, type)   (*((type FAR *)&v))
  89. 182c182
  90. < typedef POINTL  near *NPPOINTL;
  91. ---
  92. > typedef POINTL  NEAR *NPPOINTL;
  93. 191c191
  94. < typedef RECTL near *NPRECTL;
  95. ---
  96. > typedef RECTL NEAR *NPRECTL;
  97. 193c193
  98. < typedef CHAR STR8[8];        /* str8 */
  99. ---
  100. > typedef CHAR STR8[8];     /* str8 */
  101. 241c241
  102. < typedef DRIVDATA far *PDRIVDATA;
  103. ---
  104. > typedef DRIVDATA FAR *PDRIVDATA;
  105. 312c312
  106. < typedef FATTRS far *PFATTRS;
  107. ---
  108. > typedef FATTRS FAR *PFATTRS;
  109. 367c367
  110. < typedef FONTMETRICS far *PFONTMETRICS;
  111. ---
  113. 371c371,376
  114. < typedef LHANDLE HWND;      /* hwnd */
  115. ---
  116. > #ifdef MACPM_INTERNAL
  117. >   typedef struct _MYWND **HWND;
  118. > #else
  119. >   typedef LHANDLE HWND;      /* hwnd */
  120. > #endif
  121. 385c390
  122. < typedef WRECT near *NPWRECT;
  123. ---
  124. > typedef WRECT NEAR *NPWRECT;
  125. 394c399
  126. < typedef WPOINT near *NPWPOINT;
  127. ---
  128. > typedef WPOINT NEAR *NPWPOINT;
  129. ############################################################################## 
  130. # # # # c:\h\pm.h : d:\a\sleuth\mac\pm.h # # # # 
  131. ############################################################################## 
  132. 5c5,6
  133. < * This is the top level include file for Presentation Manager
  134. ---
  135. > * This is the top level include file that includes all the files necessary
  136. > * for writing a Presentation Manager application.
  137. 6a8,16
  138. > * History:
  139. > *  24-Sep-87 MPerks    Created
  140. > *  14-Nov-87 MPerks    DCR23505
  141. > *  19-Nov-87 MPerks    taken out conditions
  142. > *                      1) AVIO needs FONTMETRICS/FATTRS from GPI
  143. > *                      2) HMF shared between DEV and GPI
  144. > *                      3) DRIVDATA shared between DEV and SPL
  145. > *   3-Dec-87 MPerks    implemented name change
  146. > *
  147. 14,24c24,30
  148. < *   INCL_PM               -  ALL of OS/2 Presentation Manager
  149. < *   INCL_WIN              -  OS/2 Window Manager
  150. < *   INCL_GPI              -  OS/2 GPI
  151. < *   INCL_DEV              -  OS/2 Device Support
  152. < *   INCL_AVIO             -  OS/2 Advanced VIO
  153. < *   INCL_SPL              -  OS/2 Spooler
  154. < *   INCL_PIC              -  OS/2 Picture
  155. < *   INCL_ORDERS           -  OS/2 Graphical Order Formats
  156. < *   INCL_BITMAPFILEFORMAT -  OS/2 Bitmap File Format
  157. < *   INCL_FONTFILEFORMAT   -  OS/2 Font File Format
  158. < *   INCL_ERRORS           -  OS/2 Errors
  159. ---
  160. > *   INCL_PM     -  ALL of OS/2 Presentation Manager
  161. > *   INCL_WIN    -  OS/2 Window Manager
  162. > *   INCL_GPI    -  OS/2 GPI
  163. > *   INCL_DEV    -  OS/2 Device Support
  164. > *   INCL_AVIO   -  OS/2 Advanced VIO
  165. > *   INCL_SPL    -  OS/2 Spooler
  166. > *   INCL_ERRORS -  OS/2 Errors
  167. 35,38d40
  168. <     #define INCL_PIC
  169. <     #define INCL_ORDERS
  170. <     #define INCL_BITMAPFILEFORMAT
  171. <     #define INCL_FONTFILEFORMAT
  172. 50,61d51
  173. < #endif
  174. < #ifdef INCL_PIC
  175. < #include <pmpic.h>     /* OS/2 Picture definitions */
  176. < #endif
  177. < #ifdef INCL_ORDERS
  178. < #include <pmord.h>     /* OS/2 Graphical Order Formats */
  179. < #endif
  181. < #include <pmbitmap.h>  /* OS/2 Bitmap File Format definition */
  182. < #endif
  184. < #include <pmfont.h>    /* OS/2 Font File Format definition */
  185. ############################################################################## 
  186. # # # # c:\h\pmgpi.h : d:\a\sleuth\mac\pmgpi.h # # # # 
  187. ############################################################################## 
  188. 110c110
  189. < #if (defined(INCL_GPICONTROL) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  190. ---
  191. > #ifdef INCL_GPICONTROL
  192. 497c497
  193. < #if (defined(INCL_GPIPRIMITIVES) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  194. ---
  195. > #ifdef INCL_GPIPRIMITIVES
  196. 1069c1069
  197. < #if (defined(INCL_GPIBITMAPS) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  198. ---
  199. > #ifdef INCL_GPIBITMAPS
  200. ############################################################################## 
  201. # # # # c:\h\pmshl.h : d:\a\sleuth\mac\pmshl.h # # # # 
  202. ############################################################################## 
  203. 1,199c1
  204. < /**********************************************************************\
  205. < *                                                                      *
  206. < * Module Name: PMSHL.H                                                 *
  207. < *                                                                      *
  208. < * OS/2 Presentation Manager Shell constants, types, messages and       *
  209. < * function declarations                                                *
  210. < * Copyright (c) 1988  IBM Corporation                                  *
  211. < * Copyright (c) 1988  Microsoft Corporation                            *
  212. < *                                                                      *
  213. < * =====================================================================*
  214. < *                                                                      *
  215. < * The following symbols are used in this file for conditional sections.*
  216. < *                                                                      *
  217. < *   INCL_WINSHELLDATA    Include Winthorn Data private entries         *
  218. < *   INCL_SHLERRORS       defined if INCL_ERRORS is defined             *
  219. < *   INCL_WINSWITCHLIST   Include Switch List Calls                     *
  220. < *                                                                      *
  221. < * History:                                                             *
  222. < *  17June88  DCR 24018   AP - moved Switch List + Program List API's   *
  223. < *                             to PMSHLP.H                              *
  224. < *  23May88   DCR 23914   ...ies -> ize  - SD, part 2 (remove old)      *
  225. < *  16May88   DCR 23914   ...ies -> ize  - SD                           *
  226. < *   9May88   PTR 3944    Message values - SD                           *
  227. < *                                                                      *
  228. < \**********************************************************************/
  229. <  
  230. < /* common types, constants and function declarations             */
  231. <  
  232. < /* maximum file name length */
  233. < #define MAXNAMEL 60
  234. <  
  235. < /* program handle */
  236. < typedef LHANDLE HPROGRAM;       /* hprog */
  237. < typedef HPROGRAM FAR * PHPROGRAM;
  238. <  
  239. < /* window size structure */
  240. < typedef struct _XYWINSIZE {     /* xywin */
  241. <     SHORT x;
  242. <     SHORT y;
  243. <     SHORT cx;
  244. <     SHORT cy;
  245. <     SHORT fsWindow;
  246. < } XYWINSIZE;
  248. <  
  249. < /* Definitions for fsWindow */                            /* PTR 3317 */
  250. < #define XYF_NOAUTOCLOSE  0x0008                           /* PTR 3317 */
  251. < #define XYF_MINIMIZED    0x0004                           /* D23914 */
  252. < #define XYF_MAXIMIZED    0x0002                           /* D23914 */
  253. < #define XYF_INVISIBLE    0x0001
  254. < #define XYF_NORMAL       0X0000
  255. <  
  256. < #if (defined(INCL_WINSWITCHLIST) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  257. <  
  258. < typedef LHANDLE HSWITCH;        /* hsw */
  259. < typedef HSWITCH FAR *PHSWITCH;
  260. <  
  261. < /* visibility flag for SWCNTRL structure */
  262. < #define SWL_VISIBLE   (BYTE)0x00
  263. < #define SWL_INVISIBLE (BYTE)0x01
  264. < #define SWL_GRAYED    (BYTE)0x02
  265. <  
  266. < /* visibility flag for SWCNTRL structure */
  267. < #define SWL_JUMPABLE    (BYTE)0x00
  268. < #define SWL_NOTJUMPABLE (BYTE)0x01
  269. <  
  270. < typedef struct _SWCNTRL {       /* swctl */                     /* DCR 23781 */
  271. <     HWND     hwnd;                                              /* DCR 23781 */
  272. <     HWND     hwndIcon;                                          /* DCR 23781 */
  273. <     HPROGRAM hprog;                                             /* DCR 23781 */
  274. <     USHORT   idProcess;                                         /* DCR 23781 */
  275. <     USHORT   idSession;                                         /* DCR 23781 */
  276. <     UCHAR    uchVisibility;                                     /* DCR 23781 */
  277. <     UCHAR    fbJump;                                            /* DCR 23781 */
  278. <     CHAR     szSwtitle[MAXNAMEL+1];                             /* DCR 23781 */
  279. <     BYTE     fReserved;        /* To align on word boundary */  /* DCR 23781 */
  280. < } SWCNTRL;
  281. < typedef SWCNTRL FAR *PSWCNTRL;
  282. <  
  283. < /*** Switching Program functions */
  284. < HSWITCH APIENTRY WinAddSwitchEntry( PSWCNTRL );
  285. < USHORT  APIENTRY WinRemoveSwitchEntry( HSWITCH );
  286. < USHORT  APIENTRY WinSave( PSZ );
  287. <  
  288. < /* PTR 3994 define message for WinSave */
  289. < #define WM_WINSAVE      0x008F   /* WM_SHELLFIRST + 0x0F */
  290. <  
  291. < #endif  /* not INCL_NOCOMMON */
  292. <  
  293. < #ifdef INCL_WINSWITCHLIST
  294. <  
  295. < USHORT   APIENTRY WinChangeSwitchEntry( HSWITCH, PSWCNTRL );
  296. < USHORT   APIENTRY WinQueryTaskTitle( USHORT, PSZ , USHORT );
  297. <  
  298. < #endif
  299. <  
  300. < /* if error definitions are required then allow Shell errors */
  301. < #ifdef INCL_ERRORS
  302. <     #define INCL_SHLERRORS
  303. < #endif /* INCL_ERRORS */
  304. <  
  305. < #ifdef INCL_WINSHELLDATA
  306. <  
  307. < /*** OS2.INI Access functions */
  308. < SHORT  APIENTRY WinQueryProfileInt ( HAB , PSZ , PSZ , SHORT );
  309. < USHORT APIENTRY WinQueryProfileString ( HAB , PVOID , PVOID
  310. <                                       , PVOID , PVOID , USHORT );
  311. < BOOL   APIENTRY WinWriteProfileString ( HAB , PSZ , PVOID , PVOID );
  312. < USHORT APIENTRY WinQueryProfileSize ( HAB , PSZ , PSZ , PUSHORT );
  313. < USHORT APIENTRY WinQueryProfileData ( HAB , PSZ , PSZ , PVOID , PUSHORT );
  314. < USHORT APIENTRY WinWriteProfileData ( HAB , PSZ , PSZ , PVOID , USHORT );
  315. <  
  316. < #endif /* INCL_WINSHELLDATA */
  317. <  
  318. < #ifdef INCL_SHLERRORS
  319. <  
  320. < #define PMERR_INVALID_PIB                0x1101
  321. < #define PMERR_INSUFF_SPACE_TO_ADD        0x1102
  322. < #define PMERR_INVALID_GROUP_HANDLE       0x1103
  323. < #define PMERR_DUPLICATE_TITLE            0x1104
  324. < #define PMERR_INVALID_TITLE              0x1105
  325. < #define PMERR_HANDLE_NOT_IN_GROUP        0x1107
  326. < #define PMERR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE      0x1106
  327. < #define PMERR_INVALID_PATH_STATEMENT     0x1108
  328. < #define PMERR_NO_PROGRAM_FOUND           0x1109
  329. < #define PMERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE        0x110A
  330. < #define PMERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL           0x110B
  331. < #define PMERR_PL_INITIALISATION_FAIL     0x110C
  332. < #define PMERR_CANT_DESTROY_SYS_GROUP     0x110D
  333. < #define PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_CHANGE        0x110E
  334. < #define PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_HANDLE     0x110F
  335. <  
  336. < #define PMERR_NOT_CURRENT_PL_VERSION     0x1110
  337. < #define PMERR_INVALID_CIRCULAR_REF       0x1111
  338. < #define PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERR      0x1112
  339. < #define PMERR_MEMORY_DEALLOCATION_ERR    0x1113
  340. < #define PMERR_TASK_HEADER_TOO_BIG        0x1114
  341. <  
  342. < #define PMERR_DOS_ERROR                  0x1200
  343. <  
  344. < #define PMERR_NO_SPACE                   0x1201
  345. < #define PMERR_INVALID_SWITCH_HANDLE      0x1202
  346. < #define PMERR_NO_HANDLE                  0x1203
  347. < #define PMERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID         0x1204
  348. < #define PMERR_NOT_SHELL                  0x1205
  349. < #define PMERR_INVALID_WINDOW             0x1206
  350. < #define PMERR_INVALID_POST_MSG           0x1207
  351. < #define PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS         0x1208
  352. < #define PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_TYPE       0x1209
  353. < #define PMERR_NOT_EXTENDED_FOCUS         0x120A
  354. < #define PMERR_INVALID_SESSION_ID         0x120B
  355. <  
  356. < #define PMERR_OPENING_INI_FILE           0x1301
  357. < #define PMERR_INI_FILE_CORRUPT           0x1302
  358. < #define PMERR_INVALID_PARM               0x1303
  359. < #define PMERR_NOT_IN_IDX                 0x1304
  360. <  
  361. < #define PMERR_INI_WRITE_FAIL             0x1306
  362. < #define PMERR_IDX_FULL                   0x1307
  363. < #define PMERR_INI_PROTECTED              0x1308
  364. < #define PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOC               0x1309
  365. < #define PMERR_INI_INIT_ALREADY_DONE      0x130A
  366. < #define PMERR_INVALID_INTEGER            0x130B
  367. < #define PMERR_INVALID_ASCIIZ             0x130C
  368. < #define PMERR_CAN_NOT_CALL_SPOOLER       0x130D
  370. <  
  371. < #define PMERR_WARNING_WINDOW_NOT_KILLED  0x1401
  372. < #define PMERR_ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW       0x1402
  373. < #define PMERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED        0x1403
  374. < #define PMERR_MSG_PROG_NO_MOU            0x1405
  375. < #define PMERR_MSG_PROG_NON_RECOV         0x1406
  376. < #define PMERR_WINCONV_INVALID_PATH       0x1407
  377. < #define PMERR_PI_NOT_INITIALISED         0x1408
  378. < #define PMERR_PL_NOT_INITIALISED         0x1409
  379. < #define PMERR_NO_TASK_MANAGER            0x140A
  380. < #define PMERR_SAVE_NOT_IN_PROGRESS       0x140B
  381. < #define PMERR_NO_STACK_SPACE             0x140C
  382. < #define PMERR_INVALID_COLR_FIELD         0x140d
  383. < #define PMERR_INVALID_COLR_VALUE         0x140e
  384. < #define PMERR_COLR_WRITE                 0x140f
  385. <  
  386. < #define PMERR_TARGET_FILE_EXISTS         0x1501
  387. < #define PMERR_SOURCE_SAME_AS_TARGET      0x1502
  388. < #define PMERR_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND      0x1503
  389. < #define PMERR_INVALID_NEW_PATH           0x1504
  390. < #define PMERR_TARGET_FILE_NOT_FOUND      0x1505
  391. < #define PMERR_INVALID_DRIVE_NUMBER       0x1506
  392. < #define PMERR_NAME_TOO_LONG              0x1507
  393. < #define PMERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ROOM_ON_DISK    0x1508
  394. < #define PMERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM             0x1509
  395. <  
  396. < #define PMERR_LOG_DRV_DOES_NOT_EXIST     0x150B
  397. < #define PMERR_INVALID_DRIVE              0x150C
  398. < #define PMERR_ACCESS_DENIED              0x150D
  399. < #define PMERR_NO_FIRST_SLASH             0x150E
  400. < #define PMERR_READ_ONLY_FILE             0x150F
  401. <  
  402. < #endif /* INCL_SHLERRORS */
  403. ---
  404. > /* PmShl.h (empty dummy file) */
  405. ############################################################################## 
  406. # # # # c:\h\pmwin.h : d:\a\sleuth\mac\pmwin.h # # # # 
  407. ############################################################################## 
  408. 120,121c120
  409. < #if (defined(INCL_WINCOMMON) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON) |  \
  410. <      defined(INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR))
  411. ---
  412. > #if 1
  413. 159c158
  415. ---
  417. 307a307,313
  418. > #ifdef PM_MACINTOSH
  419. >     HWND   hwnd;
  420. >     HWND   hwndInsertBehind;
  421. >     SHORT  x;
  422. >     SHORT  y;
  423. >     SHORT  cx;
  424. >     SHORT  cy;
  425. 308a315,316
  426. > #else
  427. >     USHORT fs;
  428. 314a323
  429. > #endif
  430. 355c364
  431. <                  USHORT fs);
  432. ---
  433. >            USHORT fs);
  434. 363c372
  435. < #define DBM_IMAGEATTRS    0x0008
  436. ---
  437. > #define DBM_IMAGEATTRS  0x0008
  438. 367c376
  439. <                LONG clrFore, LONG clrBack, USHORT rgfCmd);
  440. ---
  441. >          LONG clrFore, LONG clrBack, USHORT rgfCmd);
  442. 385c394
  443. < #define DT_TEXTATTRS        0x0040
  444. ---
  445. > #define DT_TEXTATTRS      0x0040
  446. 389c398
  447. <                 LONG clrFore, LONG clrBack, USHORT rgfCmd);
  448. ---
  449. >           LONG clrFore, LONG clrBack, USHORT rgfCmd);
  450. 400c409
  451. < #define DB_AREAATTRS        0x0010
  452. ---
  453. > #define DB_AREAATTRS      0x0010
  454. 437c446
  455. < #if (defined(INCL_WINWINDOWMGR) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  456. ---
  457. > #ifdef INCL_WINWINDOWMGR
  458. 447a457,469
  459. > #ifdef PM_MACINTOSH
  460. >     HWND   hwndParent;
  461. >     PSZ    pszClass;
  462. >     PSZ    pszText;
  463. >     ULONG  flStyle;
  464. >     SHORT  x;
  465. >     SHORT  y;
  466. >     SHORT  cx;
  467. >     SHORT  cy;
  468. >     HWND   hwndOwner;
  469. >     HWND   hwndInsertBehind;
  470. >     USHORT id;
  471. >     PVOID  pCtlData;
  472. 448a471,472
  473. > #else
  474. >     PVOID  pPresParams;
  475. 460a485
  476. > #endif
  477. 563c588
  478. < #if (defined(INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  479. ---
  480. > #ifdef INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR
  481. 655a681,683
  482. > #ifdef PM_MACINTOSH
  483. 656a685,696
  484. >     USHORT unused;          /* mp1 */
  485. >     USHORT cmd;
  486. >     BOOL   fMouse;          /* mp2 */
  487. >     USHORT source;
  488. > };
  489. > #define COMMANDMSG(pmsg) \
  490. >         ( (struct _COMMANDMSG FAR *)( (pmsg) + 1 ) )
  491. > #else
  492. > struct _COMMANDMSG {
  493. 665a706,707
  494. > #endif
  495. 812c854
  496. < #if (defined(INCL_WININPUT) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  497. ---
  498. > #ifdef INCL_WININPUT
  499. 895a938,940
  500. > #ifdef PM_MACINTOSH
  501. 896a942,953
  502. >     SHORT  y;               /* mp1 */
  503. >     SHORT  x;
  504. >     USHORT unused;        /* mp2 */
  505. >     USHORT codeHitTest;
  506. > };
  507. > #define MOUSEMSG(pmsg) \
  508. >         ( (struct _MOUSEMSG FAR *)( (pmsg) + 1 ) )
  509. > #else
  510. > struct _MOUSEMSG {
  511. 905a963,964
  512. > #endif
  513. 909a969,971
  514. > #ifdef PM_MACINTOSH
  515. 910a973,985
  516. >     UCHAR  scancode;
  517. >     UCHAR  cRepeat;         /* mp1 */
  518. >     USHORT fs;
  519. >     USHORT vkey;            /* mp2 */
  520. >     USHORT chr;
  521. > };
  522. > #define CHARMSG(pmsg) \
  523. >         ( (struct _CHARMSG FAR *)( (pmsg) + 1 ) )
  524. > #else
  525. > struct _CHARMSG {
  526. 920a996,997
  527. > #endif
  528. 1005c1082
  529. < #if (defined(INCL_WINDIALOGS) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  530. ---
  531. > #ifdef INCL_WINDIALOGS
  532. 1026c1103
  533. <                         MPARAM mp2);
  534. ---
  535. >             MPARAM mp2);
  536. 1593c1670
  537. < #if (defined(INCL_WINFRAMEMGR) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  538. ---
  539. > #ifdef INCL_WINFRAMEMGR
  540. 2075c2152
  541. < #if (defined(INCL_WINCURSORS) | !defined(INCL_NOCOMMON))
  542. ---
  543. > #ifdef INCL_WINCURSORS
  544. 2273a2351
  545. > #ifndef PM_MACINTOSH
  546. 2274a2353
  547. > #endif
  548. ############################################################################## 