Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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BSQ.DOC v2.0 2/20/86 W1GOH
BSQ is a program designed to allow transfer of arbitrary binary
files via packet radio. It converts a binary file to printable
ASCII characters, performing data compression where possible;
the result may be transmitted (in "conversational" mode) and
reconverted (again using BSQ) to binary at the other end. It may
also be included in packet mail.
BSQ is available from the W1GOH BBS both in source and binary form,
versions of the latter running on IBM PCs and other MSDOS machines
as well as CPM-based Z80s. It is implemented in "vanilla" C, and
should be easily portable to other environments. Thanks to W0RLI
and KE3Z for the CPM port; for details on the latter, download file
BSQ/BSQCPM.DOC from the W1GOH BBS or other distribution sites.
*** NB: Transfer of large files on a busy packet channel is both
*** slow and somewhat antisocial. Try to confine big transfers
*** to lightly-used times and/or frequencies!
bsq <options> file.ext [outname]
reads binary file.ext, writes file.bsq (or outname if specified)
bsq <options> file.bsq [outname]
reads file.bsq, writes file whose name is same as original
(or outname, if specified).
BSQ default output is always in the current directory. WARNING: existing
files whose name conflicts with the output file name are overwritten.
<options> may include:
-b Bootstrap mode. Does simple bit-stuffing, no data
compression. Output file suitable for simple BASIC pgm
-o Old mode. Used to specify creation of .BSQ files compatible
with earlier versions of BSQ.
You may "bootstrap" BSQ to your machine, over the air, via either
of two ways:
(1) If you have a C compiler, you may download BSQ/BSQ.C and
compile it. Careful... BSQ.C is 23K bytes!
(2) If you have an MSDOS machine and Microsoft BASIC or equivalent,
you may download BSQ/BSQBOOT.BAS along with BSQ.BSQ (17K!),
which must be renamed BSQ.BSQ on your local (MS-DOS) machine.
BSQBOOT.BAS reads BSQ.BSQ, and writes the executable file
BSQ.COM. This process runs VERY slowly (about 10 minutes
on an IBM PC/XT!).
Eventually similar bootstrapping techniques should work with
other .BSQ files, e.g. BSQCPM.BSQ for CPM-based machines.
1. Each line of a .BSQ file is the same length (72 chars) and consists
entirely of visible characters. If your .BSQ file gets mutilated in
simple ways during packet transfer (eg, by addition of a TNC line like
"*** CONNECT REQUEST: W1GOH") you may be able to fix it using any text
editor. BSQ will warn you if it is suspicious of the input file.
2. Several incompatible generations of BSQ have already evolved. Newer
versions can read & convert old .BSQ files, but old versions may be
unable to convert new .BSQ files properly. The -o option is intended
to force newer BSQ versions to write old-format files; however, use of
-o involves some inefficiency and loss of certain features.