Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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? _
MailBox Command Summary (?,B,C,D,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,P,R,S,T,U,V,W)
Type ?, a space, and a letter for help on a specific command.
For example: ? R for information on the R command.
Type ? ? for a one line summary of each command.
For more detailed help, type H, space, and the first letter
of the command for which help is wanted.
# _
For help on a specific command, enter H x where x is
the command for which you need help.
For example, H R will give complete help for the READ command.
? x will give you a brief explanation of command x.
Message commands: (K)ill (L)ist (R)ead (S)end
File commands: (D)ownload (U)pload (W)hat
GateWay commands: (C)connect (M)onitor
Misc commands: (B)ye (H)elp (I)nfo (J) Who?
(N)ame (P)ath (T)alk to sysop (V)ersion
Further info: (@) At BBS
To get a complete help listing type H ?. It is very long!
# @
Enter this symbol to indicate the BBS of the addressee, for proper
forwarding of the message to its destination. The message, no matter
to whom addressed, will be forwarded to the "@ BBS" location.
! SYSOP commands:
! @ - Switches remote user between the standard remote commands
! and the remote sysop commands. User must have sysop privilege.
? A
!<A> - Trigger an autoforward. (All windows)
# A
!<A> - Trigger an autoforward. (All windows)
!<AI> - Trigger an autoforward, ignore time. (All windows)
? B
<B>ye - Log off the MailBox.
# B
<B>ye - Log off the MailBox.
Simply disconnecting has the exact same effect.
? C
<C> - Connect to a CALL or port.
!<C>lock YYMMDD HHMM - Set the clock.
# C
<Cp> - You will be connected to port p, and anything you
send will be echoed out that port in unproto mode.
<C> CALL - Connect to CALL, using the path that
CALL last used to connect to the MailBox.
<Cp> CALL - Connect to CALL, using port p.
Digipeater routing may also be given.
Examples: CA W0RLI V N6MPW-1
! SYSOP commands:
!<C> YYMMDD HHMM - Set the clock.
!<CM CALL #> [@ bbs] [< call] - Copy message. (See "M" command)
? D
<D>ownload - Read a file from the MailBox.
# D
<Dd filename> - Download a file from MailBox.
d is the path identifier.
! SYSOP commands:
!<D filename> - Download a file.
! Full device and directory path may be given.
!<DL> - List local users.
!<DM> - List users marked as bbs.
!<DS> - List sysop users.
!<DU> - List all users.
!<DX> - List excluded users.
! For the above commands, if a file name is given as argument,
! the list is put into the file as well as displayed on the screen.
!<DW> - Send WP any new NH info.
!<DW A> - Send WP all NH info.
? E
<ET #> - Edit NTS traffic message header.
! Edit various things. Use H E for details.
# E
<ET #> - Edit the TO, @ BBS, TITLE, or TYPE of an NTS traffic message.
! SYSOP commands:
!<E #> - Edit a message header.
!<EP p> - Edit port parameters for port p.
!<ES> - Edit system parameters.
!<EU> - Sweep through all users.
!<EU CALL> - Edit a user record.
? F
! Make a file from a message. Use H F for details.
# F
! SYSOP commands:
!<Fd # FILE opt> - Make a file from a message, in directory area d.
!<F # FILE opt> - Directory path and file name.
! Opt: A - Append to existing file.
! N - Doesn't put the message header into the file.
? G
!<GM> - Compress the mail file.
!<GR> - Compress the mail file, renumber messages from 1.
!<GR #> Compress the mail file, renunber from '#'.
!<GU> - Untangle the user file.
# G
! SYSOP commands:
!<GM> - Untangle the mail file.
!<GR> - Untangle the mail file, renumber messages from 1.
!<GU> - Untangle the user file.
? H
<H>elp - Display full explanations of MailBox commands.
<?> - Display one-line explanation of MailBox commands.
# H
<H> - Gives a summary of the Help Subsystem.
<H x> - Gives a detailed explanation of command x.
<H ?> - Gives a detailed explanation of all commands.
<?> - Gives a list of MailBox commands.
<? x> - Gives a summary of command x.
<? ?> - Gives a summary of all MailBox commands.
? I
<I>nfo - Information about station facilities.
# I
<I>nfo - Gives a paragraph on the hardware, software,
and rf facilities of this MailBox station.
? J
<J> - Who? - Gives info on stations heard or connected.
# J
<Jp> - Where p is a port identifier.
Gives a short list of stations recently heard on that port.
The special port L shows calls of stations recently
connected to the MailBox.
? K
<K>ill - Kill a message by number.
# K
<K #> - Kills message number #.
<KM> - Kills all messages addressed to you, that you have read.
<KT #> - kills an NTS message and generates a return 'service message'
! SYSOP commands:
!<KF> - Kills all "FF" messages.
!<KF CALL> - Kills all "FF" messages to CALL.
!<KO> - Kills all "old" messages.
!<KY> - Kills all messages that have been read.
!<KY CALL> - Kills all messages to CALL that have been read.
! Note that plain K will kill ANY message.
? L
<L>ist - List messages entered since you last logged in.
# L
Generally lists messages in reverse order, newest to oldest.
"Private" messages not to or from you will not be listed.
<L>ist - Lists all new messages since your last log-in.
<L?> - Lists only new messages of type '?'.
<LM> - "List Mine". Lists all messages TO or FROM you.
<L #> - Lists messages back to and including number #.
!<LL # ;>- Lists the last # messages with bids and cc: lines.
<LL #> - Lists the last # messages.
Common Message type assignments:
A - ARRL Bulletins.
B - General Bulletins.
F - SPECIAL - Message is not "Killed" upon being forwarded.
M - RESERVED for "Mine"- may not be used.
P - Private messages - will not be listed in normal directory.
T - NTS traffic
Some special List commands are:
L> call - Lists all messages to this callsign.
L< call - Lists all messages from this callsign.
L@ call - Lists all messages addressed at this BBS callsign.
LF - Lists all messages that have been forwarded.
LH - Lists all held messages.
LO - Lists all "old" messages.
LY - Lists all messages that have been read.
! LU - Lista all un-forwarded messages.
! LE - Lists all headers in mail file since last sign in.
! LE # - Lists last # headers in mail file.
! LE ; - Lists all headers with bids and cc: lines.
? M
<M>onitor - Watch the packets on another port.
# M
<M>onitor - Show what ports are available on this MailBox.
<Mp> - Watch the packets on port p.
! SYSOP commands:
!<M CALL FILE> - Make a message from a file. See S command.
!<MM listfile textfile> - Make multiple messages from a file. See SM command.
? N
<N xxxx> - Enter your name into user database.
<NE> - Toggle your "expert user" status.
<NH xxxx> - Enter your 'Home BBS'. (Aids in routing mesages to you.)
<NZ xxxx> - Enter your 'Zip Code'.
# N
<N xxxx> - Enter your first name into user data base.
<NE> - Toggle your "expert user" status.
<NH xxxx> - Enter your 'Home BBS'. (Aids in routing mesages to you.)
! SYSOP commands:
!<N FROM TO> - Change file name.
!<NN P CALL TIMEOUT FILE> - Collect NET/ROM routing info,
! from CALL on port P, use timeout TIMEOUT, put in file FILE.
? P
<P CALL> - Show the path that CALL last used to connect.
# P
<P CALL> - Show the path that CALL last used to connect.
? Q
!<Q> - Quit (return to DOS).
# Q
!<Q> - Quit (return to DOS).
? R
<R>ead - Read a message.
# R
<R #> - Read message number #.
<RH #> - Read message number #, showing all routing headers.
<RM> - "Read Mine". Read all your unread messages.
? S
<S>end - Send a message.
# S
<S? xxxx @ yyy> - send message type '?' to station 'xxxx', at optional
BBS 'yyy'. The MailBox will prompt for title and ask you to enter text.
End text entry with a ctrl-Z.
"?" is an optional "type" of message. They include:
A - ARRL Bulletins.
B - Bulletins. General information to all.
F - Forwarding - message will not be 'killed' upon
automatic forwarding. Copies are maintained
at all stations along the path.
P - Private. Only the addressee can read or list this type.
T - NTS Traffic
! SYSOP commands:
!<S> - With Bulletin distribution.
! If there is a file in the \mb\msgs directory with name
! same as the @ BBS and extension .DIS, then the message
! will be sent to all the calls in the list. Max 16 calls.
!<SM filename> - Send Multiple.
! The file is opened, and multiple messages are created using
! the commands in the file. Message qualifiers, @, <, and
! bulletin distribution lists are supported. Each line in the
! file is a command exactly as you would have given it to
! the MailBox.
? T
<T>alk - Chat with the Sysop.
# T
<T>alk - Chat with the Sysop.
Any command or Return before the request times out will
return you to the normal MailBox prompt.
! SYSOP commands:
!<Tp> - Go to terminal mode on port p.
!<Tp FILE> - Go to terminal mode on port p, open save file.
? U
<U>pload - Send a file to the MailBox.
# U
<U filename> - Upload a file to the name given.
For example: UC WESTNET.BBS
Reject will occur if filename already exists.
? V
<V>ersion - Show what version of the MailBox is running.
# V
<V>ersion - Show what version of the MailBox is running.
!<V FROM TO> - Copy file.
? W
<W>hat - List the file directory of the MailBox.
# W
<W>hat - Gives a list of directory areas available on the MailBox.
<Wd> - Gives a list of the files in directory area d.
<Wd ffff.xxx> - Gives a list of files in directory area d that
match the given file specification.
!<W> - Any path and filespec allowed.
? X
! Trigger an auto-forward. Use H X for details.
# X
!<X> - Trigger an auto-forward.
!<XI> - Auto forward, ignore time window.
!<X CALL> - Do it only for CALL.
!<XI CALL> - Do it only for CALL.
? Y
!<YF file> - Give name for forwarding file to use.
# Y
!<YF file> - Give name for forwarding file to use.
? Z
!<Z FILE> - Delete the file.
# Z
!<Z FILE> - Delete the file. Full path name allowed.
!<Zd FILE> - Delete file from directory area d.