Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Text File
331 lines
* MBCONVM - 10/31/88
* Copyright (C) 1988
* By the CBBS Group.
* This program converts the mail textfiles from a version 8
* mail system to version 9 format.
* Version 9 format requires that the file header information
* be included in the first record of the textfile.
* Normal textfile data starts at offset 256 in the file.
* It is expexted that CONVERTM.EXE be placed in the directory
* containing the textfiles and be executed from there.
* It is also expected that the file MAIL.DAT will be located in the
* directory \MB\BBS but if this is not the case, the user will be
* given the option of entering the actual directory path information.
* Optionally the program can be invoked with the path to the mail.dat
* as a command line parameter such as CONVERTM \HF\BBS .
* The converted textfiles will retain the original names and location.
#include "mb.h"
/* Old message header record. */
typedef struct omsg_hdr_s
word next; /* Next message header record */
word prev; /* Previous message header record */
word ext; /* Header extension record, or zero */
word rn; /* Record number of this record */
word read; /* # times the message has been read */
word number; /* Message number */
word size; /* Size in bytes */
char type; /* Message type */
byte stat; /* Message status, see bit definitions above */
char to [ln_call]; /* Destination call */
char from[ln_call]; /* Originator call */
char bbs [ln_call]; /* Destination BBS, or distribution list */
char date[ln_date]; /* Entry date */
char time[ln_time]; /* Entry time */
char bid[ln_bid]; /* Bulletin ID, if this is a bulletin */
char title[80];
char unu[120];
/* Message header extension item. */
#define o_mmesn 35 /* Maxcalls i distribution list */
typedef struct omsg_ext_s
word next; /* Next extension item, or free item */
char call[o_mmesn][ln_call]; /* Calls to send it to */
byte flag[o_mmesn]; /* TRUE if need to send, FALSE if sent */
byte count; /* Number of calls in list */
char unu[8];
OMSG_HDR *o_tmmhs;
OMSG_EXT *o_mmes;
* Old mail file header record.
typedef struct omail_hdr_s
word next; /* Next record to allocate */
word first; /* First message header record */
word last; /* Last message header record */
word ffree; /* First record in free chain */
word lfree; /* Last record in free chain */
word next_msg; /* Next message number */
word unt_msg; /* next_msg at last untangle */
byte version; /* File format version number */
word free; /* Number of records in free chain */
word count; /* Number of messages */
char date[ln_date]; /* Date of last untangle */
char time[ln_time]; /* Time of last untangle */
char unu[227];
OMAIL_HDR *o_mfhs;
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
#define chunk 4096
register word h, rec;
register char st, c;
char *buf, *buf1, *mpath;
char msgfile[10], tmpfile[10], mbfile[80], mbnfile[80];
char flags[mmesn];
int mfl, msgfl, msfl, mfln, n, first, do_it;
MAIL_HDR *mfhs;
MSG_HDR *tmmhs;
* Allocate space for the mail file records.
mfhs = (MAIL_HDR *) malloc(sizeof(MAIL_HDR));
tmmhs = (MSG_HDR *) malloc(sizeof(MSG_HDR));
o_tmmhs = (OMSG_HDR *) malloc(sizeof(OMSG_HDR));
o_mmes = (OMSG_EXT *) malloc(sizeof(OMSG_EXT));
o_mfhs = (OMAIL_HDR *)malloc(sizeof(OMAIL_HDR));
buf = (char *) malloc(chunk);
buf1 = (char *) malloc(RECSIZE);
if(argc > 1) mpath = argv[1]; else mpath = "\\mb\\bbs";
sprintf(mbfile, "%s\\MAIL.DAT", mpath);
* Open the mail file.
if ((mfl = open(mbfile, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0)
{ puts("MAIL.DAT is not in this directory.\nInput directory");
sprintf(mbfile, "%s\\MAIL.DAT", mpath);
if ((mfl = open(mbfile, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0)
{ puts("MAIL.DAT is not in that directory either. Aborting\n");
* Read the mail file header.
read_rec(mfl, 0, (char *)mfhs);
if (mfhs->version is 9)
{ puts("Mailfile has been converted previously. Aborting\n"); exit(1);}
read_rec(mfl, 0, (char *)o_mfhs);
if (o_mfhs->version < 8 )
{ puts("Mailfile is wrong version. Aborting\n"); exit(1);}
* Creat the NEW mail file
sprintf(mbnfile, "%s\\MAIL.NEW", mpath);
if((mfln = open(mbnfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, pmode)) < 0)
{ puts("MAIL.NEW cannot be opened");
exit (1);
rec = 0;
* Read the mail file records in sequence and
* process each corresponding text file.
for (h = o_mfhs->first; h; h = o_tmmhs->next)
read_rec(mfl, h, (char *)o_tmmhs);
fill(tmmhs, '\0', 256);
fill(flags, ' ', mmesn);
tmmhs->read = o_tmmhs->read;
tmmhs->number = o_tmmhs->number;
tmmhs->size = o_tmmhs->size;
tmmhs->type = o_tmmhs->type;
tmmhs->stat = o_tmmhs->stat;
strncpy(tmmhs->to, o_tmmhs->to, ln_call);
strncpy(tmmhs->from, o_tmmhs->from, ln_call);
strncpy(tmmhs->bbs, o_tmmhs->bbs, ln_call);
strncpy(tmmhs->date, o_tmmhs->date, ln_date);
strncpy(tmmhs->time, o_tmmhs->time, ln_time);
strncpy(tmmhs->bid, o_tmmhs->bid, ln_bid);
strcpy(tmmhs->title, o_tmmhs->title);
tmmhs->ext = false;
if (o_mmes->count > mmesn) o_mmes->count = mmesn;
tmmhs->ext = 0x01;
read_rec(mfl, o_tmmhs->ext, (char *)o_mmes);
for (c = 0; c < o_mmes->count; c++)
strncpy(tmmhs->call[c], o_mmes->call[c], ln_call);
tmmhs->flag[c] = o_mmes->flag[c];
flags[c] = tmmhs->flag[c] + '0';
tmmhs->count = o_mmes->count;
if ((msgfl = open(msgfile, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0)
{ printf("%5.5u textfile for this message not found\n", o_tmmhs->number);
first = true;
do_it = true;
while ((n = read(msgfl, buf, chunk)) >0)
if (n >= RECSIZE)
if ((buf[253] is '\0') and (buf[254] is '\r') and (buf[255] is '\n'))
printf("%5.5u was previously converted\n",
do_it = false;
printf("%5.5u %s\n", o_tmmhs->number, o_tmmhs->title);
/* Prepare and write the internal header to the temporary file */
fill (buf1, '\0', 256);
buf1[254] = '\r'; buf1[255] = '\n';
st = 'N';
if (o_tmmhs->stat & m_stale) st = 'O';
if (o_tmmhs->stat & m_fwd) st = 'F';
if (o_tmmhs->stat & m_hold) st = 'H';
if (o_tmmhs->stat & m_read) st = 'Y';
if (o_tmmhs->stat & m_kill) st = 'K';
"%5u %c%c %5u %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s %4.4s %-12.12s %5u\r\n%c %16.16s\r\n%s\r\n",
o_tmmhs->number, o_tmmhs->type, st, o_tmmhs->size,
o_tmmhs->to, o_tmmhs->from, o_tmmhs->bbs,
o_tmmhs->date, o_tmmhs->time, o_tmmhs->bid, o_tmmhs->read,
tmmhs->ext + '0', flags, o_tmmhs->title);
msfl = open(tmpfile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_BINARY, pmode);
write_rec(msfl, 0, (char *)buf1);
first = false;
write (msfl, buf, n);
if (do_it)
rename(tmpfile, msgfile);
tmmhs->rn = rec;
write_rec(mfln, rec, (char *)tmmhs);
* Write new version number to mailfile and close the file.
printf("MAIL.DAT had %u messages, MAIL.NEW has %u messages.\n",
o_mfhs->count, rec);
mfhs->version = mb_version;
mfhs->count = mfhs->last = rec;
mfhs->first = 1;
mfhs->next = rec + 1;
mfhs->free = 0;
mfhs->next_msg = o_mfhs->next_msg;
mfhs->unt_msg = o_mfhs->unt_msg;
strncpy(mfhs->date, o_mfhs->date, ln_date);
strncpy(mfhs->time, o_mfhs->time, ln_time);
fill(mfhs->unu, '\0', mfhsunu);
write_rec(mfln, 0, (char *)mfhs);
printf("Deleting %s\n", mbfile);
printf("Renameing %s to %s\n", mbnfile, mbfile);
rename(mbnfile, mbfile);
* Write random record.
write_rec(fid, rec, buffer)
int fid;
int rec;
char buffer[];
long lseek();
long offs;
offs = (long)rec * (long)RECSIZE;
lseek(fid, offs, 0);
return (write(fid, buffer, RECSIZE) is RECSIZE);
* Read random record.
read_rec(fid, rec, buffer)
int fid;
int rec;
char buffer[];
long lseek();
long offs;
offs = (long)rec * (long)RECSIZE;
lseek(fid, offs, 0);
return (read(fid, buffer, RECSIZE) is RECSIZE);
* Fill some memory with a character.
fill(adr, ch, len)
char *adr;
char ch;
int len;
while (len--) *adr++ = ch;