Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Mystic Pascal User Manual 18
5. System Display
The System Display screen contains technical information
about the current state of the Mystic Pascal system. This
information is useful in storage allocation with the installation
program and when working with multi-tasking programs.
This screen displays the current time-of-day (The PC's
onboard clock should be correctly set.) and the elapsed time
since Pascal was started. A storage map and a table of the
currently active processes are also displayed. The Display
Screen is updated approximately once every second when it is
being displayed.
5.1 Storage Map
The storage map shows the several main storage areas used by
Mystic Pascal. The starting address of each area is shown as an
absolute 20 bit (5 hex digit) number. This information can be
useful when using the Install program to modify the storage
User Area
The user area is reserved for variables declared in the
user's program. Both global variables and procedures' local
variables are allocated in this region. Pointer variables
allocated with the NEW procedure are placed in Dynamic Storage,
not here.
The large area code-named "Laser" contains the internal
symbolic representation of the Pascal program. Compiled object
code and dynamic variables allocated with the NEW procedure are
also stored here. The Laser may be up to a maximum of 640K in
size. The percent of this area which is currently allocated is
Dynamic Storage
Queue messages and various system control blocks are stored
in this area. Dynamic storage may be up to 60K in size. The
percent of this area which is currently allocated is displayed.
Section 5: System Display
Mystic Pascal User Manual 19
Feature Buffer
This buffer is used by the advanced feature support.
Screen Buffers
The non-displayed CRT screens are stored in this buffer
Optimizer Buffer
The optimizer stores object code in this area during its
System Stack
This is the 8086 stack segment. A separate stack area is
maintained for each concurrently executing process.
System Data
This is the main 8086 data segment.
System Code
This is the 8086 code segment containing the nucleus and
compiler assembly code.
Program Segment Prefix
This 100H byte area is setup by DOS when Mystic Pascal is
started. It contains DOS system data areas and is not directly
used by Mystic Pascal.
Section 5: System Display
Mystic Pascal User Manual 20
5.2 Process Control Table
This is a display of the process control blocks (PCB) for
each process currently allocated. Seven data fields are
The nucleus' process manager maintains a "pseudo-timer".
This is a 16 bit counter which is incremented whenever the
dispatcher transfers control to another process. The value of
the pseudo-timer is stored in a process control block when that
process is dispatched. This provides a very fast method of
keeping track of how recently each process has been dispatched.
When the pseudo-timer wraps around to 0, all PCB timer fields are
also reset to 0.
The dispatcher can use this information to give preference
to those processes that have been waiting a relatively long time
for a chance to execute. Each process is assigned a static
priority which is also considered by the dispatcher in selecting
a ready process.
Name of the process.
Process current state
P = Pascal process STARTed by user
R = ready
W = waiting for queue message
The number of times the process has been dispatched.
The process's stack pointer.
The pseudo-timer value when the process was last dispatched.
The static priority of the process. This value determines
what proportion of the processor time this process receives if it
is ready to execute.
The dynamic priority of the process. This value actually
determines which ready process will be next dispatched. This
value is equal to:
static_priority + (current_pseudo_timer - time)
Section 5: System Display
Mystic Pascal User Manual 21
6. Help Windows
The Help facility is included in Mystic Pascal to make
learning easier for students and to provide a very fast reference
source for experienced Pascal users. The Help facility is always
available from any screen. Four function keys are used for help:
F7 Pascal Language Help
F8 Standard Procedures & Functions Help
F9 Editor Help
F10 Function Key Help
F7 Pascal Language Help
Function key F7 will display a menu window showing the Help
windows available. Enter the letter or number key to select the
topic you want to see.
Enter any character to leave a topic window and enter any
non menu character to leave the menu and return to the underlying
F8 Standard Procedures & Functions Help
Function key F8 displays a menu window showing all builtin
procedures and functions. Enter the letter or number to select
the topic you want to see
F9 Editor Help
Function key F9 displays a list of editor commands directly.
Hitting any key will remove the display.
F10 Function Key Help
Function key F10 displays a list of all function key
assignments. This is only a reminder list. The other function
keys may not be invoked directly from this display window.
Section 6: Help Windows