Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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This documentation and the accompanying software,
including all of the example Pascal programs and text files,
are protected under United States copyright law to protect
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If you find the tutorial and the accompanying example
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I have no facilities for telephone support of this
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Gordon Dodrill - Jan 15, 1988
Copyright (c) 1988, Coronado Enterprises
Coronado Enterprises
12501 Coronado Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122
Introduction to the TURBO Pascal tutorial. Page 1
Chapter 1 - What is a computer program? Page 5
Chapter 2 - Getting started in Pascal. Page 7
TRIVIAL.PAS The minimum Pascal program.
WRITESM.PAS Write something out.
WRITEMR.PAS Write more out.
PASCOMS.PAS Pascal comments illustration.
GOODFORM.PAS Good formatting example.
UGLYFORM.PAS Ugly formatting example.
Chapter 3 - The simple Pascal data types. Page 13
INTVAR.PAS Integer variables.
INTVAR2.PAS More integer variables.
ALLVAR.PAS All simple variable types.
REALMATH.PAS Real variable math example.
INTMATH.PAS Integer variable math example.
BOOLMATH.PAS Boolean variable math example.
CHARDEMO.PAS Character variable demonstration.
CONVERT.PAS Data type conversion.
NEWINT4.PAS New integer types in TURBO 4.0
NEWREAL4.PAS New real types in TURBO 4.0
Chapter 4 - Pascal loops and control structures. Page 20
LOOPDEMO.PAS Loop demonstration.
IFDEMO.PAS Conditional branching.
LOOPIF.PAS Loops and If's together.
TEMPCONV.PAS Temperature conversion.
DUMBCONV.PAS Poor variable names.
REPEATLP.PAS Repeat until structure.
WHILELP.PAS While structure.
CASEDEMO.PAS Case demonstration.
BIGCASE.PAS Bigger case example
Chapter 5 - Pascal procedures and functions. Page 26
PROCED1.PAS Simple procedures.
PROCED2.PAS Procedures with variables.
PROCED3.PAS Multiple variables.
PROCED4.PAS Scope of variables.
PROCED5.PAS Procedure calling procedures.
FUNCTION.PAS An example function.
RECURSON.PAS An example with recursion.
FORWARD.PAS The forward reference.
Chapter 6 - Arrays, types, constants, and labels. Page 36
ARRAYS.PAS Simple arrays.
ARRAYS2.PAS Multiple arrays.
TYPES.PAS Example of types.
CONSTANT.PAS Example of constants.
LABELS.PAS Label illustration.
Chapter 7 - Strings and string procedures. Page 43
STRARRAY.PAS Pascal strings.
STRINGS.PAS TURBO Pascal strings.
WHATSTRG.PAS What is a string?
Chapter 8 - Scalers, subranges, and sets. Page 46
ENTYPES.PAS Enumerated types.
SUBRANGE.PAS Scaler operations.
SETS.PAS Set operations.
FINDCHRS.PAS Search for characters.
Chapter 9 - Records. Page 51
SMALLREC.PAS A small record example.
BIGREC.PAS A large record example.
VARREC.PAS A variant record example.
Chapter 10 - Standard Input/Output. Page 58
WRITELNX.PAS Generalized output statements.
READINT.PAS Read integers from the keyboard.
READREAL.PAS Read reals from the keyboard.
READCHAR.PAS Read characters from the keyboard.
READARRY.PAS Read an array from the keyboard.
READSTRG.PAS Read a string from the keyboard.
PRINTOUT.PAS Print some data on the printer.
Chapter 11 - Files. Page 63
READFILE.PAS Read and display this file.
READDISP.PAS Read and display any file.
READSTOR.PAS Read and store any file.
READINTS.PAS Read an integer data file.
INTDATA.TXT Integer data file.
READDATA.PAS Read a mixed data file.
REALDATA.TXT Real data file.
BINOUT.PAS Write a binary file.
BININ.PAS Read a binary file.
Chapter 12 - Pointers and dynamic allocation. Page 73
POINT.PAS First pointer example
POINT4.PAS Pointers with version 4.0 only
POINTERS.PAS Example program with pointers.
DYNREC.PAS Dynamic record allocation.
LINKLIST.PAS An example linked list.
Chapter 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal 4.0 Page 84
AREAS.PAS Areas of geometric shapes.
PERIMS.PAS Perimeters of geometric shapes.
GARDEN.PAS User of above units.
SHAPES4.PAS User of above units.
Chapter 14 - Complete example programs. Page 90
AMORT1.PAS Beginning of amortization program.
AMORT2.PAS Better amortization program.
AMORT3.PAS Useable amortization program.
AMORT4.PAS Neat amortization program.
AMORT5.PAS Complete amortization program.
LIST3.PAS List Pascal programs (TURBO 3.0).
LIST4.PAS List Pascal programs (TURBO 4.0).
LIST.COM Ready to use list program.
TIMEDATE.PAS Get time and date (TURBO 3.0).
TIMEDAT4.PAS Get time and date (TURBO 4.0).
SETTIME.PAS Set a file's time and date.
SHAPES3.PAS Calculate areas of shapes.
OT3.PAS Directory list program (TURBO 3.0).
OT4.PAS Directory list program (TURBO 4.0).
OT.COM Precompiled Directory lister.
OT.DOC How to use OakTree.