Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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IBM PC Graphics Driver
Copyright (C) 1987
Tixaku Pty Ltd
On your SURPAS distribution disk you will find two files called
GRAPHICS.PAS and GRAPHICS.BIN. They contain a complete set of
graphic drivers for the IBM Color/Graphics Adapter and enable you
to use medium and high resolution graphics in your SURPAS Pascal
programs. The graphic drivers support all three graphic modes:
320 x 200 color graphics, 320 x 200 monochrome graphics and 620 x
200 monochrome graphics. If your system is not equipped with a
Color/Graphics Adapter you cannot use the graphic drivers.
To include the graphic drivers in a program, place the following
compiler directive at the very beginning of the program:
This will include the file called GRAPHICS.PAS in the compilation
of your source text. Alternatively you can copy the entire GRAP-
HICS.PAS file into your source text. GRAPHICS.PAS contains a list
of very short procedures, each of which calls an EXTERNAL proce-
dure called GRAPHICS. The code for the GRAPHICS procedure is read
from the GRAPHICS.BIN file and it contains the actual drivers.
The drivers are written in machine code to optimize execution
The following procedures and functions are provided by the gra-
phic driver package:
WINDOW Define Window Coordinates.
BCOLOR Set Background Color.
PCOLOR Set Color Palette.
FCOLOR Set Foreground Color.
COLORMAP Define Color Map.
MOVETO Set Current Position.
MOVEBY Set Current Position Relative.
LINETO Draw Line.
LINEBY Draw Line Relative.
PLOTAT Plot Point.
PLOTBY Plot Point Relative.
PAINT Paint Area.
POINT Read Color Of Dot.
Each routine is described in detail below.
All graphic routines operate within a window. By default the
window is set to the entire graphic image, i.e. (0,0)-(319,199)
for medium resolution and (0,0)-(639,199) for high resolution,
but there are occations when it is handy to use only part of the
screen, while safeguarding the rest from accidental use. For this
purpose, the graphic drivers allow you to define any rectangle on
the screen as the window.
The graphic routines operate on integer coordinates. Thus, the
coordinate range is -32768..32767. However, coodinates outside
the window are ignored. When a line is drawn using any of the
graphic routines, it is automatically clipped so that only the
portion which lies within the current window is displayed. Points
whose coordinates are not within the current window, even those
points that would not be on the screen at all, are legal but
It is possible to mix text and graphics on the screen. In 320 x
200 graphics mode the screen can display 40 x 25 characters and
in 640 x 200 graphics mode it can display 80 x 25 characters. To
write a text on the graphics screen, use the GOTOXY procedure or
an Escape-Y sequence to move the cursor (which is not visible in
graphics mode) to the relevant row/column, and output the text
using a WRITE statement. Each character cell occupies 8 x 8 dots,
so the actual X coordinate of the upper left corner of a charac-
ter cell is the row number times 8, and the actual Y coordinate
is the column number times 8. Note that the foreground color set
by FCOLOR does not apply when text is written to the graphics
screen. The foreground color of text is selected through an
Escape-b sequence. For further details on this, please refer to
the IBMPC.DOC Supplementary Documentation file on your distribu-
tion disk.
Function: Set CRT Mode.
Remarks: This procedure is used to set the CRT operating mode.
M is an integer between 0 and 7 which selects an
operating mode according to the table below:
0 = 40 x 25 Black and White.
1 = 40 x 25 Color.
2 = 80 x 25 Black and White.
3 = 80 x 25 Color.
4 = 320 x 200 Color Graphics.
5 = 320 x 200 Monochrome Graphics.
6 = 640 x 200 Monochrome Graphics.
7 = 80 x 25 Black and White (Monochrome Display).
Mode 7 should only be selected if your IBM PC or XT
is equipped with a Monochrome Display Adapter. When
CRTMODE is called, the window is reset to the whole
screen, the current position becomes (0,0) and the
foreground color becomes 3 (CRT modes 4 and 5) or 1
(CRT mode 6). All of the routines described in the
following operate correctly in modes 4-6 only.
Function: Define Window Coordinates.
Remarks: The window is the area on the screen that may be
manipulated by the graphic routines. By default the
window is the whole screen, but through this command
the boundaries of the window may be changed. Every-
thing outside the window remains unchanged during all
graphic operations until it again becomes part of the
window. (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) are the opposite corners
of the window (no special ordering is required). X
coordinates must be between 0 and 319 (CRT modes 4
and 5) or 639 (CRT mode 6) and Y coordinates must be
between 0 and 199. If one or more of the coordinates
are out of range, the window is not changed. The
current position becomes the upper left corner of the
window. Note that CRTMODE resets the window to the
entire screen.
Function: Set Background Color.
Remarks: For 320 x 200 graphics (CRT modes 4 and 5) this
procedure sets the background color. For 640 x 200
graphics (CRT mode 6) it sets the color value of the
foreground color (the background color is always
black in this mode). C is an integer between 0 to 15
which selects a color according to the table below:
0 = Black. 8 = Dark Gray.
1 = Blue. 9 = Light Blue.
2 = Green. 10 = Light Green.
3 = Cyan. 11 = Light Cyan.
4 = Red. 12 = Light Red.
5 = Magenta. 13 = Light Magenta.
6 = Brown. 14 = Yellow.
7 = Light Gray. 15 = White.
For 320 x 200 graphics, the background color defaults
to black (0). For 640 x 200 graphics it defaults to
white (15), since it is actually the foreground
Function: Set Color Palette.
Remarks: This procedure has meaning only for 320 x 200 gra-
phics (CRT modes 4 and 5). C is an integer between 0
and 1 which selects the foreground color palette
according to the table below:
0 = Green, Red and Yellow foreground colors.
1 = Cyan, Magenta and White foreground colors.
The default palette is 1. The screen can only display
the colors of one palette. Thus, all foreground co-
lors on the screen change instantly when an new
palette is selected.
Function: Set Foreground Color.
Remarks: C is an integer between -1 and 3 (320 x 200 graphics)
or -1 and 1 (640 x 200 graphics). It selects the
foreground color, i.e. the color to be used for lines
and dots drawn by the LINETO, LINEBY, PLOTAT and
PLOTBY routines. For 320 x 200 graphics, C selects a
foreground color according to the table below:
-1 = Use color map set by COLORMAP.
0 = Background color set by BCOLOR.
1 = Green (palette 0) or Cyan (palette 1).
2 = Red (palette 0) or Magenta (palette 1).
3 = Yellow (palette 0) or White (palette 1).
For 640 x 200 graphics, C selects a foreground color
according to the table below:
-1 = Use color map set by COLORMAP.
0 = Black.
1 = Color set by BCOLOR.
For details on color mapping (foreground color -1),
see the description of the COLORMAP procedure. The
default foreground color is 3 for 320 x 200 graphics
and 1 for 640 x 200 graphics. Note that the fore-
ground color set by FCOLOR does not apply when text
is written to the graphics screen through write sta-
tements (use Escape-b instead).
Function: Define Color Map.
Remarks: When the foreground color (set by FCOLOR) is -1, the
graphic routines use a color map to write dots on the
screen. Essentially the color map is a translation
table: When a dot is written, its current color value
is used to determine its new value. C0 defines the
new color that dots of color 0 should have when they
are written, C1 defines the new color for color 1,
etc. For instance, if the color map is (3,2,1,0) and
the foreground color is -1, LINETO, LINEBY, PLOTAT
and PLOTBY will complement dots when they are writ-
ten. A color map of (0,2,2,2) will turn dots of all
foreground colors into color 2, but it will leave
dots of the background color unchanged. In 640 x 200
graphics mode the screen can only show two colors (0
and 1), so C2 and C3 are ignored in this mode. There
is no default color map; the COLORMAP procedure must
be called before foreground color -1 is used.
Function: Fill Screen.
Remarks: FILLSCREEN fills the entire window with the color
specified by C. C is an integer between -1 and 3 (320
x 200 graphics) or -1 and 1 (640 x 200 graphics). For
a definition of the colors associated with the values
of C please refer to the description of FCOLOR. When
C is -1, FILLSCREEN uses the color map. This allows
some dramatic effects. For example, if the color map
is (3,2,1,0), FILLSCREEN(-1) makes a "negative" of
the contents of the window. If the color map is
(0,1,0,3), FILLSCREEN will turn all red or magenta
dots into the background color.
Function: Set Current Position.
Remarks: The current position becomes (X,Y).
Function: Set Current Position Relative.
Remarks: (DX,DY) is added to the current position.
Function: Draw Line.
Remarks: Draws a line in the current foreground color from the
current position to (X,Y). The current position then
becomes (X,Y).
Function: Draw Line Relative.
Remarks: Draws a line in the current foreground color from the
current position to the current position plus
(DX,DY). (DX,DY) is then added to the current posi-
Function: Plot Point.
Remarks: Plots a point in the current foreground color at
(X,Y). The current position becomes (X,Y).
Function: Plot Point Relative.
Remarks: Plots a point in the current foreground color at the
current position plus (DX,DY). (DX,DY) is then added
to the current position.
Function: Paint Area.
Remarks: Fills in an area on the screen with the color speci-
fied by FC. (X,Y) are the coordinates of a point
within the area to be painted. BC is the boundary
color, i.e. the color of the edges of the area. PAINT
has no effect if the starting point already has the
boundary color. If the shape to be painted is not
closed, the foreground color will "leak out" and fill
the entire window. On the other hand, if the shape is
closed but the starting point is outside it, PAINT
will fill the surrounding area. PAINT never paints
beyond the current window. FC and BC must be true
colors, i.e. 0-3 for 320 x 200 graphics and 0-1 for
640 x 200 graphics. Color mapping is not supported by
Function: Return Color Of Dot.
Remarks: Returns the color of the dot at (X,Y), i.e. 0-3 for
320 x 200 graphics and 0-1 for 640 x 200 graphics. If
(X,Y) is outside the window, POINT returns -1.