Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Text File
393 lines
/* vbigfile.c - 400 line sample program */
#include "stdio.h"
#include "bigfile1.h"
#include "bigfile2.h"
#include "bigfile3.h"
long top_of_page ;
FILE *diskfile ; /* file pointer for text file */
char filename[81] ;
long filesize ; /* size of the file in bytes */
int cmd ; /* holds current cmd */
long new_pos ; /* holds input file position */
/* from move to cmd */
get_filename() ; /* get file name and open file */
set_filesize() ; /* set up file size variable */
cmd = FIRSTPAGE ; /* force display of 1st page */
do { /* repeat until told to exit */
exec_cmd(cmd,new_pos); /* execute the current command */
cmd = get_cmd(&new_pos); /* get the next command */
} while( cmd != EXITPGM );
close_data_file() ;
/* viewget.c - get_cmd function - get an input command */
/* definitions of key values returned by getkey */
int get_cmd(new_pos) /* get next input command from keyboard */
/* returns the command type entered */
long int *new_pos ; /* store the new file position here */
int key ; /* holds the keyboard input value */
/* ( see keyio.h ) for values */
int cmd ; /* holds the command type value */
long get_new_pos(); /* declare it so type is known */
/* display prompts */
printf( "\n Type one of these Input Commands");
printf( "\n HOME = First Page ");
printf( " %c = Previous Line ",24);
printf( "PG UP = Previous Page ");
printf( "\n END = Last Page ");
printf( " %c = Next Line ",25);
printf( "PG DN = Next Page \n");
printf( "\n ESC = Exit Pgm ");
printf( "SPACE = Move to position ");
{ key = getkey() ; /* get next keyboard input */
switch( key ) /* classify it */
case PGDNKEY : cmd = NEXTPAGE ;break;
case PGUPKEY : cmd = PREVPAGE ;break;
case ASCESC : cmd = EXITPGM ;break;
case ' ' : cmd = MOVETOPOS ;break;
case HOMEKEY : cmd = FIRSTPAGE ;break;
case ENDKEY : cmd = LASTPAGE ;break;
case UPARROW : cmd = PREVLINE ;break;
case DOWNARROW : cmd = NEXTLINE ;break;
default : cmd = INVALIDCMD ;
} /* end of switch stmt */
} while( cmd == INVALIDCMD ) ;
/* the move to position command requires a position as input */
if (cmd== MOVETOPOS)
*new_pos = get_new_pos() ;
return(cmd) ;
long int get_new_pos()
char scratch[81] ; /* use to flush invalid input */
long new_pos ;
int valid_input ; /* flag for loop to test */
/* get a new position from the keyboard and validate it */
/* if it is not valid, repeat the process */
valid_input = 0 ;
{ printf("\n new file position: ");
if( scanf("%ld",&new_pos) == 0 )
{ /* non-numeric input */
scanf("%s",scratch) ; /* flush rest of line */
printf("\n the file position must be numeric") ;
/* we've got a number - check its range */
else if( new_pos < 0L ) /* is it > 0 ? */
printf("\n the file position must be greater than zero");
else if( new_pos > filesize ) /* is it within the file */
{ printf("\n the file position must be less than or equal to");
printf(" %ld",filesize) ;
else valid_input = 1 ; /* we can exit the loop now */
} while( valid_input == 0 ) ;
return(new_pos) ;
/* viewexec.c file - exec_cmd function - executes one input command */
int exec_cmd(cmd,new_pos) /* execute input command */
int cmd ; /* value of command to execute */
long int new_pos ; /* where to position file next */
/* ( only used with MOVETO cmd ) */
switch( cmd ) {
case PREVPAGE : /* move backward to last page */
move_backward(PAGE_SIZE - LINES_OVERLAP) ;
display_page() ;
case NEXTPAGE : /* move forward to next page */
move_forward(PAGE_SIZE - LINES_OVERLAP);
display_page() ;
case EXITPGM :
move_to(new_pos) ; /* move to specified position */
set_top_page() ; /* make it top_of_page for now */
move_backward(0); /* move to begin. of current line */
display_page() ;
move_to(0L); /* move to beginning of file */
set_top_page() ; /* make it the top of the page */
display_page() ;
move_to(filesize) ; /* move to end of file */
set_top_page() ; /* make it the top of the page */
move_backward(PAGE_SIZE); /* put the end of file at bottom */
display_page() ;
move_backward(1) ; /* move back one line */
display_page() ;
move_forward(1); /* move forward one line */
display_page() ;
/* viewfind.c file - find module - moves to new positions in the file */
int move_forward(nlines)
int nlines ; /* number of lines to move */
int c ; /* hold char here */
move_to(top_of_page) ; /* start at top of page */
/* move forward until we find (nlines) end of lines or end of file */
do {
c = get_next_char() ;
if( c == END_LINE ) /* check for end of line */
nlines = nlines - 1 ;
} while( (nlines > 0) & (c != EOF_MARK) ) ;
set_top_page() ; /* make this the new top of the display page */
int move_backward(nlines)
int nlines ; /* number of lines to move */
{ /* zero lines means start of current line */
int c ; /* hold char here */
move_to(top_of_page) ; /* start at top of page */
nlines = nlines + 1 ; /* add one for current line */
/* move backward past (nlines) end of lines or to BOF */
do {
c = get_previous_char();
if( c == END_LINE )
nlines = nlines - 1 ;
} while( (nlines > 0) & (c != BOF_MARK) ) ;
/* we are now in front of a end of line char ( or at BOF ) */
/* we must skip over the end of line char unless we are at BOF */
if( c != BOF_MARK )
get_next_char() ;
set_top_page() ; /* make this position the new top of page */
/* viewdisp.c file - display_page function - display current page of file */
#define TAB_WIDTH 8
#define PAGE_WIDTH 80
#define ASC_TAB 9
int row ; /* current line of page */
int col ; /* current column of page */
int c ; /* hold the character here */
int i ; /* counter for writing string of dashes */
row = 1 ; /* set up starting row and column values */
col = 1 ;
move_to(top_of_page); /* start out at top of the page */
/* write a header line */
printf("\n FILE - %s POSITION - %ld FILE SIZE - %ld \n",
/* write a border line of dashes */
for( i=1 ; i <= 80 ; i = i + 1 )
{ putchar('-'); }
/* get chars from file until we've written (PAGE_SIZE) lines */
/* or we've reached the end of the file */
c = get_next_char() ;
while( ( row <= PAGE_SIZE ) && ( c != EOF_MARK ) )
{ /* write til end of page or file */
disp_char(c) ; /* display current character */
c = get_next_char() ; /* and get another one */
while( row <= PAGE_SIZE ) /* pad out page if eof reached */
{ putchar('\n'); row = row + 1 ; }
/* write a border line of dashes */
for( i=1 ; i <= 80 ; i = i + 1 )
{ putchar('-'); }
int disp_char(c) /* display one char */
/* and update row and column */
int c ; /* value of char to write */
/* classify the character and handle accordingly */
if( c >= 32 )
{ putchar(c); /* ASCII graphic character - display it */
col = col + 1 ; /* advance column number */
if( col > PAGE_WIDTH ) /* check for wrap-around */
{ row = row + 1 ; /* y - advance row no */
col = 1 ; /* and set column back to first col*/
else if( c == END_LINE )
{ putchar('\n') ; /* end of line char - force a new line */
row = row + 1 ; /* advance row no. */
col = 1 ; /* set column back to first col */
else if( c == ASC_TAB )
do /* tab - expand it */
{ putchar(' '); /* print spaces */
col = col + 1 ; /* and advance column no. */
if( col > PAGE_WIDTH ) /* checking for wrap-around */
{ row = row + 1 ;
col = 1 ;
} while( ( col % TAB_WIDTH ) != 1 ) ; /* until tab stop reached */
/* viewio.c file - I/O module for VIEW program */
/* seek mode definitions */
#define CURRENT_REL 1
#define EOF_REL 2
#define BOF_REL 0
/* control Z character - marks EOF in CP/M convention */
#define CTL_Z 26
/* extern long int fseek() ;*/
extern long int ftell() ;
int get_filename() /* get name of file and open it */
{ printf("file name:") ;
scanf("%s",filename) ;
diskfile = fopen(filename,"rb") ;
if (diskfile == 0)
printf("\n file - %s can not be opened\n",filename);
} while( diskfile == 0 ) ;
int set_filesize() /* set up file size */
long current_position ;
int c ;
filesize = fseek(diskfile,0L,EOF_REL) ; /* get size of file */
/* check last 128 byte block for a CTL-z */
fseek(diskfile, (filesize-1) & ~ 0x7f ,BOF_REL);
do {
c = getc(diskfile);
} while( (c != CTL_Z) & (c != EOF) );
/* set filesize to be in front of the control-Z (if it was found) */
if( c == CTL_Z )
filesize = ftell(diskfile) - 1 ;
int move_to(new_pos) /* move to specified position */
long new_pos ;
int set_top_page() /* make the current file position */
{ /* new top of page */
top_of_page = ftell(diskfile) ;
int get_next_char() /* get char at file position */
char c ;
if( ftell(diskfile) == filesize ) /* are we at end of file ? */
return( EOF_MARK ) ; /* y - return our end file mark */
{ /* not at end - read the next byte from the file */
c = getc(diskfile); /* get a char */
return( (c & 0x7f) ) ; /* set parity bit to zero and return it */
int get_previous_char() /* read the char in front of */
{ /* current file position */
char c ;
if( ftell(diskfile) != 0L ) /* check for begin. file */
{ fseek(diskfile,-1L,CURRENT_REL); /* back up one char */
c = getc(diskfile); /* read a char*/
fseek(diskfile,-1L,CURRENT_REL) ; /* back up in front of char read*/
return( (c & 0x7f) ) ; /* set the parity bit to zero */
/* and return the char */
else return(BOF_MARK) ;
int close_data_file()
fclose(diskfile) ;
int keypress()
if ((bdos(0xb,0) & 0xff) == 0xff)
return( 1) ;
else return(0) ;
int getkey()
int c ;
c = (bdos(0x8,0) & 0xff) ;
if (c == 0) c = 0x100 + (bdos(0x8,0) & 0xff) ;
return(c) ;