Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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259 lines
by Gene Catalano (June 1988)
This article will help you to quickly configure "C)olors/screen,"
"O)therstuff," "P)rinter options," and "T)ab settings." These features are
configured by running the program QCONFIG.EXE. Until you have the time and
inclination to customize every feature, you can use these instructions to
get you up and running immediately. I have chosen all feature
configurations to be compatible with most people's systems and needs.
(NOTE: The "--------------" line does not appear on screen, but I have used
it to indicate beginning and end of QCONFIG.EXE displays.)
When you run QCONFIG.EXE, this menu appears:
Configuration choices.
Choose One of the Following by pressing the indicated Key:
H)elp install
S)ave changes and quit
P)rinter options
T)ab settings
Menu selections are made by pressing the first letter of each choice.
"K)eys" allows you to configure your customized keystroke commands. If you
use the author's default setup (QCONFIG.DAT) for keystroke commands, you
can skip this selection. If you want to use the WordStar-compatible setup
QWSKEY.DAT, or your own customized setup (or you made any changes to
QCONFIG.DAT or QWSKEY.DAT), you must select "K)eys."
"C)olor" allows you to configure QEDIT's screen color environment. When
you type "C", the first section of color configuration appears, and looks
like this (with the exception of the single character at the end
of each line):
Statusline position: "T" for top, "B" for bottom [T] : T
Do you want the display "boxed" (Y/N)? Y : Y
Do you want the original screen restored upon termination (Y/N)? Y : Y
Do you want "snow" checking (Y/N)? N : N
Number of columns to scroll horizontally for screen lt/rt commands [5] : 5
The single character at the end of each line is the selection I suggest you
make, until you have the time to do your own customization. (NOTE: If
your screen produces "snow" in the QEDIT environment, reconfigure line 4
("snow" checking) by typing "Y" for "yes.")
(NOTE: The selections immediately left of the colon are the last default
configurations made with QCONFIG.EXE, and hence your configuration list
will not match most of the ones shown in this article; this applies to all
my examples. You need only be concerned with what you will input.)
The second section is where you actually make your color choices, and
begins with a color chart, like so:
Attribute chart/guide. [0..127]
[ 0][ 8][ 16][ 24][ 32][ 40][ 48][ 56][ 64][ 72][ 80][ 88][ 96][104][112][120]
[ 1][ 9][ 17][ 25][ 33][ 41][ 49][ 57][ 65][ 73][ 81][ 89][ 97][105][113][121]
[ 2][10][ 18][ 26][ 34][ 42][ 50][ 58][ 66][ 74][ 82][ 90][ 98][106][114][122]
[ 3][11][ 19][ 27][ 35][ 43][ 51][ 59][ 67][ 75][ 83][ 91][ 99][107][115][123]
[ 4][12][ 20][ 28][ 36][ 44][ 52][ 60][ 68][ 76][ 84][ 92][100][108][116][124]
[ 5][13][ 21][ 29][ 37][ 45][ 53][ 61][ 69][ 77][ 85][ 93][101][109][117][125]
[ 6][14][ 22][ 30][ 38][ 46][ 54][ 62][ 70][ 78][ 86][ 94][102][110][118][126]
[ 7][15][ 23][ 31][ 39][ 47][ 55][ 63][ 71][ 79][ 87][ 95][103][111][119][127]
Select attributes from the chart above.
Since you can't see the actual QEDIT environment when selecting color
combinations, you usually have to re-do color configurations several times
until they conform to your preferences. The following instructions,
especially for color monitors, save you this headache.
If you have a monochrome display (or prefer monochrome), choose the
following selections below. (The numbers to the right of the last colon
are the numbers you are to input.) This gives you a "reverse video" (black
on white) text display. If you prefer "normal video" (white on black),
replace "15" with "112", and "112" with "15." (15 = white on black, 112 =
black on white.) (NOTE: For monochromes, "white" represents "amber,"
"green," or whatever color applies to your monitor.) If you want a COLOR
display (non-monochrome), skip to the COLOR section.
New attribute for Blocked Text: [15] : 15
New attribute for Error msgs: [15] : 15
New attribute for Text Area: [112] : 112
New attribute for Status Line: [15] : 15
New attribute for Cursor Line: [15] : 15
New attribute for Messages: [15] : 15
New attribute for Hi-lited items: [15] : 15
New attribute for EOF line/indicator: [15] : 15
New attribute for Help screen: [15] : 15
New attribute for Box borders: [15] : 15
New attribute for PopUp windows: [15] : 15
New attribute for Menu items: [112] : 112
New attribute for Menu items: [112] : 112
New attribute for Selected Menu items: [15] : 15
The following configuration is for a "color" monitor, and gives you a
"blue on white" (#113) QEDIT text screen. The numbers to the right of the
last colon are the numbers you are to input.
New attribute for Blocked Text: [32] : 32
New attribute for Error msgs: [79] : 79
New attribute for Text Area: [113] : 113
New attribute for Status Line: [12] : 12
New attribute for Cursor Line: [31] : 31
New attribute for Messages: [111] : 111
New attribute for Hi-lited items: [95] : 95
New attribute for EOF line/indicator: [48] : 48
New attribute for Help screen: [31] : 31
New attribute for Box borders: [48] : 48
New attribute for PopUp windows: [14] : 14
New attribute for Menu items: [48] : 48
New attribute for Selected Menu items: [15] : 15
"O)therstuff" is a potpourri of QEDIT customizable default features...and
hence can be quite confusing to the novice user. If you input the same
data as appears below, at line's end (to the right of the colon), QEDIT
will be configured for most users' needs (and avoid a headache):
Do you want the return command to split lines in insert mode (Y/N)? Y : Y
Do you want the del_ch command to join lines if at EOL (Y/N)? Y : Y
Do you want the quit commands to return to "edit file" prompt (Y/N)? Y : Y
Do you want the editor to start in wordwrap mode (Y/N)? Y : Y
Default right margin for wordwrap [1..512] [80] : 80
Do you want the editor to start in insertmode (Y/N)? Y : Y
Do you want the editor to start in autoindent mode (Y/N)? Y : Y
Load wild-carded filespecs from the command line (Y/N)? Y : Y
Load wild-carded filespecs from inside the editor (Y/N)? Y : Y
Do you want the editor to start in "enter matching" mode (Y/N)? Y : N
Use CMODE for .c and .h files (Y/N)? N : N
Default number of deleted lines to keep per file [0..300] [50] : 50
Amount of memory to reserve from DOS [0,8..32767] [2000] : 2000
Remove trailing blanks from edited lines (Y/N)? Y : Y
Delete white space after words with del_rt_word command (Y/N)? Y : Y
Terminate files with a Control Z (Y/N)? N : N
Do you want "backups" of saved files (Y/N)? N : N
Prompt for filename on open window (Y/N)? N : N
Close window when a file is quit (Y/N)? N : N
Display End Of File marker (Y/N)? Y : Y
Insert line blocks ABOVE the cursor line (Y/N)? N : N
Default Find options [IWB] [I] : I
Default Find_Replace options [IWBN] [I] : I
Default file extension number 1 [.] : .
Default file extension number 2 [.] : .
Default file extension number 3 [.] : .
Default file extension number 4 [.] : .
Default file extension number 5 [.] : .
Default file extension number 6 [.] : .
Code generated by ALT numeric keypad [0] : 0
The lines:
"Do you want the quit commands to return to "edit file" prompt (Y/N)? Y : Y"
"Amount of memory to reserve from DOS [0,8..32767] [2000] : 2000"
have been shortened from the actual on-screen line, in order to fit the 79-
character width limit of this article.
If you do want automatic file backup, answer "Y" to the "backup" line, like
Do you want "backups" of saved files (Y/N)? N : Y
This is easy: just input "0" for all two options:
Default left margin for printing [0..80] [0] : 0
Default page size for printing [0..400] [0] : 0
Avoid a headache. Just input the same data that appears at the end of each
line (to the right of the colon):
Default physical tab width [2,4, or 8] [8] : 8
Default Cursor tab width [2..12] [5] : 5
Default file extension number 1 for default tabs [.pas] : .pas
Physical tab width for above [2] : 2
Cursor tab width for above [2] : 2
Default file extension number 2 for default tabs [.inc] : .inc
Physical tab width for above [2] : 2
Cursor tab width for above [2] : 2
Default file extension number 3 for default tabs [.asm] : .asm
Physical tab width for above [8] : 8
Cursor tab width for above [8] : 8
Default file extension number 4 for default tabs [.c] : .c
Physical tab width for above [4] : 4
Cursor tab width for above [4] : 4
Default file extension number 5 for default tabs [.h] : .h
Physical tab width for above [4] : 4
Cursor tab width for above [4] : 4
Default file extension number 5 for default tabs [.h] : .h
Physical tab width for above [4] : 4
Cursor tab width for above [4] : 4
Default file extension number 6 for default tabs [.doc] : .doc
Physical tab width for above [8] : 8
Cursor tab width for above [8] : 8
END OF FILE "QCONFIG.ART" *************************************************