Siren generator (ver 1.0 {Yoder}), & parameters you can set and what they do.
1. Frequency. Sets frequency of a still sound (in hertz). The low frequency tells Siren what frequency to start with. The high frequency tells Siren what frequency to go to. When it hits the high frequency, it goes back down to the low frequency, starting at high.
2. Rate of ascention and descention. Tells Siren how long to take between counts up or down. Measured in milliseconds, or 1/1000 of a second.
3. You can also save or load a Siren file. The Filename option lets you set or change filename prior to a load or save.
How to save and load a file: Press F on main menu to set the filename for the next Load or Save. Then, press G to Get that filename from disk or S to Save that file to disk. If you don't specify a drive letter, it assumes operation takes place on last drive accessed. Also a special file, AUTOSIR. Like AUTOEXEC.BAT, this file will be looked up and, if exists, read each time you load Siren.
4. Screen & background colors. Lets you tell your preferences on color for easier reading.