Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Text File
83 lines
AUTO-GEN.SLC ver 0.00
Copyright Info
Copyright (c) 1988 by Steven Brenner.
All Rights Reserved.
All files generated by AUTO-GEN.SLC are Copyright(c) Steven Brenner also.
They may be modified as necessary, but the copyright notice may not be
removed or modified.
The author is not responsible for any consequences of this software.
In other words, use it at your own risk.
These files may be copied and distributed so long as:
1. No fee of any sort is incurred for the distribution.
2. The all the files in the package are kept together in an archive.
3. The copyright notices are not removed or modified in any portion
or product of the software
Instructions for use of AUTO-GEN.SLC
1. Place AUTO-GEN.SLC in your telix directory (eg c:\TELIX).
2. Enter AUTO-GEN as the script to be automatically executed when
logging on the the BBS for which you want to generate an auto-logon
3. Dial the dialing directory entry.
4. Enter the full name of the file to be logged to. ".SLT" is the
prefered extension
5. Answer questions and prompts on the BBS as you normally would.
After each finished entry, press tilde '~' to indicate that you
are finished with the response. The response may contain carraige
returns, but they do not terminate input.
6. When you are finished logging-on, press ESC.
7. After logging-off the BBS, compile the script using CS.EXE.
8. Place the script name in the dialing directory so it will be called
automatically every time you call.
1. You must press escape AFTER in-between data-entries (that is, after)
you have completed one entry by pressing the tilde.
2. The program operates VERY slowly, but accepts data from the modem
at high rates. For this reason, if you type, for example, ^K to
abort a message, the message may not be aborted when running this
script. However, the ^K will be saved in the script file in the
proper location so that it will be transmitted when you run the script
3. This program will not translate ANSI cursor movement or color codes.
This may be a problem if some response is entered after ANSI codes
because the waitfor's in the generated script with contain
untranslated ANSI codes... which do not match the ANSI codes translated
by Telix 3.00. A new version will correct this problem.
4. Because of the slow speed at which the program manages input, I
recommend calling at 300 baud while using the program. Full speed
can be used when using the generated scripts.
5. The scripts generated by AUTO-GEN may not be satisfactory for all uses.
Pre-Fabricated scripts are available from the author for 2AM-BBS's and
PC-BOARDS. Custom scripts are also available from the author upon
Beta-Test Notes:
Because this program is beta-test, it probably contains some bugs, or problems.
Every time a bug is found and corrected, a new version may be released.
This file will be a free download on MEE, so you may get updates often.
The new versions will be announced on the Middle Earth Enterprises BBS. This
is also where you may contact the author with questions, comments, or
suggestions of all sorts.
The author may be reached at Middle Earth Enterprises, (201) 740-9370.
You may leave feedback about the program if its your first call, or leave
a message on the Software Reviews Base on subsequent calls (after validation).
The total package includes:
AUTO-GEN.SLC: Compiled log-on script.
AUTO-GEN.DOC: This documentation file
AUTO-GEN.HST: History file