Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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How to set up Telix v3.12 and get the most out of it
Version: 01-14-90
Copyright (c) 1990 by Jay Caplan. All Rights Reserved. This text
is copyrighted material, however you are given permission to copy
and distribute it, as long as it remains in its complete, original,
unmodified form.
Telix is Copyrighted by Exis Inc.
I am writing this text in order to help you, the Telix v3.12 user,
get the most out of this excellent program. I am the SYStem OPerator
of The Consultant Bulletin Board System at 718-837-3236. We use a
US Robotics Courier HST modem operating at 1200/2400/9600/14400 baud.
You can always get the latest version of this file, along with Telix
and other great Shareware programs, by calling my BBS.
What you should do now
1) PRINT THIS TEXT OUT, so you can refer to it.
2) Take a look at the TELIX312.NEW file included in the
TLX312-2 compressed distribution file.
3) Go into Telix, and bring up the configuration menu
with ALT-O.
4) Change the settings as recommended below. Do NOT change the
settings marked MNP ONLY, unless you have a MNP or high
speed (9600+ baud) modem! See the section below on MNP.
5) Make sure to Write the settings to disk before exiting the
configuration menu.
6) READ THE TELIX MANUAL! At least browse through it.
I will refer to each sub-menu in the ALT-O configuration menu and
the letters that refer to each option. If I don't refer to a
particular sub-menu or option, then you should leave it as it is.
Starting with a fresh copy of Telix v3.12
I am assuming that you are starting with a fresh copy of Telix
v3.12 that you haven't configured. If you have already changed
some of the settings, then use DOS to REName the configuration
file to another name. This will make Telix start with a fresh
configuration. Use the following command to rename the Telix
config file:
If you ever want to get your old configuration file back, just
copy the TELIXCNF.OLD file to TELIX.CNF.
Initial setup questions
When you start Telix for the first time, or after RENaming the config
file, then it will ask a few setup questions. When it asks for speed,
enter 1200 for 1200 baud modems, 2400 for regular 2400 baud modems,
9600 for 2400 baud MNP modems, and 19,200 for USR HST modems. For
Hayes 9600 baud modems, check your manual about recommended speed
settings. I don't have one, but I would think it should also be set
to 19,200.
It will also ask for the comm. port you are using. Pick the one you
think is correct. Later, you can change that if it isn't.
About MNP and error-correcting modems
Some of the configuration items depend on whether you have an
error-correcting modem. These will be usually described as having
MNP capability. If the modem is error-correcting, it will be clearly
noted on the packaging and manual for it. If you don't see mention
of MNP or LAP-M (Hayes) error-correction, then you most likely do NOT
have MNP, and should NOT change the configuration items meant for MNP.
If you do not have a MNP modem, then I strongly suggest that you get
one. They offer two advantages: they filter out ALL line noise, so YOU
won't have to "fight" it, and they can transfer files faster than
normal modems. A good low cost MNP modem is the ATI 2400ETC. It now
comes in internal and external versions. You should be able to get
it for less than $200 (US). I've seen it advertised for between
$144-169. I suggest you get the external version. The status lights
of an external modem can be quite helpful in troubleshooting modem
problems, and in general let you know what is going on with the modem.
*** Now hit ALT-O to begin configuring Telix v3.12 ***
Screen and color
These settings are all optional. If you have a CGA monitor and have
'snow' problems (screen flickers when displaying something), or if
you are using a multi-tasking program, like Desqview, MS Windows, or
DoubleDOS, you should change the setting under "Screen write mode".
If you have an EGA or VGA monitor and want to use more than 25 lines
per screen, then should change the setting under "Default screen size".
As far as the colors, this is based on individual preferences. I like
the following settings:
Foreground: Light Grey
Background: Blue
Status line foreground: Blue
Status line background: Light Grey
Terminal options
Choice B: Try this little test to see if you have Choice B set to the
right comm. port. Exit the setup menu by hitting the ESCape
key. Hit ESCape again to come out of setup altogether. You
should be now looking at a mostly blank screen. Type in "AT"
and hit the ENTER key. The modem should display "OK" on your
screen. If it does, then you have the right comm. port
setting. If it does NOT, then you don't, and you need to
change the port. Hit ALT-P and enter either "1" or "2" to
change the current comm port used to the other one. Hit the
ESCape key and try the "AT" command again. If it works, then
hit ALT-O and and go back into the "Terminal options" set
up menu and select Choice B to set the comm port correctly.
If neither ports 1 or 2 work, try ports 3 or 4 using the
above process.
When done with this, make sure you hit ALT-O to go back
into the setup menu, and then go into the "Terminal
options" sub-menu to complete the configurations below.
MNP ONLY: Choice J should be set OFF and Choice K should be set ON.
MNP and high speed modems that operate at 9600 baud and
above need to use CTS/RTS flow control.
Choice M: If you use Compuserve, then leave this as it is.
If you do NOT, then change it to OFF. The reason is
that Compuserve uses the CONTROL-E char., which looks
like the 'club character' on playing cards. If you call
any BBSes that use this 'club character' on any of their
graphic screens, then it will be 'gobbled up' by Telix
and NOT displayed. By changing this to OFF, Telix will
properly display it.
General options
Choice D: Leaving this on slows down Telix's operation. I find it
unnecessary, since I generally know how much disk space
is free. I suggest you turn this OFF.
Choice E: Unless you have memorized the number of the dialing
directory entry of every board you call, I suggest you
turn this OFF.
Choice G: I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU TURN THIS ON! This feature will
keep track of almost everything you do while online to
a BBS, and can come in quite handy. It will generate a
file called TELIX.USE in the directory you have Telix in.
This file will detail each BBS you call, when you began
your call, when you ended your call, and what files you
transferred. You can use this file to check against your
telephone bill, and to determine from which BBS you got
a particular file.
Choice H: I suggest you set this to the maximum free RAM your machine
has (up to 64k) while in Telix. To approximately determine
this, do the following:
1) Exit out of the Configuration menu temporarily.
2) Hit ALT-J to shell out to DOS.
3) Run CHKDSK or any other program that reports on
free RAM.
4) Take note of this, so you can use this figure.
5) Enter 'EXIT' to return to Telix.
Now go back into the Configuration screen by hitting ALT-O.
Go into the General options sub-menu and enter the amount
of free RAM you just obtained, up to 64k. If the free RAM
was less than 74k, then subtract 10k (for 'breathing room')
in choice H.
You can access the Scroll-back buffer in Telix by hitting
ALT-B. The larger you make Choice H here, the more screens
you can scroll back to.
Choice I: I suggest you change this to 4k, the maximum for this
setting. If you later find that Telix reports memory
problems, then you can reduce this setting. It really
won't affect you unless you use Telix's capture feature
(ALT-L) alot.
Modem and dialing
MNP ONLY: MNP and high speed modems (and many regular modems)
can store all configuration options in their own memory.
You can recall the memory settings to set the modem.
Look in your modem manual on how to configure it. Many
modems use ATZ to recall the configuration. If this is
the case for your modem, then just use "ATZ~^M~" for
Choice A:
Properly configuring a MNP or high speed modem is VERY
important! See Appendix A at the end of this document
for some helpful hints.
Choice A: Delete the first part of the string that looks like
this: "ATZ^M~~~". All this is doing is resetting your
modem to the factory default setting 1st, before the
next part of the string, which sets up the modem.
This is unnecessary, delete it. Do the following:
1) If you have Tone dialing, include
this: "S11=55". This will greatly speed
up the tone dialing rate.
2) Include this in the init string: "S7=255"
The value of S7 will determine how many seconds
the modem will wait for carrier (connection to
another modem). Setting S7 to 255, the maximum,
will let Telix decide when to give up on a
3) The X parameter controls what messages your
modem returns to Telix, and is used to detect
when a line is busy, among other things.
This value defaults to X1 when you start Telix
for the first time. I suggest you change this
to a higher X value, perhaps X3 or X4, because
X1 will NOT return the BUSY message, and the
redial function of Telix won't work! You can try
X3 or X4, or to be certain, check your modem
manual under the Commands section.
For a reference of what the final init string could look
like, here is one for Tone dialing with a regular modem:
AT S11=55 S7=255 S0=0 V1 X4^M~
MNP ONLY: Not all BBSes have MNP modems. You can use Choices B: and
C: to set up different dialing prefixes to handle BBSes
with and without MNP modems. See Appendix B at the end of
this document.
Choice B: If you have Tone dialing, then leave it the way it is.
If you have Pulse dialing (Rotary type dialing), then
change this to "ATDP".
Choice K: This setting depends on how long it takes your modem to
dial the average number in your dial directory. If you
have touch-tone, try setting it to between 30-40. If
you have pulse-dial (old rotary type), then set it to
between 45-55. You want to set it so that the phone
could ring for at least 10 times before the time for this
setting runs out, but not for too long a period of ringing.
MNP ONLY: leave Choice M set to OFF. With MNP and high speed modems,
you want to set the comm port speed (the speed you specify
in the dial directory) to be set higher than the connect
speed. With auto-baud on, it will adjust the comm port
speed to match the connect speed. For MNP and high speed
modems, you do NOT want that to happen. Set Choice M OFF!
If you have a 2400 baud MNP modem, then set the speed for
EVERY SINGLE dial directory entry to 9600 baud. If you have
a HST modem, then set the speed to 19,200 baud. The modem
will take care of negotiating the correct connect speed.
Auto-baud detect feature, you can set the baud rate in the
dialing directory entries to the highest your modem supports
and let it and Telix figure out what baud rate to use!
Filenames and paths
Choice A: You should define a sub-directory off of the one you run
Telix out of, to hold all the files you download.
Make SURE that you end the sub-directory specification
with a \. If you don't, Telix will get confused.
If you have a directory called "C:\TELIX" and you make
a sub-directory off of it called "C:\TELIX\DOWNLOAD", then
you would specify "C:\TELIX\DOWNLOAD\" for Choice A.
Don't forget the trailing slash (\)!
Choice B: If you want, you can specify an upload directory as well,
and stick all the good files you want to upload to BBSes
there. Otherwise, you will have to give the COMPLETE path
along with the filename when uploading. If you specify this,
then you will only have to give the filename.
Choice H: I use this to 'Hot-Key' to my favorite file & directory
viewing program. When you hit ALT-A while in Telix, the
program (or batch file) specified here will be run. If
you can't get your program to run, then you most likely
don't have enough memory left to "shell" out to it. Try
reducing the settings for Choices H and I under the General
Options set up menu.
Protocol options
Choice E: If you are running Telix off a floppy drive, then set this to
10k. If your hard disk is slow, or if you are using exTended
memory, then leave this at the default, or set it even lower.
If you are using a HD with no problems or exTended memory,
then this setting is optional. I have it set to 10k.
feature of Zmodem is very useful and can save you time
and money (for the connect charges). If you are downloading
a file, and for some reason the download gets interrupted,
then the next time you have a chance, you can request that
the same file be sent, and Zmodem's Crash Recovery will
pick up the transfer where it left off before!!
Choice J: I suggest you set this OFF. Doing so will make Telix
use 16 bit CRC error-checking, instead of 32 bit, and will
very slightly speed up Zmodem transfers by reducing
overhead. 16 bit error-checking is very reliable.
That's it for the configuration settings. Now hit the ESCape key to
return to the main setup menu. Hit "W" to Write these new settings
to disk. This is VERY important. Obviously enough, if you don't save
the settings, you will lose them. Now eXit Telix by hitting ALT-X, and
then restart it. This will make sure that Telix is now using your
new configuration settings.
General Suggestions
1) You should use Zmodem wherever possible. This is the FASTEST
and most RELIABLE protocol available for regular modems. It handles
errors BETTER than ANY protocol available, bar none! And if a
Zmodem download gets aborted for some reason, you can simply
log back onto the BBS, request the same file again, and the transfer
will pick up where it left off. So, if your 200k download gets
aborted at 190k, just have it resent, and Zmodem would only send
the last 10k! - not the whole file again. This can $ave on
long-distance BBS calls.
* Telix features Zmodem auto-downloads. It will AUTOMATICALLY detect *
* when a BBS is sending a file using Zmodem, pop up the file transfer *
* window, and begin downloading! After telling the BBS what files you *
* want, just sit back and let Telix take it from there; don't bother *
* hitting PgDn or ALT-R. How's that for easy?! *
MNP ONLY: You can use Ymodem-G to get even higher file transfer speeds
than Zmodem. However, it has the worst error-handling of
any protocol - is has NONE! It will CHOKE if it encounters
even 1 error. Although MNP modems do correct for errors
on the phone lines, errors can be introduced elsewhere,
like on your computer or the BBS computer. For long-distance
BBS calls, I suggest you use Zmodem whenever possible.
If a BBS doesn't support Zmodem, then the next best one to use
is Ymodem-Batch, and then Xmodem-1K (known as Ymodem by older comm.
and BBS software). Xmodem is the SLOWEST protocol generally available.
Make sure to set the default protocol that the BBS uses to the SAME
one you USE. On PCBoard systems, this is done by entering 'T'
at the BBS command prompt. BOTH you and the BBS MUST use the same
2) Use the log-on scripts that came with the Telix files. You can
identify them by their .SLT extensions. They are easy to use and
will automatically log you onto a BBS! Just bring them up in your
favorite text editor. Note: don't use a word-processor unless it
can do straight ASCII text without control characters (like
WordPerfect and WordStar do.) There are simple instructions on what
you need to modify. Basically, all you'll need to do is to insert
your own name at the top of the script where its asked for. Also,
you need to make SURE that you specify the password that you use
for a BBS in its DIALING DIRECTORY ENTRY, not in the script.
The script looks for it there when it's needed. After you
have properly edited it, then you need to 'compile' it by
running it thru the CS.EXE program included with Telix. Do it
like this:
CS script.slt
where "script" is the name of the script you wish to compile
for Telix. When CS is done, it will have created a file with a
.SLC extension and the same name as your original .SLT script.
This is the actual script (with the .SLC) you need to specify
in the dialing directory entry for a BBS. You only need a
different script for each TYPE of BBS you call. So, for ALL
the PCBoard BBSes you call, you would specify the compiled
PCBOARD.SLC script. The Telix files come with logon scripts
for several popular BBS systems. Just look at the first part
of the name of the .SLT file to identify which system it is
for. Included in the TLXSET03 compressed file this text came in
are three scripts: RBBS.SLT, DBBS.SLT, and MENU.SLC.
The first two are for logging on to BBSes and need to be
compiled with the CS.EXE program. The MENU.SLC script is
pre-compiled and ready to go.
3) Use the MENU.SLC script. Whenever Telix is started with a script
file on the command line, it will BYPASS the opening screen!
The MENU.SLC script, when used on the command line to start Telix,
will BOTH bypass the opening screen, AND bring up the dialing
directory. There is NO reason to illegally patch the Telix file.
Just use the MENU.SLC script!
If you don't have the MENU.SLC file, here's the source for the
MENU.SLT file. After creating it, you need to use CS to compile
it to the MENU.SLC file:
--------------------- (of course don't include these dotted lines!)
4) Start Telix with a batch file. Put the batch file somewhere on your
DOS PATH, so you could start it from anywhere. I use a batch file
called T.BAT. It simply changes to the Telix directory on my HD,
and then starts Telix with the MENU.SLC script. It could be
written as follows. Modify it to suit your purposes:
echo off
telix Smenu.slc
You must put a "S" immediately before any script that you start on
the Telix command line. Now, all you have to do is enter "T" to
start Telix from anywhere on your hard disk.
*** Well, that's it. Good luck and happy BBSing! ***
Appendix A - configuring a MNP or high speed modem
The proper configuration for your MNP or high speed modem is
very important. If it is set wrong, you will have problems,
such as transferring files, and will most likely not get the
best speed when doing file transfers. Most BBSes have help
files and even programs and Telix scripts to set up MNP and
high speed modems. I have seen set up files for the USR HST and
ATI 2400ETC modems. Look in the communications file directory
of your favorite BBS for setup programs for these or other
brands of MNP and high-speed modems.
To configure the modems settings stored in its memory, bring
up Telix. If you are in the dialing dir., leave it and return to
the blank terminal screen. Enter "ATE1" so you can see what you
type to your modem. The modem should respond "OK" after any AT
command sent to it. If it doesn't, your modem may be set to the wrong
comm. port, or it may be malfunctioning.
Generally, you want to make sure that:
1) The modem will lock in the DTE speed (the comm. port speed).
On both the USR HST and the ATI 2400ETC, this is the &B1
parameter. Enter "AT&B1" If you have a different brand of MNP
or high-speed modem, check the manual under the "commands"
section about this. You MUST lock in the DTE speed.
In the dialing directory entries for the BBSes you call,
enter 9600 baud for EVERY entry if you have a 2400 baud MNP
modem. If you have a USR HST, enter 19,200 baud for every
2) that the Carrier Detect line is NOT being forced high. Generally,
the CD line can be set to follow the TRUE state by entering the
"AT&C1" command.
3) that the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) or sometimes (TR) is NOT
being forced high. Generally, the DTR (or TR) line can be set to
follow the true state with the "AT&D2" command.
4) that hardware flow control is ENABLED. For the USR HST, this is
done with "AT&H1" and "AT&R2" for transmit and receive hardware
flow control. For the ATI 2400ETC, its "AT&K3" for both transmit
and receive flow control. If you have another modem brand, then
check the manual under flow control (both transmit and receive)
to find out what the proper settings are. This is IMPERATIVE!
Without the proper flow control settings, your MNP or high
speed modem will NOT function properly.
5) that the error-control mode is selected. For the USR HST, this
is set with "AT&M4". For the ATI 2400ETC, its "AT&Q5" (its true
that the newer ATI 2400ETC modems have v42, and you would select
Q6 to select v42, but Q5 forces MNP mode, which is more efficient
than a LAP-M connect for compressed file transfers.)
6) that MNP level 5 data compression is DISABLED. It is LESS efficient
to try to compress already compressed BBS files, than to not
compress them at all. MNP level 5 will attempt compression, and so
should be disabled. This means MNP level 4 will be used. For the
USR HST, disable this with the "AT&K0" parameter. For the newer ATI
2400ETC modems with v42, it is disabled with the "AT&U0" parameter.
For the older ATI 2400ETC modems, you can't disable MNP level 5.
7) that you save these settings!
For the USR HST, you can use "ATI4" to see the settings
currently in the modem's memory. Use "AT&W" to save the
current settings.
For the ATI 2400ETC, use "AT&V" to view the current
settings, and "AT&W0" or "AT&W1" to save the settings to
memory #0 or #1. Make sure that with the ATI, you also set
"AT&Y0" or "AT&Y1" to set which memory gets recalled on
power up. If you use ATZ in the modem init string, make sure
to specify "ATZ0" or "ATZ1" to reset the modem with the
right memory area. I would just use memory #0.
If you have a brand not mentioned here, consult the manual to
determine the proper commands to recall and set the current
Appendix B - using different dialing prefixes
If you have a MNP capable modem, then you have to deal with both
BBSes that have them, and those that don't. If you have your modem
configured so that it always looks for a MNP connection, then it
will take several seconds to connect to a non-MNP modem, and it will
"swallow" (and not display) the first several characters. On a
PCBoard system, it will usually "swallow" the "Do you want ANSI
graphics" prompt. Your MNP modem is doing this because its trying to
negotiate a MNP connection with the other modem. If you KNOW that the
BBS you're calling does NOT have a MNP modem, then you should turn OFF
the attempt to make a MNP connection. This is how you should handle
The default dialing prefix is 1, which is set by Choice B on the
"Modem and dialing" set up menu. You should configure this to
tell your modem to try for a MNP connect. For the USR HST, set the
prefix to "AT&M4DT" (DT for touch-tone, DP for pulse-dial). For the
ATI 2400ETC, set Choice B to "AT&Q5DT". For another brand of modem,
consult with your modem manual in the commands section to see what
setting turns ON the MNP negotiation.
Use dialing prefix 1 for ALL boards you call initially. If, after you
call the board, you see that you aren't getting a MNP connection
(the modem would indicate 2400/ARQ or 2400/MNP or 9600/ARQ, etc. or
the BBS would tell you it detected an error-correcting modem), then
the BBS most likely doesn't have a MNP capable modem on the phone
number you called. So, you should use dialing prefix 2. You can Edit
the entry for the board in your dialing directory. The second to last
entry in the edit screen allows you to select the dialing prefix.
Dialing prefix 2 is Choice C on the "Modem and dialing" set up menu.
You want to configure this to NOT try for a MNP connection. For the
USR HST, use "AT&M0DT". For the ATI 2400ETC, use "AT&Q0DT". For another
brand of modem, consult the modem manual under the commands section to
see what setting turns OFF the MNP negotiation.