Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
330 lines
; INT4.ASM August 23,1987
; Data input/output via RS-232C (COM 1)
; * initialization
; * ISR
int4_TEXT SEGMENT byte public 'CODE'
_DATA SEGMENT byte public 'DATA'
_BSS SEGMENT byte public 'BSS'
_DATA SEGMENT byte public 'DATA'
old_int4_CS dw 0 ;old interrupt 4 CS
old_int4_IP dw 0 ;old interrupt 4 IP
extrn _com1_input_queue:byte
extrn _com1_in_queue_ptr:word
extrn _com1_rs232_error:word
extrn _com1_port_status:word
extrn _com1_interrupt_status:word
extrn _com1_out_queue_ptr:word
extrn _com1_out_queue_out:word
extrn _com1_output_queue:byte
BASE_ADR EQU 03F8h ;COM 1 port base address
BUFSIZ EQU 2048 ;size of data queues
; Don't enable the xmit interrupt unless there is something to xmit
; 1 ='s enable interrupt
; 0 ='s disable interrupt
; Bits 7 to 4 ------ unused
; 3 ------ change in modem status register
; 2 ------ data reception error
; 1 ------ transmit register empty
; 0 ------ data received
INT_CODE EQU 1101B ;receive, error and modem change
;interrupts are enabled here
RTS_ON EQU 0bh ;interrupts on, RTS on, DTR on
RTS_OFF EQU 09h ;interrupts on, RTS off, DTR on
; Initialize the 8250 UART depending on parameter given as argument
; and enable communication interrupts via INT 4 (primary com. port)
; BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; { baud rate } { parity } { stop bits } { word length }
; 110 = 0 0 0 NONE = 0 0 1 = 0 7 bits = 1 0
; 150 = 0 0 1 or 1 0 2 = 1 8 bits = 1 1
; 300 = 0 1 0 ODD = 0 1
; 600 = 0 1 1 EVEN = 1 1
; 1200 = 1 0 0
; 2400 = 1 0 1
; 4800 = 1 1 0
; 9600 = 1 1 1
int4_TEXT SEGMENT byte public 'CODE'
PUBLIC _com1_set_interrupt
_com1_set_interrupt PROC FAR
push bp ;save the registers used
mov bp,sp ;make a copy for variable access
push ax ;save all registers used
push bx
push dx
push ds
push es
mov ah,35h ;get vector function
mov al,0ch ;want INT 4 CS and IP vector
int 21h ;execute DOS function call
mov old_int4_CS,es ;ES contains the CS for INT 4
mov old_int4_IP,bx ;BX contains the IP for INT 4
mov dx,offset INT4 ;point DS:DX to COM routine
mov ax,seg INT4 ;segment
mov ds,ax ;point DS
mov al,0ch ;INT 4 vector
mov ah,25h ;function to change vector
int 21h ;execute DOS function call
mov ax,[bp+6] ;grab baud rate and parms
mov dx,0 ;0 = COM 1 1 = COM 2
int 14h ;initialize RS232 port to given parameters
;(warning: COM interrupts are left disabled)
mov dx,BASE_ADR+4 ;modem control register (3fc)
mov al,RTS_ON ;INT's on(bit3), RTS on(bit1), DTR on(bit0)
out dx,al
mov dx,BASE_ADR+1 ;interrupt enable register (3f9)
mov al,INT_CODE ;which interrupts to enable
out dx,al ;enable interrupts on 8250
mov dx,BASE_ADR ;point at recieve buffer register(3f8)
in al,dx ;read any trash in buffer
mov dx,BASE_ADR+5 ;line status register(3fd)
in al,dx ;read any trash in status register
mov dx,BASE_ADR+6 ;modem status register (3fe)
in al,dx ;read any trash in status register
in al,21h ;find out which interrupts are currently on
and al,0efh ;enable bit 4 (INT 4 ='s PRIMARY COM. PORT)
out 21h,al ;rewrite new interrupt flags
pop es ;restore registers used
pop ds
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp
_com1_set_interrupt ENDP
; This routine restores the interrupt vector which was modified by the
; _set_interrupt routine so don't call this routine without 1st
; calling the other routine.
PUBLIC _com1_restore_interrupt
_com1_restore_interrupt PROC FAR
push ax ;save all registers used
push dx
push ds
mov dx,old_int4_IP ;point DS:DX to COM routine
mov ax,old_int4_CS ;segment
mov ds,ax ;point DS
mov al,0ch ;INT 4 vector
mov ah,25h ;function to change vector
int 21h ;execute DOS function call
in al,21h ;read current interrupt status
or al,10h ;disable bit 4 (INT 4)
out 21h,al ;rewrite new interrupt status
pop ds ;restore all registers used
pop dx
pop ax
_com1_restore_interrupt ENDP
; This is the interrupt routine that is executed with every
; INT 4.
; Options currenty implemented are:
; 1. receive interrupt
; 2. data reception error interrupt
; 3. transmit holding register empty interrupt
; 4. change in modem status register
; Receive interrupt places characters in _input_queue at _in_queue_ptr
; bytes into the queue.
; Data reception error places the error int _rs232_error.
; Transmit interrupt xmits characters in _output_queue at _out_queue_ptr
; bytes into the queue.
; Modem status register change stores its status in port_status
public INT4
push ds ;always save anything you use in an INT routine
push di
push dx
push cx
push ax
mov ax, SEG _DATA ;make sure your pointing to the correct
mov ds,ax ; segment otherwise it's lockup city.
mov dx,BASE_ADR+2 ;interrupt ident. register (3fa)
in al,dx ;read whose requesting service
mov ah,00h ;zero high byte
mov _com1_interrupt_status,ax;store status
cmp al,00h ;modem interrupt?
je status_int ;YES! jump
cmp al,02h ;is it a transmit buf empty interrupt?
je transmit_int ;YES! jump
cmp al,04h ;is it a recieve interrupt?
je receive_int ;YES! jump
cmp al,06h ;is it reception error interrupt?
je reception_error ;YES! jump
jmp leave_interrupt ;no more left.... so leave
; Modem status register change
mov dx,BASE_ADR+6 ;modem status register (3fe)
in al,dx
mov ah,00h ;zero high byte
mov _com1_port_status,ax ;store status
jmp leave_interrupt ;go see if any interrupts pending
; Receive buffer routine
mov dx,BASE_ADR ;COM 1 recieve buffer (3f8)
in al,dx ;read the character in
mov dl,al ;save character in another register for now
mov di,[_com1_in_queue_ptr] ;grab input pointer
mov _com1_input_queue[di],dl;and place the char in the queue
cmp di,BUFSIZ ;check for queue wrap
jge reset_queue ;reset if past end or equal
inc word ptr [_com1_in_queue_ptr] ;bump input pointer
jmp leave_interrupt
mov word ptr [_com1_in_queue_ptr],0 ;reset pointer to beginning
mov dx,BASE_ADR+2 ;interrupt ident. register (3fa)
in al,dx ;read whose request service
and al,01h ;is there a pending interrupt?
jz pending_interrupt ;YES! jump
mov al,20h ;EOI code
out 20h,al ;acknowledge END OF INTERRUPT
pop ax ;put em back so the machine doesn't
pop cx ; DIE!
pop dx
pop di
pop ds
iret ;interrupt return
; Reception error routine
mov dx,BASE_ADR+5 ;line status register (3fd)
in al,dx ; read which error occured
mov ah,00h ;zero high byte
mov _com1_rs232_error,ax ;save error flags for someone else
jmp leave_interrupt ;go look for pending interrupts
; Transmit buffer empty routine
mov ax,[_com1_out_queue_ptr];grab input pointer
mov di,[_com1_out_queue_out];grab output pointer
cmp ax,di ;are the pointers equal?
jz disable_xmit_int ;YES! then disable interrupts
mov dx,BASE_ADR+6 ;point at modem status reg. (3fe)
mov cx,200 ;give it 200 trys for CTS signal
in al,dx ;read port status
and al,10h ;test CTS line
loopnz wait_for_CTS ;
mov al,_com1_output_queue[di];grab next char to output
mov dx,BASE_ADR ;output buffer port (3f8)
out dx,al ;send character out
cmp di,BUFSIZ ;check for queue wrap
jge out_queue_reset ;reset if past end or equal
inc word ptr [_com1_out_queue_out] ;bump output pointer
jmp leave_interrupt ;and check for pending interrupts
mov word ptr [_com1_out_queue_out],0 ;reset pointer to beginning
jmp leave_interrupt ;and check for pending interrupts
mov dx,BASE_ADR+1 ;interrupt enable register (3f9)
in al,dx ;read current interrupt status
and al,11111101B ;turn off xmit interrupts (fdh)
out dx,al ;disable xmit interrupts on 8250
jmp leave_interrupt ; and check for pending interrupts