Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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C/C++ Source or Header
166 lines
/* setargv -- setup argv with wild card expansion */
/* copyright 1987 Michael M Rubenstein */
/* This program may be freely distributed provided no fee is assessed. */
/* This file implements wild card expansion in argv for Turbo C 1.5. */
/* Strings of characters in either quotes (") or appostrophes (') on the */
/* command line are considered a single argument. However, backslash */
/* escapes are not implemented. A quote may be included in an argument */
/* which is enclosed in appostrophes and an appostrophe may be included */
/* in an argument enclosed in quotes. Either may be included as an */
/* in an argument starting with any other character. */
/* Any argument which is not enclosed in quotes or appostrophes, does not */
/* begin with a hyphen (-), and which contains an asterisk (*) or question */
/* mark (?) will be expanded. It is NOT an error for an argument to have a */
/* null expansion (no matching files). Only ordinary files (not */
/* directories or hidden or system files) will be included in the */
/* expansion. */
/* To use this function, simply compile it with the appropriate memory */
/* model and include in the link. This can be accomplished very simply */
/* in the integrated environment by simply including this file in the */
/* project file. In the command line version, simply include this file */
/* (or a precompiled .OBJ version) on the command line. */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dir.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <process.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
void putarg(unsigned char far *, unsigned char far *);
extern int _argc;
extern char **_argv;
extern unsigned _psp;
extern unsigned _envseg;
extern unsigned _envLng;
extern unsigned char _osmajor;
extern void _abort();
extern char *sbrk(int);
void _setargv()
unsigned char far *cmdtail;
unsigned char *firstarg;
unsigned char far *cmdarg;
int wild;
int c;
unsigned char buffer[129];
unsigned char *p, *q;
unsigned char *lastdir;
char **wargv;
int i;
struct ffblk ffb;
cmdtail = MK_FP(_psp, 0x81);
cmdtail[cmdtail[-1]] = '\0'; /* make sure null at end */
firstarg = (unsigned char *) sbrk(0);
_argc = 1;
while (*cmdtail != '\0')
/* skip white space */
while (isascii(*cmdtail) && isspace(*cmdtail))
/* done with command loop if end of command tail */
if (*cmdtail == '\0')
/* if quoted string, just save the argument */
if ((c = *cmdtail) == '"' || c == '\'')
cmdarg = ++cmdtail;
while (*cmdtail != c && *cmdtail != '\0')
putarg(cmdarg, cmdtail);
if (*cmdtail != '\0')
/* find word */
cmdarg = cmdtail;
wild = FALSE;
p = lastdir = buffer;
while ((c = *cmdtail) != '\0'
&& (!isascii(c) || !isspace(c)))
/* wild is TRUE if word contains * or ? */
wild |= (c == '*' || c == '?');
if (c == '/') c = '\\';
*(p++) = c;
/* lastdir points to the first character of the base file name */
if (c == '\\' || c == ':')
lastdir = p;
*p = '\0';
if (wild && *cmdarg != '-')
for (c = findfirst((char *) buffer, &ffb, 0);
c == 0;
c = findnext(&ffb))
/* use lower case for wild card expanded names (my prejudice) */
for (p = lastdir, q = (unsigned char *) ffb.ff_name; *q != '\0';)
*(p++) = tolower(*(q++));
putarg(buffer, p);
putarg(cmdarg, cmdtail);
/* allocate argv */
if ((wargv = (char **) sbrk(sizeof(char *) * (_argc + 1))) == (char **) -1)
_argv = wargv;
/* store program name */
if (_osmajor < 3)
*(wargv++) = "C";
cmdtail = cmdarg = MK_FP(_envseg, _envLng + 2);
# if defined(__TINY__) || defined(__SMALL__) || defined(__MEDIUM__)
*(wargv++) = sbrk(0);
while (*cmdtail != '\0')
putarg(cmdarg, cmdtail);
# else
*(wargv++) = (char *) cmdarg;
# endif
/* store arguments */
for (i = _argc; --i;)
*(wargv++) = (char *) firstarg;
while(*++firstarg != '\0')
*wargv = (char *) 0;
static void putarg(from, to)
unsigned char far *from, far *to;
char *p;
if ((p = sbrk(to - from + 1)) == (char *) -1)
while (from < to)
*(p++) = *(from++);
*p = '\0';