Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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C/C++ Source or Header
155 lines
* TCOD: This quick-and-dirty utility will create a .COD file which
* contains a mixed assembly and Turbo-C source code listing. The
* result is similar to that obtained by using the "-Fc" option flag
* with Microsoft C v3.0 or v4.0. This utility has been tested with
* Turbo-C v1.00.
* To compile this utility:
* "tcc -G -O -Z -w tcod.c"
* To obtain a listing of foo.c:
* "tcc -S <all other flags> foo.c"
* "tcod foo"
* To build an implicit rule for use with MAKE, place the following
* lines into BUILTINS.MAK
* .c.cod:
* tcc -S $<
* tcod $*
* del $*.ASM
* Beware: If an included file contains code, we will find "; Line"
* comments in the ASM file pointing to the line number of the
* included file. Unfortunately, we will not have any way to
* determine that the code originated from a different source file.
* We can do nothing about this. Let the buyer beware! I think the
* rule here is... don't put code in include files!!
* Placed in the public domain 5/19/87 by Lenox Brassell.
* [CompuServe PPN: 76224,75].
* Modified by Dean McCrory to strip the extension upon startup.
* Also changed function headers to match the old format since the new
* format is not supported by most compilers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static char self[] = "TCOD"; /* Now this code is "self-aware". */
/* It knows its own name. */
#define PATHNAMELEN 64
/* Input and output streams */
static FILE *asm_stream; /* Input stream for ?.ASM */
static FILE *c_stream; /* Input stream for ?.C */
static FILE *merge_stream; /* Output stream for ?.COD */
/* Input/output buffer for a singe line of the ASM/COD file */
/* We use a leading tab to make the COD output prettier */
#define ASM_LINEMAX 256
static char tab_asm_line[ASM_LINEMAX+2] = "\t";
#define asm_line &tab_asm_line[1]
/* This tag indicates that we should look for the given source code line. */
static char c_tag[] = "; Line ";
#define LINE_LEN (sizeof(c_tag) - 1) /* Don't compare the '\0' */
#define C_LINE_COMMENT(s) ((*(s)==';') && strncmp((s),c_tag,LINE_LEN)==0)
/* Function prototypes */
static FILE *fopen_by_extension (char *, char *, char *);
static char *seek_c_line (int);
void main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *rootname;
char *c_line;
int line_number;
if (argc != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Usage is \"%s FILENAME\".\n", self,self);
exit (1);
rootname = strchr (argv[1], '.'); /* search for a period */
if (rootname != NULL)
*rootname = '\0'; /* cut string off at period */
rootname = argv[1];
asm_stream = fopen_by_extension (rootname, ".ASM", "r");
c_stream = fopen_by_extension (rootname, ".C", "r");
merge_stream = fopen_by_extension (rootname, ".COD", "w");
/* For each line of ASM source: */
while (fgets (asm_line,ASM_LINEMAX,asm_stream) != NULL)
if (C_LINE_COMMENT(asm_line))
line_number = atoi (asm_line+LINE_LEN);
c_line = seek_c_line (line_number);
if (c_line != NULL)
fputs (c_line, merge_stream);
else /* Humph! We can't find the source line. */
fputs (asm_line, merge_stream);
fputs (tab_asm_line, merge_stream);
exit (0);
static FILE *fopen_by_extension (rootname, extension, mode)
char *rootname;
char *extension;
char *mode;
PATHNAME pathname;
FILE *stream;
stream = fopen (strcat (strcpy (pathname, rootname), extension), mode);
if (stream == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Cannot open \"%s\"\n", self, pathname);
perror (pathname);
exit (1);
return (stream);
#define C_LINE_MAX 256
static char *seek_c_line (line_number)
int line_number;
static char c_line [C_LINE_MAX+2] = ";";
static int current_line = 1;
if (line_number < current_line)
rewind (c_stream);
current_line = 1;
while (fgets (c_line+1, C_LINE_MAX, c_stream) != NULL)
if (current_line++ == line_number)
return (c_line);
return (NULL);