Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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void abort()
- terminates process & calls exit(3)
- needs stdlib.h, process.h
int abs(n)
int n;
- returns absolute value of int n
- needs stdlib.h
int absread(drive,nsects,sectno,buffer)
int drive,int nsects,int sectno,void *buffer;
- reads disk absolute logical sectors
- drive = 0(A), 1(B), etc
- nsects = # of sectors to read
- sectno = beginning logical sector number
- buffer = address of buffer
- returns 0 if OK; -1 on error; 'errno' = DOS error number
- needs dos.h
int abswrite(drive,nsects,sectno,buffer)
int drive,int nsects,int sectno,void *buffer;
- writes disk absolute logical sectors
- drive = 0(A), 1(B), etc
- nsects = # of sectors to write
- sectno = beginning logical sector number
- buffer = address of buffer
- returns 0 if OK; -1 on error; 'errno' = DOS error number
- needs dos.h
int access(filename,amode)
char *filename, int amode;
- checks 'filename' for existence & R/W access
- amode = 06 -- check for R/W permission
04 -- check for R
02 -- check for W
01 -- execute (ignored)
00 -- check if filename exists
- 'filename' can be directory
- returns 0 if OK; -1 on error; 'errno' = ENOENT if path or filename
not found & 'errno' = EACCES if permission denied
- needs io.h
double acos(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
char *asctime(struct tm *tm)
- converts time in struct tm to 26-character string
- needs time.h
- returns pointer to string
int allocmem(size,seg)
unsigned size, unsigned *seg;
- allocates memory in 'size' paragraphs, where 'seg' is pointer to
a word containing segment address
- returns -1 if ok, else largest available memory in paragraphs
- needs dos.h
char *asctime(struct tm *tm)
- converts date & time to ASCII
- needs time.h
double asin(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
void assert(int test)
- if 'test' fails, prints error message & aborts program
- 'test' can be a condition
- needs assert.h
double atan(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
double atan(y,x)
double y, double x;
- needs math.h
int atexit(atexit_t func)
- calls 'func' before exiting to DOS
- up to 32 functions can be called (32 atexit calls needed)
- should be located in 'main' & executed before anything else
- returns 0 if OK, else nonzero if no space to register function
- needs stdlib.h
double atof(s)
char *s;
- needs math.h or stdlib.h
int atoi(s)
char *s;
- needs stdlib.h
long atol(s)
char *s;
- needs stdlib.h
int bdos(dosfun, dosdx, dosal)
int dosfun, unsigned dosdx, unsigned dosal;
- make DOS system call for function 'dosfun', passing DX and AL
values via 'dosdx' and 'dosal'
- use only in small memory model
- needs dos.h
- returns value of AX set by system call
int bdosptr(dosfun, argument, dosal)
int dosfun, void *argument, unsigned dosal;
- make DOS system call for function 'dosfun', passing POINTER to
values via 'argument' and passing AL via 'dosal'
- use for small or large memory models
- needs dos.h
- returns value of AX set by system call if OK, else -1 on failure
(where 'errno' & '_doserrno' are then set)
int bioscom(cmd,byte,port)
int cmd, char byte, int port;
- RS232 communications
- needs bios.h
- cmd = 0 to set comm parms to value in 'byte'
1 to send char in 'byte' out on RS232 line
2 to receive char
3 to return current port status
- port = 0 for COM1, 1 for COM2, etc
- byte = bitwise OR of following bits
0x02 for 7 data bits 0x00 1 stop bit
0x03 8 data bits 0x04 2 stop bits
0x00 == no parity; 0x08 == odd parity; 0x18 == even parity
0x00 110 bps 0x20 150 bps
0x40 300 bps 0x60 600 bps
0x80 1200 bps 0xa0 2400 bps
0xc0 4800 bps 0xe0 9600 bps
- returns 16-bit integer, upper 8 bits are status & lower 8 bits
depend on 'cmd' sent
15 = timeout 14 = TSR empty 13 = THR empty 12 = break detect
11 = frame err 10 = parity err 09 = overrun err 08 = data rdy
'cmd' = 1 & bit 15 =1 ==> 'byte' was not transmitted
'cmd' = 2 ==> lower 8 bits = char received
'cmd' = 0 or 3, then lower 8 bits are:
07 = received line signal detect 06 = ring indicator
05 = DSR 04 = CTS 03 = delta receive line signal detect
02 = trailing edge ring detect 01 = delta DSR 00 = delta CTS
int biosdisk(cmd,drive,head,track,sector,nsects,buffer)
int cmd, drive, head, track, sector, nsects;
void *buffer;
- issues interrupt 0x13 for BIOS disk operations
- needs bios.h
- drive = 0 (floppy drive 1), 1 (floppy drive 2), etc
= 0x80 (hard drive 1), 0x82 (hard drive 2), etc
- cmd = 0 - reset diskette system (hard disk drive reset)
1 - return status of last disk operation & other parms ignored
2 - read 'nsects' disk sectors, with starting sector defined
by 'head', 'track', & 'sector', reading 512 bytes per
sector into 'buffer'
3 - write 'nsects' disk sectors, with starting sector defined
by 'head', 'track', & 'sector', writing 512 bytes per
sector from 'buffer'
4 - verify 'nsects' disk sectors, with starting sector defined
by 'head', 'track', & 'sector'
5 - format a track defined by 'head' & 'track', where 'buffer'
points to a table of sector headers to be written
for XT or AT only:
6 - formats a track & sets bad sector flags
7 - formats drive beginning at specific track
8 - returns current drive parms in 'buffer' as 1st 4 bytes
9 - initializes drive-pair characteristics
10 - long read (512 + 4 extra bytes per sector)
11 - long write (512 + 4 extra bytes per sector)
12 - disk seek
13 - alternate disk reset
14 - reads sector buffer
15 - writes sector buffer
16 - tests if named drive is ready
17 - recalibrates drive
18 - controller ram diagnostic
19 - drive diagnostic
20 - controller internal diagnostic
- returns status byte equal to:
0x00 == OK 0x01 == bad cmd 0x02 == Addr mark not found
0x04 == rec not found 0x05 == reset failed 0x07 == drive parm failed
0x09 == DMA/64K error 0x0b == bad trk flag 0x10 == bad ECC on read
0x11 == ECC done (OK) 0x20 == ctrllr dead 0x40 == seek failed
0x80 == no response 0xbb == unknown error 0xff == sense op failed
int biosequip()
- returns integer showing equipment in system
- needs bios.h
- values returned are:
bits 15,14 == no of printers bit 13 == not used
bit 12 == game port bits 11,10,09 == no of RS232 ports
bit 08 == not used bits 07,06 == no of diskettes
00 = 1 dr; 01 = 2 dr; 10 = 3 dr; 11 = 4 dr
bits 05,04 == init video mode (00=na; 01=40x25co; 10=80x25bw; 11=mono)
bits 03,02 == ram (00=16k; 01=32k; 10=48k; 11=64k)
bit 01 == 8087 installed bit 00 == boot from diskette
int bioskey(cmd)
int cmd;
- keyboard operations
- needs bios.h
- 'cmd' = 0 == return next keystroke (no echo); if extended, = 0
= 1 == test if key hit (0= no, else value)
= 2 == return shift key status, where value is OR of:
0x80 insert toggled 0x40 caps toggled 0x20 num lock toggled
0x10 scrl lck toggled 0x08 ALT down 0x04 CTRL down
0x02 left shift down 0x01 right shift down
int biosmemory()
- returns BIOS memory in 1K blocks
- needs bios.h
int biosprint(cmd, byte, port)
int cmd, byte, port;
- outputs 'byte' to 'port'
- needs bios.h
- 'port' = 0 (LPT1), 1 (LPT2), etc
- 'cmd' = 0 (print 'byte'); 1 (init printer port); 2 (get LPT status)
- returns status of OR of:
0x01 time out (cmd=0 means output error)
0x08 I/O error 0x10 selected 0x20 out of paper
0x40 acknowledge 0x80 not busy
int biostime(cmd, newtime)
int cmd;
long newtime;
- reads or sets BIOS timer
- needs bios.h
- cmd = 0 == returns current value of timer
1 == sets timer to value of 'newtime'
int brk(endds)
void *endds;
- dynamically changes the amount of space allocated to the calling
program's data segment. Amount of allocated space increases as
the break value increases.
- returns 0 if OK; else -1 & 'errno' is set to ENOMEM
void *bsearch(key,base,nelem,width,fcmp)
void *key, void *base, int *nelem, int width, int (*fcmp)();
- does binary search for items in a table which is ALREADY sorted in
ascending order
- 'base' points to 0th element of table
- 'nelem' points to integer containing number of entries in table
- 'width' contains number of bytes in each entry
- 'key' points to the search key
- 'fcmp' points to user-written comparison routine, where 'key' and
'elem' are passed to it as pointers. 'fcmp' returns integer < 0
if search key > *elem; integer = 0 if equal; else integer > 0
if search key < *elem
- returns 0 if no match found, else address of first entry that matches
- needs stdlib.h
double cabs(z)
struct complex z;
- returns absolute value of int n
- needs math.h
void *calloc(count, sizeEach)
unsigned count, sizeEach;
- allocates main memory
- stdlib.h & alloc.h
- see malloc
double ceil(x)
double x;
- rounds up 'x'
- math.h
char *cgets(s)
char *s;
- reads string from console, deletes CR & substitutes '\0' as tail
- CR/LF combination is replaced by '\0'
- conio.h
- see gets
int chdir(path)
char *path;
- changes current working directory to 'path'. Drive can be specified
- returns 0 if OK; else -1 with 'errno' set to ENOENT
#include <dos.h>
int _chmod(char *filename, int func [,int attrib]);
- if 'func' = 0, returns access mode of file
- if 'func' = 1, sets access mode of file
- 'attrib' = FA_RDONLY, FA_HIDDEN, or FA_SYSTEM (defined in dos.h)
- if 'func' = 1, returns 0 if OK; else -1 & 'errno' set to ENOENT or EACCES
- if 'func' = 0, returns MSDOS attribute
- io.h
#include <sys\stat.h>
int chmod(char *filename, int permiss);
- changes access mode of file according to mask given by 'permiss', where
'permiss' = S_IWRITE, S_IREAD, or S_IWRITE | S_IREAD
- returns 0 if OK; else -1 & 'errno' set to ENOENT or EACCES
- io.h
unsigned int _clear87()
- clears 8087/80287 status word & other exceptions
- float.h
- returns old status word
#include <stdio.h>
void clearerr(FILE *stream);
- resets error indication
- stdio.h
- see ferror()
int _close(int fd)
int close(int fd)
- closes file 'fd' where 'fd' is file handle from _creat(), creat(),
creatnew(), creattemp(), dup(), dup2(), _open(), or open().
- use fdopen() to change file handle to file stream.
- _close() does not write a CTL-Z to a text file on closing, while close()
- returns 0 if OK; else -1 & 'errno' may be set of EBADF
unsigned coreleft() -- tiny, small, medium memory models
unsigned long coreleft() -- compact, large, huge memory models
- returns a measure of unused memory (see malloc())
- alloc.h
double cos(x)
double x;
- math.h
double cosh(x)
double x;
- math.h
#include <dos.h>
struct country *country(int countrycode, struct country *countryp)
- returns country-dependent information
int cprintf(char *format[,argument,...]);
- sends formatted output to the console
- conio.h
void cputs(s)
char *s;
- needs conio.h
- writes string 's' to console (not to stdout)
#include <dos.h>
int _creat(char *filename, int attrib);
- creates new file (overwrites existing file) of 'filename' with
file attribute 'attrib', for both read/write
- file is created set to '_fmode' (O_TEXT or O_BINARY)
- returns nonnegative integer if OK, else -1
- needs io.h
#include <sys\stat.h>
int creat(filename,permis)
char *filename;
int permis;
- creates new file (overwrites existing file) of 'filename' with
access permission 'permis' which is S_IWRITE, S_IREAD, or
S_IWRITE | S_IREAD, for permission to write, read or read/write.
- file is created set to '_fmode' (O_TEXT or O_BINARY)
- needs io.h
#include <dos.h>
int creatnew(filename,attrib)
char *filename;
int attrib;
- creates new file 'filename' with file attribute 'attrib'
- returns nonnegative integer if OK, else -1
- returns error if 'filename' already exists
- file is created set to '_fmode' (O_TEXT or O_BINARY)
- needs io.h
#include <dos.h>
int creattemp(char *filename, int attrib);
- creates new file (overwrites existing file) of 'filename' with
file attribute 'attrib', for both read/write
- 'filename' is a path name ending in a backslash (\); when file
is created, 'filename' has a unique path name
- file is created set to '_fmode' (O_TEXT or O_BINARY)
- returns nonnegative integer if OK, else -1
- needs io.h
int cscanf(char *format[,argument,...])
- performs formatted input from console
- needs conio.h
- see scanf()
char *ctime(long *clock)
- converts date and time to a string
- 'clock' is a long integer (such as that returned by time())
- generates a 26-character string for date and time
- needs time.h
- returns pointer to string
void ctrlbrk(int (*fptr)(void))
- needs dos.h
- sets a new control-break handler function pointed to by 'fptr'
- if CNTL-C hit, then function pointed to by 'fptr' is called
- use longjmp() to return to a given point in the program
double difftime(time_t time2, time_t time1)
- returns (time2-time1) difference in seconds (double)
- needs time.h
#include <dos.h>
void disable()
- disables all interrupts except NMI
#include <dos.h>
int dosexterr(struct DOSERR *eblkp)
- returns extended error information (unique to MSDOS 3.x)
- 'eblkp' is pointer to DOSERR structure (defined in dos.h)
- if 0 returned, previous DOS call did not result in error
#include <dos.h>
long dostounix(struct date *dateptr,struct time *timeptr)
- converts date (as from getdate) and time (as from gettime) into
UNIX format
int dup(int handle)
- needs io.h
- returns a new file handle that duplicates the old 'handle'
- returns -1 on error
int dup2(int oldhandle,int newhandle)
- needs io.h
- returns a new file handle that duplicates the old 'handle'
equal to 'newhandle'. If 'newhandle' exists, the corresponding
file is closed.
- returns -1 on error
char *ecvt(double value, int ndigit, int *decpt, int *sign)
- needs stdlib.h
- converts a floating pt number to a string of 'ndigit' digits,
returning pointer to that string
- 'decpt' is position of decimal point (negative value means to
left of returned digits) and 'sign' is 0 if positive, else negative
#include <dos.h>
void enable()
- enables all interrupts
int eof(handle)
int *handle;
- needs io.h
- returns 1 if end of file for file associated with 'handle',
else 0 if not end of file; else -1 if bad file number
int execl(pathname,arg0,arg1,arg2,...,argN,NULL);
int execle(pathname,arg0,arg1,arg2,...,argN,NULL,envp);
int execlp(pathname,arg0,arg1,arg2,...,argN,NULL);
int execlpe(pathname,arg0,arg1,arg2,....,argN,NULL,envp);
char *pathname,*arg0,*arg1,*arg2,....,*argN,*envp[];
int execv(pathname,arg,NULL);
int execve(pathname,arg,NULL,envp);
int execvp(pathname,arg,NULL);
int execvpe(pathname,arg,NULL,envp);
char *pathname,*arg[],*envp[];
- needs process.h
- loads and runs child processes
- 'pathname' search based on MS-DOS search algorithm
o if no extension or period - search for exact file name -
if not found, add .exe and search again
o if extension given, search only for exact file name
o if period given, search for file name with no extension
- arg0 can be the same as the 'pathname'
- at least one argument must be passed
- combined argument list cannot exceed 128 bytes
- execl..: arg0, arg1,...,argN are passed as SEPARATE arguments
- execv..: arg[0], arg[1],...,arg[N] are passed as ARRAYs of arguments
- execlp, execlpe, execvp, execvpe: search for child in DOS PATH
- returns no value if OK, else returns -1, and 'errno' set to E2BIG (too
many args), EACCES (permission denied), EMFILE (too many open files),
ENOENT (path or file not found), ENOEXEC (exec format error), or
ENOMEM (not enough memory).
- if successful, there is no return to the caller; the caller is
killed off
void exit(completionCode)
int completionCode;
- needs process.h
- terminates program, closes all files, buffered output is written, and
any registered exit functions (via atexit()) are called
void _exit(completionCode)
int completionCode;
- needs process.h
- terminates program, BUT doesn't close all files, write out buffered
output, and NO registered exit functions (via atexit()) are called
double exp(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
- returns y = e**x or HUGE_VAL on error
double fabs(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
- returns absolute value of 'x'
void far *farcalloc(unsigned long nunits, unsigned long unitsz);
- needs alloc.h
- allocates memory from the far heap for an array of 'nunits' elements,
each 'unitsz' bytes long
- returns pointer to allocated block or NULL if not enough space left
- can allocate all of memory & chunks bigger than 64K
- must use far pointers
long farcoreleft()
- needs alloc.h
- returns unused memory in bytes beyond highest allocated block
void farfree(void far *block)
- needs alloc.h
- frees block of previously allocated far memory ('block' must be
allocated by 'farcalloc')
void far *farrealloc(block,newsize)
void far *block;
unsigned long newsize;
- adjusts size of allocated block to 'newsize', copying contents to
a new location if necessary
- returns pointer to reallocated block or NULL on error
char *fcvt(double value, int ndigit, int *decpt, int *sign)
- needs stdlib.h
- converts a floating pt number to a string of 'ndigit' digits,
returning pointer to that string
- correct digit is rounded for Fortran-F format output of the
number of digits equal to 'ndigit'
- 'decpt' is position of decimal point (negative value means to
left of returned digits) and 'sign' is 0 if positive, else negative
int fclose(fd)
FILE *fd;
- closes a file stream (see fdopen() to convert handle to stream)
- generally flushes buffers, too
- returns 0 on success or EOF on error
int fcloseall()
- closes all file streams except stdin & stdout
- returns 0 on success or EOF on error
char *fcvt(value,ndigit,decpt,sign);
double value;
int ndigit;
int *decpt,*sign;
- converts floating point number to a string
- prototype in: stdlib.h
- see ecvt().
#include <dos.h>
FILE *fdopen(handle,type)
int handle;
char *type;
- associates a file STREAM with a file HANDLE
- 'handle' is returned by creat(), dup(), dup2() or open()
- 'type' must match mode of the 'handle'
- see fopen() for 'type' descriptions
- returns file 'stream' or NULL on error
#include <stdio.h>
int feof(FILE *stream);
- detects end of file on a file stream
- returns zero if NOT eof, else nonzero
#include <stdio.h>
int ferror(FILE *stream);
- tests 'stream' for read/write error, returns nonzero if error found
- error remains set until clearerr() or rewind() is called
int fflush(fd)
FILE *fd;
- writes contents of output buffers associated with 'fd' to
stream and clears input buffer contents; 'fd' is NOT closed
- returns 0 on success or EOF on error
int fgetc(fd)
FILE *fd;
- function (not a macro) which gets character from stream (needs <stdio.h>)
- see getc()
- returns char (converted to an int) or EOF
int fgetchar()
- gets character from stream (needs <stdio.h>)
- same as fgetc(stdin)
- see getc()
- returns char (converted to an int) or EOF
char *fgets(s, size, fd)
char *s;
int size;
FILE *fd;
- gets a string from a stream, reading until 'size' - 1 characters
have been read or a newline is detected
- newline character is retained
- returns 's' argument if OK, else NULL on eof or error
long filelength(handle)
int handle
- prototype in: io.h
- gets file size in bytes for file associated with 'handle'
- returns -1L on error
#include <stdio.h>
int fileno(FILE *stream)
- gets file handle for the given 'stream'
- error return undefined
#include <dir.h>
#include <dos.h>
int findfirst(pathname,ffblk,attrib)
char *pathname;
struct ffblk *ffblk;
int attrib;
- gets disk directory via DOS 0x4E, where 'attrib' is FA_RDONLY,
OR of same.
- struct ffblk is defined in <dir.h>
- findfirst sets DTA (use getdta() & setdta() if you need DTA address)
- returns 0 if OK, else -1 if no matching files found or on error
#include <dir.h>
#include <dos.h>
int findnext(ffblk)
struct ffblk *ffblk;
- gets next disk directory via DOS 0x4F (you call findfirst() first)
- struct ffblk is defined in <dir.h>
- findnext sets DTA (use getdta() & setdta() if you need DTA address)
- returns 0 if OK, else -1 if no matching files found or on error
double floor(x)
double x;
int flushall()
- same as fflush() except ALL open file streams are done
- returns integer indicating number of open file streams
double fmod(x,y)
double x,y;
- calculates x modulo y, the remainder of x/y, returning the remainder
- prototype in math.h
#include <dir.h>
void fnmerge(path,drive,dir,name,ext)
char *path, *drive, *dir, *name, *ext;
- makes a file name ('path') from 'drive', 'dir', 'name', and 'ext'
- 'dir' can include subdirectories
- maximum sizes for these strings are:
MAXPATH 80 'path'
MAXDRIVE 3 'drive' - includes colon (:)
MAXDIR 66 'dir' - includes leading/traing backslashes
MAXFILE 9 'name'
MAXEXT 5 'ext', including leading dot (.)
- invertible with fnsplit()
#include <dir.h>
void fnsplit(path,drive,dir,name,ext)
char *path, *drive, *dir, *name, *ext;
- splits a file name from 'path' into 'drive', 'dir', 'name', and 'ext'
- 'dir' can include subdirectories
- maximum sizes for these strings are:
MAXPATH 80 'path'
MAXDRIVE 3 'drive' - includes colon (:)
MAXDIR 66 'dir' - includes leading/traing backslashes
MAXFILE 9 'name'
MAXEXT 5 'ext', including leading dot (.)
- invertible with fnmerge()
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *fopen(filename, type)
char *filename, *type;
[NOTES] type = "r" (read), "w" (write), "a" (append),
"r+", "w+", "a+", "r+t", "w+t", "a+t",
"r+b", "w+t", "a+t", "rt", "wt", "at",
"rb", "wb", "ab"
read == read only (unless "r+") write == create
append == seek to end of file or create file
"+" == allow update access
"t" == text file "b" == binary file
Text file, on reading, will have CRs discarded
- returns stream or NULL on error
#include <dos.h>
unsigned FP_OFF(void far *farptr);
- gets offset of far pointer 'farptr', returning unsigned integer value
#include <dos.h>
unsigned FP_SEG(void far *farptr);
- gets segment of far pointer 'farptr', returning unsigned integer value
void _fpreset()
- needs float.h
- resets floating point math package, usually used with signal(),
system(), exec..(), spawn..()
- should be called if using 8087/80287 after using above functions
#include <stdio.h>
int fprintf(fd, format [, arg1, arg2, ...])
FILE *fd;
char *format, arg1, ...;
#include <stdio.h>
int fputc(c, fd)
int c;
FILE *fd;
- puts char 'c' to stream 'fd', returning 'c' on success, else EOF
#include <stdio.h>
int fputs(c, fd)
char *c;
FILE *fd;
#include <stdio.h>
int fread(buf, size, count, fd)
void *buf;
int size, count;
FILE *fd;
- reads 'count' of data items, each item being 'size' bytes long,
from file stream 'fd'
- returns number of data items (not bytes) actually read
- returns 0 (or short count) on eof or error
int free(pseg)
void *pseg;
- prototypes in stdlib.h, alloc.h
- frees allocated block
int freemem(unsigned seg);
- prototype in: dos.h
- frees previously allocated DOS block defined by 'seg'
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *freopen(filename, type, fd)
char *filename, *type;
FILE *fd;
- substitutes named file in place of open 'fd' and closes original 'fd'
- useful for changing file attached to stdin, stdout, or stderr
- returns 'fd' on success or NULL on error
- see fopen() for 'type' descriptions
double frexp(value,eptr)
double value;
int *eptr;
- needs math.h
- calculates mantissa x (a double < 1) and n (integer) such that
value = x * 2**n, storing n in word that eptr points to
int fscanf(fd, format, arg1, arg2, ...)
FILE *fd;
char *format, arg1, arg2, ...;
- gets formatted inpu from a stream 'fd'
int fseek(fd, offset, mode)
FILE *fd;
int mode;
long offset;
- prototype in: stdio.h
- sets file pointer associated with 'fd' to position which is 'offset'
bytes beyond file location given by 'mode'
- mode is 0 (beginning of file or SEEK_SET), 1 (current position or
SEEK_CUR), or 2 (end of file or SEEK_END
- discards any character pushed back by ungetc()
- fseek() clears eof indicator but not file error indicator
- returns 0 if pointer moved OK, else nonzero
#include <sys\stat.h>
int fstat(handle, buff)
char *handle;
struct stat *buff
- see stat()
long ftell(FILE *fd)
- prototype in: stdio.h
- returns current file position in bytes from beginning of file
or -1L on error
#include <stdio.h>
int fwrite(buf, size, count, fd)
void *buf;
int size, count;
FILE *fd;
- writes 'count' of data items, each item being 'size' bytes long,
to file stream 'fd'
- returns number of data items (not bytes) actually written
- returns short count on error
char *gcvt(double value, int ndigit, char *buf)
- needs stdlib.h
- converts a floating pt number to a string of 'ndigit' digits,
storing string into 'buf' and returning pointer to that string
- output is in Fortran-F format if possible, else in Fortran-E format
#include <dos.h>
void geninterrupt(int intr_num)
- traps interrupts of 'intr_num'
- see getvect()
#include <stdio.h>
int getc(fd)
FILE *fd;
- macro which returns next character in file stream 'fd' or EOF on
end of file or error
int getcbrk()
- prototype in: dos.h
- gets control-break setting (0 if cntl-C is off; else 1)
#include <stdio.h>
int getch()
- function which returns next character from console without echoing
#include <stdio.h>
int getchar()
- macro which returns next character in file stream 'stdin' or EOF on
end of file or error
#include <stdio.h>
int getche()
- function which returns next character from console WITH echoing
int getcurdir(int drive, char *direc);
- get current directory for specified 'drive' (0=default, 1=A, etc)
- 'direc' will return directory name
- returns 0 if OK, else -1 on error
- needs dir.h.
char *getcwd(char *buf,int n);
- gets full path name of current working directory up to 'n' bytes,
placed into 'buf'
- returns 'buf' pointer, else NULL
- needs dir.h
#include <dos.h>
void getdate(struct date *dateblk);
- gets MS-DOS date, filling it into 'dateblk'
#include <dos.h>
void getdfree(int drive, struct dfree *dfreep);
- filles in 'dfreep' structure with disk characters
struct dfree {
unsigned df_avail; /* available clusters */
unsigned df_total; /* total clusters */
unsigned df_bsec; /* bytes per sector */
unsigned df_sclus; /* sectors per cluster */
- in event of error, 'df_sclus' is set to -1.
int getdisk()
- needs dir.h
- returns integer = 0 (for A), 1 (for B), etc
char far *getdta()
- prototype in: dos.h
- returns current setting of the DTA as a far pointer
char *getenv(char *envvar);
- gets string from environment
- MSDOS environment consists of strings of form 'envvar=varvalue,...'
- returns 'varvalue' or 0 if 'envvar' not found in environment
#include <dos.h>
void getfat(int drive,struct fatinfo *fatblkp);
- returns information from the file allocation table for the specified
'drive' (0=default,1=A, etc) into 'fatblk'
- structure 'fatinfo' is defined in dos.h
#include <dos.h>
void getfatd(struct fatinfo *fatblkp);
- returns information from the file allocation table for the DEFAULT
drive into 'fatblk'
- structure 'fatinfo' is defined in dos.h
#include <dos.h>
int getftime(int handle,struct ftime *ftimep);
- retrieves file time and date for the file associated with 'handle'
into 'ftimep'
- structure ftime is defined in dos.h
char *getpass(char *prompt);
- prototype in: conio.h
- reads a password from system console after typing 'prompt', without
- password cannot exceed 8 characters (not counting null terminator)
unsigned getpsp()
- prototype in: dos.h
- returns segment address of the PSP using DOS call 0x62
- valid only for DOS 3.x
- use global variable '_psp' to get PSP instead for DOS 2.X
char *gets(s)
char *s;
- reads string from 'stdin' until newline character is read
- newline character is replaced by '\0'
- returns string or NULL on end-of-file or error
#include <dos.h>
void gettime(struct time *timep);
- gets MS-DOS time
void interrupt(*getvect(int intr_num))();
- prototype in dos.h
- reads the value of interrupt vector named by 'intr_num'
(corresponds to 0-255 for MS-DOS)
- returns 4-byte value stored in MS-DOS interrupt table (far
int getverify()
- returns current state of verify flag (0==off, 1==on)
- prototype in dos.h
#include <stdio.h>
int getw(fd)
FILE *fd;
- gets integer from file stream 'fd'
- returns EOF (-1) on eof or error
- use feof() or ferror() to verify -1 is integer, not error return
struct tm *gmtime(long *clock)
- 'clock' is a long integer (such as that returned by time())
- returns GMT time in struct tm (see time.h) correcting for time
zone and any daylight savings time
- global variable 'timezone' is difference in seconds between GMT
and local standard time
- needs time.h
int gsignal(int sig);
int (*ssignal(int sig, int (*action)())();
- prototype in: signal.h
- ssignal() and gsignal() implement a software-signaling facility where
software signals are integers 1-15
- gsignal() raises the signal given by 'sig' and executes the action
- ssignal() establishes an action routine for servicing a signal where
'sig' is associated with the 'action' routine
- ssignal() returns action previously established for ssignal() or SIG_DFL
- gsignal() returns value by action or SIG_IGN or SIG_DFL
- UNIX based
void harderr(int(*fptr)());
void hardresume(int rescode);
void hardretn(int errcode);
- prototype in: dos.h
- harderr() establishes a hardware error handler for current program,
invoked wherever interrupt 0x24 occurs
- function via 'fptr' is called when such an interrupt occurs
- handler function will be called with the follwing arguments=
handler(int errval, int ax, int bp, int si);
where 'errval' is error code in DI register by MS-DOS, and 'ax', 'bp',
'si" are values MS-DOS has in AX, BP, and SI registers
- 'ax' indicates if disk or other device error occurs - if 'ax' is not
negative, then disk error, else device error. For disk error, 'ax' ANDed
with 0x00ff will give bad drive number
- 'bp' and 'si' together point to device driver header
- hardresume() may be called with 'rescode' to return to MS-DOS, where
'rescode' = 2 (for abort), 1 (retry) or 0 (ignore)
- hardrtn() may be called to return directly to the application program
- handler must return 0 for ignore, 1 for retry, or 2 for abort
- handler may issue bdos calls 1 through 0xC, but no others, and no C
standard I/O or UNIX I/O calls may be used
void harderr(int(*fptr)());
void hardresume(int rescode);
void hardretn(int errcode);
- prototype in: dos.h
- harderr() establishes a hardware error handler for current program,
invoked wherever interrupt 0x24 occurs
- function via 'fptr' is called when such an interrupt occurs
- handler function will be called with the follwing arguments=
handler(int errval, int ax, int bp, int si);
where 'errval' is error code in DI register by MS-DOS, and 'ax', 'bp',
'si" are values MS-DOS has in AX, BP, and SI registers
- 'ax' indicates if disk or other device error occurs - if 'ax' is not
negative, then disk error, else device error. For disk error, 'ax' ANDed
with 0x00ff will give bad drive number
- 'bp' and 'si' together point to device driver header
- hardresume() may be called with 'rescode' to return to MS-DOS, where
'rescode' = 2 (for abort), 1 (retry) or 0 (ignore)
- hardrtn() may be called to return directly to the application program
- handler must return 0 for ignore, 1 for retry, or 2 for abort
- handler may issue bdos calls 1 through 0xC, but no others, and no C
standard I/O or UNIX I/O calls may be used
void harderr(int(*fptr)());
void hardresume(int rescode);
void hardretn(int errcode);
- prototype in: dos.h
- harderr() establishes a hardware error handler for current program,
invoked wherever interrupt 0x24 occurs
- function via 'fptr' is called when such an interrupt occurs
- handler function will be called with the follwing arguments=
handler(int errval, int ax, int bp, int si);
where 'errval' is error code in DI register by MS-DOS, and 'ax', 'bp',
'si" are values MS-DOS has in AX, BP, and SI registers
- 'ax' indicates if disk or other device error occurs - if 'ax' is not
negative, then disk error, else device error. For disk error, 'ax' ANDed
with 0x00ff will give bad drive number
- 'bp' and 'si' together point to device driver header
- hardresume() may be called with 'rescode' to return to MS-DOS, where
'rescode' = 2 (for abort), 1 (retry) or 0 (ignore)
- hardrtn() may be called to return directly to the application program
- handler must return 0 for ignore, 1 for retry, or 2 for abort
- handler may issue bdos calls 1 through 0xC, but no others, and no C
standard I/O or UNIX I/O calls may be used
double hypot(double x,double y)
- prototype in math.h
- returns z where z**2 = x**2 + y**2, or HUGE_VAL on error
#include <dos.h>
int inport(int port);
int inportb(int port);
void outport(int port, int word);
void outportb(int port, char byte);
- inport() reads word from input port 'port'
- inportb() is macro that reads byte from input port 'port'
- outport() writes 'word' to output port 'port'
- outportb() is macro that writes 'byte' to output port 'port'
#include <dos.h>
int inport(int port);
int inportb(int port);
void outport(int port, int word);
void outportb(int port, char byte);
- inport() reads word from input port 'port'
- inportb() is macro that reads byte from input port 'port'
- outport() writes 'word' to output port 'port'
- outportb() is macro that writes 'byte' to output port 'port'
#include <dos.h>
int int86(int intr_num,union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs);
int int86x(int intr_num,union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs,
struct SREGS *segregs);
- Executes 8086 software interrupt specified by 'intr_num"
- Copies register values fron 'inregs' into the registers
- int86x() also copies segregs->x.ds and segregs->y.es into DS/ES
- if carry flag is set, an error has occurred
#include <dos.h>
int int86(int intr_num,union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs);
int int86x(int intr_num,union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs,
struct SREGS *segregs);
- Executes 8086 software interrupt specified by 'intr_num"
- Copies register values fron 'inregs' into the registers
- int86x() also copies segregs->x.ds and segregs->y.es into DS/ES
- if carry flag is set, an error has occurred
#include <dos.h>
int intdos(union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs);
int intdosx(union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs,
struct SREGS *segregs);
- Executes 8086 software interrupt 0x21
- Copies register values fron 'inregs' into the registers
- int86x() also copies segregs->x.ds and segregs->y.es into DS/ES
- if carry flag is set, an error has occurred
#include <dos.h>
int intdos(union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs);
int intdosx(union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs,
struct SREGS *segregs);
- Executes 8086 software interrupt 0x21
- Copies register values fron 'inregs' into the registers
- int86x() also copies segregs->x.ds and segregs->y.es into DS/ES
- if carry flag is set, an error has occurred
#include <dos.h>
void intr(int intr_num,struct REGPACK *preg);
- same as int86 except that 'preg' contains registers values both
before & after executing interrupt
int ioctl(int handle,int cmd[,int *argdx,int argcx]);
- prototype in io.h
- direct interface to MS-DOS call 0x44 (IOCTL)
- 'cmd' is: 0 - get device information
1 - set device information (in 'argdx')
2 - read 'argcx' bytes into addr given by 'argdx'
3 - write 'argcx' bytes from addr given by 'argdx'
4 - same as 2, except 'handle' treated as drive (0=default,
1=A, etc)
5 - same as 3, except 'handle' treated as drive (0=default,
1=A, etc)
6 - get input status
7 - get output status
8 - test removability (DOS 3.x)
11- set sharing conflict retry count (DOS 3.x)
- 'cmd'=0,1; returns device information (DX of IOCTL call)
- 'cmd'=2-5; returns count of bytes transferred
- 'cmd'=6,7; returns device status
- returns -1 on error & 'errno' = EINVAL, EBADF, or EINVDAT
- prototype in: io.h
- 'c' below are int type
int isalnum(c) - nonzero if letter or digit
int isalpha(c) - nonzero if letter
int isascii(c) - nonzero if in range 0-127
int iscntrl(c) - nonzero if 0x7F, or 0x00-0x1F
int isdigit(c) - nonzero if digit
int isgraph(c) - nonzero if printable (0x21-0x7E) except space excluded
int islower(c) - nonzero if lowercase
int isprint(c) - nonzero if printable (0x20-0x7E)
int ispunct(c) - nonzero if punctuation char (iscntrl or isspace)
int isspace(c) - nonzero if space,tab, CR, LF, VT or FF
int isupper(c) - nonzero if uppercase
int isxdigit(c) - nonzero if hexadecimal digit
int isatty(int handle)
- prototype in: io.h
- if 'handle' associated with character device (tty,console,printer,
or serial port) returns nonzero integer; else returns 0
char *itoa(int value,char *string,int radix);
- converts 'value' to 'string' where 'radix' specifies base (2-36) for
int kbhit()
- prototype in: conio.h
- returns nonzero if keystroke available else 0
void keep(int status, int size);
- prototype in: dos.h
- keep() returns to MS-DOS with exit status in 'status', retaining
current program resident in memory with 'size' paragraphs and rest
of memory freed
- uses DOS function 0x31
long labs(long n);
- prototype in: stdlib.h
- returns absolute long value of 'n'
double ldexp(double value,int exp);
- prototype in: math.h
- returns 'value' x 2**'exp'
void *lfind(key,base,nelem,width,fcmp)
void *key, void *base, int *nelem, int width, int (*fcmp)();
- does linear search for items in a table; table does not need to be
- 'base' points to 0th element of table
- 'nelem' points to integer containing number of entries in table
- 'width' contains number of bytes in each entry
- 'key' points to the search key
- 'fcmp' points to user-written comparison routine, where 'key' and
'elem' are passed to it as pointers. 'fcmp' returns integer != 0
if search key != *elem; integer = 0 if identical
- returns 0 if no match found, else address of first entry that matches
- needs stdlib.h
struct tm *localtime(long *clock)
- 'clock' is a long integer (such as that returned by time())
- returns time in struct tm (see time.h) correcting for time
zone and any daylight savings time
- global variable 'timezone' is difference in seconds between GMT
and local standard time
- needs time.h
int lock(int handle, long offset, long length);
int unlock(int handle, long offset, long length);
- lock() locks arbitrary, non-overlapping regions of any file (DOS 3.X),
preventing reads/writes to those regions
- unlock() removes said locks
- returns 0 on success, else -1 on error
double log(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
- returns natural logarithm of 'x', or -HUGE_VAL on error
double log10(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
- returns base 10 logarithm of 'x', or -HUGE_VAL on error
#include <setjmp.h>
void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int id);
- call to longjmp() with 'env' restores task state (set by
setjmp()), returning value 'id'
- cannot return 0; if 'id' == 0, returns 1
void *lsearch(key,base,nelem,width,fcmp)
void *key, void *base, int *nelem, int width, int (*fcmp)();
- does linear search for items in a table; table does not need to be
- 'base' points to 0th element of table
- 'nelem' points to integer containing number of entries in table
- 'width' contains number of bytes in each entry
- 'key' points to the search key
- 'fcmp' points to user-written comparison routine, where 'key' and
'elem' are passed to it as pointers. 'fcmp' returns integer != 0
if search key != *elem; integer = 0 if identical
- returns 0 if no match found, else address of first entry that matches
- needs stdlib.h
long lseek(fd, offset, mode)
int fd, mode;
long offset;
- sets file associated with 'fd' to 'offset' from beginning of file
('mode' = 0 or SEEK_SET), current position ('mode' = 1 or SEEK_CUR),
or end of file ('mode' = 2 or SEEK_END)
- returns -1L on error
char *ltoa(long value,char *string,int radix);
- converts 'value' to 'string' where 'radix' specifies base (2-36) for
void *malloc(size)
unsigned size;
- prototype in stdlib.h, alloc.h
- allocates memory of length 'size' in bytes
- returns pointer if successful, else NULL
#include <math.h>
double _matherr(_mexcep why, char *fun, double *arg1p,
double *arg2p, double retval);
- used with matherr(), calling matherr() and processes the return value
from matherr()
- floating point error handling routine
#include <math.h>
int matherr(struct exception *e);
- provided as customizable math error-handling routine
void *memccpy(void *destin,void *source,unsigned char ch,unsigned n);
void *memchr(void *s,char ch,unsigned n);
void *memcmp(void *s1,void *s2,unsigned n);
int memicmp(void *s1,void *s2,unsigned n);
void *memmove(void *destin,void *source,unsigned n);
void *memcpy(void *destin,void *source,unsigned n);
void *memset(void *s,char ch,unsigned n);
- prototype in: string.h, mem.h
- memcpy copies 'n' bytes from 'source' to 'destin'; returns 'destin'
- memmove - same as memcpy
- memset sets all bytes of 's' to byte 'ch', with size of 's' = 'n';
returns value of 's'
- memcmp compares two strings 's1' & 's2' for length of 'n' bytes,
returning a value < 0 is 's1' < 's2', = 0 if 's1'='s2', and > 0 if
's1' > 's2', where compares is for unsigned chars.
- memicmp compares first 'n' bytes of 's1' & 's2', case insensitive
- memccpy copies from 'source' to 'destin' until 'ch' is copied or
'n' bytes have been done, returning pointer to byte in 'destin'
immediately following 'ch' or NULL
- memchr searches first 'n' bytes in 's' for 'ch', returning pointer
to first occurrence or NULL if not found
#include <dos.h>
void far *MK_FP(unsigned seg,unsigned off);
- returns a far pointer from offset 'off' and segment 'seg'
int mkdir(char *pathname);
- prototype in dir.h
- takes 'pathname' & creates new directory with that name
- returns 0 if successful, else -1
char *mktemp(char *template);
- prototype in dir.h
- replaces 'template' by unique file name & returns addr of 'template'
if successful
- 'template' should be null-terminated string with six trailing X's
double modf(value,iptr)
double value, *iptr;
- splits 'value' in integer and fraction part, storing integer part
in area pointed to by 'iptr', returning the fractional part
void movedate(int segsrc,int offsrc,int segdest,int offdest,unsigned n);
- prototype in mem.h, string.h
- copies 'n' bytes from segsrc:offsrc to segdest:offdest
void movmem(void *source,void *destin,unsigned len);
- prototype in mem.h
- copies 'len' bytes from 'source' to 'destin'
#include <fcntl.h>
int _open(char *pathname,int access);
- prototype in io.h
- see open()
#include <fcntl.h>
int open(filename, access[,permis])
char *filename;
int access,permis;
- prototype in io.h
- opens file 'pathname' with 'access' and optionally 'permis'
- 'access' is O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR, with O_APPEND, O_CREAT,
O_TRUNC (if file exists, truncate length to zero, but leave file
attributes unchanged), O_BINARY (binary mode), or O_TEXT (text mode).
- Additional not used (UNIX only): O_NDELAY, O_EXCL
- if O_BINARY nor O_TEXT is given, file is opened in translation mode
given by global variable _fmode
- if O_CREAT is used, 'permis' can be set to S_IWRITE, S_IREAD, or
- Additional 'access' values for DOS 3.x
- fcntl.h and stat.h contain values for these
- returns nonnegative number as file HANDLE, or -1 on error
#include <dos.h>
int inport(int port);
int inportb(int port);
void outport(int port, int word);
void outportb(int port, char byte);
- inport() reads word from input port 'port'
- inportb() is macro that reads byte from input port 'port'
- outport() writes 'word' to output port 'port'
- outportb() is macro that writes 'byte' to output port 'port'
#include <dos.h>
int inport(int port);
int inportb(int port);
void outport(int port, int word);
void outportb(int port, char byte);
- inport() reads word from input port 'port'
- inportb() is macro that reads byte from input port 'port'
- outport() writes 'word' to output port 'port'
- outportb() is macro that writes 'byte' to output port 'port'
#include <dos.h>
char *parsfnm(char *cmdline,struct fcb *fcbptr, int option);
- parses command line 'cmdline' for a file name, placing it into a
FCB as drive/filename/file ext, pointed to by 'fcbptr'
- 'option' is same as documented for AL in MS-DOS function call 0x29
- returns pointer to byte beyond end of filename, or 0 on error
int peek(int seg,unsigned off);
- prototype in dos.h
- returns word found at seg:off
int peekb(int seg,unsigned off);
- prototype in dos.h
- returns byte found at seg:off
void perror(char *string);
- prototype in stdio.h
- prints error message to stderr, describing most recent call found
in system call from current program
void poke(int seg,int off,int value);
- prototype in dos.h
- writes word 'value' to location seg:off
void pokeb(int seg,int off,char value);
- prototype in dos.h
- writes byte 'value' to location seg:off
double poly(double x,int n,double coeff[]);
- prototype in math.h
- generates polynominal in 'x' of degree 'n', with coefficients 'coeff',
returning the value of this polynominal evaluated for 'x'
double pow(x,y)
double x,y;
- needs math.h
- returns p where p = x ** y or +/- HUGE_VAL on error
double pow10(x)
double x;
- need math.h
- returns y where y = 10 ** x or HUGE_VAL on overflow error
void printf(format [, arg1, arg2, ...])
char *format;
int putc(c, fd)
int c;
FILE *fd;
- puts char 'c' to stream 'fd', returning 'c' on success, else
returns EOF on error
int putch(ch)
int ch;
- puts char 'ch' to console; putch returns nothing
char c;
- same as putc(c,stdout)
int putenv(char *envvar);
- adds string to environment
- MSDOS environment consists of strings of form 'envvar=varvalue,...'
- returns 0 if OK, or -1 on failure (such as not enough environment space)
void puts(string)
char *string;
int putw(n, fd)
int n;
FILE *fd;
- puts integer word 'n' to stream 'fd'
- returns 'n' or EOF on error. Use ferror() to verify if EOF is
returned, since -1 is a legitimate integer.
void qsort(array, elementCount, elementSize, compareFunc)
char *array;
int elementCount, elementSize, (*compareFunc)();
- 'compareFunc' is same as for bsearch()
int rand()
void srand(unsigned seed);
- prototype in stdlib.h
- rand() returns pseudorandom numbers
- reinitialize with srand(1) or set to new starting point with
'seed' set other than to 1
#include <dos.h>
int randbrd(struct fcb *fcbptr,int reccnt);
int randbrw(struct fcb *fcbptr,int reccnt);
- randbrd() reads 'reccnt' number of records using the open
FCB via 'fcbptr', as indicated by the disk record field of
the FCB (via DOS call 0x27).
- returns:
0 == all records read(written)
1 == EOF reached & last record read is complete
2 == reading records would have wrapped around address 0xffff
3 == EOF reached & last record is incomplete
- randbrw() returns 1 if there is not enough disk space to
write the records (no records are written)
#include <dos.h>
int randbrw(struct fcb *fcbptr,int reccnt);
- see randbrd()
int _read(int fd, void *buf, int size);
- see read()
int read(fd, buf, size)
int fd, size;
char *buf;
- prototype in io.h
- reads 'size' bytes from file handle 'fd' into 'buf'
- _read() is direct call to MS-DOS read system all
- read() removes CRs & reports EOF on a CNTL-Z for file
opened in text mode. _read() does not.
- returns actual number of bytes read, 0 on EOF, or -1 on
void *realloc(pseg, size)
void *pseg;
unsigned size;
- prototype in stdlib.h & alloc.h
- see malloc()
int rename(oldf, newf)
char *oldf, *newf;
- returns 0 if OK, else -1 on error
int rewind(FILE *fd)
- prototype in: stdio.h
- equivalent to fseek(fd,0L,0), except eof and error indicators
are cleared
- returns 0 if pointer moved OK, else nonzero
int rmdir(char *pathname);
- prototype in dir.h
- takes 'pathname' & deletes directory with that name
- returns 0 if successful, else -1
int sbrk(incr)
int incr;
- dynamically changes the amount of space allocated to the calling
program's data segment. Amount of allocated space is increased
by amount 'incr' (can be negative).
- returns 0 if OK; else -1 & 'errno' is set to ENOMEM
int scanf(format, arg1, arg2, ...)
char *format;
- accepts input from stdin
char *searchpath(char *filename)
- prototype in dir.h
- attempts to locate 'filename' using MS-DOS path
- returns pointer to full pathname for 'filename' (in a static
array) or NULL if not found
void segread(struct SREGS *segtbl);
- prototype in dos.h
- places current values of segment registers (SEGREGS) into
int setblock(int seg,int newsize);
- prototype in dos.h
- modifies size of previously allocated DOS memory segment
#include <stdio.h>
void setbuf(FILE *stream,char *buf);
int setvbuf(FILE *stream,char *buf,int type,unsigned size);
- causes 'buf' to be used for I/O bufferring instead of
automatically allocated buffer, and are used after given
'stream' is opened
- in setbuf, if 'buf' is NULL, I/O is unbuffered
- in setvbuf, if 'buf' is NULL, a buffer is allocated via
int setcbrk(value)
int value;
- prototype in: dos.h
- sets control-break setting (0 to set cntl-C off; else 1)
#include <dos.h>
void setdate(struct date *dateblk);
- sets MS-DOS date
int setdisk(int drive)
- needs dir.h
- set current drive to 'drive' (0 for A, 1 for B, etc)
- returns total number of drives available
void setdta(char far *dta)
- prototype in: dos.h
- changes current setting of the DTA as given by 'dta'
#include <dos.h>
int setftime(int handle,struct ftime *ftimep);
- sets file time and date for the file associated with 'handle' as
defined by 'ftimep'
- structure ftime is defined in dos.h
#include <setjmp.h>
int setjmp(jmp_buf env);
- captures caller's task state in 'env' and returns 0
- see longjmp()
void setmem(void *addr,int len,char value);
- prototype in mem.h
- sets 'len' bytes in 'addr' to 'value'
int setmode(int handle,unsigned mode);
- prototype in io.h
- sets 'mode' of file associated with 'handle' to binary
(O_BINARY) or text (O_TEXT) but not both
- returns 0 if successful, else -1 on error
#include <dos.h>
void settime(struct time *timep);
- sets MS-DOS time
#include <stdio.h>
int setvbuf(FILE *stream,char *buf,int type,unsigned size);
- see sebuf()
void setvect(int intr_num),void interupt(*isr)());
- prototype in dos.h
- sets the value of interrupt vector named by 'intr_num'
(corresponds to 0-255 for MS-DOS) in MS-DOS interrupt table (far
pointer) to far pointer 'isr' corresponding to a new interrupt function
- address of a C routine may be used only if it has been declared to be
an interrupt routine
int setverify(int value)
- sets current state of verify flag (0==off, 1==on) to 'value'
- prototype in dos.h
double sin(x)
double x;
double sinh(x)
double x;
unsigned sleep(unsigned seconds);
- prototype in dos.h
- causes calling program to be suspended for 'seconds' of time
- accurate in seconds to limit of MS-DOS clock
int spawnl(mode,pathname,arg0,arg1,..,NULL)
int spawnle(mode,pathname,arg0,arg1,...,NULL,envp)
int spawnlp(mode,pathname,arg0,arg1,...,NULL)
int spawnlpe(mode,pathname,arg0,arg1,...,NULL,envp)
int spawnv(mode,pathname,argv)
int spawnve(mode,pathname,argv,envp)
int spawnvp(mode,pathname,argv)
int spawnvpe(mode,pathname,argv,envp)
int mode;
char *pathname,*arg0,*arg1,...,*envp[]'
- creates & runs child processes
- 'mode' is P_WAIT which puts parent process "on hold" until
child completes execution; P_NOWAIT which continues to run
parent while child runs (not supported yet); or P_OVERLAY
which overlays child in memory location formerly occupied
by parent (same as exec... call)
- see exec...
- use P_WAIT to perform a DOS shell
int sprintf(s, format [, arg1, arg2, ...])
char *s, *format;
double sqrt(x)
double x;
- needs math.h
- returns sqaure root of x, or 0 on error
int rand()
void srand(unsigned seed);
- prototype in stdlib.h
- rand() returns pseudorandom numbers
- reinitialize with srand(1) or set to new starting point with
'seed' set other than to 1
int sscanf(s, format, arg1, arg2, ...);
char *s, *format;
union datatype *arg1, *arg2, ...;
int gsignal(int sig);
int (*ssignal(int sig, int (*action)())();
- prototype in: signal.h
- ssignal() and gsignal() implement a software-signaling facility where
software signals are integers 1-15
- gsignal() raises the signal given by 'sig' and executes the action
- ssignal() establishes an action routine for servicing a signal where
'sig' is associated with the 'action' routine
- ssignal() returns action previously established for ssignal() or SIG_DFL
- gsignal() returns value by action or SIG_IGN or SIG_DFL
- UNIX based
#include <sys\stat.h>
int stat(char *pathname,struct stat *buff);
int fstat(char *handle,struct stat *buff);
- stat() and fstat() store information about a given open file
(or directory) in the 'stat' structure (defined in stat.h)
- stat() gets information about the open file or directory,
while fstat() gets information about the open file associated
with 'handle'
- see stat.h for definition
- returns 0 if successful, else -1 on error
unsigned int _status87()
- prototype in float.h
- returns floating-point status word & other conditions detected
by 8087/80287 exception handler
- see float.h for definition of return word from _status87()
int stime(long *tp);
- prototype in: time.h
- sets system time & date, where 'tp' to value of time in seconds
since 00:00:00 GMT Jan 1, 1970
- string functions in Turbo C using prototype in string.h
- except where noted, all parameters are char pointers and
all returns are char pointers also
char *stpcpy(destin,source)
- copies 'source' into 'destin'
- returns 'destin'+strlen('source')
char *strcat(destin,source)
- appends 'source' to 'destin'
char *strchr(str,c)
- scans 'str' for first occurrence of 'c'
- returns pointer to 'c' in 'str', or NULL if not found
int strcmp(str1,str2)
- compares 'str1' to 'str2'
- returns < 0 if str1 < str2, = 0 if str1 = str2, or
> 0 if str1 > str2, using a signed comparsion
char *strcpy(destin,source)
- copies 'source' into 'destin'
- returns 'destin'
int strcspn(str1,str2)
- returns length of initial segment of 'str1' that consists
entirely of characters NOT from 'str2'
char *strdup(str)
- duplicates 'str', getting space with a call to malloc()
- returns pointer to duplicated string, or NULL if space
could not be allocated
int stricmp(str1,str2)
- compares 'str1' to 'str2' without case sensitivity
- returns < 0 if str1 < str2, = 0 if str1 = str2, or
> 0 if str1 > str2, using a signed comparsion
unsigned strlen(str)
- returns number of characters in 'str', not counting the
null-terminating character
char *strlwr(str)
- converts 'str' to all lower case
char *strncat(destin,source,maxlen)
- appends up to 'maxlen' characters of 'source' to 'destin'
and then appends a null character
int strncmp(str1,str2,maxlen)
- compares 'str1' to 'str2' up to 'maxlen' characters
- returns < 0 if str1 < str2, = 0 if str1 = str2, or
> 0 if str1 > str2, using a signed comparsion
char *strncpy(destin,source,maxlen)
- copies exactly 'maxlen' characters from 'source' to 'destin',
truncating or null-padding 'destin'
- 'destin' might NOT be null-terminated if length of 'source' is
'maxlen' or more
int strnicmp(str1,str2,(unsigned)maxlen)
- compares 'str1' to 'str2' up to 'maxlen' characters
- case is ignored
- returns < 0 if str1 < str2, = 0 if str1 = str2, or
> 0 if str1 > str2, using a signed comparsion
char *strnset(str,ch,(unsigned)n)
- sets up to first 'n' bytes of 'str' to 'ch'
- if 'n' > strlen(str) then strlen(str) replaces 'n'
char *strpbrk(str1,str2)
- scans 'str1' for first occurrence of any character
appearing in 'str2'
- returns pointer to first occurrence, or NULL if not found
char *strrchr(str,c)
- scans a string in reverse direction, looking for specific
character 'c' -- so that strrchr finds the LAST occurrence
of 'c' in 'str'
- returns pointer to LAST occurrence, or NULL if not found
char *strrev(str)
- reverses all characters in 'str', except null terminator
char *strset(str,ch)
- sets all characters in 'str' to 'ch'
int strspn(str1,str2)
- returns length of initial segment of 'str1' that consists
entirely of characters from 'str2'
char *strstr(str1,str2)
- scans 'str2' for first occurrence of substring 'str1'
double strtod(str,(char **)endptr)
- converts string 'str' to a double value
- stops reading at tfirst character that cannot be interpreted
as part of a double value, returning in *endptr
- 'str' must have format:
where [ws] = optional whitespace
[sn] = optional sign (+-)
[ddd]= optional digits
[fmt]= option e or E
[.] = optional decimal point
long strtol(str,(char **)endptr,base)
- converts string 'str' to a long value
- stops reading at first character that cannot be interpreted
as part of a long value, returning in *endptr
- 'str' must have format:
where [ws] = optional whitespace
[sn] = optional sign (+-)
[0] = optional zero
[x] = optional x or X
[ddd]= optional digits
- 'base' is between 2 and 36; if 0, first few characters
of 'str' determines base to be used (oct,hex or dec); any
other value of 'base' is illegal
char *strtok(str1,str2)
- parses 'str1' for tokens and separators, where separators are
defined in 'str2'
- first call returns a pointer to the first character of the
first token in 'str1' and writes a null character into 'str1'
immediately following the returned token. Subsequent calls
with NULL for the first argument will work through the string
'str1' in this way until no tokens remain.
- when tokens are exhausted, returns NULL
char *strupr(str)
- converts to all uppercase
char *strerror(char *str);
- prototype in string.h
- allows you to generate customized error messages, returning a
pointer to a null-terminated string containing an error message
- if 'str' is NULL, the return value contains the most recently
generated system error message; this string is null-terminated.
- if 'str' is not NULL, the return value contains 'str' (your
customized error message), a colon, a space, the most recently
generated system error message, and a newline; with length of
'str' being 94 characters or less
- nothing is printed automatically unlike perror()
- for accurate error-handling, strerror should be called as soon
as a library routine generates an error return
void swab(char *from,char *to,int nbytes);
- prototype in stdlib.h
- copies 'nbytes' bytes from 'from' into 'to', with adjacent
even- and odd-byte positions being swapped; 'nbytes' should
therefore be even
int system(char *command);
- prototype in stdlib.h
- invokes MS-DOS COMMAND.COM to execute 'command', returning
exit status of COMMAND.COM. The COMSPEC environment variable
is automatically searched if necessary.
double tan(x)
double x;
double tanh(x)
double x;
long tell(fd)
int fd;
- returns offset of file associated with 'fd' from beginning of file
- returns -1L on error
longvoid times(long *tloc)
- prototype in time.h
- gives current time in seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 GMT,
January 1, 1970, and stores it into 'tloc'
int toascii(int c);
- prototype in ctype.h
- clears all but lower 7 bits in 'c', converting to ASCII
#include <ctype.h>
int _tolower(c)
int c;
- converts 'c' to lowercase only if 'c' is known to be UPPER case
- use tolower() preferentially
int tolower(c)
int c;
#include <ctype.h>
int _toupper(c)
int c;
- converts 'c' to UPPERcase only if 'c' is known to be lower case
- use toupper() preferentially
int toupper(c)
int c;
void tzset()
- included for UNIX time compatibility but does nothing in MS-DOS
char *ultoa(unsigned long value,char *string,int radix);
- converts 'value' to 'string' where 'radix' specifies base (2-36) for
void ungetc(c, fd)
int c;
FILE *fd;
void ungetch(c)
int c;
- similar to ungetc() except pushes character back to keyboard
#include <dos.h>
void unixtodos(long utime,struct date *dateptr,struct time *timeptr);
- converts date & time to DOS format
int unlink(filename)
char *filename;
- prototype in dos.h
- returns 0 if successful, else -1
int lock(int handle, long offset, long length);
int unlock(int handle, long offset, long length);
- lock() locks arbitrary, non-overlapping regions of any file (DOS 3.X),
preventing reads/writes to those regions
- unlock() removes said locks
- returns 0 on success, else -1 on error
#include <stdarg.h>
void va_start(va_list param,lastfix);
type va_arg(va_list param,type);
void va_end(va_list param);
- Some C functions, such as vfprintf and vprintf, take variable argument
lists in addition to taking a number of fixed (known) parameters. The
va_... macros provide a protable to access these argument lists. They
are used for stepping through a list of arguments when the called fun-
ction does not know the number and types of the arguments being passed.
- The header file stdarg.h declares one type (va_list) and three macros
(va_start, va_arg, and va_end).
- va_list: This array holds information needed by va_arg and va_end. When
a called function takes a variable argument list, it declares a variable
param of type va_list.
- va_start: This routine (implemented as a macro) sets 'param' to point
to the first of the variable arguments being passed to the function.
va_start must be used before the first call to va_arg or va_end. It
takes two arguments: 'param' and 'lastfix'. ('param' is explained
under va_list abofe; 'lastfix' is the name of the last fixed para-
meter being passed to the called function.)
- va_arg: This routine (also implemented as a macro) expands to an ex-
pression that has the same type and value as the next argument being
passed (one of the variable arguments). The variable 'param' to
va_arg should be the same 'param' that va_start initialized. The
first time va_arg is used, it returns the first argument in the list.
Each successive time va_arg is used, it returns the next argument in
the list. It does this by first de-referencing 'param', and then in-
crementing 'param' to point to the following item. va_arg uses the
type to both perform the de-reference and to locate the following
item. Each successive time va_arg is invoked, it modifies 'param' to
point to the next argument in the list.
- va_end: This macros helps the called function perform a normal return.
va_end might modify 'param' in such a way that it cannot be used unless
va_start is re-called. va_end should be called after va_arg has read
all the arguments: failure to do so might cause strange, undefined
behavior in your program.
- va_start and va_end return no values; va_arg returns the current argu-
ment in the list (the one that 'param' is pointing to).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int vprintf(FILE *stream,char *format,va_list param);
- sends formatted output to a stream
int vfscanf(FILE *stream,char *format,va_list argp);
- like fscanf(), except arguments accepted from va_arg arrary from
va_list parm
int vprintf(char *format,va_list param);
- prototype in stdio.h
- sends formatted output to stdout
int vscanf(char *format,va_list argp);
- like scanf(), except arguments accepted from va_arg arrary from
va_list parm
int vsprintf(char *string,char *format,va_list param);
- prototype in stdio.h
- sends formatted output to a string
int vsscanf(char *string,char *format,va_list argp);
- like sscanf(), except arguments accepted from va_arg arrary from
va_list parm
int _write(fd, buf, count)
int write(fd, buf, count)
int fd, count;
char *buf;
- write() and _write() write a buffer 'buf' of data to file or
device named by 'fd', writing 'count' of bytes.
- for text files, write converts LF to CR-LF pair on output;
_write does not.
- returns count of bytes written out (excluding any CR's
generated for a text file), or -1 on error