Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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C/C++ Source or Header
340 lines
** These routines demonstrate the use of TURBO C inline assembly.
** The routines are almost verbatim copies of similarly named
** assembler routines found in:
** by Christopher L. Morgan
** NOTE: I am not a micro assembler programmer!
** Perhaps I'll get around to it one of
** these days.
extern void toneinit( void );
extern void toneset( unsigned period );
extern void toneon( void );
#include <music.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma inline
** TONEINIT: initialize speaker timer
** This routine initializes the portion of the 8253 timer chip used by
** the speaker system. In particular, it sets up channel 2 of this
** timer as a square wave generator. This routine does not set the
** frequency nor turn on the tone. Use TONESET to select the frequency,
** TONEON to turn the tone on, and TONEOFF to turn it off.
static void toneinit( void )
asm mov al,10110110b; /* setup 8253 control word */
asm out 43h,al; /* send to timer-mode port */
** TONESET: set the tone on the speaker
** This routine selects the frequency of the square wave tone to the
** speaker. The input to this routine is an integer, n, which determines
** the frequency f according to the formula:
** f = F/n
** where f is 1,193,182, the frequency of a clock signal which feeds the
** timer. The value n is the number of cycles of the clock signal per
** cycle of the resulting square wave. This routine does not actually
** turn on the tone. Use TONEON to turn the tone on and TONEOFF to turn
** it off. This routine assumes that the speaker timer has already been
** properly initialized. This happens after during normal boot-up of the
** computer, or you can use TONEINIT to initialize this timer.
** COPIER'S NOTE: 1,193,182 won't work on machines not running
** at 4.77 Mhz !
static void toneset( unsigned _CX )
asm mov al,cl; /* move lower byte */
asm out 42h,al; /* out to frequency control port */
asm mov al,ch; /* move lower byte */
asm out 42h,al; /* out to frequency control port */
** TONEON: turn on tone
** Turns on the timer and speaker to produce a tone. The frequency
** of the tone must have already been selected on the timer.
static void toneon( void )
asm in al,61h; /* get contents of speaker port */
asm or al,3; /* turn speaker and timer on */
asm out 61h,al; /* send new values to speaker port */
** TONEOFF: turn off tone
** This routine turns off the timer and speaker.
void toneoff( void )
asm in al,61h; /* get contents of speaker port */
asm and al,11111100b; /* turn speaker and timer */
asm out 61h,al; /* off */
** DELAY: delay for specified number of milliseconds
void delay( unsigned milliseconds )
_CX = milliseconds; /* get ready for 'loop' */
asm push cx;
asm mov cx,260; /* timing constant */
asm loop delay2; /* small loop */
asm pop cx;
asm loop delay1; /* loop to count milliseconds */
** FREQ: conversion from frequency to period
** This routine converts from frequency to the number required by
** TONESET to set the frequency. The routine performs the following
** formula:
** n = F / f
** where f is the frequency input to this routine, n is the number
** output by this routine, and F is 1,193,182. In other words this
** routine divides the specified frequency f into the 1,193,182 hertz
** clock frequency that drives the timer. Use this routine just
** before TONESET.
** COPIER'S NOTE: 1,193,182 won't work on machines not running
** at 4.77 Mhz !
unsigned freq( unsigned frequency )
asm mov dx,12h; /* upper part of numerator */
asm mov ax,34DEh; /* lower part of numerator */
asm mov cx,frequency;
asm div cx; /* divide by frequency */
asm mov cx,ax; /* move converted frequency */
return( _CX );
** TONE: make a tone
** This routine makes a tone of a given frequency and given length.
void tone( unsigned frequency, unsigned length )
unsigned period;
period = freq( frequency );
toneset( period );
delay( length );
** PITCH: Convert from pitch to frequency
** This routine converts from pitch number to the value required by
** TONESET to set the frequency. The pitch numbers refer to an ext-
** ended chromatic scale. The notes of this scale are numbered from
** 0 to 95 with 12 notes per octave. 0 corresponds to a C at 16.35
** Hertz.
unsigned pitch(unsigned pitch_no )
static int notes[] =
4186, /* C */
4435, /* C sharp/ D flat */
4699, /* D */
4978, /* D sharp/ E flat */
5274, /* E */
5588, /* F */
5920, /* F sharp/ G flat */
6272, /* G */
6645, /* G sharp/ A flat */
7040, /* A */
7459, /* A sharp/ B flat */
7902 /* B */
asm mov ax,pitch_no;
asm mov ah,0;
asm mov cl,12; /* divisor of 12 notes per octave */
asm div cl;
asm mov dl,al; /* move quotient octave */
asm mov al,ah; /* move remainder pitch */
asm cbw; /* convert to word */
asm mov bx,ax; /* setup index into note table */
_CX = notes[ _BX ]; /* get a note */
asm push dx; /* save dx */
_CX = freq( _CX ); /* convert to frequency */
asm pop dx; /* restore dx */
asm xchg cx,dx; /* octave in cl, period in dx */
asm neg cl; /* 8 - octave = shift count */
asm add cl,8;
asm sal dx,cl;
return( _DX );
** PLAY: Play music
** This routine plays music. It reads a 'play list' which contains
** instructions to make the tune. This list consists of a series of
** music instructions. In this particular implementation, there are
** four instructions: Tempo, Note, Rest, and End. The syntax is given
** in MUSIC.DOC.
void play( char *play_list )
unsigned whole;
unsigned acount;
unsigned rcount;
asm mov whole,2000; /* 2 seconds for a whole note */
asm cld; /* move forward */
asm mov si,word ptr play_list; /* load play_list adr */
** Main loop
asm lodsb; /* get char from command line */
asm cmp al,'X'; /* END command ? */
asm jne chktempo; /* no. check for tempo */
asm jmp playexit; /* yes, get out. */
** check for Tempo command
asm cmp al,'T'; /* TEMPO command ? */
asm jne chkpitch; /* no, check for pitch */
** process tempo command
asm lodsb; /* get tempo */
asm mov cl,al; /* setup as divisor */
asm mov ch,0; /* clear hiorder of divisor */
asm mov ax,60000; /* number of milliseconds/minute */
asm mov dx,0; /* clear hiorder part of dividend */
asm div cx; /* divide into time */
asm mov whole,ax; /* number of milliseconds/whole note */
asm jmp play1; /* go process more commands */
** check for Pitch
asm cmp al,'N'; /* Pitch command ? */
asm jne chkrest; /* no. check for rest */
** process pitch command
asm lodsb; /* get the pitch */
_CX = pitch( _AX ); /* convert pitch number */
toneset( _CX ); /* set frequency */
toneon(); /* turn tone on */
asm mov cx,whole; /* number of milliseconds/whole note */
asm lodsb; /* get duration */
asm mov ah,al; /* setup duration as multiplier */
asm mov al,0; /* clear */
asm sal cx,1; /* scale factor 1 */
asm mul cx;
asm mov cx,dx; /* total count for the note */
asm lodsb; /* get style */
asm mov ah,al; /* setup style as multiplier */
asm mov al,0; /* clear rest of multiplier */
asm mul cx; /* multiply by style */
asm mov acount,dx; /* store count for note */
asm sub cx,dx; /* calculate count for rest */
asm mov rcount,cx; /* save count for rest */
delay( acount ); /* audible count of note */
toneoff(); /* turn tone off */
delay( rcount ); /* inaudible part of note */
asm jmp play1; /* process more commands */
asm cmp al,'R'; /* REST command ? */
asm jne playexit; /* nope... get out */
** process rest command
asm mov cx,whole; /* number of milliseconds/whole note */
asm lodsb; /* get duration */
asm mov ah,al; /* setup duration as multiplier */
asm mov al,0; /* clear rest of multiplier */
asm sal cx,1; /* scale factor of 1 */
asm mul cx;
delay( _DX );
asm jmp play1; /* back for more... */