Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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C/C++ Source or Header
159 lines
/* *************************************************************** */
/* This module contains the functions called by the list.c program */
/* program. If this were a program to be used for some specific */
/* purpose, it would probablly not be wise to break it up into two */
/* separately compiled modules. It is only done here for purposes */
/* of illustration. It is a useful program. */
/* *************************************************************** */
#define MAXLINES 54 /* maximum number of lines per page */
#include "stdio.h" /* standard I/O header file */
#include "string.h" /* prototypes for strings */
void open_file(int no,char *name);
void open_print_file(void);
void print_a_line(void);
void header(void);
void top_of_page(void);
extern FILE *file_point; /* pointer to the file to be read */
extern FILE *print_file_point; /* pointer to the printer */
extern char oneline[]; /* input string buffer area */
char filename[15]; /* filename from header or prompt */
int line_number = 0; /* line number initialized to one */
int page_number = 1; /* page number initialized to one */
int lines_this_page = 0; /* lines on this page so far */
/* ***************************************************** open_file */
/* This function opens the input file named on the command line, */
/* if there was one defined. Otherwise, it requests a file name to */
/* open and opens the requested file. */
/* *************************************************************** */
void open_file(int no,char *name)
strcpy(filename,name); /* copy name for printing header */
file_point = NULL; /* if no name was given in command */
if (no == 2) { /* 2nd field in command is filename */
file_point = fopen(name,"r"); /* open requested file */
if (file_point == NULL) /* NULL if file doesn't exist */
printf("Filename on command line doesn't exist!\n");
do {
if (file_point == NULL) { /* no filename yet */
printf("Enter filename -> ");
file_point = fopen(filename,"r"); /* open file */
if (file_point == NULL) /* NULL if file no exist */
printf("Filename doesn't exist, try again.\n");
} while (file_point == NULL); /* continue until good filename */
/* *********************************************** open_print_file */
/* This function opens the printer file to the standard printer. */
/* *************************************************************** */
void open_print_file(void)
print_file_point = fopen("PRN","w"); /* open printer file */
/* ************************************************** print_a_line */
/* This routine prints a line of text and checks to see if there */
/* is room for another line on the page. If not, it starts a new */
/* page with a new header. This routine calls several other local */
/* routines. */
/* *************************************************************** */
void print_a_line(void)
int index;
printf("%5d %s",line_number,oneline);
/* This prints a line of less than 72 chars */
if (strlen(oneline) < 72)
fprintf(print_file_point,"%5d %s",line_number,oneline);
/* This prints a line of 72 to 143 chars */
else if (strlen(oneline) < 144) {
fprintf(print_file_point,"%5d ",line_number);
for (index = 0;index < 72;index++)
fprintf(print_file_point,"<\n ");
for (index = 72;index < strlen(oneline);index++)
/* This prints a line of 144 to 235 chars */
else if (strlen(oneline) < 235) {
fprintf(print_file_point,"%5d ",line_number);
for (index = 0;index < 72;index++)
fprintf(print_file_point,"<\n ");
for (index = 72;index < 144;index++)
fprintf(print_file_point,"<\n ");
for (index = 144;index < strlen(oneline);index++)
lines_this_page += 2;
/* the following line outputs a newline if there is none
at the end of the last line */
if (oneline[strlen(oneline)-1] != '\n')
/* ******************************************************** header */
/* This routine checks to see if a header needs to be printed. It */
/* also checks for the end of a page. and spaces the paper up. */
/* *************************************************************** */
void header(void)
int index;
/* first see if we are at the bottom of the page */
if (lines_this_page > MAXLINES) { /* space paper up for bottom */
for (index = lines_this_page;index < 61;index++)
lines_this_page = 0;
/* put a monitor header out only at the very beginning */
if (line_number == 0) { /* display monitor header */
printf(" Source file %s\n",filename);
line_number = 1;
/* check to see if we are at the top of the page either */
/* through starting a file, or following a bottom of page */
if (lines_this_page == 0) { /* top of every printer page */
fprintf(print_file_point,"\n\n\n ");
fprintf(print_file_point," Source file - %s ",filename);
fprintf(print_file_point," Page %d\n\n", page_number);
/* *************************************************** top_of_page */
/* This function spaces the paper to the top of the next page so */
/* that another call to this function will start correctly. This */
/* is used only at the end of a complete printout. */
/* *************************************************************** */
void top_of_page(void)
int index;
for (index = lines_this_page;index < 61;index++)