Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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This documentation and the accompanying software,
including all of the example C programs and text files, are
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If you find the tutorial and the accompanying example
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Gordon Dodrill - Feb 1, 1988
Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Coronado Enterprises
Coronado Enterprises
12501 Coronado Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122
Introduction --------------------------------------- Page 1
Chapter 1 - Getting started ----------------------- Page 4
FIRSTEX.C The first example program
Chapter 2 - Program Structure --------------------- Page 7
TRIVIAL.C The minimum program
WRTSOME.C Write some output
WRTMORE.C Write more output
ONEINT.C One integer variable
COMMENTS.C Comments in C
GOODFORM.C Good program style
UGLYFORM.C Bad program style
Chapter 3 - Program Control ----------------------- Page 13
WHILE.C The While loop
DOWHILE.C The Do-While loop
FORLOOP.C The For loop
IFELSE.C The If & If-Else construct
BREAKCON.C The Break & Continue
SWITCH.C The Switch construct
GOTOEX.C The Goto Statement
TEMPCONV.C The temperature conversion
DUMBCONV.C Poor program style
Chapter 4 - Assignment & Logical Compare ---------- Page 20
INTASIGN.C Integer assignments
MORTYPES.C More data types
LOTTYPES.C Lots of data types
COMPARES.C Logical compares
CRYPTIC.C The cryptic constructs
Chapter 5 - Functions, variables, & prototyping --- Page 31
SUMSQRES.C First functions
SQUARES.C Return a value
FLOATSQ.C Floating returns
SCOPE.C Scope of variables
RECURSON.C Simple Recursion Program
BACKWARD.C Another Recursion Program
FLOATSQ2.C Floating returns with prototypes
Chapter 6 - Defines & Macros ---------------------- Page 43
DEFINE.C Defines
MACRO.C Macros
ENUM.C The enum type variable
Chapter 7 - Strings and Arrays -------------------- Page 46
CHRSTRG.C Character Strings
STRINGS.C More Character strings
INTARRAY.C Integer Array
BIGARRAY.C Many Arrays
PASSBACK.C Getting data from Functions
MULTIARY.C Multidimensional arrays
Chapter 8 - Pointers ------------------------------ Page 53
POINTER.C Simple Pointers
POINTER2.C More pointers
TWOWAY.C Twoway Function Data
Chapter 9 - Standard Input/Output ----------------- Page 60
SIMPLEIO.C Simplest standard I/O
SINGLEIO.C Single character I/O
BETTERIN.C Better form of single I/O
INTIN.C Integer input
STRINGIN.C String input
INMEM.C In memory I/O conversion
SPECIAL.C Standard error output
Chapter 10 - File Input/Output --------------------- Page 70
FORMOUT.C Formatted output
CHAROUT.C Single character output
READCHAR.C Read single characters
READTEXT.C Read single words
READGOOD.C Better read and display
READLINE.C Read a full line
ANYFILE.C Read in any file
PRINTDAT.C Output to the printer
Chapter 11 - Structures ---------------------------- Page 77
STRUCT1.C Minimum structure example
STRUCT2.C Array of structures
STRUCT3.C Structures with pointers
NESTED.C Nested structure
UNION1.C An example union
UNION2.C Another Union example
BITFIELD.C A bitfield example
Chapter 12 - Dynamic Allocation -------------------- Page 87
DYNLIST.C Simple Dynamic Allocation
BIGDYNL.C Large Dynamic Allocation
DYNLINK.C Dynamic Linked List Program
Chapter 13 - Character and Bit Manipulation -------- Page 97
UPLOW.C Upper/Lower Case Text
CHARCLAS.C Character Classification
BITOPS.C Logical Bit Operations
SHIFTER.C Bit Shifting Operations
Chapter 14 - Example programs --------------------- Page 100
DOSEX.C DOS call examples
WHATNEXT.C Ask Question in Batch File
LIST.C Source Code Lister
VC.C Visual Calculator