Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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586 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <w1.h>
#include <windprot.h>
#include <color.h>
#define RETKEY 13
#define ESCKEY 27
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef char str80[80];
extern wndwstattype wndwstat[MAXWNDW];/* window stats */
extern byteptr wndwptr[MAXWNDW];/* pointer to window on heap */
extern byte li, licurrent;/* level index, level index for swapping windows */
void show30windows(void);
void showinitialscreen(void);
void showgeneral(void);
void showlist(void);
void showinitwindow(void);
void showborders(void);
void showremovewindow(void);
void showmakewindow(void);
void showflicker(void);
void showscrollwindow(void);
void showtitlewindow(void);
void showspecialeffects(void);
void showmaxwndw(void);
void showqwik21(void);
void showprogramming(void);
void showeditor(void);
void readkb(int *);
void getkey(void);
void findnextstep(void);
void showwindows(void);
int random(int);
int i, j, k, m;
int oldcursor, battr, step ;
int key;
static str80 stra[16] = {
"The windowing functions in the file WINDOW10.LIB",
"are a set of public domain routines that allow",
"Turbo C to create incredibly fast multi - level",
"windows. Created under the Teamware concept,",
"WINDOW10.LIB makes use of the quick screen writing",
"utilities of Jim H. LeMay -- which were converted",
"from Turbo Pascal inline to external assembly. The",
"windows may be of any size (from 2x2 to screen",
"limits) and color and may have one of several",
"different border styles and colors including no",
"border. They also work in any column mode",
"40/80/etc. These routines automatically configure",
"to your video card and video mode. All of these",
"routines were converted from Turbo Pascal to Turbo",
"C, (SMALL MODEL) with the authors permission. "};
static str80 strb[11] = {
"The window function package",
"consists of five functions;",
" initwindow()",
" makewindow()",
" scrollwindow()",
" removewindow()",
" titlewindow()",
"The functions are described",
"in the following windows:"};
static str80 strc[8] = {
"FORMAT: void initwindow (int windowattribute);",
"Initwindow initializes several variables required by the",
"windowing package, as well as selecting the foreground and",
"background colors of the initial screen display. Initwindow",
"must be called before using any of the other functions. "};
static str80 strd[17] = {
"FORMAT: void makewindow (int row,col,rows,cols,wattr,battr;",
" BORDERS brdrsel);",
"Makewindow puts a new blank window on the display. The window starts",
"at the upper left corner (row,col) and extends for a number of rows",
"and columns (rows,cols). If a border exists, the actual dimensions",
"of the Turbo C window will be 2 less than indicated in the makewindow",
"statement. The border can be one of the following: (SEE w1.h)",
" nobrdr - just window evensolidbrdr - evenly solid",
" blankbrdr - blank spaces thinsolidbrdr - thin solid line",
" singlebrdr - single line lhatchbrdr - light hatch",
" doublebrdr - double line mhatchbrdr - medium hatch",
" mixedbrdr - single/double hhatchbrdr - heavy hatch",
" solidbrdr - solid userbrdr - user defined border"};
static str80 stre[6] = {
"FORMAT: void removewindow(void);",
"Removewindow removes the last window",
"remaining on the screen from the",
"makewindow function."};
static str80 strf[2] = {
"See if your BIOS gives you flicker",
"when your screen rolls down next ..."};
static str80 strg[19] = {
" scrollwindow",
"FORMAT: void scrollwindow (byte rowbegin,rowend byte; DIRTYPE dir);",
"The BIOS scroll that was used for this call may have worked just fine",
"for this window. However, if your screen just had some bad flicker ",
"as it was scrolling down, your BIOS is not flicker-free. To keep the",
"display flicker-free, to work on other video pages or an EGA, then",
"you will need this function. The upward scroll, used scrollwindow, ",
"so no flicker was seen then. It also scrolls partial windows.",
"The direction of the scroll can be any of the following:(SEE w1.h)",
" 'up' - to scroll up",
" 'down' - to scroll down",
static str80 strh[6] = {
"FORMAT: void titlewindow (justify;title);",
" int justify; title str80",
"Titlewindow places a title in the top border",
"of the current window. Justify permits left,",
"center or right justification of the title."};
static str80 stri[18] = {
"There are now two special effects that can",
"enhance the window display:",
" zoomeffect - emulates the MACINTOSH.",
" shadoweffect - places a left or right",
" shadow underneath the menu.",
"These global variables can be placed anywhere",
"in your program. zoomEffect is INT while",
"shadoweffect is of DIRtYPE.",
" press RETURN ...",
"The CGA is self-regulating and controls the",
"zoom rate.",
"MDA and EGA:",
"These video cards are quite fast and need a",
"delay for the effect. A default value of 11",
"milliseconds is used in a global INT",
"named 'zoomdelay' and shouldn't need any",
static str80 strj[5] = {
" The maximum number of windows that",
" may be on the screen at any one time",
" is specified by the constant",
" \"MAXWNDW\".The compiled library uses",
" this value so do NOT change it......"};
static str80 strk[9] = {
" In addition to windows, there are 15 powerful",
" Q screen write functions you can use:",
" qwritelv qfillc qstore",
" qwritev qfill qrestore",
" qwrite qattr qpage",
" qwritec qattrc qwritepage",
" qwritecv gotorc cursorchange ",
" In WINDOW10.ARC, compile and run QDEMO.C to see",
" all of these features."};
static str80 strl[20] = {
" The functions are used as follows:",
" ....Your include files....",
" #include <w1.h> ",
" #include <windprot.h> ",
" #include <color.h> ",
" ...Your variables and functions...",
" main(argc,argv)",
" {",
" initwindow (windowattribute);",
" makewindow (row,col,rows,cols,wattr,battr,",
" brdrsel);",
" titlewindow (justify,'the window title');",
" removewindow();",
" }",
" end.",
" { Use one removewindow for each makewindow. }",
" { IMPORTANT: Remember to link in the proper }",
" { WINDOW1x.lib library . }"};
static str80 strm[7] = {
"If you have any questions or comments,",
"please write to, or drop a note (CIS:)",
" Michael G. Mlachak",
" 4318 Stewart Court.",
" East Chicago, IN 46312",
" CIS - 76327,1410"};
static str160 title = " TURBO-C WINDOWS (Continued) ";
static int hidecursor = 0x2020; /* Value to hide cursor */
void main(void)
int dummy_li;
initwindow(wiattr(BLUE, CYAN));
oldcursor = cursorchange(hidecursor);
gotorc(1, 1);
/* -- Use the following statment to return to the original screen.-- */
dummy_li = li;
for (i = 1; i <= dummy_li; i++)
qfill(1, 1, 25, 80, 112, ' ');
qwritec(12, 1, 80, 112, "This concludes the windows tutorial...");
oldcursor = cursorchange(oldcursor);
} /* of main */
void show30windows()
/* -- Throw out 30 windows 4 times -- */
int hold_li;
for (m = 1; m <= 4; m++) {
for (i = 1; i <= 28; i++) {
j = random(70);
k = random(21);
makewindow(k + 1, j + 1, 5, 11, wiattr(YELLOW, RED), wiattr(YELLOW, RED), lhatchbrdr);
qwrite(k + 3, j + 3, -1, "WINDOWS");
hold_li = li;
if (m == 4)
for (i = 1; i <= hold_li; i++) {
} /* for m= 1; */
} /* of show30windows */
void showinitialscreen()
/* -- Create initial screen -- */
qwritec(1, 1, 80, -1, "TURBO C - Windows Tutorial");
qwritec(2, 1, 80, -1, "Version 1.0 -- (C) COPYRIGHT 1987 Michael G. Mlachak");
qwritec(3, 1, 80, -1, "Original TEAMWARE concept (C) COPYRIGHT Jim H. LeMay, Michael Burton");
qwritec(5, 1, 80, 112, "For each of the following displays:");
qwrite(6, 26, 112, "1. Press RETURN to continue.");
qwrite(7, 26, 112, "2. Press ESC to back up.");
qwritec(12, 1, 80, 112, "This is the original screen without windows.");
step = 0;
} /* of showinitialscreen() */
void showgeneral()
/* -- General description -- */
shadoweffect = right;
makewindow(4, 15, 19, 52, wiattr(BLACK, GREEN), wiattr(BLACK, GREEN), mixedbrdr);
titlewindow(center, " TURBO-C WINDOWS ");
for (j = 1; j <= 16; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, -1, stra[j-1]);
shadoweffect = nodir;
} /* showgeneral */
void showlist()
/* -- List of Procedures -- */
makewindow(5, 2, 15, 33, wiattr(BLACK, CYAN), wiattr(WHITE, BLUE), mhatchbrdr);
titlewindow(center, " Five Functions ");
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, -1, strb[j-1]);
for (j = 3; j <= 9; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, CYAN), strb[j-1]);
for (j = 10; j <= 11; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, -1, strb[j-1]);
} /* showlist() */
void showinitwindow()
/* -- InitWindow description -- */
makewindow(11, 17, 12, 63, wiattr(YELLOW, RED), wiattr(YELLOW, RED), singlebrdr);
titlewindow(left, title);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, BLUE), strc[0]);
for (j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(CYAN, RED), strc[j-1]);
for (j = 5; j <= 8; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, RED), strc[j-1]);
} /* showinitwindow() */
void showmakewindow()
/* -- MakeWindow description -- */
makewindow(4, 7, 21, 71, wiattr(LIGHTMAGENTA, BLUE), wiattr(LIGHTMAGENTA, BLUE), solidbrdr);
titlewindow(left, title);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2, wndwstat[li].wscol + 5, wiattr(YELLOW, RED), strd[0]);
for (j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, wiattr(LIGHTRED, BLUE), strd[j-1]);
for (j = 5; j <= 17; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, wiattr(YELLOW, BLUE), strd[j-1]);
} /* showmakewindow () */
void showborders()
/* -- Show different borders -- */
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
if (i == 1)
battr = wiattr(YELLOW, YELLOW);
battr = wiattr(YELLOW, GREEN);
makewindow(2 + 2 * i, 13 + 3 * i, 5, 10, wiattr(YELLOW, GREEN), battr, i);
/* with Brdr[UserBrdr] DO { **/
/* {
TL = '\017';
TH = '\017';
TR = '\017';
LV = '▐';
RV = '▌';
BL = '\017';
BH = '\017';
BR = '\017';
for (i = 6; i <= 11; i++) {
makewindow(24 - 2 * i, 24 + 3 * i, 5, 10, wiattr(YELLOW, GREEN), battr, i);
} /* showborders () */
void showremovewindow()
/* -- RemoveWindow description -- */
makewindow(11, 20, 11, 40, wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), doublebrdr);
titlewindow(left, title);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2, wndwstat[li].wscol + 5, wiattr(WHITE, MAGENTA), stre[0]);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 4, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(YELLOW, BROWN), stre[1]);
for (j = 3; j <= 6; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, BROWN), stre[j-1]);
} /* showremoveeindow() */
void showflicker()
/* -- Flicker Note -- */
makewindow(11, 22, 4, 40, wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), mixedbrdr);
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, -1, strf[j-1]);
} /* showflicker() */
void showscrollwindow()
/* -- ScrollWindow description -- */
gotorc(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1);
for (j = 1; j <= 19; j++)
window(8,5,76,22,wiattr(LIGHTMAGENTA, BLUE));
for (j = 1; j <= 19; j++) {
scrollwindow(1, 19, up);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 19, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, -1, strg[j-1]);
} /* showscrollwindow() */
void showtitlewindow()
/* -- TitleWindow description -- */
makewindow(12, 16, 11, 49, wiattr(RED, LIGHTGRAY), wiattr(RED, LIGHTGRAY), evensolidbrdr);
titlewindow(left, title);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2, wndwstat[li].wscol + 5, wiattr(LIGHTGREEN, BLUE), strh[0]);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 4, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(BLACK, LIGHTGRAY), strh[1]);
for (j = 3; j <= 6; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(GREEN, LIGHTGRAY), strh[j-1]);
} /* showtitlewindow() */
void showspecialeffects()
/* -- Special effects description -- */
if (qwait)
shadoweffect = right;
makewindow(6, 25, 14, 49, wiattr(BLACK, GREEN), wiattr(WHITE, GREEN), doublebrdr);
titlewindow(center, " Special Effects ");
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, -1, stri[j-1]);
for (j = 3; j <= 5; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, GREEN), stri[j-1]);
for (j = 6; j <= 9; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 3 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, -1, stri[j-1]);
/**scanf("\n"); **/
qfill(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, 11, 45, wiattr(BLACK, GREEN), ' ');
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, GREEN), stri[9]);
for (j = 11; j <= 12; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + j - 8, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, -1, stri[j-1]);
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 6, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, GREEN), stri[12]);
for (j = 14; j <= 18; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + j - 7, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, -1, stri[j-1]);
shadoweffect = nodir;
} /* showspecialeffects() */
void showmaxwndw()
/* -- MaxWndw constant -- */
makewindow(17, 9, 7, 38, wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), nobrdr);
titlewindow(center, "- WINDOW LIMITS -");
for (j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + j, wndwstat[li].wscol, -1, strj[j-1]);
} /* showmaxwndw() */
void showqwik21()
/* -- QWIK21.INC procedures -- */
makewindow(8, 20, 15, 51, wiattr(YELLOW, RED), wiattr(YELLOW, RED), evensolidbrdr);
titlewindow(center, " Utility Functions ");
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, -1, strk[j-1]);
for (j = 3; j <= 7; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 2 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, wiattr(WHITE, RED), strk[j-1]);
for (j = 8; j <= 9; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 3 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, -1, strk[j-1]);
} /* showqwik21() */
void showprogramming()
/* -- Programming for WINDOW33.INC -- */
makewindow(2, 25, 23, 50, wiattr(YELLOW, MAGENTA), wiattr(YELLOW, MAGENTA), mhatchbrdr);
for (j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 1, -1, strl[j-1]);
} /* showprogramming() */
void showeditor()
/* -- Editor for WINDOW33.INC -- */
if (qwait)
shadoweffect = right;
makewindow(8, 20, 11, 42, wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), wiattr(BLACK, BROWN), hhatchbrdr);
titlewindow(center, " Teamware Editor: ");
for (j = 1; j <= 7; j++)
qwritev(wndwstat[li].wsrow + 1 + j, wndwstat[li].wscol + 2, wiattr(WHITE, BROWN), strm[j-1]);
shadoweffect = nodir;
} /* showeditor */
void readkb(key)
int *key;
int t_key;
t_key = getch();
if (t_key ==0) /* extended character hit */
t_key = getch();
*key = t_key;
} /* readkb() */
void getkey()
do {
} while (!((key == RETKEY) || (key == ESCKEY)));
} /* getkey() */
void findnextstep()
switch (key) {
case ESCKEY:
if (step > 0) {
switch (step) {
case 5:
for (j = 1; j <= 11; j++)
case 7:
case 8:
step = 4;
} /* switch step */
step = step - 1;
} /* if step > 0 */
case RETKEY:
step = step + 1;
if ((step >=9) && (step <=13))
zoomeffect = TRUE;
zoomeffect = FALSE;
switch (step) {
case 7:
for (i = 0; i <= 12; i++)
case 8:
} /* switch step */
} /* switch key */
} /* findnextstep() */
void showwindows(void)
do {
if (key == RETKEY) {
switch (step) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
} /* switch step */
} /* if key ==RETKEY */
} while (step != 15) ;
} /* showindows */
int random(seed)
int hold;
hold= rand();
if (hold > 127)
hold = hold % 127;
hold = hold % seed;