Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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109 lines
EZSpell - An easy to use spelling checker.
Version 1.0a, 20-Oct-85
Written by Samuel H. Smith
This program may be copied freely, as long as it is left in it's
original form, and this document is included with it.
EZSpell will scan a document and make a list of all unique words
that it contains. It will then compare these words to the contents
of it's dictionary file, EZSPELL.DCT. You will then be given a list
of all words that were not found in the dictionary. You can decide
if you want to add words to the dictionary, or change them in your
document. Your document is then updated as needed. The dictionary
is also updated if needed.
EZS.COM The EZSpell program
EZSPELL.DCT The dictionary
EZSPELL.DOC The documentation for EZSpell
To run EZSpell, you must have this disk in your currently logged
drive. EZSpell looks for the dictionary file, EZSPELL.DCT only on
the currently logged drive. To check spelling in the file
C:FOO.TXT, you would type
EZSpell will read through your file, giving you a count of how many
lines and words that is has examined. After the whole document has
been scanned, it begins to read the dictionary. While reading the
dictionary you will be given a count of how many dictionary words
have been scanned, and how many words were "unknown".
After the dictionary scanning is completed, you will be allowed to
"review" the list of unknown words. You will be given these
possible actions:
Add this word to the dictionary
Correct the spelling of this word. You will be asked to enter
the corrected spelling for this word. EZSpell will go through
your document and change the spelling for you.
Mark the word so that you can manually correct it. This may
be useful when you are not sure of how the word was used, and
need to do more than a simple spelling change. This is the
only option that some spelling checkers give you. A marked
word will show up in your document with brackets around it,
like this: [incerrect].
Just ignore this word. Don't add it to the dictionary, and
don't change it in your document.
This option lets you back-up in case you change your mind
about what to do with a word. Very handy!
You select the action you want by pressing the first letter of the
action name.
Once you have gone through all of the words, EZSpell will update
your document. As the file is updated, you will be given a display
showing the number of lines processed. Any changes made in your
document will also be shown, as they are made. EZSpell saves the
original version of your file so you can "un-correct" it, if needed.
After your document has been updated, new words will be added to the
dictionary file. EZSpell saves a copy of the original dictionary
file. This might come in handy if you run out of disk space.
EZSpell probably won't work on files that contain funny control
characters or other non-ascii characters (like WordStar files). You
will have to convert these files into ascii before you use EZSpell.
EZSpell doesn't try to recover from a "disk full" error. If you run
out of space while updating a document, or the dictionary, the
program will be aborted. It will be up to you to rename the backup
file to get back the original data.
EZSpell looks only on the currently logged drive for it's dictionary
file. This might be inconvenient for hard disk users.
EZSpell can work on any size document, limited only by how much
memory you have. It takes about 130 bytes of memory for each unique
word in the document.
There is no limit to dictionary size.
Words can not be longer than 40 characters.
Lines can not be longer than 255 characters.