Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
2,788 lines
comment * WordStar Tab Ruler
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg,ss:cseg
org 0h
Zero: ;ret to DOS
org 100h
start: jmp init ;goto initialization routine
buffer db 256 dup(?)
handle dw ?
char db ?
filespec_ptr dw ?
filespec_buffer1 db 256 dup(?)
filespec_buffer2 db 256 dup(?)
space_count db ?
write db ?
save_attribs db ?
screen_no db ?
filename1 db 65 dup(?)
filename2 db 65 dup(?)
screen_page db ?
attrib db ?
mode db ?
say_color_flag db 0
cursor dw ?
max_line db ?
cur_line db ?
max_col db ?
cur_col db ?
create db ?
rotate db ?
space_size db ?
ins_del_flag db ?
cursor_size dw ?
screen_seg dw ?
screen_buffer dw ?
paste_size dw ? ; y/x size of paste_buffer
last_x db ?
last_y db ?
block_cursor label word
cursor_x db ?
cursor_y db ?
quad db ?
wrap_flag db ?
cmd_cmd db ?
dos macro function
mov ah,function
int 21h
getkey macro
call get_keystroke
wait_for_key macro
local wfk_1
wfk_1: getkey
jz wfk_1
mov ah,1
int 16h
jz GK_ret
mov ah,0
int 16h
GK_ret: ret
jump macro table,item
mov bx,offset table
mov al,item
call table_jump
search macro table,item
mov bx,offset table
mov ax,item
call table_search
cmp cs:[bx],al ;too big an offset?
jc TJ_end
dec bx
mov ah,0
add ax,ax ;prep offset
add bx,ax ;get actual addr of routine
jmp word ptr cs:[bx] ;go to routine
TJ_end: ret
push bx
push cx ;search table @ BX for AL
push dx
push di
or al,al ;2-byter
jz TS_10 ;yes, don't clear top
mov ah,0 ;otherwise...
call capit_al
TS_10: mov cl,[bx] ;get len of $ to search
mov ch,0
mov di,bx
TS_5: inc di ;skip length
mov dx,[di] ;get table entry
or dl,dl ;test for 2-byter
jnz TS_2 ;no
inc di
jmp short TS_3
TS_2: mov dh,0 ;clear top byte for cmp
TS_3: cmp ax,dx ;are they the same?
je TS_4 ;go if they are
loop TS_5 ;else go to end of table
jmp short TS_1 ;done but not found
TS_4: mov ch,[bx] ;get len of table again
sub ch,cl ;get offset into table
mov ah,ch ;get offset into ah
inc ah ;make go from 1
xor bx,bx ;set flags
TS_1: pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
cmp al,'a'
jc CA_1
cmp al,'z'+1
jnc CA_1
sub al,32
CA_1: ret
retf macro pop_value
ifb <pop_value>
db 0cbH ;far ret w/no [pop-value]
db 0caH ;far ret w/pop-value
dw pop_value
ceol db esc,'[K$'
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dl,32
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset ceol
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov si,0
mov di,[screen_buffer]
mov ax,screen_seg
mov ds,ax
mov cx,1760
rep movsw
mov ax,es
mov ds,ax
push ax
push cx
push si
push di
mov ax,screen_seg
mov es,ax
mov si,[screen_buffer]
mov di,0
mov cx,1760
rep movsw
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
memory_error db 'Memory allocation error (not enough, or bad allocation blocks)',13,10,10
ansi_test db esc,'[H',8,8,8,' ',8,8,8,'$'
ansi_error db 13,10,'tDoodle 1.11',13,10,'Please add the following line to your '
db 'CONFIG.SYS file:',13,10,10
db 'DEVICE=ANSI.SYS',13,10,10,'$'
call cls
mov cx,len_picture
mov dx,offset screen_buffer_1
mov bx,0 ;CON
mov ah,40h ;write to file
int 21h
np_1: getkey
jnz np_1
np_2: getkey
jz np_2
call cls
jmp editor
bad_dos_version db 'tDoodle 1.00: Incorrect DOS Version.$'
;************* Start *********************
init: mov ah,30h
int 21h ;get DOS ver #
cmp al,2
jae init_9
mov dx,offset bad_dos_version
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp zero
init_9: mov bh,0
mov ah,3
int 10h ;get curpos
push dx
mov dh,24
mov dl,0
mov ah,2
int 10h ;set curpos
mov dx,offset ansi_test
dos 9
mov ah,3
int 10h
or dx,dx
pop dx
mov ah,2
int 10h ;restore cursor
jz ansi_installed
mov dx,offset ansi_error
dos 9
jmp zero ;terminate (no ANSI.SYS)
jmp parm_error
mov bx,offset end_of_code
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl ;turn byte count into para's
inc bx
mov ah,4Ah
int 21h
jnc init_10
mov dx,offset Memory_error
call print_cs
jmp zero
jmp no_parm
mov ah,25h ;get ^Break addr
mov al,23h ;^BREAK int #
mov dx,offset Break_handler
int 21h
mov ah,3
int 10h ;get cursor size
mov cursor_size,cx
call fix_cursor_block
mov screen_buffer,offset screen_buffer_1
mov al,0 ;set display_ctrls filename(s) to ""
mov byte ptr filename1,al
mov byte ptr filename2,al
mov filespec_ptr,offset filespec_buffer1
mov filespec_buffer1+1,al
mov filespec_buffer2+1,al
mov al,64
mov filespec_buffer1,al
mov filespec_buffer2,al
mov screen_no,1
mov di,filespec_ptr
inc di ;skip input len
mov si,80h ;parameter addr
lodsb ;get len of command$
mov bl,al
mov bh,0
or bl,bh ;is len(parm)=0?
jz No_Parm_so
mov byte ptr [si+bx],0 ;terminate ASCIIZ
lodsb ;get char of $
or al,al ;EOS?
jz Parm_error_so
cmp al,13 ;EOS?
jz Parm_error_so
cmp al,9 ;nothing?
jz init_loop_1
cmp al,32 ;space?
jz init_loop_1
dec si
push si
mov cl,0
inc di
init_1: lodsb
inc cl
cmp al,0 ;EOS?
jne init_1
dec cl
mov byte ptr [filespec_buffer1+1],cl
pop si
mov dx,si
mov al,2 ;open for r/w
mov ah,3Dh
int 21h ;open file
jnc Load_File_so
cmp al,2
jnz File_open_error
mov dx,si
mov ah,3Ch
mov cx,0
int 21h
jc File_open_error
jmp Load_file
Parm_error_message db 'Bad parameter line',13,10,'$'
File_open_error_message db 'Couldn',27h,'t open file',13,10,'$'
Load_error_message db 'Had trouble loading file.',13,10,'$'
mov dx,offset Parm_error_message
call print_cs
jmp ret_to_dos
mov dx,offset File_open_error_message
call print_cs
jmp ret_to_dos
mov byte ptr [di-1],13
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h
mov dx,offset Load_error_message
call print_cs
jmp Zero
cls_string db esc,'[=2h',esc,'[?7h',esc,'[0m',esc,'[2J','$'
cls: mov dx,offset cls_string
call print_cs
mov attrib,7
call fix_cursor_block
mov handle,ax
call cls
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3Fh
mov cx,1
mov dx,offset buffer
int 21h
jc Load_Error
or ax,ax
jz Load_Ended
mov dl,byte ptr [buffer]
cmp dl,26 ;^Z terminating?
jz Load_Ended
mov ah,2
int 21h
jmp Load_loop
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ;close file
mov cx,0 ;home cursor
call set_cur_pos
call move_filename ;setup filename on ctrl-line
jmp Editor
text_table db 17
db 8 ;bksp
db 13 ;RET
db 0,71 ;HOME
db 0,72 ;up
db 0,73 ;PgUp
db 0,75 ;lt
db 0,77 ;rt
db 0,79 ;END
db 0,80 ;dn
db 0,81 ;PgDn
db 27 ;ESC
db 0,82 ;INS
db 0,83 ;DEL
db 9 ;TAB
db 0,115 ;^lt
db 0,116 ;^rt
db 0,119 ;^HOME
text_jmp_table db 17
dw offset key_bksp
dw offset key_cr
dw offset key_home
dw offset key_up
dw offset key_pgup
dw offset key_lt
dw offset key_rt
dw offset key_end
dw offset key_dn
dw offset key_pgdn
dw offset key_esc
dw offset key_ins
dw offset key_del
dw offset key_tab
dw offset key_ctrl_lt
dw offset key_ctrl_rt
dw offset key_ctrl_home
cmd_key db 10, esc,'GRCSLQWFU'
cmd_table db 10
dw offset cmd_esc ;toggle to/from text/cmd
dw offset cmd_G ;replace IBM graphics
dw offset cmd_R ;replace (not implemented)
dw offset cmd_C ;set Colors
dw offset cmd_S ;Save file
dw offset cmd_L ;Load file
dw offset cmd_Q ;Quit tDoodle
dw offset cmd_W ;Wipe out screen (cls)
dw offset cmd_F ;Flip between screens
dw offset cmd_U ;Undo (edit: F9)
box_key_table db 22, '12345678QWEASDZXC-_\| '
box_table_list label word
dw offset box_table_1
dw offset box_table_2
dw offset box_table_3
dw offset box_table_4
box_table_1 db 176,177,178,219,220,223,221,222
db 218,194,191,195,197,180,192,193,217,196,196,179,179,32
box_table_2 db 176,177,178,219,220,223,221,222
db 201,203,187,204,206,185,200,202,188,205,205,186,186,32
box_table_3 db 176,177,178,219,220,223,221,222
db 213,209,184,198,216,181,212,207,190,205,205,179,179,32
box_table_4 db 176,177,178,219,220,223,221,222
db 214,210,183,199,215,182,211,208,189,196,196,186,186,32
fn_table db 10
db 0,59 ;F1: rotate box modes
db 0,60 ;F2: set csr attr to cur attr
db 0,61 ;F3: reverse screen attribs
db 0,62 ;F4: rotate paint/text/both
db 0,63 ;F5: show colors
db 0,64 ;F6: Flip from one screen to the other
db 0,65 ;F7: Pickup
db 0,66 ;F8: PutDown
db 0,67 ;F9: Undo
db 0,68 ;F0: ASCII table
mode_update_table db 10
dw offset MU_boxes
dw offset MU_attrib
dw offset MU_reverse
dw offset MU_put_mode
dw offset MU_show_colors
dw offset MU_flip
dw offset MU_Pickup
dw offset MU_PutDown
dw offset MU_Undo
dw offset MU_ascii
call get_cur
mov cl,39
jmp set_cur_pos
call get_cur
mov cl,78
jmp set_cur_pos
call get_cur
mov cl,0
jmp set_cur_pos
key_lt: call get_cur
cmp cl,0
jz KL_1
dec cl
SCP: jmp Set_cur_pos
KL_1: cmp wrap_flag,255
jne scp
mov cl,78
or ch,ch
jz Set_cur_pos
dec ch
jmp Set_Cur_pos
call get_cur
cmp ch,21
jz Set_Cur_pos
inc ch
mov cl,0
jmp Set_Cur_pos
Key_rt: call get_cur
cmp cl,78
jne KR_1
cmp wrap_flag,255
jne set_cur_pos
jmp Key_cr
KR_1: inc cl
mov ah,2
mov bh,screen_page
mov dx,cx
int 10h
cmp say_color_flag,0
jz SCP_ret
call say_color
Key_up: call get_cur
jmp Key_up_2
Key_dn: call get_cur
cmp ch,21
jz Set_cur_pos
inc ch
jmp Set_cur_pos
mov cx,0
jmp Set_cur_pos
call Key_up
call key_rt
call Key_dn
call key_rt
mov cx,21*256
jmp Set_cur_pos
call key_lt
mov al,32 ;print space
mov ah,attrib ;in current attrib
call alt_modes
mov bh,0
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
mov ah,3
mov bh,screen_page
int 10h
mov cx,dx
call save_cur
pop ax
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,3
int 10h
mov cursor,dx
mov al,attrib
push ax
mov ins_del_flag,255
push dx ;save it for later
mov dl,78 ;last col
KI_1: dec dl
mov ah,2 ;set curpos
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h ;read c/a
mov attrib,ah
push ax
inc dl
mov ah,2
int 10h
pop ax
push dx
call alt_modes
pop dx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h ;write c/a
dec dl
pop cx
cmp dl,cl
push cx
jne KI_1
pop cx
mov ah,2
int 10h ;reset cursor
pop ax
mov attrib,al
mov al,32
call alt_modes
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
mov ins_del_flag,0
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,3
int 10h ;get curpos
mov cursor,dx
mov al,attrib
push ax
mov ins_del_flag,255
kd_1: inc dl ;next col over
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h ;get c/a
mov attrib,ah
push ax
dec dl
mov ah,2
int 10h
pop ax
push dx
call alt_modes
pop dx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
inc dl
cmp dl,78
jne kd_1
mov ah,2
int 10h
pop ax
mov attrib,al
mov al,32
call alt_modes
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
mov dx,cursor
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ins_del_flag,0
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,3
int 10h ;get curpos
mov cl,3
sar dl,cl
inc dl
sal dl,cl
and dl,255-7
cmp dl,78
jbe kt_cont
mov dl,78
cmp dh,22
je kt_cont
inc dh
mov dl,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,15
int 10h ;get screen mode
mov screen_page,bh
mov cx,12
mov dx,0B000h ;mono seg
mov say_color_flag,255
cmp al,7 ;monochrome
jz set_cursor_block
mov cl,7
mov dx,0B800h ;cga seg
mov say_color_flag,0
mov screen_seg,dx
mov ah,1
int 10h ;set new cursor
mov cx,cursor_size
mov ah,1
int 10h
Editor: mov attrib,7 ;default, white on black
mov mode,0 ;text mode
call cmd_f
call cls
call cmd_f
mov wrap_flag,255
mov save_attribs,yes ;use ANSI's for menus
call display_ctrls
call mode_text ;go update screen
call mode_cmd
jnc Editor_loop
call cls
call restore_cursor_block
jmp Ret_to_DOS_2
jz mode_text
push ax
search text_table,ax
jnz MT_text
pop dx
jump text_jmp_table,ah
jmp mode_text
pop ax ;get back key
push ax ;and save it back
search fn_table,ax
je mode_update
pop ax
or al,al
jz mode_text ;bad keystroke
cmp al,32
jb mode_text
call alt_modes
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
call key_rt
jmp mode_text
pop dx ;clear stack
jump mode_update_table,ah
mov wrap_flag,255
jmp mode_text
mov ah,mode
test ah,128
jz F1_start
mov al,ah
and al,252
inc ah
and ah,3
or ah,ah
jz F1_end
or ah,al
mov mode,ah
call display_ctrls
F1_end: and al,127
mov mode,al
call display_ctrls
or ah,128
and ah,252
mov mode,ah
call display_ctrls
mov ah,8
mov bh,screen_page
int 10h
mov attrib,ah
call display_ctrls
mov ah,attrib
mov al,ah
mov cl,4
ror ah,cl
and ah,255-(128+8) ;clear int/blnk bits
and al,128+8
or ah,al ;move old blnk/int into attribs
mov attrib,ah
call display_ctrls
mov ah,mode
mov cl,5
ror ah,cl
and ah,3
test ah,1 ;not "both"?
jnz MU_pm_1 ;go if not "both"
mov ah,1
mov al,mode
and al,255-96 ;clear out current mode
rol ah,cl
or al,ah
mov mode,al ;set new one
call display_ctrls
xor ah,2 ;set 0 to 1
test ah,2 ;is it 0
jz MU_pm_2
jmp MU_pm_3
mov ah,0
jmp MU_pm_3
mu_sc_setup db esc,'[24;1f$'
mu_sc_colors db 8
dw offset mu_black
dw offset mu_blue
dw offset mu_green
dw offset mu_cyan
dw offset mu_red
dw offset mu_magenta
dw offset mu_yellow
dw offset mu_white
mu_black db 'Black$'
mu_blue db 'Blue$'
mu_green db 'Green$'
mu_cyan db 'Cyan$'
mu_red db 'Red$'
mu_magenta db 'Magenta$'
mu_yellow db 'Yellow$'
mu_white db 'White$'
mu_blinking db 'Blinking$'
mu_bright db 'Bright$'
mu_on db 'on$'
mu_comma db 8,',$'
xor say_color_flag,255
cmp say_color_flag,0
jne say_color
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,8
int 10h ;get c/a
push ax
mov ah,3
int 10h ;get curpos
mov cursor,dx
mov dx,offset mu_sc_setup
call print_cs
pop ax ;get c/a
push ax
test ah,8 ;bright?
jz MU_sc_1
mov dx,offset mu_bright
call print_cs_space
pop ax
push ax
test ah,128 ;blinking?
jz mu_sc_1
mov dx,offset mu_comma
call print_cs_space
pop ax
push ax
test ah,128 ;blinking?
jz mu_sc_2
mov dx,offset mu_blinking
call print_cs_space
pop ax
push ax
and ah,7 ;get foreground color
mov al,ah
mov ah,0
add ax,ax
mov bx,ax
inc bx
mov si,offset mu_sc_colors
mov dx,[si+bx]
call print_cs_space
mov dx,offset mu_on
call print_cs_space
pop ax
mov cl,4
ror ah,cl
and ah,7
mov al,ah
mov ah,0
add ax,ax
mov bx,ax
inc bx
mov dx,[si+bx]
call print_cs
mov dx,cursor
mov ah,2
mov bh,screen_page
int 10h
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
test mode,128 ;is graphic active?
jz AM_paint ;no, go check attr only
test ins_del_flag,1 ;no box conv?
jnz AM_paint
search box_key_table,ax
je AM_1
pop ax ;clear stack
jmp mode_text
AM_1: mov dl,mode
mov dh,0
and dl,3
add dx,dx
mov bx,offset box_table_list
add bx,dx
mov bx,cs:[bx] ;get addr of xlat table
dec ah
mov al,ah
mov ah,0
add bx,ax
mov al,cs:[bx] ;get xlated box part
AM_paint: ;t/a lockout?
push ax
test mode,32
jz AM_normal
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,8
int 10h ;get c/a
test mode,64 ;text only?
jz AM_attr ;no, attr only.
mov bl,ah ;set attr to what's under cur
mov bh,screen_page
pop ax ;recover text
pop dx ;scrap old text
mov bh,screen_page
mov bl,attrib
pop ax
mov bh,screen_page
mov bl,attrib
mup_inst db esc,'[24;1fUse ',24,' ',25,' ',26,' and ',27,' to move,',13,10
db 'F7 to set other end of block, ESC to abort CUT.$'
call save_screen
call save_cur
mov al,say_color_flag
mov ah,attrib
push ax
mov say_color_flag,0
mov wrap_flag,0
mov di,0700h
mov si,00FFh ;setup for CLS2
mov dx,0 ;csrpos
mov bh,screen_page
push cursor
call cls2
pop cursor
mov dx,offset mup_inst
call print_cs
call restore_cur
mov dx,cursor
mov block_cursor,dx
mov last_x,dl
mov last_y,dh
call fix_block
mup_1: getkey
jz mup_1
cmp ax,4100h ;F7?
je mup_2
search text_table,ax
jne mup_1
cmp ah,2
je mup_1
cmp ah,3
je mup_1
cmp ah,8
je mup_1
cmp ah,12
je mup_1
cmp ah,13
je mup_1
cmp ah,11
je mup_esc
cmp ah,14
jnc mup_1
jump text_jmp_table,ah
call fix_block
jmp mup_1
pop ax
mov say_color_flag,al
mov attrib,ah
call restore_screen
call display_ctrls
call restore_cur
mup_2: mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,3 ;read curpos
int 10h
mov cx,block_cursor
cmp ch,dh ;make DX hold bigger y/x
jbe mup_3
xchg ch,dh
mup_3: cmp cl,dl
jbe mup_4
xchg cl,dl
mup_4: push dx ;save bigger values
sub dx,cx
inc dl
inc dh ;make go from 1
mov paste_size,dx ;set y/x of block size
pop dx
call restore_screen
mov di,offset paste_buffer
xchg cx,dx ;move small curpos to cursor register
mup_6: push dx
mup_5: mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h
cmp dl,cl
je mup_next_line
inc dl
jmp mup_5
pop dx
cmp dh,ch
je mup_end
inc dh
jmp mup_6
jmp mup_esc
jmp fb_y_more_routine
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,3
int 10h ;get curpos
cmp dl,last_x
jb fb_x_less
ja fb_x_more
call fb_center
fb_1: cmp dh,last_y
jb fb_y_less
ja fb_y_more
call fb_center
fb_2: mov last_x,dl
mov last_y,dh
mov ah,2
int 10h ;reset curpos
cmp dl,cursor_x
jb fbxl_less
mov cl,last_x
cmp dl,cl
push dx
mov attrib,7
mov dh,last_y
jbe fbxl_1
xchg dl,cl
fbxl_1: inc dl
call fb_v_line
cmp dl,cl
jne fbxl_1
pop dx
jmp fb_1
mov cl,last_x
cmp dl,cl
push dx
mov attrib,7*16
jae fbxl_2
xchg dl,cl
fbxl_2: call fb_v_line
cmp dl,cl
je fbxl_3
dec dl
jmp fbxl_2
fbxl_3: pop dx
jmp fb_1
cmp dl,cursor_x
ja fbxl_less
mov cl,last_x
push dx
mov attrib,7
mov dh,last_y
cmp dl,cl
jbe fbxm_1
xchg dl,cl
fbxm_1: call fb_v_line
inc dl
cmp dl,cl
jne fbxm_1
pop dx
jmp fb_1
mov quad,0
cmp dh,cursor_y
mov quad,0
jb fbyl_less
mov quad,255
fbym_1: mov ch,last_y
cmp dh,ch
push dx
mov attrib,7
mov dl,last_x
jbe fbyl_1
xchg dh,ch
fbyl_1: call fbyl_fix_quad_3_4
fbyl_2: call fb_h_line
inc dh
cmp dh,ch
jne fbyl_2
pop dx
jmp fb_2
mov ch,last_y
cmp dh,ch
push dx
mov attrib,7*16
jae fbyl_4
xchg dh,ch
fbyl_4: dec ch
fbyl_3: call fb_h_line
dec dh
cmp dh,ch
jne fbyl_3
pop dx
jmp fb_2
cmp dh,cursor_y
mov quad,255
ja fbyl_less
mov quad,0
jmp fbym_1
test quad,255
jz fbylfq34_ret
inc ch
inc dh
push dx
push cx
mov bh,screen_page
mov ch,cursor_y
cmp dh,ch
jbe fbvl_1
xchg dh,ch
fbvl_1: mov ah,2 ;set curpos
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h ;read c/a
push cx
mov bl,attrib
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h ;write new attrib
pop cx
cmp dh,ch
je fbvl_2
inc dh
jmp fbvl_1
fbvl_2: pop cx
pop dx
push dx
push cx
mov bh,screen_page
mov cl,cursor_x
cmp dl,cl
jbe fbhl_1
xchg dl,cl
fbhl_1: mov ah,2 ;set curpos
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h ;read c/a
push cx
mov bl,attrib
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h ;write new attrib
pop cx
cmp dl,cl
je fbhl_2
inc dl
jmp fbhl_1
fbhl_2: pop cx
pop dx
push dx
mov ah,3
int 10h
pop cx
push dx
mov dx,cx
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h
push cx
mov bl,7*16
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
pop dx
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov dx,cx
call save_screen ;save for later undo
mov al,attrib
push ax
mov ins_del_flag,255
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,3
int 10h ;get curpos
push dx ;save it
mov ah,22
xchg ah,dh
sub dh,ah
mov al,79
xchg al,dl
sub dl,al
mov cx,paste_size
cmp dh,ch ;take smaller of two
jbe mupd_1
mov dh,ch
mupd_1: cmp dl,cl
jbe mupd_2
mov dl,cl
mupd_2: mov si,offset paste_buffer
mov cl,dh ;get # lines to do
mov ch,0 ;into CX
mov bl,dl ;get # cols
mov bh,0 ;into BX
pop dx ;get cursor pos
push dx
mupd_4: push dx ;save cursor pos
push cx ;save # lines to do
push si ;save current paste_buffer position
mov cx,bx ;get # cols to do
mupd_3: push cx ;save # cols left
push bx ;save total cols to do
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,2 ;set curpos
int 10h
lodsw ;get c/a from p_buff
mov attrib,ah
push dx
push si
call alt_modes
pop si
pop dx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h ;write c/a from buffer
pop bx
pop cx ;get # chrs to do
inc dl ;next csr col
loop mupd_3
pop si ;restore start of line in paste buffer
mov cx,paste_size
mov ch,0
add cx,cx
add si,cx
pop cx ;get # lines left to do
pop dx ;restore cursor pos
inc dh
loop mupd_4
pop dx
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,2
int 10h ;restore curpos
pop ax
mov attrib,al
mov ins_del_flag,0
Macro_mess_1 db esc,'[24;1f',esc,'I give up. If you want macros, use ProKey or something.$'
call save_cur
call save_screen
mov dx,offset ascii_table_data
dos 9
call restore_screen
call restore_cur
call cmd_f
call display_ctrls
mov dx,offset screen_buffer_2
mov screen_no,2
mov filespec_ptr,offset filespec_buffer2
cmp screen_buffer, offset screen_buffer_1
je MUF_set
mov dx,offset screen_buffer_1
mov screen_no,1
mov filespec_ptr,offset filespec_buffer1
push dx
call save_screen
pop dx
mov screen_buffer,dx
call restore_screen
wipe_prompt_1 db esc,'[24;1fAttributes, Text or Both (a/t/b)? $'
wipe_prompt_2 label byte
quit_prompt db esc,'[24;1fAre you sure (y/n)? $'
command_prompt db esc,'[24;1f',esc,'[0mCommand: $'
save_prompt db esc,'[24;1fSave to $'
CL_prompt db esc,'[24;1fLoad from $'
home db esc,'[1;1f$'
CL_err_mess db esc,'[24;1fError in Loading of file. Hit key to resume editing. ( )',esc,'[5D$'
CS_err_mess db esc,'[24;1fError: Couldn',27h,'t save file. Hit key to resume editing. ( )',esc,'[5D$'
crlf db 13,10
ctrl_z db 26
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,3
int 10h
mov cursor,dx
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,2
mov dx,cursor
int 10h
no_bak_error db esc,'[24;1fError in renaming to .BAK; continue anyway (y/n)? $'
call print_cs
call save_screen
push si
mov dx,filespec_ptr
mov si,dx
mov bl,[si+1]
mov bh,0
mov byte ptr [si+bx+2],13
xchg bx,si
pop si
push dx
mov ah,0Ah
int 21h ;input filename
pop bx
add bx,2
mov dx,bx
mov al,[bx-1]
mov ah,0
or ax,ax
jz GF_err
add bx,ax
mov byte ptr [bx],0
push bx
;open file for r/w
test create,255
jnz GF_create
mov al,2
push dx
mov ah,3Dh
int 21h
pop dx
pop bx
jnc get_fs_ret
GF_err: jmp get_fs_ret_err
mov al,2
push dx
mov ah,3dh
int 21h ;open file for read/write
pop dx
push di
jc GFC_1 ;go create if not found
push dx ;save $ addr
mov bx,ax ;get handle
dos 3Eh ;close file
pop dx ;get $ addr
mov bx,dx ;get $ addr
mov di,offset buffer
GFC_2: mov al,[bx] ;get char
cmp al,0 ;eos?
jz GF_bak
cmp al,'.' ;start of .EXT?
je GF_bak
inc bx
stosb ;save byte of $
jmp GFC_2
GF_bak: mov al,'.' ;ext marker
mov al,'B'
mov al,'A'
mov al,'K'
mov al,0
mov di,offset buffer ;get ptr to .bak $
push dx ;save $ addr
mov dx,di ;get .bak filespec
dos 41h ;delete .bak
pop dx
push dx
dos 56H ;rename file to .BAK
pop dx
jnc GFC_1
push dx
mov dx,offset no_bak_error
dos 9
pop dx
GFC_3: wait_for_key
call capit_al
cmp al,'Y'
je GFC_1
cmp al,'N'
jne GFC_3
pop di
pop bx
jmp short get_fs_ret_err
GFC_1: pop di ;restore di
mov ah,3Ch
mov cx,0
mov al,2
int 21h
pop bx
jnc get_fs_ret
jmp short gfr_1
call move_filename ;set filename to be printed on CTRL-line
gfr_1: mov byte ptr [bx],13 ;set buffer back to normal
call restore_screen
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
mov di,offset filename1
cmp screen_no,1
je mf_1
mov di,offset filename2
mf_1: mov bx,filespec_ptr
add bx,2
cmp byte ptr [bx+1],':' ;device specified?
mov al,[bx] ;get dev name
je mf_2
dos 19h ;get current drive #
add al,65 ;make a letter of #
mf_2: stosb ;put char in buffer
mov al,':' ;with colon
dec bx ;bump to $ len
mov dx,bx ;dx=start of $
mov al,[bx] ;get input len
inc bx ;move to $
xor ah,ah ;ax=$ len
add bx,ax ;bx=eo$
dec bx
mov al,[bx] ;get char
cmp al,':' ;start of filename?
je mf_sos
cmp al,'\'
je mf_sos
dec bx
cmp bx,dx ;start of $?
je mf_sos
inc bx
inc cx
jmp mf_loop1
mf_sos: inc cx
inc cx
inc bx
loop mf_loop2
jmp short mf_exit
mov al,[bx]
inc bx
loop mf_loop2
mov al,0 ;terminate $
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov dl,max_col
mov dh,cur_line
dec dl
cmp dl,255
jz adjust_end
mov ah,2
mov bh,screen_page
int 10h ;set cur_pos
mov ah,8
mov bh,screen_page
int 10h
and ah,16+32+64 ;background attrib active?
jnz adjust_end
cmp al,0 ;foreground nil?
je adjust_loopB
cmp al,255
je adjust_loopB
cmp al,32
je adjust_loopB
inc dl
mov max_col,dl
and ah,7*16 ;test for background color on.
jz adjust_loop
jmp adjust_end
cmp space_count,6 ;more than 5 spaces queued?
jc WS_no ;no
push ax
push dx
mov byte ptr [bp],esc
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],'['
inc bp
mov al,space_count
mov ah,0
mov dl,10
div dl
or al,al
jz WS_skip_1st
add al,48 ;make ASCII #
mov [bp],al
inc bp
add ah,48
mov byte ptr [bp],ah
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],'C'
inc bp
mov space_count,0
pop dx
pop ax
WS_no: push cx
push ax
mov al,32
mov cl,space_count
xor ch,ch
jcxz WS_1_ret
WS_1: mov [bp],al
inc bp
loop WS_1
mov space_count,0
pop ax
pop cx
FA_1: test space_count,255 ;any spaces queued?
jnz FA_2
test ah,16+32+64 ;background 0?
jnz FA_1b
FA_2: push ax
mov al,attrib
and al,240-128 ;mask all but background
and ah,240-128
cmp al,ah ;are they the same
pop ax ;restore c/a
jne FA_1_no_leave
inc space_count
jmp A_ret_2 ;return w/o writing
call write_spaces
test ah,70h ;background=0?
mov space_count,1
jz FA_1c
mov space_count,0
jmp FA_1b
pop bp
jmp A_ret_3
mov write,yes
cmp save_attribs,no ;return if not using ANSI chars
je another_return
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax ;save c/a
mov bp,offset buffer
push bp
mov write,no
cmp al,32 ;is char a space?
je FA_1 ;yes, go process
test space_count,255 ;are spaces queued?
jz FA_1b
call write_spaces
FA_1b: mov write,yes
FA_1c: cmp ah,attrib
je FA_save
mov byte ptr [bp],esc
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],'['
inc bp
mov attrib,ah
mov byte ptr [bp],'0'
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],';'
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],'3'
inc bp
and ah,7
call xlat_colors
add ah,30h ;make decimal
mov byte ptr [bp],ah
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],';'
inc bp
test attrib,16+32+64 ;background set?
jz no_background
mov byte ptr [bp],'4'
inc bp
mov ah,attrib
mov cl,4
ror ah,cl
and ah,7
call xlat_colors
add ah,30h
mov byte ptr [bp],ah
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],';'
inc bp
test attrib,8
jz no_intensity
mov byte ptr [bp],'1'
inc bp
mov byte ptr [bp],';'
inc bp
test attrib,128
jz no_blinking
mov byte ptr [bp],'5'
inc bp
inc bp
dec bp
mov byte ptr [bp],'m'
inc bp
pop cx
push cx ;save pointer to buffer
xchg cx,bp
sub cx,bp
pop bp ;restore ptr
jcxz A_ret_3
mov dx,offset buffer
mov ah,40h
mov bx,handle
int 21h
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
colors db 0,4,2,6,1,5,3,7
push bx
push ax
mov al,ah
mov bx,offset colors
xlat colors
pop bx
mov ah,al
mov al,bl
pop bx
color_list db esc,'[24;1f'
db esc,'[0;30;5;47mB',esc,'[0;30;47mlack' ;Black
db esc,'[0;34;1;40m b',esc,'[0;34;1;5mL',esc,'[0;34;1mue ' ;bLue
db esc,'[0;32;1;5;40mG',esc,'[0;32;1mreen ' ;Green
db esc,'[0;36;1;5;40mC',esc,'[0;36;1myan ' ;Cyan
db esc,'[0;31;1;5;40mR',esc,'[0;31;1med ' ;Red
db esc,'[0;35;1;5;40mM',esc,'[0;35;1magenta ' ;Magenta
db esc,'[0;33;1;5;40mY',esc,'[0;33;1mellow ' ;Yellow
db esc,'[0;37;1;5;40mW',esc,'[0;37;1mhite ' ;White
db '$'
colors_table db 9, 'BLGCRMYW',ESC
color_fore_back db esc,'[24;1fForeground or Background (f/b)? $'
color_blinking_mess db esc,'[24;1fBlinking (y/n)? $'
color_int_mess db esc,'[24;1fBright (y/n)? $'
save_prompt2 db esc,'[24;1fAnnex "Clear-Screen" to file (y/n)? ',esc,'[K$'
save_prompt3 db esc,'[24;1fSave with ANSI ESCape sequences (y/n)? ',esc,'[K$'
cls_file db esc,'[2J'
replace_mess1 db esc,'[24;1fReplace what char? $'
replace_mess2 db esc,'[24;1fReplace with what? $'
replace_mess3 db esc,'[24;1fReplace $'
replace_mess3b db esc,'[C with $'
replace_mess3c db esc,'[C (y/n)? $'
char_to_replace db ?
char_with_which_to_replace db ?
outchr: push bx
push ax
push cx
mov bh,0
mov bl,attrib
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
pop ax
pop bx
mov dx,offset replace_mess1
dos 9
cr_1a: wait_for_key ;go get key from BIOS
cmp al,esc ;esc from routine
je cmdr_esc
cmp al,32
jc cr_1a
mov char_to_replace,al
mov dx,offset replace_mess2
dos 9
CR_1: wait_for_key
cmp al,esc
je cmdr_esc
cmp al,32
jc CR_1
mov char_with_which_to_replace,al
mov dx,offset replace_mess3
dos 9
mov al,char_to_replace
call outchr
mov dx,offset replace_mess3b
dos 9
mov al,char_with_which_to_replace
call outchr
mov dx,offset replace_mess3c
dos 9
CR_2: wait_for_key
call capit_al
cmp al,'N'
je CR_exit
cmp al,'Y'
jne CR_2
call replacement_routine
mov dx,0 ;screen pos
CR_3: mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h ;set curpos
mov ah,8 ;read char
int 10h
cmp al,char_to_replace
jne CR_4
mov al,char_with_which_to_replace
mov bl,ah
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h ;write replacement char
CR_4: inc dl ;next column
cmp dl,79 ;last one?
jne CR_3 ;loop until done
mov dl,0
inc dh
cmp dh,22 ;last line?
jne cr_3
graphics_prompt db esc,'[24;1fReplace IBM graphic with others (y/n)? $'
CG_try2_mess db esc,'[24;1fReplace all ASCII codes >128 with spaces (y/n)? $'
mov dx,offset graphics_prompt
dos 9
cg_1: wait_for_key
call capit_al
cmp al,esc
je cg_exit
cmp al,'N'
je cg_try2
cmp al,'Y'
jne cg_1
mov dx,0
mov bh,0
CG_2: mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h
cmp al,128
jc CG_3
mov bl,ah ;xfer attrib
push bx
mov bx,offset ibm_list
mov ah,0
sub al,128
add bx,ax
mov al,[bx] ;get replacement char
pop bx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h ;write new char out
CG_3: inc dl
cmp dl,79
jne CG_2
mov dl,0
inc dh
cmp dh,22
jne cg_2
mov dx,offset CG_try2_mess
dos 9
CG_4: getkey
jz CG_4
call capit_al
cmp al,'N'
je CG_exit
cmp al,esc
je CG_exit
cmp al,'Y'
jne CG_4
mov dx,0
mov bh,0
CG_5: mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h
cmp al,128
jc CG_6
mov bl,ah
mov al,32
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
CG_6: inc dl
cmp dl,79
jne CG_5
mov dl,0
inc dh
cmp dh,22
jne CG_5
jmp CG_exit
ibm_list db 'CueaaaaceeeiiiAAEaAooouuyOU$$$$$aiounN ?[] !""@@@'
db '|++++++|+++++++++-++++++++-+++++++++++++'
db '@@@@@', 255-224+1 dup(32)
call restore_screen
mov dx,offset color_fore_back
call print_cs
CC_1: getkey
jz cc_1
or al,al
jz cc_1
call capit_al
cmp al,27
je cc_ret
cmp al,'F'
mov cl,0 ;rotate no bits.
je cc_get_color
cmp al,'B'
mov cl,4
je cc_get_color
jmp cc_1
cc_ret: ret
mov rotate,cl ;save distance to rotate
mov dx,offset color_list
call print_cs
cc_2: getkey
jz cc_2
or al,al
jz cc_2
search colors_table,ax
dec ah ;make a color
mov cl,rotate
rol ah,cl ;set for attrib pos
mov al,attrib
mov dl,7 ;a mask
rol dl,cl ;pos it
or al,dl
xor al,dl ;remove unwanted bits
or al,ah ;put in new bits
mov attrib,al
or cl,cl ;doing foreground?
jnz cc_ret ;no, skip other questions
and al,7+7*16 ;eliminate blink+intensity bits
mov attrib,al
mov dx,offset color_int_mess
call print_cs
cc_3: getkey
jz cc_3
or al,al
jz cc_3
call capit_al
cmp al,esc
jz cc_ret
cmp al,'N'
jz cc_4
cmp al,'Y'
jne cc_3
or attrib,8
cc_4: mov dx,offset color_blinking_mess
call print_cs
cc_5: getkey
jz cc_5
or al,al
jz cc_5
call capit_al
cmp al,esc
jz cc_ret2
cmp al,'N'
jz cc_ret2
cmp al,'Y'
jne cc_5
or attrib,128
jmp Save_error
mov create,255
mov dx,offset save_prompt
call get_filespec
jc CS_error
mov handle,ax
mov attrib,7 ;set attrib to default
mov cur_line,21
mov dx,offset save_prompt2
mov ah,9
int 21h
CS_p2: wait_for_key ;read char
cmp al,esc ;don't save?
je CS_error
call capit_al
cmp al,'Y' ;clear screen at start?
jne CS_p1
mov bx,handle
mov dx,offset cls_file
mov cx,len_cls_file
dos 40h ;write into file
jmp CS_a1 ;go on and check for saving attribs
CS_p1: cmp al,'N'
jne CS_p2
CS_a1: mov dx,offset save_prompt3
dos 9
cs_a2: wait_for_key
cmp al,esc
je CS_error
call capit_al
cmp al,'Y'
jne CS_a3
mov save_attribs,yes
jmp save_start
CS_a3: cmp al,'N'
jne cs_a2
mov save_attribs,no
cmp cur_line,0FFh ;-1? (past top of screen?)
jnz ss_1
jmp nothing_to_save
ss_1: mov max_col,79
call adjust
dec cur_line
cmp max_col,0
jz save_start
mov al,cur_line
inc al
inc al
mov max_line,al
mov cur_line,0
mov max_col,79
mov cur_col,0
call adjust
inc max_col
mov cl,max_col
mov ch,0
mov space_count,0
mov write,yes
push cx
pop cx
dec cx
jcxz Save_line_done
push cx
mov dl,cur_col
mov dh,cur_line
mov bh,screen_page
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h ;get c/a from screen
call fix_attrib
cmp write,no ;should we write this char?
je sl_1
mov byte ptr [buffer],al
mov cx,1
mov dx,offset buffer
mov ah,40h
mov bx,handle
int 21h ;write chr to file
SL_1: inc cur_col
jmp Save_line
inc cur_line
mov dx,offset crlf
mov cx,2
mov bx,handle
mov ah,40h
int 21h
mov al,cur_line
cmp al,max_line
jz Save_done
jmp Save_loop
mov dx,offset ctrl_z
mov cx,1
mov ah,40h
mov bx,handle
int 21h
jc Save_error
or ax,ax
jz Save_error
call CL_Ended
push ax ;save error
mov dx,offset CS_err_mess
call print_cs
pop ax
call print_ax
mov ah,0Ch
mov al,1
int 21h
jmp CL_ended
push ax
push cx
push dx
push ax
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
push ax
shr ax,cl
push ax
shr ax,cl
push ax
mov cx,4
pop ax
push cx
and al,15
add al,48 ;make a number
cmp al,'9' ;bigger than number
jbe printax_2
add al,7
mov dl,al
dos 2 ;output char
pop cx
loop printax_1
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
mov create,0
mov dx,offset CL_prompt
call get_filespec
jc CL_error_2
mov handle,ax
mov dx,offset home
call print_cs
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3Fh
mov cx,1
mov dx,offset buffer
int 21h
jc CL_Error
or ax,ax
jz CL_Ended
mov dl,byte ptr [buffer]
cmp dl,26 ;^Z terminating?
jz CL_Ended
mov ah,2
int 21h
jmp CL_loop
push ax
mov bx,handle
cmp bx,4
jbe CLe_1 ;go if system handle
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ;close file
CLe_1: pop ax
call CL_ended ;close file
push ax
mov dx,offset CL_err_mess
call print_cs
pop ax
call print_ax
mov ah,0Ch
mov al,1
int 21h
mov dx,offset quit_prompt
call print_cs
jz quit_loop
or al,al
jz quit_loop
call capit_al
cmp al,'N'
je quit_end
cmp al,esc
je quit_end
cmp al,'Y'
jne quit_loop
pop ax
mov dx,offset wipe_prompt_1
call print_cs
wl_1: getkey
jz wl_1
or al,al
jz wl_1
call capit_al
cmp al,esc ;ESC key hit?
jz wipe_end
mov dx,00FFh ;attribs?
mov cx,0700h
cmp al,'A'
jz wl_2
mov dx,0FF00h ;text
mov cx,0020h
cmp al,'T'
jz wl_2
mov dx,0000 ;both
mov cx,0720h
cmp al,'B'
jnz wl_1
wl_2: push dx
push cx
mov dx,offset wipe_prompt_2
call print_cs
jz wipe_loop
or al,al
jz wipe_loop
call capit_al
cmp al,'N'
je wipe_end
cmp al,esc
je wipe_end
cmp al,'Y'
jne wipe_loop
pop di
pop si
mov dx,0 ;new cursor pos
mov bh,screen_page
cls2: mov ah,2 ;set curpos
int 10h
mov ah,8 ;read c/a
int 10h
and ax,si ;clear unwanted part
or ax,di ;move in new replacement
mov bl,ah
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h ;write new c/a
inc dl
cmp dl,79
jne cls2
mov dl,0
inc dh
cmp dh,22
jne cls2
mov cursor,0
mov attrib,7
pop ax
call restore_cur
call display_ctrls
mov dx,offset command_prompt
call print_cs
jz MC_key_loop
search cmd_key,ax
jne MC_key_loop
mov cmd_cmd,ah
jump cmd_table,ah
mov ah,cmd_cmd
cmp ah,4
je mode_cmd_status_line
cmp ah,5
je mode_cmd_status_line
cmp ah,6
je mode_cmd_status_line
cmp ah,9
je mode_cmd_status_line
jmp mode_cmd
status_line_1 db esc,'[23;1f',esc,'[0;40;33;7mtDoodle 1.20 '
db 'Mode: $'
status_line_2 db 'Current Color$'
status_line_3 db esc,'[K',esc,'[0m',13,10,esc,'[K$'
status_line_4 db 'Paint $'
status_line_5 db 'Text $'
status_line_6 db 'Both $'
status_line_10 db esc,'[0;40;33;7m File-- $'
status_line_help db esc,'[25;1H'
db esc,'[0;1m1',esc,'[0;7mBox '
db esc,'[0;1m 2',esc,'[0;7mGetClr'
db esc,'[0;1m 3',esc,'[0;7mRevers'
db esc,'[0;1m 4',esc,'[0;7mMode '
db esc,'[0;1m 5',esc,'[0;7mSayClr'
db esc,'[0;1m 6',esc,'[0;7mFlip '
db esc,'[0;1m 7',esc,'[0;7mCut '
db esc,'[0;1m 8',esc,'[0;7mPaste '
db esc,'[0;1m 9',esc,'[0;7mUndo '
db esc,'[0;1m 0',esc,'[0;7mASCII '
db esc,'[0m$'
push bx
push cursor
call save_cur
mov dx,offset status_line_1
call print_cs
mov al,'S'
call alt_modes
cmp al,'S'
jnz DC_1
mov al,'T'
DC_1: mov dl,al
mov ah,02
int 21h
mov dl,' '
dos 2
mov ah,mode
mov cl,5
ror ah,cl
mov dx,offset status_line_6
and ah,3
jz DC_2
mov dx,offset status_line_4
dec ah
jz DC_2
mov dx,offset status_line_5
DC_2: call print_cs
mov handle,0 ;con:
mov ah,attrib
push ax
mov ah,0 ;force attrib change
call fix_attrib
pop ax
call fix_attrib
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call print_cs
mov dx,offset status_line_10
dos 9
mov bx,offset filename1 ;print filename
cmp screen_no,1
je DC_3
mov bx,offset filename2
DC_3: mov dl,[bx] ;get file char
or dl,dl ;eos?
je DC_4
dos 2 ;output char
inc bx ;bump to next char
jmp DC_3
dc_4: mov dx,offset status_line_3
dos 9
mov dx,offset status_line_help
mov ah,9
int 21h ;print mess w/no crlf
call restore_cur
pop cursor
pop bx
ascii_table_data label byte
db esc,'[H'
db 27,91,48,59,51,50,109,201,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
db 205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
db 205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
db 205,205,205,205,205,205,205,187,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,54,59
db 49,109,49,50,56,32,128,32,32,49,52,52,32,144,32,32,49,54,48
db 32,160,32,32,49,55,54,32,176,32,32,49,57,50,32,192,32,32,50
db 48,56,32,208,32,32,50,50,52,32,224,32,32,50,52,48,32,240,32
db 27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109
db 49,50,57,32,129,32,32,49,52,53,32,145,32,32,49,54,49,32,161
db 32,32,49,55,55,32,177,32,32,49,57,51,32,193,32,32,50,48,57
db 32,209,32,32,50,50,53,32,225,32,32,50,52,49,32,241,32,27,91
db 48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,54,59,49,109
db 49,51,48,32,130,32,32,49,52,54,32,146,32,32,49,54,50,32,162
db 32,32,49,55,56,32,178,32,32,49,57,52,32,194,32,32,50,49,48
db 32,210,32,32,50,50,54,32,226,32,32,50,52,50,32,242,32,27,91
db 48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,49,51
db 49,32,131,32,32,49,52,55,32,147,32,32,49,54,51,32,163,32,32
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db 32,32,50,50,55,32,227,32,32,50,52,51,32,243,32,27,91,48,59
db 51,50,109,186,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,54,59,49,109,49,51
db 50,32,132,32,32,49,52,56,32,148,32,32,49,54,52,32,164,32,32
db 49,56,48,32,180,32,32,49,57,54,32,196,32,32,50,49,50,32,212
db 32,32,50,50,56,32,228,32,32,50,52,52,32,244,32,27,91,48,59
db 51,50,109,186,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,49,51,51,32
db 133,32,32,49,52,57,32,149,32,32,49,54,53,32,165,32,32,49,56
db 49,32,181,32,32,49,57,55,32,197,32,32,50,49,51,32,213,32,32
db 50,50,57,32,229,32,32,50,52,53,32,245,32,27,91,48,59,51,50
db 109,186,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,54,59,49,109,49,51,52,32
db 134,32,32,49,53,48,32,150,32,32,49,54,54,32,166,32,32,49,56
db 50,32,182,32,32,49,57,56,32,198,32,32,50,49,52,32,214,32,32
db 50,51,48,32,230,32,32,50,52,54,32,246,32,27,91,48,59,51,50
db 109,186,13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,49,51,53,32,135,32
db 32,49,53,49,32,151,32,32,49,54,55,32,167,32,32,49,56,51,32
db 183,32,32,49,57,57,32,199,32,32,50,49,53,32,215,32,32,50,51
db 49,32,231,32,32,50,52,55,32,247,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186
db 13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,54,59,49,109,49,51,54,32,136,32
db 32,49,53,50,32,152,32,32,49,54,56,32,168,32,32,49,56,52,32
db 184,32,32,50,48,48,32,200,32,32,50,49,54,32,216,32,32,50,51
db 50,32,232,32,32,50,52,56,32,248,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186
db 13,10,186,32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,49,51,55,32,137,32,32,49
db 53,51,32,153,32,32,49,54,57,32,169,32,32,49,56,53,32,185,32
db 32,50,48,49,32,201,32,32,50,49,55,32,217,32,32,50,51,51,32
db 233,32,32,50,52,57,32,249,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10
db 186,32,27,91,48,59,51,54,59,49,109,49,51,56,32,138,32,32,49
db 53,52,32,154,32,32,49,55,48,32,170,32,32,49,56,54,32,186,32
db 32,50,48,50,32,202,32,32,50,49,56,32,218,32,32,50,51,52,32
db 234,32,32,50,53,48,32,250,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10
db 186,32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,49,51,57,32,139,32,32,49,53,53
db 32,155,32,32,49,55,49,32,171,32,32,49,56,55,32,187,32,32,50
db 48,51,32,203,32,32,50,49,57,32,219,32,32,50,51,53,32,235,32
db 32,50,53,49,32,251,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10,186,32
db 27,91,48,59,51,54,59,49,109,49,52,48,32,140,32,32,49,53,54
db 32,156,32,32,49,55,50,32,172,32,32,49,56,56,32,188,32,32,50
db 48,52,32,204,32,32,50,50,48,32,220,32,32,50,51,54,32,236,32
db 32,50,53,50,32,252,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10,186,32
db 27,91,48,59,51,51,109,49,52,49,32,141,32,32,49,53,55,32,157
db 32,32,49,55,51,32,173,32,32,49,56,57,32,189,32,32,50,48,53
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db 48,59,51,54,59,49,109,49,52,50,32,142,32,32,49,53,56,32,158
db 32,32,49,55,52,32,174,32,32,49,57,48,32,190,32,32,50,48,54
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db 48,59,51,51,109,49,52,51,32,143,32,32,49,53,57,32,159,32,32
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db 32,255,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,186,13,10,200,205,205,205,205,205
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db 36
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db 32,32,219,27,91,54,67,223,220,27,91,50,49,67,219,32,32,219,27
db 91,49,54,67,219,27,91,57,67,219,32,219,32,32,32,32,219,32,27
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db 109,220,220,219,220,220,32,32,219,32,32,74,97,110,32,32,219,32,32
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db 67,219,32,219,32,32,32,32,219,32,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109
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db 219,32,32,32,50,48,32,32,219,32,219,32,32,32,32,219,32,219,32
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db 32,219,32,32,32,32,219,32,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13
db 10,179,32,32,32,27,91,48,59,51,53,109,219,32,32,32,32,219,32
db 49,57,56,54,32,32,219,32,219,32,32,32,32,219,32,219,32,32,32
db 32,219,32,219,32,32,32,32,32,219,32,32,219,32,32,219,223,223,223
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db 32,32,219,32,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179,32,32
db 32,27,91,48,59,51,49,109,219,32,32,220,32,219,32,32,32,32,220
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db 56,67,219,32,32,32,32,219,27,91,54,67,219,32,32,32,32,219,32
db 27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179,32,32,32,32,27,91
db 48,59,51,52,109,223,223,32,32,223,223,223,223,223,27,91,54,67,223
db 223,223,223,32,32,32,223,223,223,223,32,32,32,223,223,223,223,32,223
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db 32,223,223,223,223,223,223,32,32,223,223,223,223,32,32,27,91,48,59
db 51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,198,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
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db 27,91,48,59,51,51,109,84,69,88,84,32,83,67,82,69,69,78,32
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db 91,48,59,51,51,109,119,114,105,116,116,101,110,32,97,110,100,32,100
db 101,115,105,103,110,101,100,32,98,121,32,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,68
db 97,110,105,101,108,32,69,46,32,66,101,110,110,101,116,116,27,91,49
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db 67,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,80,46,79,46,66,111,120,32,55,56,50
db 48,27,91,51,53,67,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179
db 27,91,50,55,67,27,91,48,59,51,50,109,76,97,32,86,101,114,110
db 101,44,32,67,65,32,57,49,55,53,48,27,91,51,50,67,27,91,48
db 59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179,27,91,55,55,67,179,13,10,179
db 27,91,54,67,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,80,108,101,97,115,101,32,103
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db 101,32,119,104,111,32,119,97,110,116,115,32,111,110,101,46,32,73,102
db 32,121,111,117,32,102,105,110,100,32,105,116,32,117,115,101,102,117,108
db 44,32,32,32,32,32,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179
db 32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,97,32,36,49,50,167,167,32,114,101,103
db 105,115,116,114,97,116,105,111,110,32,102,101,101,32,119,111,117,108,100
db 32,98,101,32,103,114,101,97,116,108,121,32,97,112,112,114,101,99,105
db 97,116,101,100,46,32,73,116,32,119,105,108,108,32,97,108,115,111,32
db 103,101,116,32,121,111,117,32,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13
db 10,179,27,91,49,50,67,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,105,110,102,111,114
db 109,97,116,105,111,110,32,111,110,32,102,117,116,117,114,101,32,117,112
db 100,97,116,101,115,44,32,102,105,120,101,115,44,32,97,110,100,32,97
db 100,100,105,116,105,111,110,115,46,27,91,49,51,67,27,91,48,59,51
db 55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179,32,32,32,32,32,27,91,48,59,51,50
db 109,89,111,117,32,99,97,110,32,103,101,116,32,116,104,101,32,108,97
db 116,101,115,116,32,118,101,114,115,105,111,110,32,111,102,32,116,68,111
db 111,100,108,101,32,102,114,111,109,32,76,97,32,86,101,114,110,101,32
db 38,32,80,67,32,83,116,114,101,101,116,32,32,32,32,32,27,91,48
db 59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179,27,91,49,53,67,27,91,48,59
db 51,50,109,66,66,83,46,32,32,67,97,108,108,32,50,52,32,72,111
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db 51,50,59,49,109,55,49,52,45,53,57,54,45,48,48,56,52,27,91
db 49,57,67,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49,109,179,13,10,179,32,32,32
db 32,32,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,70,111,114,32,105,110,115,116,114,117
db 99,116,105,111,110,115,32,111,110,32,117,115,101,44,32,112,108,101,97
db 115,101,32,101,120,105,116,32,40,27,91,48,59,51,52,59,49,109,69
db 83,67,32,81,32,89,27,91,48,59,51,51,109,41,32,97,110,100,32
db 114,101,97,100,32,27,91,48,59,51,52,59,49,109,116,68,111,111,100
db 108,101,46,84,120,116,32,32,32,32,32,27,91,48,59,51,55,59,49
db 109,179,13,10,212,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
db 205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
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db 205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
db 205,205,205,205,205,205,190,13,10,27,91,50,52,67,27,91,48,59,51
db 49,59,49,59,53,109,83,116,114,105,107,101,32,97,110,121,32,107,101
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