Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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@ART PAL 10J = <BI>(All of the programs listed here are available
from the DataCOM Super Systems BBS in Clearwater, FL., (813) 796-5627. These
are shareware IBM-PC programs, please support the authors and register
the programs that you use regularly.)<D>
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J = <B>LSU503.ARC<D> Laserjet Setup Utility version 5.03 by
Guy Gallo. Laserjet Setup Utility functions as either: 1) a utility
to set various parameters on the Laserjet family of printers so that
software which does not fully address these printers can be made to
use fonts and functions that would otherwise be inaccessible, or 2)
as a stand alone program to print ASCII text files, and to address
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J = <B>GIFPUB13.ARC<D> GIFPUB is a conversion utility
that converts the colored GIF pictures and any of the following listed
below to a dithered (Floyd-Steinberg) Black & White image and save
it to a .PCX (ZSoft PC Paintbrush) file for use in PFS:First Publisher,
Ventura Publisher, Publisher's Paintbrush, and PC Paintbrush+; if
the file is renamed to .PCC you can also import the file into Aldus
Pagemaker. GIFPUB is graphics card independent - NO VIDEO CARD IS
NECESSARY. You can save and load images without viewing them. For
viewing, GIFPUB supports video modes in CGA (640x200), Hercules (720x348),
EGA (640x350), VGA (640x480) AND Extended EGA or SuperVGA (to 2KB
x 2KB). GIFPUB converts your colored pictures to 256 grey shades
on a 64 grey scale continuum, which you can then adjust the brightness
and contrast levels through sophisticated Grey Scale Skewing (Brightness
Adjustment) and Histogram-based Contrast Stretching algorithms, respectively. GIFPUB
uses the Floyd-Steinberg algorithm for dithering pictures; this error-distributed
technique provides the illusion of a continuous grey scale limited
only by your printer or video resolution.
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J = <B>LSRMISR.ARC<D> LaserMiser is a utility for Hewlett-Packard
LaserJets that prints multiple page-images on one sheet of paper. This
trial version that you are now evaluating prints: Two page images
on one side of a sheet of paper, with 80 bytes per line, 72 lines
per page image, consisting of; One heading line, One blank line, and
Seventy data lines. LaserMiser version 2, which is furnished to registered
users, can print four images per sheet of paper by utilizing both
sides of the sheet. In duplex mode, LM prints one side of the paper
and then pauses and guides the user through the process of removing,
flipping and re-loading the paper for the side-2 print pass.
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J = <B>CH2-V10.ARC<D> CH2 v1.0 - Chapter To... - <189>
1989, Just Plain Folks. Ventura Publisher uses the CHP file to store
information about the locations of all the components of a document.
If you want to move a chapter to a different drive or directory, Ventura
forces you to use a utility in the multi-chapter menu. It's a little
time consuming. CH2 allows you to update a CHP file to properly reflect
it's location, without leaving DOS's command line. If you're in the
habit of storing all of a document's files in a single directory,
you're in luck -- CH2 is written with you in mind. When CH2 modifies
a chapter, it assumes that the associated style sheet, text, and graphics
files are in the same directory.
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J = <B>TIFF101.ARC<D> TIFFANY version 1.01 records any
part, or all, of the MS Windows display using the <169>Tag Image File
Format<170> (TIFF). The image file can then be used in a variety
of desktop publishing or image manipulation applications. Options
available include record active window, record entire application
window, or record entire screen. You can also use a rubberband box
to select only the part of the screen desired. The Tiffany utility
is very handy for those who are documenting Windows applications for
user manuals.
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J = <B>VPIC13.ARC<D> VPIC.EXE ver 1.3 by Bob Montgomery.
This is a file viewer for VGA/EGA with the following features: Now
does MAC, PCX, and ColorRix viewing, in addition to GIF. Added configuration
option for all VGA boards using Tseng, Paradise, Everex, or Video
7 chip sets; see configuring VPIC below. Added EGA/VGA mode toggle
from menu. Added default resolution set, and mode lock key from menu.
Added saves to Targa 16, ColoRix, and Deluxe Paint 2 formats. Now
allows adjustment of picture color and VGA contrast and brightness.
Saves to GIF, PC Paint/Pictor, ZSoft, ColoRix, Targa, and Dr. Halo
formats in VGA or EGA. Now handles up to 500 files. Determines equipment
and uses VGA where possible. Very fast GIF decoding. Menu driven
for selecting file(s) to view; returns with cursor at last position. Shows
specified files like a slide show. /R option allows an application
program to show a file and regain control. Gives much better EGA
color rendition.
@ART PAL 10J =
@ART PAL 10J = <B>TIFF.ARC<D> TIFF file display program by Markham
Thomas, version 1.3. This is a simple TIFF file reader program that
uses either EGA or VGA graphics for screen display. If a VGA is present
you can use the /g switch following the TIFF filename to specify a
gray-scaled display. Later on will be support for extended VGA graphics
modes such as: 640x480x8 and 800x600x8. Currently an 8bit/sample
image is displayed with 4bit/sample. Use the /2 option to reduce the
image size by 1/2 in both vertical and horizontal directions. <188>