Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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@COVER HEAD = NPE Gears Up For Big 1989
@COVER CAPS = Out West
@COVER CAPS 2 = Ron LaFon takes us out west for another year of first-hand
desktop reviews.
@COVER CAPS 2 = New NPE feature takes a look at the latest and future
desktop publishing happenings.
@COVER CAPS = Poolside
@COVER CAPS 2 = Ed Aborn begins his 1989 poolside ramblimgs with a
bang. Even Morton Downey stops in!
@CONTINUED ON = See <169>NPE<170> on page 9
@OUT WEST HD 2 = Ron LaFon is the West Coast Editor of the NPE Monthly
as well as Managing Editor of the Strawberry Press in Sonoma, California.
Ron is also co-sysop of The Other Woman BBS and co-host of the desktop
publishing forum on SUMMIT.
@CONTINUED ON = See <169>Out West<170> on page 9
@14 SWISS = A View From The Top...
@14 SWISS =
@18 SWISS = Memory Requirements - Ventura 2.0
@18 SWISS = Features: Screen drivers
@SIDE BAR = This article is #2 in a series of Ventura Publisher Application
notes by John Meyer, Ventura Software.
@SIDE BAR = <189> 1989 - John Meyer, used by special permission.
@CONTINUED ON = See <169>App Notes<170> on page 4
@CONTINUED ON = See <169>App Notes<170> on page 5
@FROM = From <169>App Notes<170> on page 3
@FROM = From <169>App Notes<170> on page 4
@SIDE BAR = <169>All The News
@SIDE BAR = That'll Fit<170>
@SIDE BAR = Ron LaFon
@CONTINUED ON = See <169>DTP Wire<170> on page 10
@14 SWISS = National Online Service Announced
@14 SWISS =
@18 SWISS = SUMMIT Telecommunications Announces Multi-Tasking Information
Network for Personal Computers
@SIDE BAR = Press Release from Bryan Eggers, V.P. of Marketing, SUMMIT
@SIDE BAR = 5707 Corsa Ave. Westlake Village, CA 91362
@SIDE BAR = (818) 707-9991
@CONTINUED ON = See <169>SUMMIT<170> on page 10
@POOLSIDE W/ED = With Ed Aborn
@SIDE BAR = This month Ed takes us poolside for a stranger than usual
discussion of his usual unrelated topics.
@CONTINUED ON = See <169>Poolside<170> on page 10
@FROM = From <169>NPE<170> on page 1
@FROM = From <169>Out West<170> on page 2
@FROM = From <169>DTP Wire<170> on page 6
@FROM = From <169>SUMMIT<170> on page 7
@FROM = From <169>Poolside<170> on page 8
@EA 1 = The EPE is a service of Ed Aborn and Today's Future Publishing
Company, Inc.
@EA 2 = The EPE, one of the nation's founding and most popular desktop
publishing BBS's now has a special "Fast Access" line that lets you
contact the board without having to fight with over 1000 people to
get through. A yearly subscription of just $35 will give you 60 full
minutes a day, unlimited downloading, access to the new line and more!
@EA 2 = Plus I greatly appreciate those who help me with the board.
Going strong since 1987, the Eastern Publisher's Exchange BBS remains
a desktop publishing favorite!
@EA 2 = Send subscriptions to:
@EA 2 = Today's Future Publishing
@EA 2 = P.O. Box 291064
@EA 2 = Tampa, FL 33687
@EA 3 = Again, thanks in advance to those who help!