Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Chapter 1: Software
This page is inserted to provide a "Last Match" for header.
@PAGE END = To run TOC: change "Chapter 1: Software" tag to Body Text.
@MENU = Miscellaneous
@QUESTION = What word processors<$IWord Processors, compatible> and
graphic file formats<$IGraphics, compatible> are compatible with Ventura?
@VERPATCH = 1.0, 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Word Processors: Version 1.0--Xerox Writer, Wordstar, Multimate,
Microsoft Word, WordPerfect and any program that can export a standard
ASCII file. Additional for Version 1.1(all)--XyWrite, DCA, and separate
filters for WordStar US and WordStar UK.
@ANSWER2 = Graphics Software: Line Art, Version 1.0: Lotus 1-2-3 .PIC,
AutoCAD .SLD, GEM Draw .GEM, GEM Graph .GEM, Mentor Graphics, DXF;
Line Art, additional for Version 1.1(all)--VideoShow, Mac PICT, CGM,
Encapsulated PostScript, HPGL. Image Art, Version 1.0: GEM Paint,
PC Paintbrush; Image Art, additional for Version 1.1(all)--Halo DPE,
Mac Paint.
@QUESTION = I am trying to use an @@ symbol in Ventura by entering
it through my word processor. After I saved my document and recalled
it the @@ symbol was missing. Why?
@ANSWER = The @@ symbol is a command type character to Ventura. In
order to get the symbol to work enter it twice in succession.<$I@@
symbol in Ventura>
@QUESTION = Is ANSI.SYS required in the Config.sys file in order to
run Ventura?
@ANSWER = No.<$IANSI.SYS requirement>
@QUESTION = Are there any caveats for installing Version 1.1?
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Yes. In addition to normal precautions such as insuring
that there is adequate disk space, the VENTURA directory should be
empty or nonexistent prior to installation. This is important if you
are reinstalling Ventura for any reason or are installing an upgraded
(patched) version of the software. There was also an interim upgrade
of Version 1.0 called Version 1.01 which used a Ventura directory;
if upgrading to Version 1.1 from that version, the same precaution
applies--delete the Ventura directory before installing.<$IVersion
1.1 - installation caveats>
@QUESTION = Does Ventura run under DesqView?
@ANSWER = Although it has not been officially tested, it has been
reported that Ventura will run under DesqView provided that the user
has at least 1 Megabyte of EMS memory. Xerox does not support or guarantee
the performance of Ventura in this environment.<$IDesqView - compatibility>
@QUESTION = I am trying to insert my company name in to the user hyphenation
dictionary. Whenever the name appears, it does not hyphenate. The
name is AtLas*Graphics. I inserted At-Las*- Graph-ics into the user
@ANSWER = Ventura ignores the * character in the dictionary file. When
you type the name in your document Ventura cannot find a match in
the dictionary because it does not recognize the *.
@QUESTION = Does Ventura support the <$IRussian language>Russian language?
@ANSWER = No. Ventura does not support Russian or any other "Cyrillic"
@QUESTION = I have created a large chapter file using one text file
with frames, images and graphics throughout I have reached the point
that the file is becoming to large to handle as one chapter. How
can I break the chapters up and retain the <$IChapter files - splitting
complex>positioning of frames, images and graphics?
@ANSWER = Find a logical breaking point roughly halfway through your
chapter. Ideally, a place where a new paragraph starts at the top
of a page. Within your wordprocessor make two new files, one contain
all text before the break point and one containing all text after
the break point (the break point being the first line of the paragraph
which started the new page). Do NOT delete the original text file.
@ANSWER2 = Load the chapter as you have before (lets assume this chapter
is 30 pages long with the break point at the top of page 17). Select
the underlying page and remove your original text file from the list
of files. This will leave thirty blank pages with frames, images
and graphics exactly where they need to be. Now load the first new
file you created, the one with all the text before the break point. You
should see that the text has completely filled the first 16 pages
with all frames, images and graphics in the correct places. Now go
to page 17 (which will be blank) and delete pages 17 through 30. Next
do a SAVE AS giving this "first half" a new chapter name. Doing SAVE
AS will leave the original chapter intact.
@ANSWER2 = Now reload the original chapter and remove the original
text file from the list of files as we did in the paragraph above. Next
delete the first 16 blank pages so that the 17th page of the original
file has now become page one. Now load the second text file which
contains the second half of the original text. The result should
produce a file in which all frames, images and graphics are in the
same relative position to the text as they were in the original chapter
file. Last step, do another SAVE AS giving the "second half" a new
chapter name.
@ANSWER2 = The final result will be three chapter files. The original
file which has remained unchangedpter that contains all text, frames,
images and graphics for the first 16 pages of the original chapter
andpter file which contains all text, frames, images and graphics
for pages 17-30 of the original chapter.
@QUESTION = I've tried to load a file into Ventura which is well <$IFiles
- Small file won't load>below the published limitations concerning
file size. I still get an error which saves that there is not enough
memory to load this file. Why won't it load into Ventura?
@VERPATCH = 1.0 limitation--fixed in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Although the manual references files sizes which should
load into Ventura there are certain other caveats which also affect
file loading. Probably the one area that causes the most confusion
is the format of the text file to be loaded. Files that contain lists
with a paragraph end at the end of each line and one or more tabs
on each line are SIGNIFICANTLY different from files which contain
large paragraphs of text with only one or two paragraph ends per Ventura
page. Tabs and Paragraph ends are memory intensive and, in high concentration,
will cause Ventura to display a valid memory loading error message
even though the text file size would lead you to believe that Ventura
should easily load the file.
@QUESTION = When I read in an AutoCad .SLD file the lines appear thicker
than when the file was originated in AutoCad. The lines <$IAutoCad
line thickness>also print thicker.
@ANSWER = This is actually a screen resolution issue. As Ventura
creates the lines on the screen the thickness of a given line may
fall between two pixel widths. Consequently, if Ventura adds a pixel
the line will appear thicker, if it drops a pixel the line will appear
thinner. The printed output will reflect what has been represented
on the screen.
@QUESTION = I tried to load a width table I had created and got <$IWidth
table - wrong format>an error message saying it wasn't in the right
@ANSWER = Further examination revealed that this customer had tried
to create a new width table on the utilities disk supplied with Ventura. There
wasn't enough disk space and a 0 byte width file was generated. Make
sure the customer copies all VFM and utilities files onto his hard
disk before he attempts any font conversions and or width table generation.
@QUESTION = When I load an ASCII text file all the text runs <$IASCII
files - loading>together with no resemblance to the original file. What
am I doing wrong?
@ANSWER = Try loading the text as a Wordstar file. The Wordstar filter
will recognize line endings that the ASCII filter might ignore.
@QUESTION = Will TXTTOPCX<$ITXTOTPCX and the Wyse 700> work with a
Wyse 700<$IWyse 700 and TXTTOPCX>?
@ANSWER = No, not providing the resolution you would expect. TXTTOPCX
may work with the Wyse 700, MDS Genius, Hercules Graphics Card or
the Xerox Full Page Display using the O screen option.
@QUESTION = I'm trying to create<$IAlt key problems> a trademark
character using the ALT key and 191 from the numeric pad and it is
not working.
@ANSWER = Check for background utilities which may alter keyboard
functionality. SuperKey, for example, disables the ALT key.
@QUESTION = Can I use <$IPC Paintbrush - Full Page Display>PC Paintbrush+
with the Xerox Full Page Display?
@ANSWER = Yes. PC Paintbrush+ comes with a driver which supports
the Xerox Full Page Display.
@QUESTION = Can I use a <$IFonts - condensed>condensed font in Ventura? What
will the screen look like?
@ANSWER = You can use a condensed font, but Ventura screen fonts can
not duplicate the appearance of a condensed font, consequently, Ventura
adjusts the space width between words to <169>compress<170> the text. You
will see the correct representation of line endings, paragraph endings,
etc. on the screen but the words will appear closer together. The
printed output will produce the proper character width and spacing.
@QUESTION = I <$IChapters - combining>have a text file which is too
large to bring into Ventura in one chapter file. I have divided the
file into two text files and created two chapter files within Ventura. How
can I get the two chapters to print as though they were one chapter? Right
now chapter 1 finishes with about ten lines of text on the last page,
how do I get chapter 2 to start on the same page chapter 1 ended on.
@VERPATCH = All; primarily 1.0 issue
@ANSWER = The easiest solution to this problem is to move those ten
lines of text from chapter 1 to chapter 2 so that chapter 1 ends at
the end of a page. Then chapter 2 will continue the document beginning
at the top of the next page. Use the page counter to start page numbering
in chapter 2 to follow the last page number from chapter 1. Note:
This situation arose more often with Version 1.0 than with Version
1.1, because 1.1 can handle much larger chapters.
@QUESTION = <$IMentor Graphics>What Version of Mentor Graphics is
Ventura compatible with?
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = There is only one Version of Mentor Graphics available for
the PC. It is the <MU>PC version<D> that Ventura is compatible with.
@QUESTION = <$IWidth table - typefaces>How many typefaces can be contained
in one width table?
@VERPATCH = 1.0, 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = The maximum number of typefaces in one width table is eight
in Version 1.0. In Version 1.1 there is no practical limit.
@QUESTION = How can I insert a true ASCII tab character in my <$IASCII
tab character>word processing documents to be imported to Ventura?
@ANSWER = You can insert a true ASCII tab character by typing <<9>>. This
applies for word processors and any ASCII text file.
@QUESTION = Why are columns in ASCII files brought into Ventura <$IText
alignment>not aligning properly even when I use Courier fixed space
@VERPATCH = 1.0 problem--fixed in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = It is due to the space width used as a default by Ventura,
change the Ems spacing in alignment to equal .6 Ems. You can do this
by changing the Normal and Minimum space width to a measurement less
than one (on the Xerox 4045 the measure is .83 for space width other
printers will vary).
@QUESTION = I tried to load a DBASE III file which was output <$IDBASE
III file loading>from DBASE as an ASCII file and it didn't load.
@ANSWER = Try deleting and retyping the first few lines using the
ASCII mode of your word processor to make sure there are not any hidden
control characters in the file. Then try importing it as a Wordstar
@QUESTION = I created an <$IPC Paintbrush image distorted>image in
PC Paintbrush yet when I load it into Ventura it does not even resemble
the original. What could be wrong.
@ANSWER = Check to see the the monitor selection for the PC Paintbrush
program matches the screen driver for Ventura. This has been the
most frequent mismatch which has led to less than satisfactory results. Make
sure PC Paintbrush is configured for the same type of screen resolution
and driver as you have installed for Ventura.
@QUESTION = I would <$IGraphics - repeating>like the same graphics
to appear on each page of my document yet when I draw the lines, they
only appear on the first page. How can I get them to repeat throughout
the document?
@ANSWER = Make sure that the graphics are "anchored" to the underlying
page when you create them. In this case, a frame had been created
on the first page and was the currently selected frame when the graphics
were drawn. When drawing or creating repeating graphics, be sure
to select the underlying page before creating the art work.
@QUESTION = Can Ventura <$IForeign language compatibility>be used
to generate foreign language documents?
@VERPATCH = 1.0, 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Yes. Ventura contains a full International character set
which will allow the user to create any of the "Romance Languages"
on the screen. Characters can be generated by using the MS-DOS keyboard
utility to activate the International character set prior to loading
Ventura. Once loaded, the user can input text and Ventura will display
the appropriate characters. (1.0) Ventura 1.0 does not provide hyphenation
for foreign languages, and has no translation capability. If the
user wants French, he will have to key in the French words.(1.1) Version
1.1 contains hyphenation capability for several foreign languages.
@QUESTION = I <$ILinking words>have got two words that I would like
to keep together regardless of where they appear on the page. How
can I do this?
@ANSWER = Instead of a plain "space" between the words, use a Non-Breaking
space (CTRL spacebar). This will supercede hyphenation and keep the
two words from being separated by a line ending, column ending or
page ending.
@QUESTION = I want to create one <$IChapter files - several in one>chapter
file which will actually contain four small chapters of information. How
can I set up Headers to allow me to show the chapter number and page
number (i.e., 2 - 5) of each page? Doesn't page numbering run through
the whole chapter file?
@ANSWER = You can create the appearance of multiple chapters within
one chapter file. Assuming each <169>Chapter<170> contains a line
which says <170>Chapter 1, Chapter 2,<170> etc. you can create a separate
tag (i.e., Chapter Num) for that information. If you want <169>Chapter
1<170> tag the word chapter and the number. If you want only the
number to appear, tag only the number.
@ANSWER2 = Now go to the Page menu under Headers and Footers, turn
on the Headers for the left and right pages. Decide which side of
the page you want the chapter number to appear and move the cursor
to that line. Select 1st Match from the boxes at the lower portion
of the dialog box. You will see [ ag name] appear on the line with
the cursor. Use the cursor positioning keys to move the cursor inside
the right bracket and then the backspace key to erase <169>tag name<170>
leaving [<< ]. Now enter the tag name you assigned to the Chapter
number (i.e., Chapter Num). The line should now look like this [hapter
Num]. Next move the cursor outside the right bracket and add whatever
separator you would like to see between the chapter designator and
the page number (space, dash, slash, etc.). Select [P#] from the
boxes at the lower portion of the dialog box. This will place either
<170>Chapter 1<170> or <169>1<170> in the header followed by the separator
and the page number.
@ANSWER2 = Now that you have established your Header, page through
the document to determine where each <169>chapter<170> starts. Initially,
you will find that the first page of each <169>chapter<170> will have
the correct chapter number but be sequentially numbered from the first
page of the document. To change this, repeat the following procedure
on the first page of each <169>chapter<170>, go to the Page menu and
restart the page counter from <169>1<170>. You should now have the
Chapter number followed by the page number on the top of each page
with the correct numbering for each <169>chapter<170>.
@QUESTION = I just loaded a <$IChapter file appearance>chapter file
into Ventura and it does not <$IStyle sheets>look like it did when
I last saved it. Why does it look different?
@ANSWER = Remember that the format of each document (page layout,
margins, fonts, width tables, etc.) is controlled by the style sheet
associated with the document. If you modify a style sheet for a particular
document, all other documents which use that style sheet will also
be affected. Consideration should be taken before saving changes
to a style sheet. If the style sheet is used by several other documents,
it might be advisable to create a new style sheet by using the <169>Save
as New Style<170> option in the File Menu.
@ANSWER2 = Also remember that after a chapter is saved, the style
sheet used for that chapter is retained on the screen and in memory. If
you exit Ventura the last style sheet used will be in memory when
you next execute VP. Check that it is the correct style sheet for
your next project before loading new text files and changing tag attributes
or page layouts.
@QUESTION = I have a 60 MB <$IPartitioned hard disks>hard disk which
is partitioned into six ten megabyte partitions. I installed Ventura
onto the E drive, but when I use the backup button to search other
directories it only gives me a choice between A B or E. Why can't
I access the other drives?
@VERPATCH = 1.0 limitation--improved in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Unfortunately, the inability to list other drives by using
the backup button is a restriction imposed by the GEM environment. You
can, however, access data on these drives by going to the directory
line and inserting the appropriate drive letter and file filter (i.e.,
*.TXT) for the text or pictures you want to retrieve. Another way
is also available in Version 1.1 (but not in Version 1.0): in the
VP.BAT file, at the end of the line which begins with DRVRMRGR, add
<169>X=/N:<170> (not including the quotes), where N is replaced by
the drive designator; do this for each drive you want to add. For
example, to add drives D and E, the line would end with.../X=D:/X=E:
@QUESTION = Is there a limit as to the number of <$IPictures - limit>pictures
I can place on one page?
@ANSWER = There are a number of factors that influence the answer
to this question. First, the kind of printer in use can affect the
number of pictures on a page and second, the kind of "picture" to
displayed also has to be taken into consideration. Page description
languages like PostScript can support virtually as many pictures (either
images or line art) as you would like to place on a page. Other laser
devices like the Xerox 4045, JLaser board and LaserJet are restricted
by processor bit buffer size as to the number of images they can support
on each page. The 4045 and LaserJet will support about four images
per page and the JLaser will support six. Line art is not restricted
by memory in any of these devices.
@QUESTION = When I tried to bring up <$IStart up problems> Ventura,
the system hung and appeared to be trying to load something from the
A: drive. I tried all the diskettes, and finally when I inserted
disk #11 into the system it came up. Why do I have to have a diskette
in the A: drive to bring up Ventura?
@ANSWER = A properly loaded Ventura system does not require a diskette
in drive A:. Upon further examination, it was determined that this
user had modified his autoexec.bat file and inserted an incorrect
path statement, set up to look first at the A: drive, which was causing
this problem. Once the path statement was corrected, Ventura loaded
@QUESTION = When I <$IStart up Problems>tried to load Ventura I got
a message on the screen that said, "The New Width Table file couldn't
be loaded. You may wish to try reloading this width file after doing
a "New". For now, we are using the current file instead". My only
option was to indicate OK, and when I did the program aborted. What
is happening?
@ANSWER = You do not have enough memory available to load Ventura. As
it turns out this particular machine had 640k bytes of memory, however,
there were background utilities loaded that the customer had forgotten,
leaving only 415k bytes of memory available when they attempted to
load Ventura. Either reboot the system, or clear the utilities from
@QUESTION = What do I need to display Ventura in <$IColor display
- 6065>color on a Xerox<$IXerox W45 board> 6065?
@ANSWER = You will need to add the color graphics adaptor board part
number W45. This board provides the following additional capabilities: 1)
Three additional 640x400 bit planes, 2) Software controlled Look Up
Tables, 3) The ability to display 16 colors simultaneously and 4)
The ability to display characters and graphics simultaneously.
@QUESTION = Will I need to reinstall or modify <$IColor installation>Ventura
to run in color on a<$IColor display - 6065> Xerox 6065?
@ANSWER = Yes. You will have to reinstall Ventura and Select M (the
AT&T Display Enhancement Board) for the monitor selection.
@QUESTION = I would like to get information about the data contained
in the <$IChapter file - content>chapter file, what it means and how
I can modify it.
@VERPATCH = All; note regarding 1.1(patch 2)
@ANSWER = The data in the chapter file, is utilized by Ventura to
link all parts of a chapter together (text, style sheet, pictures,
caption files, etc.). How Ventura uses this data is proprietary information
and obviously cannot be released. Any attempt to modify the data
contained in the chapter file could seriously alter the document,
when loaded producing less than satisfactory results or failing to
load altogether. It is NEVER recommended that the user attempt to
edit the chapter file; for those who choose to attempt it, the only
guidance that can be provided is contained in the Patch 2 upgrade
notes for the Version 1.1 Reference Guide.
@QUESTION = How are <$IGraphics loading>graphics accepted from graphics
@ANSWER = Draw a box (called a <169>Frame<170> in Ventura Publisher),
and then point to the name of the picture file you wish to place in
the frame.
@QUESTION = Does <$IIntegration - text/graphics>Ventura have full
integration of graphics and text?
@ANSWER = Ventura completely integrates text and pictures. What you
see on the screen is exactly what will print. Pictures are moved
around the screen by simply <169>dragging<170> them from one place
to another. The text <169>flows<170> around the new picture location.
@QUESTION = Does <$IClip art>Ventura Publisher provide clip art?
@ANSWER = No. Ventura can, however, accept clip art provided with
GEM Draw. Also, the user can design his/her own library of symbols,
and those can be used repeatedly in multiple documents.
@QUESTION = Can I do <$IForms generation>forms with Ventura Publisher?
@ANSWER = Using the graphics symbols (circles, squares, rectangles,
etc.) provided and the line drawing capabilities, froms can be created
with Ventura Publisher.
@QUESTION = Can <$IEdit pictures>Ventura edit pictures?
@ANSWER = Ventura can change the size of pictures, and can crop scanned
images. To actually edit the picture itself, you simply utilize the
original graphics program (e.g., AutoCAD, Mentor Graphics, Lotus 1-2-3,
PC Paintbrush +), with its rich set of editing features and familiar
user interface.
@QUESTION = What <$IFonts - standard>fonts are supplied with Ventura
@ANSWER = The fonts supplied depend on the printer. (A list of compatible
printers is contained in the <169>Setup and Installation<170> section
of the Reference Guide.)
@QUESTION = The <$IScreen fonts/Print fonts>screen fonts are shown
with how many dots per inch and then <$IPrint fonts/Screen fonts>printed
with how many dots per inch?
@ANSWER = A graphics board having 640x350 resolution (such as the
Hercules card or EGA) displayed on a standard PC screen, has an effective
resolution of about 75 dots per inch. Printer resolution is determined
by the printer being used (for example 300 dots per inch for lasers).
@QUESTION = Is <$IWYSIWYG>Ventura a true <169>What You See Is What
You Get<170> program? If you are using 72 point size type will it
show up as 72 point on the display?
@ANSWER = Yes.
@QUESTION = What sort of <$IHyphenation>hyphenation is provided in
Ventura Publisher?
@VERPATCH = 1.0--improved in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Ventura uses a hyphenation algorithm combined with two dictionaries. One
dictionary contains a list of words that the algorithm hyphenates
incorrectly, and the other lets the user add words that should be
hyphenated differently than the algorithm allows. The user dictionary
overrides the system dictionary and the system dictionary overrides
the algorithm. The result is accurate, fast hyphenation, with a user
dictionary for exception words. In Version 1.0, only one hyphenation
algorithm is available. In Version 1.1, there is an optional second
hyphenation algorithm which is slower but more complete; the two dictionaries
work the same way with either algorithm.
@QUESTION = What sort of <$IForeign characters>foreign characters
are provided in Ventura Publisher?
@ANSWER = Ventura provides a full international character set in one
to three typefaces depending on the printer. The typefaces provided
are Helvetica, Times Roman, and Courier (monospaced). Ventura also
provides Symbol (greek and mathematics) characters for selected printers.
@QUESTION = Do I need to <$IColor printing><$IColor display>display
in color in order to print in color?
@ANSWER = No. Color information is always stored even if your screen
can't display it. You can therefore create color documents on a monochrome
@QUESTION = Will Ventura support<$IDCA/Displaywrite III> DCA/Displaywrite
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = DCA is supported in <MU>Revisable<D> format in Version 1.1.
DCA files of this type have the extension: .RFT
@QUESTION = Can I send the <$ITransfer documents>document to another
location via disk or network?
@ANSWER = Yes. You can print to a disk file, and this file can then
be sent to a production printer or typesetter.
@QUESTION = Since <$IPlotters>GEM products print to plotters and Ventura
is GEM based, can Ventura Publisher print to plotters?
@ANSWER = No. Ventura provides a completely different set of drivers
which are designed for publishing. These drivers include downloadable
fonts. Plotters are ver inefficient for drawing large numbers of
characters at small sizes.
@QUESTION = How much <$IMemory utilization>memory does Ventura Publisher
@VERPATCH = 1.0, 1.1(unpatched & patch 1), 1.1(patch 2)
@ANSWER = (1.0) Total memory taken by Xerox Ventura Publisher, DOS
2.1, EGA screen driver, GEM system software (included with Ventura
Publisher), various graphics and screen buffers, is approximately
470K bytes. Different versions of DOS and different screen drivers
will increase or decrease this amount. The amount of hard disk space
required to support Ventura depends on what printer or printers are
installed, and how many printer fonts are loaded. Typical configurations
range from about 1.0 meagabytes for PostScript (which doesn't use
disk based fonts) to about 3.0 megabytes for the HP Laserjet and Xerox
4045 (which do use disk based fonts). (1.1) Version 1.1 requires close
to 512K (524288 bytes) of FREE memory to operate properly, which means
640K of installed memory is normally required. The amount of memory
required can be reduced by altering the VP.BAT file to include the
/A switch (Reference Guide p. C-23), but only at the cost of degrading
graphics buffer and printer buffer memory. Patch 2 (2/5/88) allows
optional loading of Ventura from the Windows Executive: if this is
done, the computer must have a minimum of 1Mb and DOS 3.1 or higher.
@QUESTION = Can I <$IColumns - maximum number> create more than 4
columns of text on the same page?
@ANSWER = Yes. Ventura allows up to eight columns of text per page
or frame, where a frame is a rectangular box placed on the page which
can hold either text or pictures. Two boxes, having eight columns,
can be placed next to each other on a page to effectively create a
sixteen column layout.
@QUESTION = Does <$IAutomatic page reformat>Ventura automatically
reformat pages when changes are made, and how long does this take?
@ANSWER = This is one of the most important features of Ventura Publisher. Any
change made to the size of a picture, or any addition or deletion
of text will automatically reformat the current page. As soon as
any other page is accessed, this page will also be re-formatted. A
typical four column page on a Xerox 6065 or Compaq Deskpro takes under
one second to reformat.
@QUESTION = What <$IScientific capabilities>scientific capabilities
(e.g., equations) does Ventura have?
@ANSWER = Ventura includes a complete symbol font. This symbol font
includes both greek and math characters in several sizes. This works
well for simple equations. However, Ventura is not particularly well
suited to complex mathematical formulas like triple integrals, large
summation (sigma) signs or chemical equations.
@QUESTION = I can't get my <$IPC Paint>PC Paint files to load into
Ventura, Why?
@ANSWER = Remember that <$IPC Paintbrush>PC Paintbrush is the product
that is compatible with Ventura. The name similarities between PC
Paint and PC Paintbrush frequently causes confusion.
@QUESTION = If someone has been using <$IMacintosh file transfer>Macintosh
or <$IApple file transfer>Apple, can any of the word processing or
graphics be transferred?
@VERPATCH = 1.0--improved in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = The word processing files can be transferred using a MAC
bridge or communications programs. These files should be transmitted
as standard ASCII files. Graphics files from MAC cannot be used in
Version 1.0. Version 1.1 provides the capability to read MAC Paint
and MAC Draw files.
@QUESTION = Is there any limit to the number of pages I can have in
one <$IDocument length>document?
@VERPATCH = 1.0--improved in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Ventura formats chapters. (1.0) In Version 1.0, each chapter
can contain up to 64 files, including up to 150K bytes of text in
a 640K system. This translates to approximately 70 to 100 pages of
single spaced typewritten text. Up to 64 chapters can then be combined
together effectively creating a document of over 5,000 pages. (1.1)
Version 1.1 allows up to 128 files in a chapter, with text totalling
up to approximately 500K bytes. The number of chapters in a publication
has also been doubled to 128. Total size of a publication, however,
is effectively limited to 9999 pages, since that is the maximum number
that can be printed at once.
@QUESTION = How fast is <$IVentura speed>Ventura Publisher?
@ANSWER = Ventura is very fast compared to many other MS-DOS packages. Text
formatting speed is in excess of 20,000 characters per second on an
AT, and text screen drawing speed - with multiple fonts and columns
- takes approximately 1-1.5 seconds on an XT, and is virtually instantaneous
on an AT.
@QUESTION = Does <$IVentura/GEM>Ventura use GEM?
@ANSWER = GEM stands for Graphics Environment Manager. GEM is graphic
system software developed by Digital Research. It was used by them
to develop GEM Draw, GEM Graph, and other applications. Ventura Publisher
includes GEM system software and uses it as an interface.
@QUESTION = Can <$IVentura in color>Ventura Publisher handle color?
@ANSWER = Yes. Ventura supports up to eight colors and can print
to the Xerox 4020 Color Ink Jet printer. Using an enhanced graphics
board and color monitor, text can be displayed in color.
@QUESTION = Does <$IVentura word processor>Ventura have its own word
@ANSWER = Ventura does have its own built in word processor. This
word processor lets you edit text within multiple columns, with full
proportional spacing, real time hyphenation, and multiple fonts. The
screen shows, at all times, what will print. However, the Ventura
word processor is intended mainly for editing of files imported from
other sources, so it is less sophisticated than standalone word processors.
For example, it does not automatically scroll or move to a new page.
@QUESTION = Will my <$IWP file transfer>formatting and/or codes be
lost when I transfer a file from my regular word processor into Ventura
@ANSWER = Ventura accepts text directly from word processors and stores
text and formatting information back to the word processor. All text
attributes (e.g., boldface and underline) and paragraph format information
(called Tags) are passed freely back and forth. However, since Ventura
Publisher is a typesetting-like product, the word processor concepts
of centering, double spacing, headers, footers, footnotes, and auto-
numbering (to name a few) are totally different. Therefore this information
is ignored and not used.
@QUESTION = Can I <$IEditing capabilities>edit my document within
Ventura and also within my word processor?
@ANSWER = Yes. Any changes made in Ventura will be saved back in
the original word processing file in its native file format (if supported),
and any changes made in the word processor will be shown in the Ventura
@QUESTION = I tried to co<$IDXF file conversion>nvert a DXF file using
Ventura's DXF to GEM utility. The program started out OK but then
the system locked up. Can you tell me why?
@ANSWER = Typically a DXF to GEM conversion takes a long time to complete
(10 to 15 minutes) and it may appear as if the system has <169>locked
up<170>. To determine if this is the case, watch the disk write light,
there should be some disk activity (disk write light flashing) during
the conversion process.
@QUESTION = Can I load files created by P<$IPFS Word Processor>FS
word processor?
@ANSWER = The PFS Word is not one of the word processors currently
supported by Ventura. Ventura can, however, read files generated
by virtually any word processor if they are output in a straight ACSII
@QUESTION = Does Ventura support 10 po<$ICourier type>int courier
@VERPATCH = 1.0, 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = As a built-in font, Ventura supports Courier type only in
12 point, except in PostScript. To support other sizes, additional
printer fonts must be added as described in Appendix K of the Reference
Guide. Font addition in Version 1.0 did not work properly for printers
other than PostScript, but generally works in 1.1 for all of the printers
described in Appendix K. The only exception is the Xerox 4045: fonts
larger than about 14 points are divided into segments, and the Ventura
utility accesses only the first segment of added fonts.
@QUESTION = I have been usin<$IGEM Compatibility>g GEM and recently
received and loaded Ventura. Now when I retrieve some of my GEM files
they don't look right. What is the problem?
@VERPATCH = 1.0 problem--fixed in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = There is a known software bug in GEM that, operating as
a standalone product, is not evident. However, when Ventura Version
1.0 is installed, it uses the same directories as GEM and modifies
certain GEM files, causing this bug to appear. Ventura Version 1.1
corrects this problem by using a different directory structure which
does not overlap the directories used by GEM software.
@QUESTION = I understand there are some problems using G<$IGEM - Ventura
Workaround>EM with Ventura Publisher, is there any workaround that
will allow them to coexist without affecting each other?
@VERPATCH = 1.0 problem--fixed in 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = This problem exists only with Version 1.0, due to the fact
that it uses a directory structure which is the same as that for GEM
software. This causes certain GEM and Ventura software files to come
into conflict. Ventura Version 1.1 solves this problem by using a
different directory structure. If the user has DOS Version 3.0 or
higher you can install Ventura 1.0 and GEM separately in a way that
they will not affect each other. This is done by using the SUBST
utility to <169>trick<170> the computer into thinking it has another
drive. The procedure is as follows (this procedure assumes that Ventura
Publisher was originally installed on the C drive. If not, merely
substitute the correct drive letter):
@ANSWER2 = 1) Make sure the user has all the original distribution
disks for the GEM Desktop. This procedure will erase the original
Desktop and all GEM system software.
@ANSWER2 = 2) Use the DIR command to make sure the DOS SUBST program
is contained in the root directory. If not, copy it into the root
@ANSWER2 = 3) Create a directory called NEWDRIVE by executing the
following command:
@ANSWER2 = 4) Have the user use the ASCII mode of their wordprocessor
to make the following the first command in their AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
@ANSWER2 = This <169>fakes<170> the computer into thinking it has
another disk drive called the D: drive. In reality, this <169>new
drive<170> is actually the NEWDRIVE subdirectory on the C: drive.
@ANSWER2 = 5) Type the following command from the C: prompt:
@ANSWER2 = 6) Delete all files from the GEMSYS subdirectory by executing
the following commands:
DEL *.* <R>
Are you sure?(Y/N) Y
@ANSWER2 = 7) Delete all GEM files from the GEMBOOT subdirectory by
executing the following commands:
@ANSWER2 = 8) Delete the Ventura Publisher application and hyphenation
files by executing the following commands:
DEL *.* <R>
Are you sure?(Y/N)Y<R>
RD <R>
@ANSWER2 = 9) Delete all files in your TYPESET directory by executing
the following commands:
@ANSWER2 = <B>CAUTION!<P12> <P255D>If the user has created any chapter
files which he would like to save, use the Multi-chapter feature to
copy the chapters to a temporary subdirectory or to a diskette. This
would also apply to any style sheets he has modified or created and
any other data he may have copied into TYPESET after initially loading
DEL *.* <R>
Are you sure?(Y/N)Y<R>
CD\ <R>
RD <R>
@ANSWER2 = 10) Install Ventura Publisher by inserting Disk #1 into
the A: drive and typing A:VPPREP. When the system asks, <169>Is your
hard disk drive C?<170> respond with N. Then, type D. This will
install Ventura Publisher into the <169>D<170> drive.
@ANSWER2 = 11) When Ventura Publisher is finished installing, copy
the VP.BAT file to the root directory by executing the following command:
@ANSWER2 = 12) Use the ASCII mode of your wordprocessor to make the
first line in the VP.BAT file read as follows:
@ANSWER2 = 13) Install the GEM Desktop.
@ANSWER2 = One note: You will not be able to execute Ventura Publisher
from the GEM Desktop. You will have to return to DOS and then type
@QUESTION = Is there any way to make<$IGEM Desktop 2.1 - with Ventura>
Ventura accessible from the GEM Desktop version 2.1?
@ANSWER = Ventura is not designed to be operated that way, and therefore
all the possible incompatibilites are not known. Ventura doubts whether
this will work and does not recommend the user attempt it.
@QUESTION = I have been experiencing periodic <$ILockups>lockups and
get occasional "Internal System Error"<$I"Internal System Error" message>
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)--improvement in 1.1(patch 2)
@ANSWER = Try deleting all .INF<$IINF files> files in the VENTURA
directory. These files contain all the reference information that
is written out when you exit Ventura. If one of these files becomes
corrupted it could cause erratic performance. Just enter from the
root directory:
@ANSWER2 = Version 1.1 Patch 2 (2/5/88) incorporates changes to eliminate
most "Internal System Error" problems.
@QUESTION = Can I superscript<$ISuperscripted footnote reference>
the footnote <$IFootnote reference - superscripted>that appears next
to the footnote text at the bottom of the page?
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = You cannot use superscript as such, but if you are numbering
footnote on a page by page basis and do not have more than nine references
on a page, there is a workaround:<R>
In paragraph mode, select the Z_FNOT # tag and go into Special Effects/Set
Font. Select Big First Character, reduce the point size, and use
Shift Up to position the number in the desired superscripted position. Since
First Big Character only works on one character, this can only be
used for footnotes 1 through 9.
@QUESTION = How do I change the<$IHyphenation - changing> hyphenation
of the word include from "in-clude" to "incl-ude"?
@ANSWER = You can custom modify hyphenation by adding in alphabetic
order the words you wish to modify with an ASCII text editor. The
file to be modified is in the Ventura sub-directory and is named HYPHUSER.DIC. Adding
the word "incl-ude" to the list in correct alphabetic order causes
the word to hypenate as requested. Wordstar in Non-document mode,
or Norton Editor or Edlin may be used.
@QUESTION = Why am I having problems running Ventura<$IDOS 3.3 - on
XT or AT> on my XT or AT, which is equipped with the latest version
of DOS, 3.3?
@ANSWER = In recent conversations with customers there seems to be
a problem running DOS 3.3 on an AT or XT. The I/O for the hard disk
is made for the OS/2 systems and seems to overrun the interrupts which
causes the hard drive to sometime hang. It will appear to have generated
a hardware problem, i.e. lost clusters when writing or system hanging
when reading. It is advisable if the customer is experiencing this
type of problem that they re- gen the system for DOS 3.2. IBM has
said there is no problem, but many of the trade magazines have written
articles to address this.
@QUESTION = I chose the<$IHelvetica Condensed - squeezed onscreen>
Helvetica Condensed font and all the letters in the paragraph<$IOnscreen
text is squeezed> are touching each other, why?
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Ventura has a limited number of screen fonts in the standard
package, Helvetica Condensed is not one of them. When this font is
chosen, Ventura uses the standard Helvetica screen font and applies
the spacing for the condensed font (which is much tighter than normal
Helvetica spacing) this accounts for the text looking "tight" on the
@QUESTION = I just installed<$IPatched software - won't load> Patch
1. Now Ventura won't load: <$IVentura won't load - just patched> drops
out to DOS or locks up.
@VERPATCH = 1.1(patch 1, patch 2)
@ANSWER = Customer had not deleted the contents of the \VENTURA directory
before reinstalling with the patched software. When this is not done,
system files often are not rewritten correctly.
@ANSWER2 = If this problem is suspected, the date of files in the
\VENTURA directory can be compared with those on the patch disk. In
this case, VP.APP showed a date of 5/12/87 (unpatched version) instead
of 7/16/87 (patched version). Printer driver files are also prone
to this problem.
@QUESTION = The customer was using "Shift: Up & Down" in "Set Font"
in Text Mode. The manual<$ISet Font "shift" values> states that the
value <<Jnnn>> may range from -127 to +127. However, when the customer
viewed his text file in the word processor, the values were out of
range. He had <<J181>> if he shifted up by a quarter of an inch, and
<<J226>> if he shifted up by one tenth of an inch. He wanted to know
why the values were not as stated in the manual.
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = There was a programming oversight when writing out the Shift
Up values. They were not converted back to the ranges stated. However,
they still perform correctly and can be entered in the text editor
following the instructions in the manual.
@ANSWER2 = The SHIFT DOWN values are translated correctly in the text
editor. However, the SHIFT UP values wlll always be displayed as a
larger number in the text file. To determine the correct value once
the number has been written out to the word processing file, the customer
can subtract that number from 256. For example, 181 from 256 yields
+75, or shifted up one-quarter of an inch.
@QUESTION = The user was<$ICursor, text - misplaced> having problems
with the cursor jumping over one character when editing. For example,
at a point in the text which has a space, followed by the word "See"
in parentheses, the cursor was placed between the space and the first
parenthesis. When the delete key was pressed, the capital "S" was
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = This elusive problem has cropped up erratically for a long
time in various ways. In this case, it appears that the user did not
have the screen fonts to support his odd size added printer fonts.
He was using Bookman 11 points with a Sigma SD_vpoda screen driver.
Debra suggested that he edit in 12 points and then shift back to 11
points when his document was completed and ready to print, and this
solved the problem in his case. A total reason and solution for this
has not yet been found in all cases.
@QUESTION = Can I run Ventura under the GEM<$IGEM 3.0 Desktop - compatibility>
3.0 Desktop?
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Several customers have called and asked about running Ventura
under the GEM DESKTOP. A recent article stated:
@ANSWER2 = "Xerox Ventura Publisher and GEM/3 are now totally compatible.
You can run Ventura Publisher from GEM Desktop or DOS using GEM/3.
Existing Ventura drivers are now GEM/3 drivers. Common GEM/3 drivers
run GEM applications and Ventura Publisher."
@ANSWER2 = According to Ventura Software, DRI (Digital Research, Inc.,
producer of GEM) is still aware of some compatibility problems between
GEM and Ventura. Any user encountering problems running Ventura under
GEM, that could not be duplicated in the standard Ventura mode, should
be referred to DRI for support.
@QUESTION = Figure Spaces<$IFigure spaces - misalign with tabs> cause
misalignment when used with tabs.
@VERPATCH = 1.1(patch 1, patch 2) bug
@ANSWER = This is a problem which occurred with Version 1.1 Patch
1 (7/2/87) and has not yet been corrected as of Patch 2 (2/5/88).
In 1.1 unpatched (4/10/87) Figure Spaces and tabs worked correctly.
However, in Patch 1 and Patch 2, when Figure Spaces are combined with
RIGHT or CENTER tabs, numbers are not correctly aligned. They appear
to work correctly with LEFT aligned tabs.
@QUESTION = How many files<$IFiles - how many will display> of a particular
extension will Ventura show in the scroll<$IScroll menus - how many
files> menus, i.e., how many .STY, .CHP, or others?
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = Background: this is a limitation of the GEM environment.
According to a representative at Digital Research, "it should be 128,
but is probably more like 100."<R>
We tested it here, naming a file ZZZZ.ZZZ to be sure it was the last
one referenced, and performed a search on *.* in Ventura. What we
found was that at 102 files, Ventura beeped, as it typically does
to signal its limit, but still showed the 102nd file, ZZZZ.ZZZ. At
103 and beyond, Ventura would not show all the files. In short, it
appears 102 is the magic number, despite the beep.
@QUESTION = What is the file titled OVERFLOW.MEM<$IOVERFLOW.MEM file>
which I found in my VENTURA directory?
@VERPATCH = 1.1(all)
@ANSWER = This file is created in the Ventura subdirectory when working
with large text files. Ventura reads in approximately 6 pages at
a time and uses this file to swap out the text. This file is automatically
deleted when longer needed by Ventura. However, if any problem is
encountered when working in chapter, the file may be left in the Ventura
subdirectory. The file is usually 0 bytes and can be deleted. If
this file is present, the user should also run CHKDSK and may find
lost clusters and a large .CHK file.
@QUESTION = How can I embed a required (non-<$INon-breaking hyphen>breaking)
hyphen<$IHyphen - required, non-breaking> in Ventura text?
@ANSWER = Ventura does not support a true non-breaking or required
hyphen, either as a coded text character or by means of the user hyphenation
dictionary. However, there is a workaround.
First enter a fixed space in the location where a required hyphen
is desired. Then add an overstrike character to the required space. The
required space keeps the characters or numbers together and the overstrike
prints out to make the hyphen.