Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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339 lines
@EVAL TITLE = <189> 1988 Kerry S. Hauptli
StyList is for Ventura Publisher<190> users who have a lot of work ì
and not much time. StyList edits Ventura Publisher<190> style sheet ì
files directly, letting you set up important tag attributes in one, ì
fast operation.
Even if editing is not required, StyList provides a convenient way ì
to see key tag attributes in summary form without needing to enter ì
Ventura Publisher<190>.
Don't know if all the tags in a style sheet are needed by a text file? ì
StyList can show you which style sheet tags are actually in use.
Although StyList can operate from any floppy or rigid drive, a good ì
place for it is in the same sub-directory as your word processor. ì
For example, WordStar<190> users with sub-directory C:\WS can copy ì
the distribution files as follows:
@KEY TEXT = COPY<_>A:\<_>C:\WS
StyList can access style sheet files on any active drive and sub- ì
To run StyList, just type STYLIST followed by a style sheet filename ì
from DOS:
If no filename extension is specified, StyList will use .STY. For ì
@KEY TEXT = STYLIST<_>DEMO<_><<Enter>>
will also use file DEMO.STY. Complete drive\path\file specifications ì
are valid, e.g.,
StyList test for the presence of a color or monochrome monitor and ì
sets the corresponding screen mode on your PC. If you want to change ì
this mode, add C to the command line for color or B (or M) for black ì
and white. For example,
@KEY TEXT = STYLIST<_>DEMO<_>B<_><<Enter>>
will put StyList in monochrome mode even if a color adapter and monitor ì
are present.
When StyList first comes up from DOS, a full page window of tag names ì
(the <MI>Tag Name Window<D>) will appear:
You can select a tag using the cursor arrow keys or by typing the ì
first letter of a tag's name to jump to that letter in the window.
StyList checks for the presence of a mouse driver, for example MOUSE.COM ì
or MOUSE.SYS. If one is found, StyList will display a mouse cursor ì
(a solid character that moves with the mouse). You can then use the ì
left mouse button to select items like tag names. The right button ì
will act exactly like the <<Enter>> key on the keyboard.
Before proceeding further, you should know how to exit StyList and ì
return to DOS. Hitting <<ESCape>>, <<BackSpace>> OR <<F10>> from the <MI>Tag ì
Name Window<D> will do the job. In general, these three keys perform ì
the same function of saving changes and closing the currently open ì
window; use the key that's most convenient on your own keyboard.
If you're using a mouse, you'll see the letter Q in the lower right ì
corner of this window; move the mouse cursor to the Q and hit the ì
left button to QUIT.
Now, having selected a tag, you're ready to look at its contents. ì
Hit <<Enter>> or press the right mouse button to see its major attributes.
Having selected a tag from the <MI>Tag Name Window,<D> you're ready ì
to display that tag's contents and edit them as needed. The <MI>Tag ì
Edit Window<D> will appear as follows:
This window contains the most frequently changed items from the Ventura ì
Publisher<190> <169>Paragraph<170> pull-down menu. You can use the ì
cursor keys to navigate from field to field or, if your mouse is installed, ì
the mouse cursor and then the left mouse button to select items.
To change the value of any item selected, use either the <<Enter>> key ì
or the right mouse button.
Any item in this window can be changed, beginning with the Tag Name. ì
These operations will be described in detail.
When this <MI>Tag Edit Window<D> first appears, the TAG field will ì
be highlighted (or appear with a blinking cursor). If you want to ì
rename this tag, hit <<Enter>> and the following small window will display ì
right under the original tag name:
You can edit the tag name, or completely rename it, subject to the ì
following three rules:
@BODY IN 025 = You cannot rename the default tag, Body Text.
@BODY IN 025 = Tag names must conform to standards set by Ventura ì
Publisher<190>, e.g., up to thirteen characters in length.
@BODY IN 025 = If you create a new name that already appears in the ì
tag list, an error message will appear:
The style sheet's <F2M>drive\path\filename<F255D> appear here.
Note that StyList will also identify the source of the style sheet ì
vile, i.e., Ventura Publisher<190> version [1.1] or [2.0].
The FONT line displays the typeface and attributes that make up this ì
tag's font. With FONT selected, hit <<Enter>> or the right mouse button ì
to see the <MI>Font Window<D> below:
The typeface name shown on the underlying <MI>Tag Edit Window<D> will ì
automatically be highlighted. Use the cursor keys or mouse left button ì
to select a new typeface and then use <<Enter>> or the right button ì
to remove this window.
Select SIZE and use the + (plus) and - (minus) keys to change point ì
size. You'll probably find the +/- keys on the numeric keypad useful ì
for this purpose.
If your style sheet was created by Ventura Publisher<190> 1.1, then ì
only whole number size changes will be allowed. For version 2.0, sizes ì
will be changed in half point increments.
Following SIZE, font attributes and colors are displayed on the same ì
line. Use the <<Enter>> key or right mouse button to cycle the following ì
<MI>attribute<D> selections:
@KEY TEXT = Light
@KEY TEXT = Normal
@KEY TEXT = Bold
@KEY TEXT = Italic
@KEY TEXT = Bold Italic
Similarly, the following colors can be selected.
@KEY TEXT = White
@KEY TEXT = Black
@KEY TEXT = Green
@KEY TEXT = Blue
@KEY TEXT = Cyan
@KEY TEXT = Yellow
@KEY TEXT = Magenta
If you're using a PostScript<190> printer and have installed the special ì
effects PostScript<190> preamble file distributed with Ventura Publisher<190> ì
2.0, these colors will take on special meanings. For example, Magenta ì
will print outline fonts.
These features, and their installation, are explained in the Ventura ì
Publisher<190> 2.0 manual.
Text ALIGNMENT is cycled through the following choices:
@KEY TEXT = Left
@KEY TEXT = Center
@KEY TEXT = Right
@KEY TEXT = Decimal
@KEY TEXT = Justified
Also displayed is the WIDTH selection corresponding to the ALIGNMENT ì
choice. Two widths are available:
@KEY TEXT = Column Wide
@KEY TEXT = Frame Wide
When selected, HYPHENATION is toggled wither ON or OFF by the <<Enter>> ì
key or right mouse button. When ON, you can select which hyphenation ì
dictionary that applies to this tag from the Ventura Publisher<190> ì
Paragraph/Alignment menu.
@HEADING BOX = <_>In/Outdent Width:<_>
Move to Indent/Outdent Width with the cursor and hit <<Enter>>. This ì
field and the six spacing parameters below it are changed in a small ì
<MI>Spacing<D> window that appears in the center of the screen:
Use the number keys to enter your new value and hit <<Enter>> when finished. ì
As with Ventura Publisher<190> spacing menus, the decimal point will ì
remain in a fixed position.
Note that measurement units are initially set in inches; you can use ì
the space bar to cycle through other units of measure:
@KEY TEXT = inches
@KEY TEXT = centimeters
@KEY TEXT = picas & points
@KEY TEXT = fractional pts
With a mouse installed, placing the cursor on <169>inches<170> and ì
hitting the left button will also change units.
The six SPACING items are changed in the same way as In/Outdent width.
Use the cursor to select the item you want to modify and the <<Enter>> ì
key (or right mouse button) to open the <MI>Spacing<D> window.
Many Ventura Publisher<190> users note that the spacing measurements ì
stored in the style file may not be <MI>exactly<D> those entered. ì
For example, while 14.00 fractional points may have been requested, ì
13.98 fractional points are actually stored by the system.
These changes occur because Ventura Publisher<190> generally stores ì
spacing internally in units of 1/1200 of an inch. With version 2.0, ì
Inter-Line and Inter-Paragraph spacing are stored in more precise ì
units of 1/9600 of an inch.
StyList always converts your requested spacing to Ventura Publisher<190>'s ì
own storage system and attempts to store the item as close to your ì
requested value as possible, just as if you had entered the value ì
directly in the Paragraph menus. StyList also verifies that your spacing ì
request will not exceed the maximum that can be stored in the style ì
file. Note that this maximum will vary by item, measurements, and ì
Ventura Publisher<190> version.
Note that beside the SPACING Above line appears the item <169>Always.<170> ì
You can select when you want spacing above to be applied, just as ì
with the Paragraph/Spacing menu in Ventura Publisher<190>:
@KEY TEXT = Always
@KEY TEXT = When Not at Column Top
Position the cursor at SPECIAL EFFECTS and hit <<Enter>>. The following ì
options will be cycled.
@KEY TEXT = None
@KEY TEXT = Big First
@KEY TEXT = Bullet
The items shown below SPECIAL EFFECTS depend upon which of the above ì
you select. For example, if you want to use a Big First Character, ì
you'll see additional settings:
Font, Size, Attribute, and Color are set for SPECIAL EFFECTS the same ì
way as for the tag in general. To save space, only the Font ID number ì
is shown here; selecting Font and hitting <<Enter>> will show the complete ì
window of Font names and ID's.
Note that StyList will ensure that both Font and Size are set initially ì
to meaningful values if you have not set them previously. In both ì
cases, StyList initializes them to those of the base tag.
If Bullet is selected, an additional screen line will appear allowing ì
you to set the bullet character:
As with Font and Size, Character will be set to a default value, decimal ì
195 (the round, filled bullet), if not set previously. The Ventura ì
Publisher<190> manual contains tables listing all possible Bullet ì
characters in the International, Symbol, and Zapf Dingbat<190> character ì
Line, Column, and Page Breaks can be set quickly by positioning the ì
cursor to the desired item. The <<Enter>> key or right mouse button ì
will cycle through these alternatives:
@KEY TEXT = Before
@KEY TEXT = After
@KEY TEXT = Before & After
Just to the right of BREAKS are the Allow Within and Keep With Next ì
flags. These two items can be toggled between Yes and No when selected.
When you're ready to save your modified tag, you can remove the <MI>Tag ì
Edit Window<D> in several ways. First, if you're using a mouse, the ì
following command options will appear in the upper right corner of ì
this window:
Move the mouse cursor up to the DONE! box, hit the left button, and ì
the updated tag will be saved immediately to your style file. If you're ì
not using a mouse, hit either <<ESCape>> , <<BackSpace>> or <<F10>>.
If you discover later that further changes to this tag are in order, ì
you can always come back and edit again from the <MI>Tag Name Window.<D>
If you've made changes that you decide you want to abandon, or if ì
you want to return to the tag's contents as last saved, use UNDO. ì
With no mouse, you can use <<Control-U>> to achieve the same result. ì
Either way, all tag attributes, including the tag's name, will be ì
restored to the prior version on file.
An additional feature is available from the <MI>Tag Name Window.<D> ì
You can request StyList to read all the tags in a specified text file ì
and compare them to those in your style sheet file. You may find tags ì
in the style sheet that you no longer need or ones that can be merged ì
with other tags.
Hit F1 (Function Key F1) from the <MI>Tag Name Window<D> and the following ì
HELP pop-up will appear:
After removing this window, hit F2 to specify a text file for comparison. ì
You'll be prompted as follows:
Enter your filename (with the drive and path, if required):
StyList will then flag all the tags encountered in your text file ì
with a paragraph symbol in the <MI>Tag Name Window:
Note that certain tags are <MI>not<D> flagged. It would be highly ì
unlikely to find Body Text, the default tag, in a text file. Automatically ì
generated tags like Z_FOOTER would not appear in text files, either.
On the other hand, both Table 1 and Table Head 1 may well be unused.
F3 will clear these flags whenever you wish. If you load a second ì
text file for comparison, the flags will be cleared automatically.