@CHAPTER HEAD = Performance and Memory Enhancements
This document contains a compilation of all the performance enhancementslisted in the Xerox Ventura Publisher, Professional Extension, and NetworkServer Reference Guides. Although some of the information is repeated, itputs everything we know about Xerox Ventura Publisher performance and memoryenhancements into one document.
<$IMOUSE.COM>To assure best performance, use the ASCII text function of yourword processor to modify the file in your computer called ¼CONFIG.SYS<$ICONFIG.SYS>to contain the lines:
Any number greater than 20 also works but reduces the amount of memoryavailable for Xerox Ventura Publisher.
@KEY NOTE TEXT = Failure to add the BUFFERS statement to your CONFIG.SYSfile and specify at least BUFFERS=20 results in slower performance. Failureto add the FILES statement and specify at least FILES=20 will cause theMulti-Chapter operations to malfunction and reduce the number of bit imageswhich may be printed on certain printers.
@HEADING 3 = Improve performance<$IPerformance>
If your computer contains more than 640K RAM, you can improve performancewhen creating long documents. To do this, follow these steps:
@INSTRUCTION = Use the software supplied with your memory card to create aRAM disk using the RAM above 640K.
@INSTRUCTION = Use the ASCII function in your word processor to add<F1P12B>/O=n:<F255P255D> to the last line of the VP.BAT file, where ¥n£ is theletter of your RAM disk drive. For instance, to use a RAM disk configured asdrive D, the last line of the VP.BAT file should read:
The /S and /M options may differ depending on the screen and mouseinstalled.
<$IEMS memory>You can also improve performance if your computer contains EMSmemory. Xerox Ventura Publisher automatically places up to 90K of systemsoftware in EMS memory, if this memory is available. The amount used isshown in the Desk menu. This makes additional memory available for yourdocument, thus dramatically improving performance. (The ProfessionalExtension to Xerox Ventura Publisher places the entire document in EMSmemory and can utilize up to 32M bytes of EMS memory.)
The advanced user can edit the ¥VP.BAT£ file to quickly modify certaininstallation parameters without running VPPREP. You can also modify howXerox Ventura Publisher is loaded into memory.
The following is a VP.BAT file which shows all the possible options:
¥/S=£ Specifies the screen driver used. The extension for the screen driverdetermines the screen fonts which will initially be loaded. This can beoverridden using the ¥Set Printer Info£ option in the Options menu.
¥/M=£ Specifies the mouse port and the type of mouse. The first numberspecifies the port. 0=COM1, 1=COM2, 2 or 3 = any connection other than COMports. The second number specifies the mouse type. 0=No mouse, 1=MouseSystems or PC Mouse, 2=any mouse that used MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS,3=Microsoft Serial mouse, ¥:£= IBM PS/2 mouse.
¥/X=£ <$IItem selector;Drive names, adding>Specifies additional drives to▄j ▄include in the Item Selector. These will appear when you use the Backupbutton to move to the top level of the Item Selector. You can specify morethan one additional drive, as shown in the example.
¥/O=£ Specifies a different drive for overflow files. This allows you todirect temporary files to a RAM drive for increased performance. TheProfessional Extension to Xerox Ventura Publisher uses EMS memory,eliminating the need for this option if you have EMS memory in yourcomputer. You can also improve performance in some network installations bydirecting temporary files to your local workstation's hard disk.
¥/I=£ <$IINF files>Specifies a different directory for the INF files, whichare stored at the end of each session when you Quit from Xerox VenturaPublisher. The INF files store the following types of information betweensessions:
@LIST 2 = The measurement system (i.e, inches, centimeters, etc.) used ineach dialog box.
@LIST 2 = View menu settings
@LIST 2 = Option menu settings
@LIST 2 = Mode (Frame, Text, etc.) settings
@LIST 2 = The most recent style sheet used.
If more than one person uses the same computer, each can have his or her ownBAT file. Each BAT file can specify a different directory for the INF files.
¥/E=£<$IEMS memory> Specifies the maximum amount of EMS memory that theProfessional Extension of Xerox Ventura Publisher will consume for thedocument. You must set /E=0 for Jlaser when running the ProfessionalExtension (or set the Jlaser driver in CONFIG.SYS to pre-allocated EMS). The/E switch is not used with the non-professional version. The 90K of systemsoftware mentioned earlier in this document is still loaded into EMS memory,even if /E=0. To completely eliminate EMS usage, you must delete or renamethe GEM.EMS file in the VENTURA directory.
¥/A=£ <$IMemory;Increasing>Specifies amount of memory to take from the screengraphic buffer (which is used to display images) and screen font buffer, andadd to the text area. This effectively increases the memory available foryour document and therefore may improve performance. Any integer between 1and 32 can be specified. The number represents K-bytes of memory.
If you specify /A=0, 16K bytes of memory is taken from the screen ¥font£buffer, but none from the screen graphic buffer. Xerox Ventura Publisherwill not be able to load as many screen font files, however. Note thatcertain printers and some of the graphics converters contained in LOD filesmay not work if any number greater than 0 is used. In general, /A should beused with PostScript printers only.
¥/F=£ <$IFont memory;Increasing>Specifies the amount of memory (in K bytes) toallocate to screen font memory. If /F is not specified, 68K bytes isallocated. Use this switch if you use a large number of screen fonts. Use ofthis switch can increase screen drawing speed when using many fonts on thesame page. Since only conventional memory is used, you must specifyrelatively small numbers (the maximum is somewhere in the range of 128K to192K bytes). This switch works best when EMS memory is available and you areusing the Professional Extension, because less conventional memory is thenrequired for proper operation. Do not use both the /F switch and the /Aswitch.
@HEADING 2 = Other performance improvementstips<$ISpeed;Printing><$IPrinting;Speed, improving><$IFonts;Downloading toprinter><$IPerformance;Improvements>
For advanced users, the following changes can dra¼matically improve Xerox▄j ▄Ventura Publisher's performance.
@HEADING 3 = Downloading fonts
If you own a LaserJet Plus, LaserJet Series II, or compatible printer, XeroxVentura Publisher automatically copies fonts from the computer to theprinter as needed during the ¥To Print£ operation (File menu). This featuremakes Xerox Ventura Publisher simple to use, but it can result in long printtimes if each page in your document uses different fonts than the previouspage. In addition, the first page will always take longer to print because<MI>all<D> the fonts for that page must first be copied to the printer atthe start of every print job. If your printer contains at least one megabyteof memory, you can improve performance dramatically by copying fonts to theprinter <MI>before<D> running Xerox Ventura Publisher. The HPDOWN utilitywill automatically copy fonts to the printer. For complete instructions ondownloading fonts using this utility, see Appendix K under the heading¥Downloading Fonts £in the section on the HP LaserJet printer.
If you use downloadable fonts for your PostScript printer, the time savingsis even more dramatic if you pre⌐download fonts.
@HEADING 3 = Memory
@HEADING 4 = Manage conventional memory usage
Remove as many device drivers and co<196>resident programs (such asSidekick) as possible. Xerox Ventura Publisher is a large program thatrequires as much memory as possible. After you load Ventura Publisher,approximately 100<196>150K bytes of conventional memory remain. If you use60-100K bytes of this for other programs or device drivers, very littlespace remains for your document. This in turn dramatically reducesperformance by forcing Xerox Ventura Publisher to store part of the documenton the computer hard disk rather than placing it entirely in RAM. You willbegin to notice delays as you go from one page to the next if noconventional memory is still available.
If your computer contains more than 640K bytes of memory, you can utilizethis extra memory to improve performance by using it to create a disk cacheor RAM disk. (If you have a choice, create a disk cache.)
@HEADING 4 = Disk Cache<$IDisk cache>
If your computer contains EMS or extended memory, you can use a disk cacheprogram to improve performance greatly. <MI>The disk cache must be installedinto EMS or extended memory, not conventional (640K byte) memory.<D>
The performance improvement is particularly noticeable in the followingsituations:
@LIST 2 = Documents such as the SCOOP.CHP chapter in the TYPESET directorywhich use many fonts on a page.
@LIST 2 = Long documents which do not completely fit in RAM memory(typically those which contain over 100K bytes of text).
@LIST 2 = Network workstations and other systems in which backgroundutilities reduce the amount of conventional RAM memory left for XeroxVentura Publisher documents.
@LIST 2 = Systems which have been enhanced by the addition of many newscreen fonts.
Consult your dealer or RAM card manufacturer for recommendations on diskcaches which will work with your system.
When using a disk cache, you can often eliminate the ¥BUFFERS =£ statement inthe CONFIG.SYS file. Taking this step makes more conventional memoryavailable, thus further improving performance.
@HEADING 4 = EMS memory<$IEMS memory>
EMS memory can be utilized through a disk cache, as explained in the▄j ▄previous section. The Professional Extension to Xerox Ventura Publisher canaddress EMS memory directly, resulting in dramatic performance improvements,especially for long documents.
However, you can improve performance with EMS memory even without theProfessional Extension, by making sure at least 128K bytes of EMS memory isavailable (i.e., not used by a disk cache or other program) before you runXerox Ventura Publisher. Although only the Professional Extension uses EMSmemory for storing the document itself, Xerox Ventura Publisher is able toplace up to 108K bytes of system software in EMS memory. This makesadditional conventional memory available for the document, thus improvingperformance. The actual amount of EMS consumed for the system software, plusany EMS already allocated prior to running Xerox Ventura Publisher, is shownin the Desk menu as ¥SYS£ memory.
@HEADING 4 = RAM disk<$IRAM disk>
If your computer contains more than 640K bytes or memory, but you cannot usethis memory for a disk cache, and you can't configure this memory as EMS (oryou don't own the Professional Extension), you can still improve performanceby creating a RAM disk as follows:
@INSTRUCTION = Use the DOS ¥VDISK£ command or other utility to create a RAMdisk. This RAM disk must not reside in conventional memory (i.e., the 640Kmemory). It must reside in either expanded (EMS) or extended memory.
@INSTRUCTION = Use the ASCII function of your word processor to edit theVP.BAT file and add the command<R><R><F1M>/O=n:<R><F255D><R>to the end ofthe last line in this file, where ¥n£ is replaced by the drive letter of yourRAM disk.
As explained in Appendix A, the /O command directs all overflow files,created while Xerox Ventura Publisher is running, to another disk drive.
If you have created a disk cache, you do not need a separate RAM disk.
@HEADING 3 = File management<$IFile;Management>
If you create documents which contain many text and picture files, you canaccumulate a large number of files quickly. If more than 128 files areplaced in a subdirectory, you may begin to notice delays in accessing thefiles contained in this directory. For this reason, as well as to make fileseasier to find, you should place the files contained in a Xerox VenturaPublisher chapter in different subdirectories. The Multi-Chapter Copy optionallows you to place the following file types in different directories:
@LIST 2 = Publications and chapters
@LIST 2 = Style sheet and width tables
@LIST 2 = Text files
@LIST 2 = Graphic (line art) files
@LIST 2 = Image files
@HEADING 2 = Change Screen Fonts
If you installed a full page display (e.g., Wyse 700, MDS Genius), XeroxVentura Publisher automatically installed high resolution (VGA) screenfonts. These fonts look much better on your display, but because theycontain more dots per inch, they take 40-60% longer to draw. If you wantyour screen to draw faster, you can switch to EGA resolution fonts. To dothis follow these directions.
@INSTRUCTION = Change to the root directory of your hard disk(<F1M>CDá\<F255D>).
@INSTRUCTION = Rename the VP.BAT file to ¥VP.OLD£<R><R><F1M>RENAME VP.BAT VP.OLD<F255D><R>
@INSTRUCTION = Run the VPPREP installation program.
@INSTRUCTION = When VPPREP asks <169>Are you installing for the first▄j ▄time?<170> answer, ¥N.£ This is very important. If you answer ¥Y£, you willre-install everything.
@INSTRUCTION = For screen display, select any one of the IBM EGA options. Itdoesn't matter which one you choose.
@INSTRUCTION = Choose the same mouse and same printer you have alreadyinstalled. (If you installed more than one printer, you only need to specifyone of them<197>any one of them will do.)
@INSTRUCTION = Follow the directions provided by VPPREP. When VPPREP isfinished, copy VP.OLD to VP.BAT:<R><R><F1M>COPY VP.OLD VP.BAT<F255D><R>
@INSTRUCTION = Run Xerox Ventura Publisher.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the ¥Set Printer Info£ option in the Options menu. Onthe Screen Fonts line, replace the letters ¥VGA£ with ¥EGA£.
You can now switch between EGA and VGA fonts as needed simply by typing theappropriate three letter name on the Screen Fonts line in the Set PrinterInfo option. Use the VGA fonts when you want a high quality display. Use theEGA fonts when you want the screen to re-draw faster. The magnification ofthe screen will change slightly as you switch from one font resolution toanother. This is normal.
@HEADING 3 = Remove screen fonts
Xerox Ventura Publisher allows you to add up to 700 screen fonts at onetime. However, all screen fonts are loaded each time you run the program,which can significantly increase the time you must wait for the program tostart when you type ¥VP£. You may also notice a slight hesitation as the pageredraws when you press the ¥ESC£ key. It is good practice, therefore, toremove any fonts you do not regularly use.
As an alternative, group fonts together that you use for a given job andgive all these fonts the same file extension. When you need these fonts,type this extension on the Screen Fonts line in the Set Printer Info option.Only the fonts specified on this line are actually loaded, and thereforescreen redraw and program loading time are both significantly improved.
@HEADING 2 = Menu option settings for speed
@HEADING 3 = Kerning
Show kerning on the screen reduces drawing and editing speed. Since thecomputer screen has insufficient resolution to show kerning for small sizes,select ¥18£ for On-Screen Kerning in the Set Preferences menu.
In addition, if your work does not require that Body Text be kernedautomatically, turn Automatic Pair Kerning for Body Text ¥Off£ in the¥Paragraph Typography£ option (Paragraph menu).
@HEADING 3 = Mouse speed
Set ¥Double Click Speed£ to ¥Fast£ in the ¥Set Preferences£ option if you don'tnormally use the <169>double-click<170> shortcut to select files in the ItemSelector. The slower this setting, the longer Xerox Ventura Publisher mustwait after your press the mouse button before it recognizes the selection.
@HEADING 3 = Hide pictures
Use the ¥Hide/Show All Pictures£ option in the Options menu to hide pictureswhen you do not need to look at them. This decreases the time you must waitfor the screen to re-draw when you go to a new page or tag a paragraph.
@HEADING 3 = Column balance
Column Balance (Chapter Typography option, Chapter menu) should betemporarily turned ¥Off£ if you plan to edit a document extensively.
@HEADING 2 = Math Coprocessor<$IMath coprocessor>
A math coprocessor will make no difference whatso¼ever in the performance ofXerox Ventura Publisher.
The letterspacing, kerning, tracking, and other Xerox Ventura Publisherfeatures provide total control over the horizontal and vertical position ofeach character. This positioning information when combined with font filesand graphics results in the transfer of large blocks of information betweenthe computer and printer, even if you pre-downloaded the fonts as describedunder ¥Downloading Fonts£. One solution is to print the document to a file andthen, at a later time, copy this file to the printer as described in the ¥SetPrint¼er Info£ section. The total time required to print to a file and thencopy this file to the printer is about the same as printing directly to theprinter. However, the time to print to a file is only 20-50% of this totaltime, thus letting you resume your working session must faster. You can setup a small batch file that will copy all the print files and then deletethem during lunch or overnight.
Print buffer programs can provide almost this same time savings withoutneeding to manually copy the print file at a later time. These programscause the printing to be temporarily stored in disk or RAM memory and thenprinted in the background while you continue to work with Xerox VenturaPublisher. The one drawback is that these programs are always loaded in thebackground and therefore reduce the space for your document which may resultin somewhat slower response when moving from page to page in longerdocuments.
If performance degrades at any time, check to ensure that the ¼CONFIG.SYS andAUTOEXEC.BAT files have not been changed by some other program which youinstalled after Xerox Ventura ¼Publisher.
@HEADING 2 = Permanent fonts
You can choose to download fonts to the HP LaserJet Plus prior to runningXerox Ventura Publisher. This reduces printing time by eliminating the needto transfer font files to the printer during the print operation. However,it does increase the chance of getting an out of memory error message.
To make fonts reside permanently in the HP LaserJet Plus follow theinstructions given for the LaserJet in Appendix K.
The ¥downpath£ command lets you place all fonts for your printer in anydirectory. The example above shows the syntax you should use to place fontsin the D:\HPFONTS directory. <MI>All<D> fonts must be placed in the▄j ▄directory you specify (any fonts in the VENTURA directory are ignored).
@HEADING 3 = Download fonts
You can <169>permanently<170> download fonts (until the printer is turnedoff) to improve printing speed. The fonts which you download must be placedin the CNF file following the ¥permfont£ command. This procedure is describedin more detail in Appendix K under the ¥Adding New Fonts to the HP LaserJet£heading.
If you own a LaserJet Plus, LaserJet Series II, HP 2000 or compatibleprinter, Xerox Ventura Publisher automatically copies fonts from thecomputer to the printer as needed during the To Print operation. Thisfeature makes Xerox Ventura Publisher simple to use, but it can result inlong print times if each page in your document uses different fonts than thepervious page.
If your printer contains at least 1 megabyte of memory, you can improveperformance dramatically by copying fonts to the printer <MI>before<D>running Xerox Ventura Publisher. The HPDOWN program contained on theUtilities disk automatically copies fonts to the printer. The followingdirections show you how to download fonts before running Xerox VenturaPublisher and how to then stop the automatic downloading of these fontsduring printing.
@INSTRUCTION = Use your word processor's ASCII text function to create afile called HPLJPLUS.CNF. Place this file in the VENTURA subdirectory. (SeeAppendix F for more information on the CNF file.)
@INSTRUCTION = On the first line of this file, place the name of the diskdrive and directory where all fonts are stored. Use the format shown in theexample which follows.
@INSTRUCTION = On each remaining line, place the font ID number and the filename of the font to be downloaded.
The font ID number is a number which you provide. It gives Xerox VenturaPublisher the information necessary to select fonts within the printer. Youmust assign ID numbers in the order that fonts are downloaded. Thus, thefirst font downloaded must have ID number 1, the second ID number 2, and soon. For example, to download five HP LaserJet fonts, where <MI>all<D> fontsare contained in the C:\FONTS directory, the HPLJPLUS.CNF file shouldcontain the following:
@KEY NOTE TEXT = The only spaces allowed in the above are between the fontID number and font file name. No spaces should be placed between the command(i.e., HPFONTS, PERMFONT) and the left parenthesis. <MI>All<D> fonts mustreside in the directory specified after the HPFONTS command.
@INSTRUCTION = Once the HPLJPLUS.CNF file is saved, copy the HPDOWN.EXEutility from the Utilities disk to the VENTURA directory.
@INSTRUCTION = Type: <F1B>HPDOWN<F255D>. The fonts will be copiedpermanently to the LaserJet printer connected to LPT1:. To copy fonts toLPT2: type:<R><F1B>HPDOWN LPT2:<F255D> To copy fonts to COM1: type<F1B>HPDOWN COM1:<F255D>, etc.
@INSTRUCTION = Run Xerox Ventura Publisher.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the ¥Add/Remove Fonts£ option. For each font you havedownloaded, select the Face, Size, and Style for that font and then select▄j ▄the word ¥Download£ at the bottom of the Style menu. The word Download willchange to ¥Resident£ indicating that Xerox Ventura Publisher now knows thatthis font is resident in the printer and does not need to be downloaded. Ifyou make a mistake, select the word Resident and it will change back toDownload.
@INSTRUCTION = Select ¥Save As New Width Table£ at the bottom of theAdd/Remove Fonts Dialog Box. Save the width table under the existing widthtable name if you are always going to download the fonts before runningXerox Ventura Publisher. Save under a different name if you will only bepre-downloading some of the time.
If you always plan to download the fonts before running Xerox VenturaPublisher, then you should put the HPDOWN statement in the AUTOEXEC.BATfile.
Font downloading takes 10-30 seconds per font depending on speed of yourcomputer and speed of the connection to your computer.
@HEADING 2 = Adding new PostScriptfonts<$IFonts;PostScript><$ILaserWriter;New fonts for>
To add new fonts for PostScript printers, copy the font files to the PSFONTSdirectory on your computer hard disk. (Create this directory, if necessary.)Re-name the font file name, so that it matches <MI>exactly<D> one of thoseshown in the Typeface subsection which follows, and with the extension ¥PFB£(or ¥PFA£ if your font files are ASCII).
If you wish to save fonts in a different directory, use the ASCII textediting function of your word processor to edit the POSTSCPT.CNF filelocated in the VENTURA directory. For instance, if all fonts are saved in adirectory called NEWFONTS, change the line in the POSTSCPT.CNF file whichreads:
If the font is not contained in the PostScript width table, use theAdd/Remove Font option in the Options menu to merge the width table forthese new fonts into the existing PostScript width table. Then,<BI> for eachfont added,<D> use the Add/Remove Font option to change the state of eachnew font to ¥Download£.
@KEY NOTE TEXT = Remember to change the ¥download/resident£ switch for<MI>each<D> Face, Size, and Style combination.
Because of the way PostScript operates, Xerox Ventura Publisher mustdownload the entire font file each time the font on a page changes.Therefore, for best performance, you should copy the fonts to the printer<MI>before<D> you run Xerox Ventura Publisher. Then set each font to¥resident£ using the Add/Remove Fonts option. Adobe Systems providesdownloading utilities with their fonts.
See Appendix F for more information on the POSTSCPT.CNF file and its usewith downloadable fonts.
@HEADING 1 = Professional Extension
@HEADING 2 = Running the Professional Extension<$IRunning theprogram><$IStarting the program><$IInstallation;Running the ProfessionalExtension>
To run the Professional Extension, type ¥VPPROF£.
If you do not use EMS memory, you may see the message:
@COMPUTER TEXT = <P12M>There wasn't enough space for all the requested fontfiles. Some fonts may not display or print correctly.<P255D><$IFontfiles;Not enough space><$ISpace;Not enough for font files>▄j ▄îTo eliminate this message you need to either add EMS memory, or delete thefollowing large font files:
The extension for these file names may be <F1P12>EGA<F255P255> depending onthe graphics board you use.
Deleting these files does not affect performance. The only difference isthat the larger font sizes will appear somewhat more jagged on the screenbecause Xerox Ventura Publisher uses smaller fonts and then scales them tothe larger sizes.
@HEADING 2 = EMS memory<$IEMS memory>
IBM PC computers can contain three types of memory: ¥¼Conventional, extended,£and ¥expanded£. All IBM PCs, including ATs, PS/2s, and 386 machines, contain<MI>conventional<D> memory. Up to 640K bytes is allowed. All applicationsrunning under PC-DOS or MS-DOS must fit into conventional memory.<MI>Extended memory<D> is used primarily for OS/2, Unix, and can be used forRAM disks. The IBM AT architecture allows extended memory from 1M byte to16M bytes. Users who only run DOS applications do not typically installextended memory. The memory beyond 640K bytes in 386 computers is typicallyextended memory. For DOS applications, this extended memory is converted to<MI>expanded<D> memory using a driver program which comes with yourcomputer.
<MI>Expanded <D> memory (also called EMS) can be used by DOS applications toincrease data space (e.g. the size of the document) if the application isspecifically written to read and write from EMS memory. The applicationprogram itself must still fit in 640K bytes.
The Professional Extension includes support for EMS memory. For XeroxVentura Publisher this means faster access to large documents becauseportions of the document are not moved to disk. It means elimination of the<169>Frame Too Complex To Format<170> message. It means creation of<MI>huge<D> documents, not just large documents.
No special procedures are required to make Xerox Ventura Publisher use theEMS memory in your computer. All EMS memory (minus any amount taken by otherresident programs) is automatically used. You may need to install an EMSdriver in the CONFIG.SYS file to convert the memory in your computer to EMSmemory. Consult the manual for your computer or memory board.
If you want to restrict the amount of EMS memory used, use the ASCIIfunction in your word processor to add the ¥/E=£ statement to the end of theVPPROF.BAT file. For example:
¥/E=0£ causes no EMS memory to be used for the document. To stop <MI>all<D>EMS usage<197>including the EMS memory used for system software<197> add the/E=0 statement to the VPPROF.BAT file and then delete the GEM.EMS file fromthe VENTURA directory.
¥/E=1£ through ¥/E=144£ causes 144K bytes of EMS memory to be used. Numbersgreater than 144 but less than the EMS installed in your machine restrictsEMS usage to the number of Kbytes specified.
If you type a number larger than the amount of EMS memory available, thenthe portion of the document which cannot fit into memory will be placed onthe hard disk. Performance will degrade, but you can produce largerdocuments without purchasing additional memory.▄j ▄î@HEADING 2 = HIMEM.SYS<$IHIMEM.SYS><$IWindows;HIMEM.SYS>
If you own a version of Microsoft Windows which supports the HIMEM.SYSdriver, and if you have installed that driver according to Microsoft'sinstructions, Xerox Ventura Publisher will use the extra 60K bytes of memoryprovided by this driver.
@HEADING 2 = Desk menu<$IDesk menu>
Xerox Ventura Publisher shows, in the Desk menu, the total amount of EMSmemory available. The amount shown after ¥SYS£ is the amount of EMS memoryused by other applications, such as a disk cache, plus the amount of memorytaken by Ventura Publisher's system software. The amount shown after ¥APP£ isthe total EMS memory available for all text files in a Ventura Publisherchapter.
The workstation requirements are identical to those given in the XeroxVentura Publisher ¥Reference Guide£, although a hard disk is not required.
The most important consideration for each workstation is the amount ofmemory available. As a general rule of thumb, the DOS CHKDSK program shouldshow at least 560,000 bytes of free memory prior to running Xerox VenturaPublisher, although more memory is required for high resolution displayssuch as VGA 16 color. If the workstation contains EMS memory, CHKDSK mustshow at least 430,000 bytes of free memory.
Because network software reduces the amount of free memory, Xerox VenturaPublisher may not initially be able to run with certain networkconfigurations. Therefore, running Xerox Ventura Publisher may requireeither special hardware, or one of the memory enhancement techniquesdescribed starting on page <$R[P#,3Com]21>. If Xerox Ventura Publisherdisplays one of the following error messages after you type VPPROF or VPNET,you should read the chapter on memory enhancement and make one or more ofthe changes suggested.
@HEADING 2 = Out of memory messages
@LIST 2 = Couldn't find overlay file.
@LIST 2 = Fatal Error! The GEM VDI screen driver couldn't be loaded.
@LIST 2 = Fatal Error! There wasn't enough memory for the screen graphicsbuffer.
@LIST 2 = Fatal Error! The VPPROF.RSC and/or VPPROF.RS1 files couldn't befound or wouldn't fit in memory.
@LIST 2 = Not enough memory to run the program. Either add EMS memory toyour system or check your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files for any driversor resident applications that can be removed.
@LIST 2 = There was not enough memory to begin the archive process.
@LIST 2 = There wasn't enough space for all the requested font files. Somefonts may not display or print correctly. Try adding more EMS or deletinglarge screen font files.
@LIST 2 = There isn't enough memory to merge these two width tables into onewidth table.
@LIST 2 = There wasn't enough memory to load and hyphenate all of the textfile you requested. You may have to split this chapter & file into twoparts and try again.
@LIST 2 = Using the /A= command line switch may allow you to run but couldcause some printers not to work. Read more about the /A= switch in themanual.
The network version of Xerox Ventura Publisher appears to print much fasterthan the single user version. This is due to the fact that the informationnormally sent directly to the printer is instead sent to the network fileserver and stored in a ¥spool£ file. Since the server can accept information2-10 times faster than the printer, network users will not wait as long forthe print operation. This increased performance comes with a price: largespool files. Because Xerox Ventura Publisher automatically sends all fontfiles to the printer, the spool file contains the complete font files forevery font used in the document. In fact, since most printers don't haveenough memory to store all the fonts used in a document, Xerox VenturaPublisher sends fonts for each page, unless the fonts requested are the sameas those used on the previous page. Thus, the same font file can be sentseveral times during one print job.
To reduce spool file size, the network administrator can download fonts intothe printer and make them resident. The procedures for doing this for aLaserJet printer are contained in the Xerox Ventura Publisher ReferenceGuide in the Putting It Together chapter under the heading ¥DownloadingFonts£. If you use downloadable fonts with PostScript printers, use thePSDOWN utility provided by Adobe Systems to download the fonts.
After these fonts are downloaded, you must change the ¥Resident/Download£setting for each font to ¥Resident£. The ¥Add/Remove Fonts£ option on theOptions menu contains this feature. Consult the Xerox Ventura PublisherReference Guide for information on how to operate the ¥Add/Remove Fonts£option.
To give you some idea of the reduction in file size, in one typical test, afifteen page text-only file printed to a LaserJet printer created a 478Kbyte spool file. With the fonts pre-downloaded, the spool file was only 89Kbytes. With PostScript printers, the reduction in size and increase in speedis even more dramatic.
@HEADING 3 = Pre-download the PostScript prologue
For PostScript printers, Xerox Ventura Publisher sends a prologue at thebeginning of every print job. This is approximately 12K bytes ofinformation. To reduce spool file size and increase print speed, this filecan be loaded permanently in your printer. Follow the directions in AppendixF of the Xerox Ventura Publisher ¥Reference Guide£.
For PostScript printers, Xerox Ventura Publisher provides an option whichcompresses bit image information into a smaller spool file. This compressioncomes at the expense of slower printing speed. However, if you print pageswhich contain images, and frequently encounter problems with spool filesgrowing too big for your server, you can alter the POSTSCPT.CNF file tospecify compact images. Do this by using the ASCII function in your wordprocessor to change the line which reads:
@HEADING 3 = Network disk cache
If you have created a disk cache on your local workstation, it will notcache the network drive. This means that you will experience no performanceimprovement when making multiple accesses to the same, unchanged files onthe network.
If you deleted the BUFFERS statement from the CONFIG.SYS file as part of the▄j ▄disk cache installation, you <MI>may<D> be able to improve performance overthe network by putting ¥BUFFERS=20£ back into the CONFIG.SYS file.
@HEADING 3 = Overflow files
You can improve performance by redirecting all overflow files from thenetwork server to your workstation's local hard disk. To do this, use theASCII function in your word processor to add the /O switch to your VPNET.BATor VPPROF.BAT. For instance:
If you print collated copies, Xerox Ventura Publisher creates huge spoolfiles, because every page for each copy is printed. If you need more than afew copies of a document, and you want each copy collated, you should:
@INSTRUCTION = Print one copy of the document to a file (use the ¥Set PrinterInfo£ option in the Options menu to change the output to ¥Filenam£e).
@INSTRUCTION = Quit from Xerox Ventura Publisher.
@INSTRUCTION = Use the network facilities to temporarily make multiplecopies of any file sent to the printer.
@INSTRUCTION = Use the DOS copy function to copy the print file to theprinter.
@INSTRUCTION = Reset the network facilities to make only one copy of anyfuture file sent to the printer.
For example, to print five copies to a printer connected to a 3Com network,you should execute the following commands (assuming the printer is mapped toLPT1: on your local workstation):
@HEADING 2 = Memory enhancement<$M[3Com]><$IMemory;Out of memory>
Xerox Ventura Publisher is a sophisticated application and thereforeconsumes a great deal of DOS memory. If your computer is not configuredcorrectly, Xerox Ventura Publisher may not load correctly or, at the veryleast, performance may suffer. However, you can greatly increase the amountof memory available by using one or more of the following configurationhints.
@HEADING 3 = Change the VP.BAT file
The VP.BAT file can contain switches which alter the memory requirements ofXerox Ventura Publisher. If you experience memory problems, remove the /Fswitch, if used, and add the switch:
to the end of the last line of the VP.BAT file. If you receive a messagestating that certain loadable modules cannot be found, decrease this to:
Only use the /A switch with PostScript printers.
If you own Microsoft Windows, and your computer is a 286 or 386 whichcontains ¥extended£ memory, you may be able to use a driver called HIMEM.SYSto add 64K to the normal 640K limit imposed by DOS. If you have this driver,copy the HIMEM.SYS file to the root directory of your computer and includethis line in your CONFIG.SYS file:
If your CONFIG.SYS file contains an EMS driver, this driver may map all<MI>extended<D> memory into <MI>expanded<D> memory and HIMEM.SYS will notload. In this case, you will need to modify the CONFIG.SYS file so that atleast 64K of ¥extended£ memory remains for HIMEM.SYS. Consult thedocumentation for your EMS driver for information on how to leave a small▄j ▄amount of extended memory.
You don't need to run Windows to use the HIMEM.SYS driver.
Only relatively recent version of Microsoft Windows contain this driver. Ifyou cannot find this driver on your Windows disks, contact Microsoft fortheir upgrade policy.
This program (available from Qualitas, Inc. of Bethesda Maryland) increasesthe amount of memory available on 386 computers in much the same manner asthe HIMEM.SYS driver, but also uses certain other areas of memory between640K and 1024K to load CONFIG.SYS drivers, TSR programs (terminate but stayresident programs), and portions of applications. This can increase theeffective conventional memory area to over 800K in some situations. It canalso let you use TSR programs<$ITSR programs> such as NortonCommander<M^><190><D> or <$ISidekick>Sidekick<M^><190><D> without runningout of memory.
You can use this product in several ways. The best way is to let386<P7J247>MAX<P255J0> place all device drivers, network drivers, and TSRprograms into <169>high memory.<170> For example, for the Novell networkthis is done by placing the following highlighted command in your CONFIG.SYSfile:
All program between the LOADHIGH and LOADLOW commands will be automaticallyloaded into high memory, if possible.
If your 386 computer does not contain any device drivers, network drivers,or TSR programs, you can use 386<P7J247>MAX<P255J0> to load portions ofXerox Ventura Publisher into high memory. To do this, modify the VP.BAT fileas follows:<P7J247>
If you cannot use any of the methods described on the previous pages, checkyour computer's CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. If these files containany un-needed drivers or TSR (terminate but stay resident) programs, removethem.
@HEADING 3 = Add EMS memory
You can also increase conventional memory available to run Xerox VenturaPublisher by adding EMS memory to your computer. Xerox Ventura Publisherautomatically places approximately 90K bytes of system software in EMSmemory if it senses that this memory is available. Check the ¥Desk£menu<$IDesk menu> for the exact amount of EMS memory used. The Xerox VenturaPublisher Professional Extension places the document itself in EMS memory,thus further reducing the amount of conventional memory required.
Note that some EMS memory managers may consume as much as 45K ofconventional memory in order to perform their functions. However, certainprograms, such as Quarterdeck's ¥Expanded Memory Manager 386<191>£, provideEMS support <197> and more <197> while consuming only 1.5K of conventionalmemory. Therefore, if Xerox Ventura Publisher still will not load after youhave tried all the techniques listed, you should consider using an expandedmemory managers which consumes less conventional memory.
@HEADING 3 = Ideal memory solution
The ideal memory configuration is to use HIMEM.SYS,▄j ▄386<P7BJ247>MAX<P6><191><P255DJ0>, or a similar driver, combined with EMSmemory. If your computer contains EMS memory, use a disk cache which usesEMS memory and configure it as follows:
@LIST 2 = Configure the disk cache to leave at least 128K of EMS for XeroxVentura Publisher.
@LIST 2 = If you use the Professional Extension, configure the disk cache toleave enough EMS available to load GEM.EMS, and hold all the text from thelargest document you plan to produce.