This application note describes how to create a document which contains endnotes. In addition, this note provides hints on how to produce superscripted footnote numbers at the bottom of the page.
@HEAD 1 = Quick description
An endnote is identical to a footnote except that all referenced text is placed at the end of the document rather than at the bottom of each page on which a reference occurs. You can create endnotes by using the table of contents feature found in the ¥Multi-Chapter£ option of the Options menu to extract all footnotes and footnote numbers and then place the resulting generated file into an inserted page at the end of the document.
The actual text of the endnote is entered as a footnote at the bottom of the page. Of course you don't want these footnotes to actually display in the final version of the document. The trick therefore is to collapse all footnotes into a single hidden line at the bottom of the page just prior to running the Table of Contents generator or printing the chapter. The essence of what is described in this application note is how to create two style sheets: the first lets you edit and modify the endnotes by typing text into a footnote at the bottom of the page; the second collapses and hides the footnote but keeps the text on the page so that it will be found by the table of contents generator.
@HEAD 1 = Procedure
The following cookbook procedure describes how to enter the text of the endnote, then hide the result, generate an endnote document, and finally load the endnote at the end of the chapter.
@INSTRUCTION = Use the ¥Footnotes Settings£ option in the Chapter menu to enable footnotes. Select Usage & Format: ¥# From Start of Chapter£. Select Position of Number: ¥Superscript£. Don't bother with any of the other settings.
@INSTRUCTION = At each location in the document where you wish to refer to an endnote, use the ¥Insert Special Item£ option in the Edit menu to insert a footnote. A superscripted number will appear in the text. You can then enter the text of your endnote at the bottom of the page.
@INSTRUCTION = Save your document.
@INSTRUCTION = Save your style sheet under a new name using the ¥Save As New Style£ option in the File menu.
@INSTRUCTION = Change to frame mode
@INSTRUCTION = Select the footnote frame at the bottom of the page. The Current Selection indicator in the sidebar should display the word ¥FOOTNOTE£.
@INSTRUCTION = Set Move Down To 1st Baseline By: to ¥Cap Height.£ This is located in the ¥Frame Typography£ option in the Frame menu.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the ¥Margins & Columns£ option in the Frame menu and set the footnote frame's Top and Bottom margins to zero.
@INSTRUCTION = Change to the Paragraph mode.
@INSTRUCTION = Select any footnote number at the bottom of the page (<MI>not the footnote reference within the text itself<D>).
@INSTRUCTION = Set Line Break <MI>Before<D> in the ¥Breaks £option in the Paragraph menu.
@INSTRUCTION = Set all spacing options in the Paragraph menu Spacing option for the Footnote # ¥to zero.£
@INSTRUCTION = Select the Font option in the Paragraph menu and change the font text to ¥White£ and set the font to the smallest size available (6 point on PostScript and LaserMaster printers).
@INSTRUCTION = Select the text of any footnote at the bottom of the page.
@INSTRUCTION = Set Line Break to No in the ¥Breaks £option in the Paragraph menu.
@INSTRUCTION = Set all spacing options in the Paragraph menu ¥Spacing£ option to zero.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the Font option in the Paragraph menu and change the font text to ¥White£ (6 point on PostScript and LaserMaster printers).
@INSTRUCTION = Select the Frame mode again.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the footnote frame at the bottom of the page. The Current Selection indicator in the sidebar should display the word ¥FOOTNOTE£.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the ¥Sizing & Scaling£ option (Frame menu) and record the ¥Frame Height£ on a piece of paper. You should set the measurement units to ¥fractional points £to get the greatest precision.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the page itself. The Current Selection indicator in the sidebar should display the name of the file located in the page.
@INSTRUCTION = Save the style sheet (using the ¥Save As New Style £option in the File menu) under the new name you created at the beginning of this process. When asked if you want to overwrite the existing file, select ¥Yes£.
You have now created a document which contains all the information required for endnotes. The formatting of the document is identical to the format of your original. Now you actually need to extract all the text and place it at the end of the document. This is very simple and is identical in every respect to the way that you create a table of contents. This process is briefly reviewed here.
@INSTRUCTION = Save the chapter. The chapter will now reference the new style sheet (the one which collapses and hides the footnote text).
@INSTRUCTION = Select the ¥Multi-Chapter£ option in the Options menu.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the ¥New£ and ¥Add Chapter£ commands as necessary to place the name of your chapter into the Multi-Chapter list.
@INSTRUCTION = Use the Multi-Chapter ¥Save As£ command to save the chapter as a publication.
@INSTRUCTION = Select ¥Make TOC£.
@INSTRUCTION = Specify the name of the file you wish to create. Enter this file name, including the appropriate disk drive and path name, on the ¥TOC File£ line.
@INSTRUCTION = Within the Generate Table of Contents dialog box, specify <F1M>[*Z_FNOT #]<F255D> on the Level 1 line and <F1M>[*Z_FNOT ENTRY]<F255D> on the Level 2 line. If you do nothing more and then select OK, Ventura Publisher will create a file which contains each footnote number as a separate paragraph followed by the text of the endnote as yet another paragraph. If you want punctuation after the footnote number or other effects (such as boldface, superscript, etc.) enter these at the appropriate place on the Level 1 or Level 2 line. For instance, if you want an em dash after the footnote number you would enter <F1M>[* Z_FNOT #] <197> <F255D> on the Level 1 line. Or, if you want the footnote number superscripted, you would enter <F1M><<^>>[* Z_FNOT #]<<D>><F255D> on the Level 1 line.
@INSTRUCTION = When finished with the endnote generation, select ¥Done£.
To make the endnotes a part of your document:
@INSTRUCTION = Press the ¥End £key to go to the last page of the document.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the ¥Insert/Remove Page£ option in the Chapters menu. From within this dialog box, select ¥Insert New Page After Current Page£.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the Load Text/Picture option.
@INSTRUCTION = Select ¥Text£, and then select ¥Generated£. Then select OK.
@INSTRUCTION = When the item selector appears, select the name of the file you specified within the Generate Table of Contents dialog box. Then select OK.
The file will be loaded and placed in the inserted page. If for some reason the inserted page was not selected, select the page and the select the endnote file name from the assignment list.
You can now use the Paragraph mode and all of its features to format the endnotes. Each endnote number will have been tagged with the Z_TOC1 tag name. Each endnote will have been tagged with the Z_TOC2 tag.
Whenever you need to modify an endnote, simply follow these steps:
@INSTRUCTION = Load your original style sheet using the ¥Load Different Style£ option in the File menu. The footnotes will reappear at the bottom of the page and you can edit them.
@INSTRUCTION = Use ¥Load Different Style£ again to load the footnote-collapsing style sheet. Save the chapter.
@INSTRUCTION = Select the Multi-Chapter option and use it ¥Open£ feature to retrieve the publication you created which points to the current chapter.
@INSTRUCTION = Select ¥Make TOC£ and then select OK. When the generation process is finished, select Done.
The new endnotes are automatically loaded into your chapter. You can then press the ¥End£ key to go to the end of the document to view the ¼changes.
A couple of final notes. First, if your printer cannot print white text on a black background (e.g., the LaserJet) you will need to turn footnotes off all together before you print the chapter. That is, leave the Chapter Footnote Settings ¥Usage & Format£ enabled while generating a table of contents, and then turn them off. Also, you will need to remove the ruling lines from the headline of this application note and change the text to black, and change the frame background to ¥white hollow£ for the thumb tab.
If you have any other problems, make sure vertical justification is turned off for the footnote frame in the Frame Typography option (Professional Extension version only). Make wure that both the Z_FNOT # and Z_FNOT ENTRY tags have Grow Interline (Pagragraph Typography) turned off.