Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
394 lines
; ***********************************************************
; VGAPRTSC.ASM ver 1.3 February 1989
; Hardcopy Utility for VGA-(and EGA-) Graphics Modes
; Robert Kaempf
; Institut fuer Kernphysik
; Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
; 6100 Darmstadt, West Germany
; ***********************************************************
; VGAPRTSC is similar to the MSDOS program GRAPHICS.COM.
; The difference is: GRAPHICS supports low resolution
; graphics modes (320x200,640x200), VGAPRTSC supports high
; resolution graphics modes (640x480,640x350).
; Text or low resolution graphics modes cause a call to the
; old hardcopy routine. It is possible to install GRAPHICS
; before VGAPRTSC. This will support any graphics modes.
; Parameter:
; /C= followed by 16 digits
; The 16 digits correspond to the 16 screen colors.
; An odd digit selects the color to be printed,
; colors with even digits are not printed.
; Example:
; VGAPRTSC /C=0111111111111111 ( default )
; prints colors 1 to 15.
; VGAPRTSC /C=0000222211113333
; prints highlighted colors ( 8 to 15 )
; You may modify the colortable of an installed VGAPRTSC
; version by typing: VGAPRTSC /C=... .
; VGAPRTSC will not be installed twice !
ESC equ 1bh
CR equ 0dh
LF equ 0ah
disp macro string
lea dx,string
mov ah,09h
int 21h
_code segment
assume cs:_code,ds:_code
org 100h
start: jmp inst
logo db "VGAPRTSC (c) Robert Kaempf"
logoend db 13,10,13,10,"$"
oldss dw 0
oldsp dw 0
int5old dd 0
used db 0
pbyte db 0
ymax dw 0
pcount dw 1
colors db 0,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1
ini6lpi db 5,esc,"A",12,esc,"2" ; 6 lpi = 12/72 inch pro LF
ini9lpi db 5,esc,"A",08,esc,"2" ; 9 lpi = 8/72 inch pro LF
inigrx db 5,esc,"*"
grxden db 0
grxlo db 0
grxhi db 0
jmptbl dw offset dummy ; graphmode 0
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 1
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 2
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 3
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 4
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 5
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 6
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 7
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 8
dw offset dummy ; graphmode 9
dw offset dummy ; graphmode a
dw offset dummy ; graphmode b
dw offset dummy ; graphmode c
dw offset dummy ; graphmode d
dw offset dummy ; graphmode e
dw offset egapr ; graphmode f
dw offset egapr ; graphmode 10
dw offset vgapr ; graphmode 11
dw offset vgapr ; graphmode 12
stack db 100h dup ("TheStack")
tosta db 0
beep proc near
push ax
push cx
in al,61h
or al,03h
out 61h,al
mov cx,6000h
loop $
and al,11111100b
out 61h,al
pop cx
pop ax
beep endp
prt_al proc near ; send al to LPT1
push ax
push dx
mov dx,0
mov ah,0
int 17h
pop dx
pop ax
prt_al endp
prtstr proc near ; print string DS:DX
push si ; [DS:DX+0] = length
push bp
push cx
push ax
mov bp,dx
mov si,0
xor cx,cx
mov cl,ds:byte ptr [bp]
psloop: inc si
cmp si,cx
ja psexit
mov al,ds:byte ptr [bp][si]
call prt_al
jmp psloop
psexit: pop ax
pop cx
pop bp
pop si
prtstr endp
dummy proc near
pushf ; int5old uses iret, needs flags
call dword ptr int5old ; it's a far call
dummy endp
hardcp proc near
; uses grxinit, ymax, pcount, colors
mov dx,offset ini9lpi
call prtstr
mov cx,80
loopx: push cx
; call beep ; helpful using lpt2dsk
mov dx,offset inigrx ; start graphics line
call prtstr
mov dx,cx
dec dx
mov cl,3
shl dx,cl ; x-pixel base
mov bx,0h ; y-pixel
loopy: mov byte ptr pbyte,00h ; claer printer byte
mov cx,08h ; 8 pixel for printer
loop8: push cx
push dx
push bx
push di
dec cx
add cx,dx ; x = cx
mov dx,bx ; y = dx
mov ah,0dh ; getcolor
mov bh,00h ; page 1
int 10h
sal byte ptr pbyte,01h
mov di,ax
and di,00ffh
mov bl,[offset colors + di]
or byte ptr pbyte,bl
pop di
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
loop loop8
mov cx,pcount
ploop: mov al,pbyte
call prt_al
loop ploop
inc bx
cmp bx,ymax
jb loopy
mov al,cr ; CR,LF
call prt_al
mov al,lf
call prt_al
pop cx
loop loopx
mov dx,offset ini6lpi
call prtstr
hardcp endp
vgapr proc near ; VGA hardcopy
mov dx,480
mov ymax,dx
mov word ptr pcount,01h
mov grxlo,dl
mov grxhi,dh ; length of printerline
mov byte ptr grxden,00h ; use 05h for Olivetti PR17B
jmp hardcp
vgapr endp
egapr proc near ; EGA hardcopy
mov dx,350
mov ymax,dx
mov word ptr pcount,02h ; print bytes twice
add dx,dx ; print bytes twice
mov grxlo,dl
mov grxhi,dh ; length of printerline
mov byte ptr grxden,01h ; use 06h for Olivetti PR17B
jmp hardcp
egapr endp
int5 proc near
push ax
mov oldss,ss
mov oldsp,sp
mov ax,cs
mov ss,ax
mov sp,offset tosta
push ds
push dx
push cx
push bx
push cs
pop ds
or byte ptr used,00h ; flag
jnz int5ex ; vgaprtsc is running, exit
mov ah,0fh ; get VGA mode
int 10h
cmp al,12h
ja int5ex ; mode >12h not used
mov used,01h ; set prtsc flag
xor ah,ah ;
shl ax,1 ; make word index
mov bx,offset jmptbl
add bx,ax
call ds:[bx]
mov used,00h
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
mov ss,oldss
mov sp,oldsp
pop ax
int5 endp
inst: push cs
pop ds
disp logo
mov ax,3505h ; get int5 vektor -> es:bx
int 21h
cmp bx,offset int5
jnz i1 ; different ? yes -> install
lea si,logo ; maybe installed ?
lea di,logo ; check logo
lea cx,logoend
sub cx,offset logo ; length of logo
repz cmpsb ; compare ds:si with es:di
jnz i1 ; different ? yes -> install
call lineop ; ES: Segment of old VGAPRTSC
disp notdbl
quit: mov ax,4c00h ; exit with exitcode=0
int 21h
i1: mov word ptr int5old,bx
mov word ptr int5old+2,es ; store int5vector
push cs
pop es ; ES: Segment of VGAPRTSC
call lineop
lea dx,int5
mov ax,2505h
int 21h ; set int5 vector to DS:DX
disp instok
lea dx,inst
mov cx,04h
shr dx,cl
inc dx
mov ax,3100h
int 21h ; exit resident
lineop proc near
; ES:offset colors points to colortable
; Paramters start at DS:80h
mov di,80h
mov al,20h ; space
xor cx,cx
mov cl,[di]
inc cx
splp: inc di ; loop while space
dec cx
or cx,cx
jz lexit ; no parameter
cmp byte ptr [di],al
jz splp
; ds:di points to 1st byte <> 20h
cmp byte ptr [di], "/"
jnz lerror
dec cx
or cx,cx
jz lerror
inc di
cmp byte ptr [di], "c"
jz lc
cmp byte ptr [di], "C"
jnz lerror
lc: dec cx
or cx,cx
jz lerror
inc di
cmp byte ptr [di], "="
jnz lerror
dec cx
inc di
cmp cx,16 ; 16 byte for colormap
jb lerror
mov cx,16
mov si,offset colors
lp12: mov al,[di]
and al,01h ; get bit #0
mov es:[si],al
inc si
inc di
loop lp12
disp colset
lexit: ret
lerror: disp wrngpa
lineop endp
instok db "VGAPRTSC ver 1.3 installed. ",13,10,"$"
notdbl db "VGAPRTSC already installed, activate with PRTSC key.",13,10,"$"
wrngpa db "ERROR ! Illegal parameter ! ",13,10,"$"
colset db "New color-table installed. ",13,10,"$"
_code ends
end start