Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Text File
138 lines
; XLISP Math Library
; by
; George V. Wilson
; June 1988
;For instructions see MATH.DOC.
;Do not load the math library twice. It will destroy the math functions.
;When *math_lib_loaded* is bound, the following if will prevent reloading.
(if (boundp '*math_lib_loaded*)
(print "Math.lsp already loaded")
;predefined constant in Common LISP
(setq pi 3.1415926536)
;The following block of definitions is to take care of a minor
;incompatibility with Common LISP. These functions are supposed to
;accept any number as an arguement. Unfortunately, they don't work
;correctly when given integers as arguements (instead of floats).
;This group saves the old function,floats the arguement and calls
;the (saved) old function.
(setf oldsquareroot #'sqrt)
(defun sqrt (x) (oldsquareroot (float x)))
(setf oldsine #'sin)
(defun sin (x) (oldsine (float x)))
(setf oldcosine #'cos)
(defun cos (x) (oldcosine (float x)))
(setf oldtangent #'tan)
(defun tan (x) (oldtangent (float x)))
(setf oldexp #'exp)
(defun exp (x) (oldexp (float x)))
(setf oldexpt #'expt)
(defun expt (x y)
(cond ((zerop x) 0)
((= x 1) 1)
((integerp y)
(do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (pow 1 (* pow x)))
((<= (abs y) i)
(if (minusp y) (/ 1.0 pow) pow))))
(T (oldexpt (float x) y))))
;This next block supplies some Common LISP functions
;that are missing in XLISP.
(defun signum (x)
(cond ((not (numberp x))
(error "arguement to signum not a number " x))
((zerop x) x)
(T (truncate (* 1.1 (/ x (abs x)))))))
(defun round (x)
(if (numberp x)
(truncate (+ x (* (signum x) 0.5)))
(error "bad arguement type to round" x)))
(defun atan (x &optional y &aux s)
(if (not (numberp x)) (error "bad arguement type to atan" x))
(if y (setq x (/ x y)))
(setq s (signum x))
(setq x (float (abs x)))
(cond ((< x .2679492)
(* s (* x (+ .60310579 (- (/ .55913709 (+ 1.4087812 (* x x)))
(* .05160454 (* x x)))))))
((<= x 1) (* s (+ .523598776 (atan (/ (1- (* 1.73205081 x))
(+ x 1.73205081))))))
(T (* s (- 1.570796327 (atan (/ 1 x)))))))
(defun asin (x)
(cond ((> (abs x) 1) (error " arguement to asin out of range " x))
((= x 1) 1.570796327)
((= x -1) -1.570796327)
(T (atan (/ x (sqrt (- 1 (* x x))))))))
(defun acos (x)
(cond ((> (abs x) 1) (error "arguement to acos out of range " x))
((zerop x) 1.570796327)
((plusp x) (atan (/ (sqrt (- 1 (* x x))) x)))
((minusp x) (- 3.1415926536 (acos (abs x))))))))
(defun log (x &optional y)
(let ((s 2.302585093) (m 0) coef z z2 (est 0))
(if (not (and (numberp x) (if y (numberp y) T)))
(error "bad arguement type to log" (if y (list x y) x)))
(if (<= x 0) (error " argument to log <= 0" x)
(progn (setq coef '(0.191337714 0.094376476 0.177522071
0.289335524 0.868591718))
(setq x (float x))
(cond ((< x 0.316227766) (setq x (/ 1 x)) (setq s (- s))))
(do () ((< x 3.16227766)) (setq x (/ x 10)) (setq m (1+ m)))
(setq z (/ (1- x) (1+ x)))
(setq z2 (* z z))
(dolist (a coef) (setq est (+ a (* est z2))))
(setq est (* s (+ m (* z est))))
(if y (/ est (log y)) est)))))
(defun integerp (n) (eql (type-of n) ':FIXNUM))
(defun euclid_gcd (a b) ;euclid_gcd is not CommonLISP
(do ((temp a (rem a b))) ;it is used here to do the
((= temp 0) b) ;work for gcd
(setq a b)
(setq b temp)))
(defun gcd (&rest nums)
(if (do* ((args nums (cdr args))
(test (integerp (car nums)) (and test (integerp (car args)))))
((null (cdr args)) (and test (car args))))
(if (cdr nums)
(euclid_gcd (car nums) (apply gcd (cdr nums)))
(car nums))
(error "arguments to gcd must be integers" nums)))
(defun lcm (&rest nums)
(if (cdr nums)
(let ((a (car nums)) (b (apply lcm (cdr nums))) temp)
(setq temp (gcd a b))
(if (integerp temp)
(/ (* a b) temp)
(error "arguements to lcm must be integers" nums)))
(car nums)))
(defmacro incf (var &optional delta)
`(setf ,var (+ ,var (if ,delta ,delta 1))))
(setq *math_lib_loaded* T) ;prevents loading library twice.