Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
181 lines
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This program reads and reports the current contents of the Inter-
Application Communications Area (IAC).
The IAC is 16 bytes beginning at addr 0040:00F0h. Any program can
write information to the IAC for another program to read. Please
note: unless the first program directly invokes the second program,
it cannot protect the IAC from being altered by an intervening program.
The IAC can be used, for instance, to pass an address from one program
to the next.
Written for MASM 5.0 by Hardin Brothers for PCResource. The original
appeared in the April 1988 issue of their magazine. Entire contents of
the April 1988 issue (C) Copyright 1988 by
IDG Communications/Peterborough, Inc.
Hardin Brothers is a freelance programmer and technical writer. Write
to him at 280 N. Campus Ave., Upland, CA 91786. Enclose a self-
addressed, stamped envelope for a reply.
v1.1, 27 Sep 88 Toad Hall Tweak
- Converted to .COM format
- Adding a little local buffer so we can move the entire IAC buffer in
- Convert entire IAC area data into hex, THEN display it.
- Using LODSB and STOSB for snarfing bytes from IAC, then stuffing
to our buffer.
- Learned something about the XLAT instruction (how to override the
expected DS: segment)! By the way, unless you're doing an override,
you don't HAVE to specify BX ("xlat bx"). "xlat" is just fine.
BX is unchanged, so you don't HAVE to reload it each call.
- Adding a little test: stuff a message in the IAC area for the
NEXT time we run this program! Gives us something to read beside
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
LF equ 0Ah ; linefeed char
CR equ 0Dh ; carriage return char
STDOUT equ 1 ; standard output device
IACLEN equ 10H ; IAC buffer is 16 bytes long v1.1
EXIT macro val
; mov AH, 4Ch ; INT 21h service 4Ch: exit from program
; ; also returns a value. replaces old INT 20h.
; mov AL, val ; return value byte
mov ax,4C00H + val ; faster as a word v1.1
int 21h
Cseg SEGMENT PUBLIC PARA 'Code' ; v1.1
ASSUME CS:Cseg, DS:Cseg, ES:Cseg ; v1.1
org 100H ; v1.1
start proc near ; v1.1
mov DX, offset title$ ; addr DS:DX points to output v1.1
; string v1.1
mov CX, LTITLE ; output string byte count
mov BX, STDOUT ; write to standard output device
mov AH, 40h ; service 40h: write to file/device
int 21h
mov AX, 0040h ; BIOS information segment
mov DS,ax ; Initialize for snarfing v1.1
ASSUME DS:Nothing ; Just to be neat v1.1
mov SI, 0F0h ; DS:si = start of IAC
call Hexify ; Hexify into hexbuff, display v1.1
;v1.1 Some new fiddling:
;First move the entire IAC buffer into our local iacbuff and play with it.
;Then move some local data into the IAC buffer and do it again.
call Snarf_IAC ; Move IAC data into local buffer
push DS ; save that 40H IAC segment
mov ax,CS
mov DS,ax
ASSUME DS:CSeg,ES:Cseg ; Now working in local buffers
mov si,offset iacbuff ; Hexify the local buffer this time
call Hexify ; Hexify DS:si and display it.
pop ES ; ES = IAC segment
mov si,offset title$ +2 ; Move our little intro text
mov di,0F0H ; ES:di = vector to IAC buffer
mov cx,IACLEN SHR 1 ; IAC buffer length in words
rep movsw ; Move our text into the IAC
mov ax,CS
mov ES,ax ; ES = our code segment again
call Snarf_IAC ; Move the new IAC buffer back in
mov dx,offset iacbuff ; our buffer
mov cx,IACLEN ; nr bytes to write
mov BX, STDOUT ; write to standard output device
mov AH, 40h ; service 40h: write to file/device
int 21h
EXIT 0 ; normal termination value
Start endp
Snarf_IAC proc near ; v1.1
push DS
mov ax, 0040H ; BIOS data area
mov DS,ax
mov SI, 0F0h ; DS:si = start of IAC
mov CX, IACLEN SHR 1 ; length of IAC in words
mov di, offset iacbuff ; ES:di = local buffer
rep movsw ; move it in
pop DS
Snarf_IAC endp
ASSUME DS:Nothing ;a reminder v1.1
;Enter with DS:si pointing to buffer you wish hexified. v1.1
Hexify proc near ; v1.1
mov di, offset hexbuff ; ES:di = hex buffer v1.1
mov BX,offset hexasc ; DS:BX points to ASCII v1.1
mov cx,IACLEN ; nr bytes to hexify v1.1
cld ; insure forward v1.1
lodsb ; Get a byte from DS:si v1.1
call Convert ; convert bytes to ASCII hex,
; stuff in hex buffer v1.1
loop lp ; continue loop
mov ax,0A0DH ; Terminate hex string with CR/LF v1.1
push DS ; Save DS a sec v1.1
mov ax,CS ; v1.1
mov DS,ax ; v1.1
ASSUME DS:Cseg ; v1.1
mov cx,di ; string end +1 v1.1
mov dx,offset hexbuff ; hex string to display v1.1
sub cx,dx ; - start = chars to display v1.1
mov BX, STDOUT ; write to standard output device
mov AH, 40h ; service 40h: write to file/device
int 21h
pop DS ; restore DS v1.1
Hexify endp ; v1.1
Convert proc near ; v1.1
mov dx,cx ; preserve cx loop counter v1.1
mov AH, AL ; keep copy of byte
mov CL, 4 ; set nibble count
shr AL, CL ; move top nibble down
xlat CS:[bx] ; translate nibble to hex char v1.1
stosb ; store Hex char v1.1
mov AL, AH ; restore byte
and AL, 0Fh ; mask top nibble
xlat CS:[bx] ; translate v1.1
stosb ; store char v1.1
mov ax,' h' ; 'h ', reversed v1.1
stosw ; store in the string v1.1
mov cx,dx ; restore cx v1.1
Convert endp ; v1.1
hexasc db '0123456789ABCDEF'
title$ db CR, LF
db 'Contents of Inter-Application Communication Area'
db ' (IAC):', CR, LF, CR, LF
LTITLE equ $-title$
iacbuff equ $ ;move IAC buffer into here v1.1
;for processing (16 bytes long) v1.1
hexbuff equ iacbuff + IACLEN ;buffer to build hex string v1.1
Cseg ends
end start