Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
273 lines
Title 'Wolfware Assembler Sample', 'Binary Type'
; Binary Type Version 2.00 ;
; ;
; Displays files to screen as ASCII ;
; characters. Once assembled, to display a ;
; file, type: ;
; ;
; BTYPE <filespec> ;
; ;
; There is no translation of any codes, all ;
; are displayed as characters. The BIOS screen ;
; functions are used. The number of bytes to ;
; display are determined by the size of the ;
; file in the directory. ;
Proc Far
Call Open ;open file
Mov File_Handle, Ax ;save handle
Call Allocate_Mem ;get segment of buffer
Mov Read_Seg, Ax ;save segment
Mov Cl, 4
Shl Bx, Cl ;make byte form, times 16
Mov Read_Size, Bx ;save bytes
Call Display_Stat ;get display status
Mov Col_Size, Ah ;save columns
Mov Act_Page, Bh ;save page
;----- read a buffer full
Mov Ax, Read_Seg ;segment
Mov Bx, File_Handle ;handle
Mov Cx, Read_Size ;bytes to read
Call Read ;read into buffer
Mov Cx, Ax
;----- display a buffer full
Push Cx
Mov Ax, Read_Seg ;segment
Call Display ;display bytes to screen
Pop Cx
Cmp Cx, Read_Size ;check if full buffer read
Je More ;jump if so, more to read
;----- finished, close file and exit
Call Close ;close file
Mov Ax, 4c00h ;function
Int 21h ;execute
;----- data
File_Handle Dw ? ;file handle
Read_Size Dw ? ;bytes to read
Read_Seg Dw ? ;segment of read buffer
Col_Size Db ? ;number of columns in a line
Act_Page Db ? ;active screen page
; Open ;
; Open file named on the parameter line. Exit ;
; with error code 1 if could not open, ;
; otherwise AX returns file handle. ;
Open Proc Near
;----- set up file name and open file
Mov Bl, [Com_Line] ;input length
Sub Bh, Bh
Mov Byte [Bx+Com_Line+1], 0 ;string terminator
Mov Ax, 3d00h ;open file for read
Mov Dx, Com_Line + 2 ;start of name, skip length and leading space
Int 21h ;execute
Jc Bterror ;jump if error (file not found)
;----- couldn't open file, error
Mov Dx, Offset Emess ;error message location
Mov Ah, 9 ;string display function
Int 21h ;execute
;----- exit with error code one
Mov Ax, 4c01h ;function
Int 21h ;execute
;----- data
Com_Line Equ 80h ;offset of command line
Emess Db 'File not found or error in parameter', 13, 10,'$'
Endp ;Open
; Allocate_Mem ;
; Allocate memory for a buffer to read the ;
; file. FFF0H bytes will be allocated, or ;
; what's available. AX returns the buffer ;
; segment and BX returns the size in ;
; paragraphs. ;
Allocate_Mem Proc Near
;----- reduce present segment (assume ES = CS)
Mov Bx, $Size ;size of program
Add Bx, 100h ;include PSP
Mov Cl, 4
Shr Bx, Cl ;make paragragh form, divide by 16
Inc Bx ;allow for fraction
Mov Ah, 4ah ;function
Int 21h ;execute
;----- allocate new block
Mov Ah, 48h ;function
Mov Bx, 0800h ;paragraphs to allocate
Int 21h ;execute
Jc Smallmem ;jump if insufficient memory
;----- not enough memory, do it with available memory
Mov Ah, 48h ;function
Int 21h ;execute
Endp ;Allocate_Mem
; Display_Stat ;
; Get display status. AH returns the number of ;
; columns and BH returns the active page. ;
Display_Stat Proc Near
Mov Ah, 15 ;get video state function
Int 10h ;execute
Endp ;Display_Stat
; Read ;
; Read CX bytes to AX:0000 using the file ;
; handle in BX. AX returns the number of bytes ;
; read. ;
Read Proc Near
Push Ds
Mov Ds, Ax
Mov Ah, 3fh ;function
Sub Dx, Dx ;read location is DS:DX (DS:0000)
Int 21h ;execute
Pop Ds
Endp ;Read
; Display ;
; Display CX bytes at AX:0000. ;
Display Proc Near
Push Ds
Mov Ds, Ax ;set to buffer segment
Sub Si, Si ;start at offset 0
;----- check if no bytes
Or Cx, Cx ;check if zero bytes
Jz Nobtd ;jump if so
;---- loop for each byte
Lodsb ;load next byte
Push Cx
Push Si
Call Display_Char ;display
Call Inc_Cursor ;move cursor
Pop Si
Pop Cx
Loop Btdloop
Pop Ds
Endp ;Display
; Display_Char ;
; Display character in AL. Uses ACT_PAGE ;
; defined outside of this routine. ;
Display_Char Proc Near
Mov Ah, 10 ;function
Seg Cs
Mov Bh, Act_Page ;active screen page
Mov Cx, 1 ;one character
Int 10h ;execute
Endp ;Display_Char
; Inc_Cursor ;
; Increment cursor. Switch to new line if at ;
; end of line. Uses ACT_PAGE and COL_SIZE ;
; defined outside of this routine. ;
Inc_Cursor Proc Near
;----- get present cursor position
Mov Ah, 3 ;function
Seg Cs
Mov Bh, Act_Page ;page
Int 10h ;execute
Inc Dl ;advance column
Seg Cs
Cmp Dl, Col_Size ;check if on last column
Je Newline ;if too far then jump
;----- move cursor right one
Mov Ah, 2 ;function
Int 10h ;execute
;----- new line
Mov Bl, 0 ;forground color if graphics (don't matter)
Mov Ax, 0e0dh ;CR with teletype function
Int 10h ;execute
Mov Ax, 0e0ah ;LF with teletype function
Int 10h ;execute
Endp ;Inc_Cursor
; Close ;
; Close file using the handle in BX. ;
Close Proc Near
Mov Ah, 3eh ;function
Int 21h ;execute
Endp ;Close
Endp ;main program