Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
96 lines
Title 'Wolfware Assembler Sample', 'BASIC Screen Subroutine'
; BASIC Clear Partial Screen Version 1.10 ;
; ;
; BASIC machine language subroutine to scroll or clear the entire ;
; screen or just a window within it. ;
; ;
; Five integer parameters are passed from BASIC to the subroutine: ;
; upper row, left column, lower row, right column, and number of ;
; lines to scroll up. Zero lines to scroll means clear the window. ;
; ;
; The following is example BASIC implementation using the subroutine ;
; in the file CLP.BLD. The subroutine is stored in the data space of ;
; a string variable. The string MUST NOT BE MODIFIED while the ;
; subroutine is still being used. ;
; ;
; 10 DEF SEG 'BASIC data segment ;
; 20 CLP$ = STRING$(255,0) 'create string space ;
; 30 CLP = VARPTR(CLP$) 'string descriptor ;
; 40 CLP = PEEK(CLP+1) + (PEEK(CLP+2) * 256) 'string data location ;
; 50 BLOAD "CLP.BLD",CLP 'load routine to CLP$ ;
; 60 ' ;
; 70 'clear the entire screen ;
; 80 A%=1:B%=1:C%=25:D%=80:E%=0 'set coordinates ;
; 90 CALL CLP(A%,B%,C%,D%,E%) 'call routine ;
; 100 ' ;
; 110 'scroll a 5 by 5 window in ;
; 120 'the upper left corner up 2 ;
; 130 A%=1:B%=1:C%=5:D%=5:E%=2 'set coordinates ;
; 140 CALL CLP(A%,B%,C%,D%,E%) 'call routine ;
; ;
; Due to a quirk of the BIOS function, the window must be bigger than ;
; one row or one column, i.e. the smallest window is two rows by two ;
; columns. None of the parameter values are checked, so the BASIC ;
; program better better make sure they're valid. ;
; ;
; The object code resulting from assembly is directly BLOADable from ;
; BASIC. Because BLOADable programs are not directly executable, it ;
; is a good idea not to use COM (the default) as the object file ;
; extension. ;
Proc Far
Blank_Atr Equ 07h ;screen attribute for blanked screen
;----- bload header
Db 0fdh ;bload marker
Dw 0f000h, 0 ;default load location
Dw $Size ;program size
;----- start of code
;----- load upper left row
Mov Bp, Sp ;base for finding parameters
Mov Si, [Bp+12] ;parameter location
Mov Ch, [Si] ;load
Dec Ch ;decrement (make 0-24)
;----- load upper left column
Mov Si, [Bp+10] ;parameter location
Mov Cl, [Si] ;load
Dec Cl ;decrement
;----- load lower right row
Mov Si, [Bp+8] ;parameter location
Mov Dh, [Si] ;load
Dec Dh ;decrement
;----- load lower right column
Mov Si, [Bp+6] ;parameter location
Mov Dl, [Si] ;load
Dec Dl ;decrement
;----- load lines to scroll
Mov Si, [Bp+4] ;parameter location
Mov Al, [Si] ;load
;----- scroll window
Mov Bh, Blank_Atr ;attribute for blanked lines
Mov Ah, 6h ;scroll function
Int 10h ;execute
Ret 10 ;exit, return to basic